Rebel Demon King

Chapter 973 Adrift is the fate of the ship (10)

Chapter 973 Adrift is the fate of the ship (10)

It was cloudy and rainy all night.

Despite several spring breezes, Cheng Mo still woke up early in the morning.The strengthened teenager's physique and energy always recover quickly. He turned his head and glanced at Gao Yuemei who was sleeping like a kitten in his arms. She curled her lips and smiled in a dream. With a fluffy fox tail.

She looks charming and sweet, very much like the fox and beast girl in anime, and if she wears a wig, she looks very much like Ahri in LOL.Cheng Mo thinks this idea is a bit interesting. Among the assassin heroes in LOL, he is very good at playing foxes. He is good at playing other mid-lane heroes who are long-handed heroes that consume energy.

For Cheng Mo, although the benefits of an assassin hero are high, the risk is too high, and he always likes to play steadily and not take unnecessary risks.

However, he plays the role of Ahri very well, maybe because Ahri is a character who can attack and retreat; or he likes Ahri's dancing movements and her lines, such as: "You, what do you want? ?”, “Don’t suppress yourself!”.For him at the time, such lines had other deep meanings.
Cheng Mo felt that his thoughts were flying a little far away, so he lay on the bed and looked at the red ceiling. Recalling the situation last night, Cheng Mo also felt a little absurd. The two actually staged a Mediterranean version of "Five Ten Shades of Grey.

Originally, Cheng Mo didn't like or dislike the relationship between the two Xs, such as sadomasochism, but this night's experience somewhat changed his mind. Sure enough, if he wants to understand the real feeling, he still has to practice it.

Cheng Mo couldn't help but glanced at Gao Yuemei who was lying beside him again, and felt that last night was a bit thrilling.Seeing that his heart started beating wildly again, Cheng Mo wanted to pull out the arm that was pressed by Gao Yuemei under his neck. He had tried his best to be careful, but he still alarmed Gao Yuemei unexpectedly.

It's okay if it's not alarmed, but when it's alarmed, it will be a few times of bustards and foxes, and several times of lingering.

Cheng Mo finally got out of bed, it was almost noon, if both of them were not hungry, Cheng Mo probably wouldn't be able to get out so easily.Cheng Mo walked out of the room, only to find that this bloody dark room was next to the room where they slept on the second floor.

He went back to his room to take a shower with soft legs, and then went to the restaurant on the first floor to cook. He was busy for a while, Cheng Mo's cooking skills were average, but it was more than enough to make a few fried egg and ham sandwiches.After making four sandwiches, Cheng Mo squeezed fruit and vegetable juices to supplement himself with some vitamins, thinking that the college doctor is an expert at squeezing juice.He didn't want to be squeezed dry by the juicer.

After the food was set, Cheng Mo asked Gao Yuemei to come to eat.

Originally, Gao Yuemei was still a little sluggish, and her walk was a little strange, but when she saw the sun shining a little golden on the blue sea, the sea breeze blew the white tablecloth up, and the slightly burnt bread slices were placed on the table. Fried eggs and ham, in addition to the beautiful sandwiches, there are bacon and tomato rolls on the side of the snow-white dinner plate, with a glass of green avocado juice, the color is really beautiful.

The high school doctor immediately beamed and exclaimed: "Lin Zhinuo, don't move! I'll get my phone first, I want to take a picture!"

Cheng Mo was speechless, "What's so good about this?"

"I don't care, I want it, you are not allowed to touch my food!" When running to the stairs, Gao Yuemei grabbed the handrail again and turned to look at Cheng Mo and said, "You are not allowed to move either."

"Hurry up!" Cheng Mo said weakly, he was really hungry.

However, after waiting for a long time, Gao Yuemei came down. She not only took her mobile phone, but also changed into a set of clothes.She specially wore a long bright yellow wool dress, which was inlaid with several embroidered beaded daisies, lining her fair cheeks, which was extremely bright.And not only did she change her clothes, she also tidied her hair. One side of her hair was scattered around her cheeks, and one side of her hair hung behind her ears, giving her a neat and delicate look.

Cheng Mo watched as Gao Yuemei ran to the dining table with bare feet "Boom, Boom, Boom", and took a burst of "Pa, Pa, Pa" wildly, making selections while taking pictures. It seemed that she was the ordinary white girl. Fumi.Cheng Mo thought to himself, what is it that supports Gao Yuemei to do such a crazy thing?
Is it really because of love?

Cheng Mo was puzzled, and after a while his stomach growled, Cheng Mo asked, "Is it all right?"

"I still have to take a selfie!" Gao Yuemei glanced back at Cheng Mo, and smiled sweetly, "It will be ready soon!"

Cheng Mo nodded, sitting next to her and silently watching Gao Yuemei taking selfies.He doesn't like taking selfies, let alone taking pictures, and Xie Minyun is the same when he thinks about it.And Shen Youyi is interested in taking pictures of objects and scenery. She has a photo album to record the photos she took herself, with some beautiful words, but Shen Youyi is also not interested in taking selfies.

After Gao Yuemei completed a 360-degree selfie in all directions without dead ends, Cheng Mo asked again: "Is it all right now? Everything is cold"

"Right away, right away!" Gao Yuemei stuffed the phone into Cheng Mo's hand, "You can take a few photos for me and it'll be fine!"

It was so soft to be squeezed, Cheng Mo refused without any reason, and started to take pictures of Gao Yuemei, watching her posing in various contrived poses in front of the table, as if the Michelin chef in front of her personally made French dishes for her Feast.

"哐, 哐, 哐" gave Gao Yuemei more than a dozen photos in one breath. After Gao Yuemei was satisfied, Cheng Mo sat in front of the dining table. circle of friends?"

Gao Yuemei smiled and said: "It must be posted! The master cooks for Xiaomei for the first time, how can Xiaomei not remember it well!"

Cheng Mo frowned and said, "This situation is not appropriate now."

"It's okay! I don't post location, not to mention if I often don't post on Moments, my family, like my mother, my sister-in-law, will definitely be surprised and call me to ask me, which will be more troublesome."

Cheng Mo didn't speak.

Gao Yuemei pursed her red lips, raised her hand across the small round table, grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and shook it twice, and said, "I won't post your photo! I won't say anything, just say 'if Happiness is not in the sea, but at the end of the sea'. Is that okay?"

Cheng Mo sighed, and said with a serious face: "I have searched the Internet for the past two days, but I can't find any information about me. In China, Baidu searches for information related to my name have been blocked. You can see the situation It's really not optimistic, so you really can't disclose information related to me, and you can't tell anyone."

In fact, Cheng Mo was worried that Shen Youyi and Bai Xiuxiu would know.If Shen Youyi and Bai Xiuxiu saw Gao Yuemeifa's circle of friends with him, Cheng Mo didn't dare to think about what tragedy would happen.

Hearing that Cheng Mo no longer objected, Gao Yuemei smiled and said: "Okay! I know! You can check my WeChat at any time, and Xiaomei promises that she will not disobey any orders from the master." After a pause, Gao Yuemei Looking up at Cheng Mo again, she said coquettishly, "Just keep a little secret!"

Hearing Gao Yuemei's promise, Cheng Mo ignored her and started to eat. Last night, his physical strength was exhausted. Because of his strong physique, he didn't feel tired, but he was really hungry. He took a sip of avocado banana juice first, Only then did he slowly start eating the sandwich, even if he was hungry, Cheng Mo would not gobble it up.

Although Cheng Mo eats very slowly, Gao Yuemei, who is editing Moments, is even slower. She seems to be eager to announce to the world that she is in a good mood. This happy mood is like the Mediterranean sun on her face. so brilliant.Because of this, Cheng Mo was a little puzzled.In the past, he could not care so much about Gao Yuemei's feelings, but after the two of them established a close relationship, Cheng Mo felt that his feelings for Gao Yuemei had undergone some subtle changes.

At first, he thought he could look at this relationship with detachment and coldness, but he found that he was not so cold-blooded. Gao Yuemei's unconditional trust and intimacy with him like a pet made Cheng Mo unable to stay out of it completely.He has always hated being dependent, but now he feels that being dependent is not such a bad thing.

So Cheng Mo asked blankly: "You said yesterday that you were kidnapped by Jingquan just to find me. Is it true?"

Seeing Cheng Mo looking at her, Gao Yuemei quickly put down her phone, picked up the sandwich like a child being supervised to eat, she nodded and said, "Of course it's true, if I lie to you, I'll be struck by lightning."

Cheng Mo was silent for a while, "There was such a serious disaster in Paris, why did you go to me? I don't understand, you are not a chosen one, you don't have super powers, you will die if you are not careful! Besides, you said I lied to you too."

Gao Yuemei took a bite of the sandwich, thought for a while, and puffed her cheeks and said, "How should I put it! I really didn't think that much at the time, and I didn't have any fear in my heart. I was not a very thoughtful woman in the past. I was a father. I live as my mother and sister-in-law make arrangements, but after being kidnapped, I feel a little happy for no reason. It seems that I have been liberated from my original life, which makes me feel that liking you is such a thrilling thing , so that I can experience the plot like a TV series. You know, girls like me who like to watch Korean dramas don’t have much thought connotation, but yearn for dangerous and romantic love. What’s more, I’m not sentimental at all, cherish integrity, as long as I have found the right person, no matter how much I pay for it, you are the right person to me."

"I thought you wanted to be some kind of chosen one too!" Cheng Mo said calmly.

Faced with Cheng Mo's temptation, Gao Yuemei smiled sweetly, "I want to be the chosen one, but I want to follow in your footsteps. Although I'm just the master's cute pet, I don't want to be the only Provide some emotional value for the master." After a pause, Gao Yuemei stared at Cheng Mo and said nastyly, "Although the relationship between us was a bit misplaced at the beginning, it doesn't mean that those feelings are fake, it's incomparable. The reality of it is like a never-ending pain"

Cheng Mo sighed, and now he realized that he was not the one who won.It seems that Gao Yuemei is playing the obedient, and she is the master.But in fact, Gao Yuemei got everything she wanted, and she has always been her own master.It's just that she chose to be captured by herself, and she chose the choice Gao Yuemei made.

This formed a paradox, so who is the real obedient, he or Gao Yuemei?
Only then did Cheng Mo realize that he was not as strong as he imagined, and Gao Yuemei was not as silly and sweet as he imagined.But as long as he can be an emotionless controller, he's still a winner.It's just that everything is God's will. Maybe Xie Minyun's death changed him, making him feel that human nature does have a beautiful side, making him feel that apart from using each other, there will still be priceless love between people.

So he can't make himself a completely emotionless machine.

Seeing that Cheng Mo was lost in thought, Gao Yuemei licked the corners of her lips, put down the knife and fork and asked, "What's wrong? What are you thinking about?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I didn't think about anything."

"Master, you are not good!"

"I really don't think about anything."

"Okay! I've finished eating!" Gao Yuemei finished eating the two sandwiches Cheng Mo made for her, raised her hand and took out a tissue and handed it to Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo was puzzled, "I wiped my mouth."

"I haven't yet!" Gao Yuemei smiled.

She leaned over the dining table and leaned over. Cheng Mo only used a little olive oil to make the sandwiches, so Gao Yuemei's lips didn't look greasy at all. They looked very clear in the sun, as if they had applied jelly, but they were slightly red and swollen .

Cheng Mo took the tissue and helped Gao Yuemei wipe it gently twice, but Gao Yuemei bit Cheng Mo's fingertips, pointed to the knot of the black gauze skirt and murmured in an ambiguous tone: "There is no need to open the cover." Surprise!"

Cheng Mo's heart fluttered, he knew what kind of compliment Gao Yuemei wanted, so he sighed in a low voice: "You are so coquettish!"


The time spent drifting at sea passed quickly, and the yacht arrived in the Greek waters within three days.

Accompanied by Juicing Ji, a college medical brand, Cheng Mo experienced what is called a variety of indulgences. Props are essential, and all kinds of clothing are also available on the yacht.This extreme indulgence made him blur the relationship between reason and desire.He was not sure how sincere he was to Gao Yuemei, he was not so quickly influenced by Gao Yuemei's love without material desires.

But somehow, there was a trace of tenderness in his heart.

[This chapter is a little short, there will be more tomorrow.It’s just deleted (there are deletions here), as expected, a lot of content was deleted in the previous chapter, and I’m heartbroken]

(End of this chapter)

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