Rebel Demon King

Chapter 958 Finale Stage - Aria (1)

Chapter 958 Finale Stage - Aria (1)

"Your Highness, what should we do?" Brigadier General Sarkozy asked in a low voice holding a satellite phone. At this time, he was looking in the direction of the Eiffel Tower on the top floor of the Mercure Hotel that was confiscated by the military. They sent a modified Tiger helicopter loaded with Anti-Chosen weapons, and several drones equipped with the latest Young Animal II missiles.

"According to what you said, she should not be an angelic 'saint', but a false god with a 'God gene'"

The voice on the other side of the phone was very indifferent, and there was even a hint of joy lurking there. Brigadier General Sarkozy didn't pay attention to the tone of the other party at all, but said in shock: "A false god with a 'God gene'?"

"Yes, remember the 'K20 tragedy' that happened in Ennos Siberia three years ago? I was looking for the stolen 'Crossbee' in that car, and it just so happened that Clown Sith was also looking for the 'God Gene' in that car ', I also learned about the existence of the "God Gene" from him. I have been doing investigations for the past few years, and only then did I know that there are false gods among the Chosen. Gain energy and use skills. This matter will not be finished for a while, in short, she is not a 'saint' of the angel department."

"My God! There is such a thing. I think the false gods are much stronger than the saints, and they almost have no weaknesses! If the 'God General' has the 'God Gene', then it is no different from God ?”

"Hmph, how could it be so easy? Not everyone who uses the 'God Gene' can advance to become a 'False God'. It is extremely uncontrollable. If it cannot withstand the transformation, it will explode and die, so its research value Will be higher than the use value.

"No wonder."

"I don't know much about other specific situations. When we capture Ou Yu, we will be able to decipher the relevant information. Therefore, the top priority is to control the situation in Paris and not let the clown Sith go crazy anymore. He has completely Out of control."

"Understood, what about this 'false god'?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, followed by a low-pitched discussion. While waiting, Brigadier General Sarkozy looked in the direction of the Eiffel Tower distractedly. The cold wind brushed his cheeks, making his face a little red. It took a while to hear the other party's voice.

"It's still according to our original plan. She can't save Paris. Give her a chance to become the 'savior'. The Vatican has always supported Ou Yu. If she completes the miracle and saves Paris safely, not only It will frustrate our plan to transform the government, and it will also give Ou Yu a chance to breathe, and it will not be good for us to liquidate and integrate Europa in the future. Besides, she is a Chinese."

Brigadier General Sarkozy swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "What does your Highness mean?"

"Give her a little time to release her skills and reduce the difficulty for us to rescue Paris, but we must kill her before ordinary people realize that this is a miracle."

Brigadier General Sarkozy held his breath, he was a little worried and a little excited, he lowered his voice as if he was confiding some secret, "She seems to be... Huaxia Xie's family is still live broadcasting now, will this affect too big?"

"What does that matter? Anyway, now that Paris is not under our control, let Ou Yu bear the wrath of Tai Chi Dragon. These may not be enough, you first clear the surrounding drones that are doing live broadcasts, and then use her precision The coordinates tell the Americans. Stargate will never allow Tai Chi Dragon to produce a false god, let alone Tai Chi Dragon to produce a "false god" who may be a "saint". It can even be said that our entire Western world does not want country H Bringing out an angel-type saint and a false god will loose XXX's authority. So Stargate must not mind helping with this, and your task is to ensure that she dies at the right time."

Brigadier General Sarkozy's mind flashed Xie Minyun's aloof face, he took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Okay! Your Highness."

"Sarkozy, you can guarantee that there will be no problems in Paris, so don't make mistakes again."

Although the other party couldn't see it, Brigadier General Sarkozy's face twisted a bit, and he said firmly, "I didn't know she was a false god just now, and I was a little careless. Now I will definitely not make the same mistake again."

"That's good! Be careful, I'll go back to Paris right away, hold on for a while, we're very close to victory."

"Okay! Your Highness."

"Is there nothing else?"

"No." After a pause, Brigadier General Sarkozy said a little coyly, "By the way. I haven't congratulated you on becoming a general yet."

The other party sighed, as if suddenly depressed, "It's nothing to be congratulated on, I have always respected General Philip, and it turned out that I regarded him as the goal of my efforts, but it's just that this era is too bad No matter it is France, Ouyu or Europa, they all need profound changes. Everything is for our ideals, so I took this step! It is really not worthy of congratulations, in fact, my heart is still full of self-blame."

Hearing the other party's tone even choked up, Brigadier General Sarkozy's eyes were red, and he whispered: "Your Highness, you don't need to blame yourself! We can all understand your good intentions, I believe everyone will unite around you , to strive for the great revival of Europa."

"We must go on!"

Brigadier General Sarkozy saluted Napoleon's First Empire military salute in the direction of Christian Field, and said in a deep voice, "We must continue!"

Brigadier General Sarkozy hung up the satellite phone after the busy tone of "beep, beep, beep" sounded on the other end of the phone. He notified all combat units to get ready, and then picked up the binoculars and began to observe the top of the Eiffel Tower. When a light came on, he immediately called Stern King.

The cold wind and snowflakes hit Brigadier General Sarkozy, but he felt hot all over. The moment the phone was connected, he subconsciously raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and wiped away the hopes and names of countless people along the way. .

A faint glow lit up in the sky, and the early morning wind in Paris mercilessly blew away the cold story between the words.


Cheng Mo's jaw hit the cold marble floor, his teeth were almost shattered, stars appeared in his eyes, and a double image appeared in his vision, as if he had been punched on the jaw by Tyson. Consciousness is lost.

The souvenirs are rattling, and the distance is like a wind chime in a dream.

"That's too late."

The voice of the clown Sith hit Cheng Mo's mind like thunder, and he woke up in an instant, struggling to get up from the cold floor, Cheng Mo continued to run towards the elevator, his eyes were red, like a Spanish bullfighting out of the stall The clown Sith's words were like flower marks on his body, which made Cheng Mo, a bull, more ferocious and angry.

He forgot the pain on his body, but his body was trembling uncontrollably. He almost fell over and over again, and stumbled towards the elevator.

The clown Sith blew on the rising aroma of the coffee against the door frame, took a sip of the coffee, and then shouted with great concern: "Hey! Seren, you have to be careful, the power of the carrier self-destruct will also be multiplied , don't get blown to death by the girl you love."

Cheng Mo didn't have time to pay attention to the clown Sith's cynicism, he desperately pressed the door open button of the elevator, and then squeezed in when the elevator opened a crack.Then he quickly pressed the close button again, even though he knew it was useless, he kept poking the black button again and again.

It was only a few seconds, but Cheng Mo's seconds seemed like years, as if there was a beast chasing him outside the door.Finally the elevator started, and Cheng Mo immediately turned to look at the porthole.

There is no sun in the sky, but the whole of Paris is shrouded in a warm white light, like a sunny summer morning, and the glistening rain is like a broken rainbow.The sky was extremely clean, completely different from the gloomy and hazy last night.There is no doubt that this light, this rain, is redemption.

It can clean all the evils of the city.

Cheng Mo clutched the armrest and panted heavily, at this moment his trembling body suddenly began to remind him that he had reached the limit, exhaustion and pain hit his heart, making him want to lie here, close his eyes and take a good rest for a while.Cheng Mo remembered that when he was young and not so sensible, he sneaked out of the house while the nanny was dozing off, and went to the place where his father worked.Although the place was not far away, he was exhausted from walking, especially when he was approaching the alley where his father's office was, he encountered a mad dog.The mad dog bared its teeth at him and barked at him. He was terrified, but he didn't dare to run. His legs were weak while holding on to the brick wall, and he almost collapsed to the ground. If someone happened to pass by, he would have grabbed it. The back seat of the man's bicycle, he thought he would be killed by that mad dog in that nameless alley
Since then, he has never done anything impulsive. He always thinks twice, making sure that he will not act when he encounters any special circumstances.

But today he was impulsive again.

It's just that Cheng Mo didn't regret coming to Paris, he only regretted his suspicion of Xie Minyun, which made him only think about how to escape at the critical moment; he just regretted the cowardice just now, which made him leave the viewing platform without too much hesitation.

He looked down at the Parisian citizens who were evacuated in an orderly manner under the guidance of that ball of light, and he understood everything.

Xie Minyun's constant conversation with the clown Sith is not thinking about whether to kill him, nor is he trying to persuade the clown Sith, but just to delay the French police.She said so many love words to him as the final farewell, but she was completely unaware of Xie Minyun's intentions and fled shamefully.Xie Minyun never thought of hurting him. How could that girl who pursued perfection and was full of justice allow herself to make such a mistake of sacrificing others.

She had arranged everything a long time ago, preparing to carry the cross, sacrifice herself to the Creator, and then give him redemption.

Cheng Mo began to hate his own cowardice. If he hadn't been in such a hurry to leave at the viewing platform just now, and could observe and think calmly, he would definitely see Xie Minyun's determination.Cheng Mo felt that it was extremely ironic. He still doubted Xie Minyun's love for him, but Xie Minyun happily went to destroy it to prove her devotion to love.

In contrast, my every step of the way is thinking about gains and losses, and my behavior of giving and rewarding is both humble and cowardly.

Cheng Mo waited anxiously for the elevator to return to the top of the tower. He had never been so anxious before, and the calmness he usually relied on to survive had long since disappeared.The cautious and cautious style of acting was also thrown into the clouds. He just kept looking at the display screen on the elevator door, impatiently waiting for the elevator to enter the viewing platform.

He's going to stop her.

Finally, the elevator stopped steadily on the third floor. Cheng Mo tore open the slowly opened elevator door, rushed out of the elevator, and activated the carrier above the viewing platform without hesitation.

The DNA helix is ​​weaving its own carrier, and Cheng Mo immediately has the upper vision. He saw Xie Minyun with her eyes closed and her hands clasped together, hanging high above the white sky, warm light flowing in all directions, and her golden wings are flying fast. Xie Minyun's light is also getting brighter and brighter, as if it is going to surpass the sun.

"That's too late!"

The clown's ridicule pierced into Cheng Mo's heart like a needle, causing his heart to stop beating, his breathing and pulse stopped, his tears were about to fall out, and he wanted to break free from the shackles of the DNA chains, but those chains were Like invisible shackles.

At this moment, 15 seconds would be so long.The length is like a long and boring movie, and he can't get out of this movie theater, so that he can only get through it by counting the number of lines.

At this moment, there was an explosion sound from somewhere. The sound was so loud that the whole world was shaking, and even the steel Eiffel Tower was shaking.

Cheng Mo wondered if he was hallucinating. He saw the tall spire trembling violently, as if the pointer of a compass had encountered a magnetic field. The black antenna like a satellite dish was facing Xie Minyun's feet, but now But it slowly tilted in his eyes.

Amidst the sound of the explosion, the trembling sound of the steel being crumbled, the chime of the bell pierced through the world. The colorful lights hanging on the black brackets flickered weakly twice, completely losing their light. The densely packed brackets were trembling, as if the rivets embedded in them were I'm going to jump out.The black spire was getting farther and farther away from Xie Minyun, and the light on Xie Minyun's body gradually dimmed, like a desk lamp being slowly dimmed.

Cheng Mo immediately looked down and saw that the DNA chain had been woven to the feet, and the steel roof that was supposed to be the top of the platform had tilted to fifteen degrees and was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.Countless things are falling towards the ground, like giants shaking off lice.


The loud sound of steel tearing exploded again between the sky and the earth, the spire was falling at an accelerated rate, and people's panicked screams spread from the distant ground to the sky.

The Eiffel Tower is falling!

Cheng Mo was first shocked, then surprised, and then ecstatic. The Eiffel Tower fell at the critical moment, so he didn't need him to stop Xie Minyun.Without the Eiffel Tower that boosts energy input, Xie Minyun would not explode.

He looked at Xie Minyun, who was floating in the air like an incarnated god. The light around her was getting darker and darker, and the dazzling golden wings were getting smaller and smaller, and the rainbow rain washing the whole world was getting thinner fast. .

Cheng Mo's carrier has also been activated. After confirming that Xie Minyun will be fine, Cheng Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly entered the viewing platform with a teleport, and picked up his body. At this time, the viewing platform had tilted to thirty degrees. The main body has slid to the edge of the viewing platform, and the laptops, tables, chairs, and miscellaneous things in the room are all piled up on the glass curtain wall of the viewing platform, and the telescope outside is also pointing to the ground.There was a loud bang bang bang bang in the elevator, followed by a heavy crash.

Cheng Mo made three steps in parallel, jumped up two times obliquely, and rushed to the floor-to-ceiling glass window. The "Seven Sins" flashed for a while, and the glass turned into glass slag, falling into the viewing platform. Cheng Mo jumped onto the railing outside the viewing platform. At this moment, the spire had tilted to 45 degrees, and the Eiffel Tower let out another painful cry, like the hoarse cry of the steel giant before death.

In Cheng Mo's vision, the whole world seems to be upside down.

At this moment, two streamers of light on the edge of the milky white sky came straight towards the Eiffel Tower like lightning. Cheng Mo was puzzled, and found that there were drones and helicopters all around him. Xie Minyun, whose face was like gold paper, was about to fall.

The joy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe disappeared immediately, and Cheng Mo was chilled all over. He shouted heartbreakingly in the horror swan song of the collapse of steel: "Xie Xiaojin"

(End of this chapter)

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