Rebel Demon King

Chapter 984 The Girl by Lake Trito (4)

Chapter 984 The Girl by Lake Trito (4)

At sunset, the low, flat-roofed buildings of Athens are covered with a pale golden light.Unlike most modern cities, this ancient city-state has very few modern genes, and history has left too many stories on its body that have not been fully weathered.

So that when you look down on it, you will mistake the latitude and longitude of space-time.

For visitors who are tired of looking at high-rise buildings, the beauty of Athens really exists in the historical maze of narrow alleys in the ancient city and in the dazzling light and shadow covering the surfaces of various buildings.But for the people living in it, this kind of "ancient" is not all historical relics worth paying attention to, some are scars, or even chronic diseases.

Like the red light district on Aristotle Street.

This ancient street named after the great philosopher, scientist, and educator Aristotle is not only a red light district, but also the entrance to the slums of Athens.

For the vast majority of Chinese people, "slums" are a relatively unfamiliar place, but for other earthlings, especially those in the third world, "slums" are definitely an indissoluble and unavoidable place. vocabulary.

Needless to say, poor Africa is almost a large slum, followed by underdeveloped South America and the South Asian subcontinent. The world's largest slums are on these three continents, such as Kenya with a population of one million Kibera, Qudd Neiza in Mexico City and Dharavi in ​​Mumbai, India are all world-renowned slums.

Slums are not an exclusive product of the third world. Developed countries also exist, such as the Calais jungle in France and Kamazaki in Japan, not to mention the country of lighthouses. The gap between the rich and the poor is beyond imagination. Countless, it is a place where heaven and hell are only one street away.

In the wealthy area of ​​heaven, the per capita gentlemen and ladies speak elegantly, even if the lawn is not beautifully mowed, it is a sin; but in the slums of hell, black people have guns in their waists and rap, and there will be disagreements. In the gun battle, you have to be careful whether the stray bullets that may appear at any time will kill you.

Patani is no stranger to slums, and Dharavi, the oldest slum in the world, is in her hometown of Mumbai.A very famous Indian movie "Slumdog Millionaire" was filmed there.This famous movie beautified Dharavi as a tourist attraction, attracting countless foreign tourists, and even created a tourism industry chain, but Patani, as a policeman, naturally hated this phenomenon.

In her opinion, Dharavi is the largest gangster in Tianzhu - "Company D", a country within a country. Tianzhu D Company not only controls Dharavi's underground black trade, including population, drugs, arms and skilled female workers, but also through water. Hedian collects taxes from more than 100 million poor people living in Dharavi. What the police say in Dharavi does not work. What Ibrahim, the president of Company D, says is the law.

The reason why Patani pursued the "Black Death" was because she knew that the Black Death was inextricably linked to D Company.And her father used to be the chief of the Mumbai police station. He was forced to retire because of the investigation into the disappearance of her younger sister, Bollywood actress Padukone. It is related to Company D, which controls Bollywood behind the scenes, but the result of the investigation here is that her father was inexplicably "suicided" five years ago.

And his father had a premonition before his death, so he got her to Interpol as an investigator in advance, and left an investigation log, with clues pointing to Company D and Penglai Island.Now that Penglai Island has been burned to nothingness, all the clues for Patani to track down his sister's whereabouts have been interrupted.

Therefore, the destruction of Penglai Island was not a good thing for Patani. It not only made her lose the clue to track down her sister's news, but also led to the sacrifice of her partner Salman and several colleagues.

What makes Patani the most unacceptable is that Interpol temporarily terminated the investigation of the Black Death in view of the high degree of danger of the Black Death.This made Patani extremely dissatisfied, and complained to her boss countless times, but failed to change her boss's decision. For this reason, Patani has been decadent for a long time, and even considered quitting Interpol and launched an investigation by herself.

Just when she was hesitating, Interpol suddenly restarted the investigation of the Black Death. What surprised Patani was that the Europa Police Joint Agency, which had not been very cooperative with their work, suddenly became enthusiastic. Provides a lot of information about the Black Death.

The Black Death was originally an underground organization that originated in Europa, and the Europa Joint Agency naturally knew more about the Black Death than Interpol.Only after exchanging information did Patani know that "D Company" and "Penglai Island" are just the tip of the iceberg of the Black Death. This underground organization that is unknown to the world has a long history and is a well-deserved ruler of the underground world.

And the character that appeared in her father's investigation log——Nebuchadnezzar, is not a legend, but a real, uncrowned king of the global underground world.

What makes Patani even more desperate is that she finally figured out that the "Black Death" is an organization of the Chosen Ones, and Sith, the clown who created the "Paris Terrorist Attack" is a member of the Black Death.

The more he understands, the more fearful Patani becomes, which also makes Patani full of desire to become the "chosen one".However, it is so difficult to become the chosen one. Almost all countries classify "Ouroboros" as strategic materials. Only a small amount of "Ouroboros" is sold in the black market of the Black Death, and the auction is worth a billion dollars. The price is a sky-high price that Patani can't even imagine.

Patani thought of the incredible man named Lin Zhinuo she met on Penglai Island. At that time, she was shocked by his invincible Chinese Kungfu. Now that she thinks about it, maybe he is the real chosen one.

"Miss Patani, what are you thinking? As engrossed as an ancient Greek statue?"

The voice of Pierre, the head of the Europa Police Joint Agency, sounded in Patani's ears. Patani moved his eyes away from the Aristotle Street in front of the window, and turned his head to smile at Pierre, a Frenchman with brown curly hair. After a while, he said, "I'm thinking about how to become a chosen person like you."

Pierre smiled and said, "Oh! Actually, it's not like there's no chance." Halfway through the conversation, Pierre stopped and kept a secret.

Patani cast his gaze on Pierre's wrist, glanced at the shining silver Vacheron Constantin, and said with some envy: "I can't come up with a billion dollars to participate in the bidding."

Pierre shook his head, "No, you don't need money, not to mention that a mere billion is nothing to your priceless beauty."

Patani automatically ignored Pierre's daily compliments, and asked with some surprise: "No need for money?"

Pierre nodded with his hands behind his back, pretending to be an old aristocrat, and said, "Yes."

Patani shook his head with the unique rhythm of the Indians, "Stop joking, how is that possible?"

Pierre winked at Patani, and said in a low voice, "If you would like to have dinner with me, then I am also very willing to provide you with a reliable message."

Pierre fell in love with Patani when he first saw Patani at the Interpol headquarters in Paris. He still remembers the bright sunshine in the meeting room that day. Pretty, that is a unique beauty of Brahman and Kshatriya women belonging to the high caste of Tianzhu.

This kind of beauty is a beauty that combines the characteristics of Eastern and Western people.

Generally speaking, although white people have big eyes and a straight nose, they have poor skin and tend to look old; Asians have flat facial features, and most of them need plastic surgery to make their facial features three-dimensional, but the high-caste women in northern India naturally combine the two The advantage is that the skin is delicate and shiny, and the facial features are also very three-dimensional. Unfortunately, the proportion of Brahmins and Kshatriyas in Tianzhu is not large, so there are very few beautiful women in Tianzhu, but as long as they are beautiful, they are amazing.

For example, Patani and her missing sister Padukone are typical Tianzhu beauties.

Westerners have no resistance to this kind of beauty with a strong exotic style and their own aesthetics. Therefore, Pierre, who is also well-informed, fell for Patani's incredible beauty at first sight, and asked Napoleon VII Applied to be the person in charge of cooperation between Europa Police and Interpol.

Of course, Patani knew that Pierre had a crush on her, but she had always been concerned about the Black Death and was not interested in dating, so she was lukewarm towards Pierre, an old French nobleman, and rejected him several times. An invitation to dinner, but today Pierre's invitation gave Patani no reason to refuse.

Patani pretended not to care and smiled, "If your news is true, I would like to invite you to dinner this month."

"Of course it is. How could I lie to you, who is as beautiful as a star? If I do, the Creator will not forgive me!"

Patani didn't feel anything about Pierre's French gentleman's compliments, she only thought he was a bit long-winded, but Patani still maintained a polite smile, "Then please tell me, I am very happy to treat you to a month's meal." dinner."

Pierre leaned over, approached Patani, and whispered in her ear: "If you consider naturalizing our French, there may be a chance."

Patani was very resistant to Pierre's intimacy, but in order to know the news from Pierre's mouth, he could only frown secretly, and did not deliberately distance himself from Pierre, and asked in a low voice: "Why do you want to be naturalized?" France?"

"God Napoleon will issue some regulations in order to motivate and unite the citizens of France. Among them, the regulations on the chosen one will nationalize a part of the 'Ouroboros'. These Ouroboros belong to the state, but will be handed over to some It is used by outstanding French people. However, due to the opposition of some upper-level people, the policy has not been implemented yet, but I believe that Napoleon’s action will surely convince the parliament that he is so charismatic!"

Patani knows little about the Chosen One and the other world, but he also understands human nature and the cruelty of class struggle.This kind of thing in Tianzhu is that Napoleon VII wants to give "Tianzhu untouchables" the opportunity to be promoted to "Brahmans". Even if the abolition of the caste system is written into the "Tianzhu Constitution", it does not mean that the caste system in Tianzhu has really disappeared. Yes, in fact the "caste system" is becoming more and more strong in Tianzhu today.

It is so strong that even if it is a violent revolution, there is no way to break it.

Assuming that Napoleon VII is in Tianzhu, it is estimated that he has died at this moment.Although France is not Tianzhu, Patani can imagine how much resistance Napoleon VII wants to do, she shook her head and said: "God Napoleon will take out so many Ouroboros, let alone others , let’s just say that those nobles who originally supported him can allow it?”

"This part of Ouroboros is counted on the head of the Stalker and the Black Death. This action against the Black Death is not only to fight against organized crime and create a safer Europa, but also to hide behind the scenes. The Black Death Stalker has been found."

Patani is not very optimistic about Napoleon VII. She doesn't even think that Napoleon VII can completely wipe out the "Black Death". The more you understand the Black Death, the more you understand the power of the Black Death. Europa Police Co-signed", it is impossible to defeat the Black Death.

After so many years of investigation, Patani has realized the reality, so her goal is to find her sister and punish the real culprit who killed her father. As for the destruction of the Black Death?

She didn't even dare to think about it.

However, Pierre's fanatical expression and confident tone made Patani shaken. In her opinion, this may be an illusory opportunity, but at least it is an opportunity, not as far away as "a billion dollars", so Patani pretended to be interested and asked: "So that's the case, so besides being naturalized in France, what are the requirements?"

Pierre smiled and said: "We can talk about this slowly during dinner. I know there is a good Tianzhu restaurant in the Acropolis." Pierre raised his wrist and glanced at the shining Vacheron Constantin. "I'll make a reservation now, and it will be over at 06:30. This place can be handed over to Michelle and Bright"

Just as Patani was about to nod, his colleague Brett, who was sitting not far away and holding a telescope, said loudly, "Sir, there is a situation."

Patani quickly got up and walked towards Bright, "What's going on?"

Brett held the binoculars in both hands, looked intently at the entrance on the left side of Aristotle Street, and said without raising his head, "It seems that some important people have come."

"Let me see," Patani said.

Brett responded with an "OK", moved the chair, and stood up to make way for him.

Patani did not go to sit in the chair that Brett was sitting on just now, but bent over and looked over with the binoculars fixed on the stand, and saw a row of black bulletproof vehicles parked under the viaduct on the left side of Aristotle Road. In the Cadillac Escalade, several men in black clothes and sunglasses stood in a defensive formation, waiting for the Escalade in the middle to get off.

"Scan it and see who it is." Patani turned his head and waved to the staff sitting in front of the computer behind him. A picture of the facial recognition system working appeared on the computer screen. The scene was exactly the same as in countless spy movies. .

"Sir, it will take some time, the comparison is in progress." The staff wearing glasses responded while typing on the keyboard.

Patani nodded and continued to stare at the movement beside Aristotle's road.

Pierre also walked to the window. He opened the green venetian blind and looked out. Pierre didn't seem too surprised by the arrival of these people. When the bulletproof Escalade in the middle got on and got off When seeing a tall and strong bald man, Pierre smiled and said lightly: "You should not be able to find out the real identities of these people. These people will definitely not leave criminal records."

"How do you know?" Patani asked a little strangely.

"Of course I know, because they are from the 'Baimon' family."

"Baimon family?" Patani raised his head and looked at Pierre suspiciously, "I've never heard of such a family."

Pierre shrugged his shoulders, "Then I said you must know the Blood Gang, the Lame Gang, the Hell's Angels, and the Delana family."

"Of course I know these. They are all well-known criminal organizations in country A."

Pierre said with a condescending smile: "These gangs and families are just pawns in the hands of the Baimon family. The bald man in front of you is the actual controller of the underground world on the west coast of the United States. And the reason why you don't know Baimon The Meng family, it is because you are not the Chosen One. Those who are familiar with the Black Death know that the Patriarch of the Baimeng Family is one of the four pillars of the Black Death." Pierre paused, lowered his voice, and restrained his smile , said with a serious face, "He is the capable officer under Satan Nebuchadnezzar."

Pierre's sudden cautious attitude made Patani's heart tremble. She knew the name "Nebuchadnezzar" from her father's diary and the information jointly signed by the Europa Police. When the selector heard the name, her heart trembled for no reason. She also lowered her voice and asked: "According to the information you gave, the relationship between the various organizations of the Black Death is not close, and some are even hostile. Then why did Baimon, who controls the west coast of the United States, suddenly come to Athens at this time?"

Pierre spread his hands and said noncommittally: "This requires us to investigate in depth. In order to cooperate better, I think we need to understand each other better. Miss Patani, there is no need to be too eager. I want to completely wipe out the gangsters." Death does not happen overnight. We still have enough time to build a tacit understanding. For example, today is a good time to taste a glass of red wine and eat a delicious meal. Maybe red wine and curry don’t go well together, but as long as people do, do you think so? ?”

Patani didn't seem to understand Pierre's ambiguous words. She bent down again, and watched through the binoculars that the strong man who got off the Escalade walked towards Hyde, the headquarters of Hydra, surrounded by a group of men in black. La, she asked in a deep voice, "Sidibe, have you found any information about these people?"

"Sorry, sir, we don't have any information about them in our joint Interpol and Europa Police database."

"Record their Face ID first."

Although Pierre tried his best to behave like a gentleman, but Patani's straight back, curving soft waist and the following lines were too ecstasy, and Pierre's eyes would involuntarily land on On those tight dark blue slacks.

Patani straightened up from the telescope and turned to look at Pierre.Pierre quickly retracted his gaze, but it was too late. He was caught peeping at Patani, and he touched his nose in embarrassment, avoiding the person who was staring at Patani in front of him. The windows, like something striking on the venetian blinds.

Patani has long been used to hypocritical men, and said lightly: "Then what are you waiting for? Mr. Pierre, it will be 06:30 soon. Let's hurry back after dinner, maybe we can still see Baimon Time to leave."

Ayala greeted Baimon and his party on the first floor on behalf of Beret. Baimon was quite dissatisfied with Beret's failure to come down in person. Ayala could only try his best to smile, but Baimon ignored Aya at all. The meaning of pulling.

When they reached the [-]th floor, Ayala could only lead the way with an embarrassed face, leading Baimeng and his party to sit in the box. When he saw that Beret was not even in the box, Baimeng's face turned black instantly. At the end, he took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Ayala and said with a smile: "Master Beret doesn't know that I am a terminal cancer patient, and I can wait for a short time?"

Baimon looks exactly like John Travolta, with a greasy luster shining in the setting sun on his face full of yin and yang, looking like a harmless neighbor uncle.

However, when Ayala saw this smile, she felt a little cold from the bottom of her heart.She also saw a lot of ruthless people, from the anti-town government armed soldiers who killed people without blinking an eye, to the extremists who rushed into the crowd with explosives, but she had never seen Baimeng who was so gentle and kind. His eyes were ruthless with a cold and vicious aura, like a crocodile lurking in a calm river.

Faced with Baimon's sarcasm, Ayala could only forcefully explain with a smile: "You misunderstood, Lord Baimon, Lord Beret just happened to have an operation."

"Oh? He's still doing the surgery himself?" Baimon asked in disbelief.

Ayala nodded quickly, "Yes, she chooses two surgeries a week and performs the surgery herself."

Bai Meng smiled and said: "Since this is the case, then we are not in a hurry."

Ayala breathed a sigh of relief, and said humbly, "Thank you for your understanding."

Baimon nodded noncommittally, sat on the sofa and looked at Ayala with a kind of eyes of picking goods. In order to show respect to Baimon, she wore traditional Syrian national costumes today, but she did not choose those Instead of a brightly colored headdress and gauze skirt, she chose a more solemn light gray skirt and a light gold headdress.

Although this suit does not show your figure or match your skin tone, Ayala's basics are there, and she can't be ugly no matter how you wear it, so it is still very interesting.Baimon's gaze made Ayala feel uncomfortable all over, so she bowed and said, "Master Baimon, I'll go and see if Lord Beret's operation is finished. If it's done, I'll urge him to come down quickly."

After Ayala finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave the box, but she did not expect that Baimon would suddenly raise his hand to grab her arm. Ayala was shocked, and subconsciously broke free, but Baimon's hand was like a Iron hoop, she turned her head immediately, and heard Baimeng say with a shiny face, "Ayala, I've said it all. We're not in a hurry."

Ayala forced a smile, and said in a low voice: "Lord Baimeng, although I'm not in a hurry, I have to find out how long it will take for Lord Beret. I can't make you wait like this."

"There's nothing I can't do! As long as I have you with me." Baimon pulled Ayala onto the sofa.

Ayala said coldly: "Master Baimeng, please don't do this, if Master Beret sees him, he will be angry."

Bai Meng said with a smile: "I'm in the terminal stage of cancer anyway, and I'm going to die at any moment, so I'm afraid he'll be angry? You should fulfill my last wish and let me feel the charm of Albanian women."

This kind of molesting Ayala couldn't bear it at all, she gritted her teeth, raised her right hand and slammed her elbow into Baimon's nose, but Baimon grabbed Ayala's right hand with strength advantage, and still Taking advantage of the situation, he controlled her.Ayala wanted to struggle, but how could the main body overwhelm the carrier, and the whole body was suppressed and could not move.

Baimeng Shiran said: "Why beat a patient? You should be a little sympathetic, I am almost dead, you must leave some good memories for me?"

Ayala gritted her teeth and scolded: "Shameless bastard, go to Hell to remember!"

"I'm good at playing with fire. It's not difficult for me to go to Hell."

Ayala never thought that she would be humiliated in Hydera, she had to shout, and there was the sound of fighting outside, obviously it was the people from Hydra and Baimen who fought stand up.Unfortunately, no one was able to rush into the box, which made Ayala a little desperate, and she regretted why she didn't use a carrier.

Baimon used gravity skills to control Ayala, and Ayala tried his best but couldn't move at all, and could only close his eyes in despair.

At this moment, a phantom fluctuated in the air, and Beret, who was wearing a golden mask and a white robe, suddenly appeared in the box. The pair of breathtaking dragon eyes behind the golden mask stared coldly at the sofa. Baymont on.

At this moment, Ayala seemed to have seen a savior, and with tears in his eyes, he cried pitifully, "My lord!"

Beret didn't make a sound or move, just stood by the dining table and stared quietly.

But Bai Meng seemed to feel the supreme coercion, he stopped the movement of his hands, and said casually: "When you are a little bored, I will just have some fun."

Beret, also known as Athena, was indifferent. She stood in the bloody twilight overlooking Baimon and Ayala, and whispered in his sharp and jagged metallic voice, "Go on."

Baimon was stunned for a moment, his hand movements were a little stiff, and he pushed Ayala away after a while, "Hehe" smiled, and said, "Since you are here, let's talk about business first."

Ayala, who fell on the sofa, curled up in a corner of the sofa with tears in her eyes.

Beret shook his head and said seriously: "No, you're not here to talk about business, you're here to have fun, so go ahead."

Baimon said with a hippie smile: "Don't be so serious, I just made a little joke with Ayala."

Beret ignored Baimon's explanation, she turned her head to look at Ayala, and said coldly: "Since Lord Baimon has taken a fancy to you, you should serve him well. Why do you resist? Just because Are you my handmaid?"

Ayala didn't expect that Demon God Beret would blame her instead. She was shocked, angry and humiliated. She knelt on the floor trembling, choked up and said, "My lord. I. I. I was wrong."

"You're right, I was wrong, I shouldn't have sent you to pick up Lord Baimon. It's a shame that you can't even complete this task."

"My lord." Ayala sobbed with his head down.

Baimon was a little confused by Beret's attitude, he squinted his eyes, and said with a smile: "Berrett, forget it, there is no need to lose your temper over such a trivial matter, you sit down, let's chat Business."

Beret looked at Baimon and said coldly, "Do you not understand human speech, or what I say?"

Baimon straightened his body leaning against the back of the sofa, and said in a deep voice, "Beret, what do you mean?"

Beret was exuding a chill, and said word by word: "You want me to tell you clearly? What were you planning to do just now, continue now, and I'll be here to watch you do good deeds."

Baimon's face was tense, and his hands were clenched into fists, as if he was ready to fight at any time.At this time, the last rays of the setting sun were about to disappear, and the city-state on the hilltop of the Acropolis in the distance was bathed in melting gold. Beret, who was wearing a white robe and a golden mask, was extremely far away from the ruins of the Parthenon, but But Baimon felt a kind of cruel tranquility that belonged to the gods.He actually felt that Beret in front of him was not joking. He obviously felt the indifference of a god standing on the altar of the temple. He thought that Beret was what he really wanted to do, and Beret would definitely Watching Ayala's tragedy relentlessly, doing nothing.

Baimon had a hard time imagining that the ruthless white-robed man in front of him was Athena, who was as beautiful as an elf, and said in a low voice, "Beret, I'm here to discuss a big deal with you."

"Don't talk about it, you are looking for your own fun." Beret looked at Ayala, "Go to Lord Baimeng's side, and let Lord Baimeng have a good time."

Ayala looked at Beret helplessly, wiped away her tears, stood up tremblingly, and sat beside Baimon trembling.At this moment, Baimeng is like an upright gentleman, he doesn't even want to touch Ayala, he sits on the sofa with a straight face, and said without squinting: "Don't you want our Black Death to appear in front of the public openly?" ? Don’t you want to make money legally? Your family has 215 container ships, doing business is enough for you to make money, there is no need to be stuck in the quagmire of the Black Death.”

Baimon directly reported the number of ships owned by the Onassis family, which was a naked threat to Athena, so she sneered: "215 container ships work hard for a month, it is better to ship one Monthly profit from drugs, you advise me to do the right thing?"

"Beret, you have the wealth of two families, and there is one who really loves you."

When Baimon said the word "true love", Barrett raised his head slightly, looking more and more condescending.Baimon felt the substantive pressure from Beret's gaze. He coughed, eased his tone, and said with a smile, "Darling, your future is limitless, there is really no need to continue."

"I don't need you to teach me what to do."

"Young man, don't be too impatient. Listen to me, Beret, if you are willing to withdraw from 'Hydra', we will facilitate your acquisition of the Matson steamship. You should understand what this means to your family. "Baimon's tone was meaningful. He leaned on the sofa, folded his hands in front of his chest, raised the corners of his mouth, and a smile of success appeared on his face. In his opinion, he made an offer that Athena could not refuse. condition.

But Athena, who was wearing a mask, didn't seem to think about it at all. She waved her hand directly and said lightly, "Seeing off the guests."

Baimon's expression changed, he stood up, looked at Beret closely and said, "Could it be that you have already obtained the 'Plague Lord'?"

Beret sneered, and the irony of the metallic laughter was extraordinarily strong, "Do you think everyone is as attached to the mess of the Black Death as you are?"

"Then why are you not even willing to sit down and talk about how generous the terms I offer?"

"Because I said it, I don't want to talk to you about business today."

Baimon clenched his fists, as if restraining his turbulent emotions, "Then I will come tomorrow."

"Come tomorrow and I'll send a sow to meet you."

Baimon nodded and smiled, "I accept your kindness. Beret, you will pay for what you said today."

"I've heard that threat countless times in my life."

Baimon snorted coldly and walked towards the door of the box. The moment he opened the door, he stopped, "I'll give you one last chance, don't wait until Hydera falls to regret it."

Of course, Athena knew that Baimon was thinking of "Napoleon VII" before putting down her face, and she swallowed her anger for a while before leaving, but the more Baimon was like this, the more Athena didn't want to talk properly, she said lightly: "roll!"

Baimon looked back at Athena, the sun had completely set, and in the night scene of the city shining like a galaxy, the golden mask on Athena's face glowed with dazzling streamer, he smiled and said, "It is undeniable, you have Proud capital, but you will soon know that even if you are the darling of the creator, it will not always be smooth sailing, Beret, you better pray that you will always be lucky."

The door of the box was shut tightly with a "bang", and there were shouts and footsteps outside.

Athena looked at the bright lights of the Athens market outside the floor-to-ceiling windows speechlessly, and said with a sneer to herself, "Am I the favorite of the Creator?"

"My lord." Ayala stood up, lowered her head and called cautiously.

Athena glanced at Ayala, and said coldly: "You can't handle such a trivial matter, what a waste."

Ayala knelt down, lowered her head, and said in a trembling voice, "My lord, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"What's wrong?"

Ayala replied somewhat blankly: "The strength is not enough."

Athena shook her head, and said in a cold voice: "It's not a fault of not being strong enough, your fault is that you chose the worst one out of all the responses, Ayala."

Fear appeared on Ayala's beautiful face. She suppressed tears and said in a low voice: "My lord, I'm sorry to embarrass you."

Athena did not go to see Ayala, but still looked into the void, "You go and notify the National Guard and let them shoot down Baimon's plane."

Ayala was shocked by Athena's words, and even forgot to shed tears. She raised her head and looked at Athena's silhouette, and said in disbelief: "My lord, are you going to start a war with Lord Baimon? Wouldn't Lord Chenxing Tube?"

"Ayala, why are you so brainless? It's not clear until now, that old man never cares about the battle between demon gods, nor who wins or loses, he only raises Gu to see who is the strongest. If the person he was optimistic about died, he would drink a few cups and say a few false words of regret. If that old thing hadn't been like this all the time, Baimen would come over blatantly and try to buy me?"

Ayala smiled wryly and said in a low voice: "My lord, Ayala dare not comment on Lord Morningstar, but you want to start a war with Lord Baimon, please think about it, a large part of our goods are sold to those on the west coast On the other hand, it involves the livelihood of countless people.”

"Are you questioning my decision?"

"Slaves dare not." Ayala hurriedly put his hands on the floor and lowered his head.

"Get out of here."

"Yes, my lord." Ayala stood up holding her skirt, and walked quickly to the door of the box.

"and many more."

"Sir, what other orders do you have?"

"I will leave Hydera for a period of time. During this time, you will stop all arms transactions, organize the former militia, send them guns, and be ready to fight at any time"

Ayala's heart sank, but she didn't dare to question Beret's decision, she could only say: "Okay, my lord. Is there anything else?"

"Be optimistic about that Huaxia man, don't let him die, let alone let him run away."

Ayala bowed and said, "Don't worry, my lord."


Time passed day after day, and Cheng Mo, who returned to the prison, practiced yoga without distraction. Unfortunately, without real stimulation, the effect of practicing alone was minimal, but fortunately, there were still some effects, not completely useless.

Therefore, Cheng Mo is not in a hurry, he perseveres in accumulating physical fitness every day, and exercises the ability to intercept and store energy with the body.The days didn't change too much because he went out once, except that his food became better than before for no reason.

In addition to bread, there are more sausages and vegetable salads every day. Cheng Mo thought that all of these were due to Gao Yuemei, and didn't pay too much attention to them.

Another half year has passed, and in October 2022, seeing Christmas and New Year's Day approaching, Interpol and the Europa Police jointly cracked a sensational case. A criminal gang made more than 10 Lolita slaves. The shadow network's underground trading network was sold to rich people.

These poor Lolita slaves were not only treated inhumanely, but were even deprived of their personal will by psychological means and turned into real puppets. Once the case was reported, it caused a shock across the Internet, and countless online media rushed to report. And deep skinning, the black death, the evil underground organization, also appeared in the public eye.

Cheng Mo, who has no outside news at all, does not know that a big drama against "Hydra" has officially kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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