Rebel Demon King

Chapter 956 Finale Stage - Mass (2)

Chapter 956 Finale Stage - Mass (2)

There are only two buttons in the elevator, so there is no need to choose, but Cheng Mo's hand hovered over the number "II" for a moment.He had already calculated countless gains and losses underwater just now, it wasn't that he didn't need to choose, but that he had no choice.

He can only follow the script of the clown Sith, as for the ending
Cheng Mo pressed the black button, the old elevator vibrated slightly twice, and began to slowly ascend.He raised the silver wine jug engraved with "Black Eagle" in his hand and glanced at the dim light. He had observed this black eagle logo from the "Second German Empire" countless times.

Li Jiting once told him that the jug was used by the head of state, but the date on the bottom of the jug has nothing to do with the head of state. His Excellency the head of state will not be born until more than a year later.On the contrary, it has a closer relationship with the Kaiser "Wilhelm II" who dismissed the iron-blooded Prime Minister Bismarck. In 1888, "Wilhelm II" came to power, and the unified Germany began to rush towards imperialism, which changed the world. "The curtain was drawn.

In Cheng Mo's mind, he went through the major events in Germany around 1887, and found nothing special, so he stopped worrying about the trivial matter at the moment.

At this moment, he could only sigh in his heart: "Is this a coincidence, or is it fate?"

Cheng Mo stuffed the hip flask back into his jacket pocket, thinking that there was no bulletproof exoskeleton anymore, he hesitated for a moment, and moved the hip flask to the left pocket of his jacket, above his heart.The combat uniform is relatively loose, and it doesn't look obtrusive when worn next to the body.

The image of Xie Minyun shooting at his heart suddenly popped up in his mind, and Cheng Mo's heart trembled slightly. He pressed the flagon placed above his heart, exhaled deeply, put aside distracting thoughts, and began to observe carefully car.

Logically speaking, this kind of antique elevator car is parked on the first floor, which means that the last person to take it will leave the Eiffel Tower instead of going up, which is naturally safer for Cheng Mo.But when Cheng Mo lowered his head, he found something strange. The whole floor was yellow, reflecting the light, only a small area by his right foot was very dim.

Ordinary people might not pay attention to such insignificant details, but Cheng Mo has always been cautious, and in such a dangerous environment, although the clown Sith probably won't bully himself, he has always believed in the need to be defensive.So he squatted down, stretched out his hand and touched the slightly darker place, and then touched other normal places.

Apparently the entire elevator floor had been waxed, except for this dull spot where the wax had been wiped off.Cheng Mo knelt on the floor, bowed his head on the floor and smelled it, and smelled a faint smell of blood.

Judging from the location of the drip, there is a high probability that it is blood dripping from the right hand.

The combination of the two conditions of "Explorer's Club" and "injured right hand" reminded Cheng Mo of the terrorist who was called "Duke of Sutherland" by the clown Sith in the underground bunker.

The deputy head of the English Red Lions, who ranks No. 30 in the sky list, is called Williams Sutherland.

Cheng Mo took a breath, stood up again, turned his head and looked at the window on the right side of the elevator, from the cramped round glass window, he could see the jagged steel brackets, and he could also see that the elevator was getting closer and closer to the ground. Far.

Seeing that he was about to reach the entrance of the "Adventurer Club" on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower, Cheng Mo quickly took out a spare simple gas mask from the bag hanging on his waist, put it on, and squatted down in the middle of the elevator door.

The vast majority of people will choose a hidden place to hide, Chengmo reverse thinking, doing the opposite, choosing a location that ordinary people would not choose.Of course, this was not enough, and then Cheng Mo dropped a smoke bomb in the elevator.In an instant, the entire elevator was filled with gray-black smoke.

Even though he was wearing a gas mask, Cheng Mo couldn't see anything standing in the thick smoke.Even if you raise your hand, you have to put your hand in front of your eyes to see clearly.He half squatted at the door of the elevator, holding a submachine gun like a mobile phone when going to the toilet, "Seven Sins" has completely lost its energy, Cheng Mo can only rely on this now.

Cheng Mo recalled the layout of the Explorer's Club entrance, held his breath and waited for the elevator door to open.At this time, time suddenly slowed down, maybe the speed of the antique elevator itself was not fast enough.The already tired thigh muscles began to tingle. Cheng Mo tried his best to maintain a bad posture. The muzzle of the gun was pointed upwards, aiming at the position of the head. He remembered that the Duke of Sutherland was wearing an exoskeleton.

Finally the car shook and stopped rising.

With a sound of "ding", the elevator door slowly opened, and thick smoke spread outward along the crack of the door. Cheng Mo couldn't see the situation outside clearly, and the expected gunshots did not ring out.Cheng Mo restrained the urge to rush out, and squatted in place motionless.

The elevator door retracted to the end, paused for a while, and then closed again.

The smoke was still flowing outwards, Cheng Mo kicked the smoke bomb at his feet lightly, and at the same time used his foot to prevent the elevator door from closing. With a "ding", the elevator door opened again.There was no sound outside, and Cheng Mo was not in a hurry to go out. When waiting for the elevator door to close again, he raised his foot again to prevent the elevator door from closing.
The world was so silent that only the sound of the heartbeat and the sound of the elevator door remained.

Cheng Mo listened carefully with tense nerves, allowing the elevator door to close again and again without success, and then issued a crisp warning.

After more than ten rings, the black smoke from the smoke bomb enveloped the entire lobby, but there was still silence outside the elevator, as if there was no ambush.

Cheng Mo didn't dare to be careless, but he couldn't wait until the smoke dissipated.His time was limited, and some risks had to be taken.The elevator door bounced open again, and after the "ding" sound, he stepped out of the elevator decisively, crashing into the smoke like a bull out of the slaughterhouse.

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air above the head, and the helpless body reaction speed was still too slow. In addition, he had not received professional training. Even if he was prepared, he was kicked away when he turned around and shot. He took out the submachine gun that burst into flames, and was immediately ridden on him.

A cold light broke through the mist on the right side of Cheng Mo, and a figure wearing an exoskeleton emerged from the haze.Undoubtedly, the other party couldn't see him and thought he was also wearing an exoskeleton, so he wanted to kill himself directly with a dagger inserted into his neck.And using the left hand to swing the knife is naturally because the right hand was injured.

At the critical moment, Cheng Mo covered his neck with his left hand, raised his right hand as if preparing to shoot the "Seven Sins", and shouted in English at the same time: "Duke of Sutherland, I am Salem, I don't want to kill you, and you are the last to stop the dangerous behavior”

The sharp dagger stopped at the edge of Cheng Mo's left arm, and the tip of the knife did not pierce the arm that could pierce the special combat uniform, but it hurt.

"Seren?" the Duke of Sutherland asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke." Cheng Mo said calmly, holding up his empty right hand.

In the dense fog, neither of them could see each other's expressions, only their vague figures. Everyone guessed each other's thoughts and actions based on their tone of voice.

Cheng Mo was sure that the other party would never want to fight to the death with an unknown pawn like himself.It doesn't do him any good to kill himself, instead they have a common enemy - the clown Sith.

Sure enough, the other party slowly put away the knife and whispered at the same time: "I didn't expect you to be able to join the 'Explorer's Club'."

Cheng Mo also put down his right hand, which was impossible to shoot "Seven Sins": "I followed my guide."

This is how Li Jiting introduced Clark, the owner of the Explorers Club, in the "Explorers Club" last time, saying that he is his "guide". Cheng Mo always feels that this title has some special meaning.

"Guider?" The Duke of Sutherland stood up and disappeared into the thick fog, "It's really an ancient title. Since the flood of Ouroboros, few powerful mentors are willing to be 'Guiders'. valued."

"It's not bad!" Cheng Mo didn't know whether he was valued or not. In short, Li Jiting didn't treat him badly, but he didn't seem to be good at all.Cheng Mo stood up supporting the cold floor, the heater in the front hall was not turned on, and the marble floor was as frozen as ice.The adrenaline hormone made Cheng Mo's pain go deeper into the bone marrow. He endured the intensified pain all over his body, stared at the looming figure directly in front of him, and asked in a low voice nonchalantly, "Then, Your Excellency, let's go inside now?"

Not seeing the other person's expression made Cheng Mo uneasy, he had to choose a more suitable place to talk.

"OK!" The Duke of Sutherland paused and said, "You go ahead."

"No problem." Cheng Mo turned around and walked towards the stone arch of the ancient French monastery according to his memory. At this time, he was still wondering what the meaning of "guide" was, but it was a pity that he was not convenient to ask.

Soon, the two of them broke through the thick fog without saying a word, and walked to the quaint reception hall.Cheng Mo was deeply impressed by this living room full of cultural relics. He glanced at the gloomy seat that belonged to the last emperor Fu Yi, then stopped and turned to look at the Duke of Sutherland behind him.

Cheng Mo raised his hand and took off his mask, looked at the Duke of Sutherland who was pointing his gun at him with a sincere expression, and said, "Your Excellency, I think you chose to come here instead of leaving, it must be to kill the clown Sith .I think we can work together"

The Duke of Sutherland did not take off his mask like Cheng Mo did. He looked down at the much shorter Cheng Mo through the plexiglass and asked, "How did you escape from the clown Sith?"

"Escape?" Cheng Mo shook his head and said blankly, "He asked me to choose among my companions who would live, and I did it in his way, so he let me go."

"Aha!" The Duke of Sutherland tilted his head, "It seems that he really likes you."

"We met once at K20."

"I know about it." The Duke of Sutherland nodded. He still didn't put down his gun, and continued to ask, "Just now you said that your 'guide' brought you here. May I take the liberty to ask who he is?"

"Lanling King——Li Jiting."

"Haha!" The Duke of Sutherland laughed loudly, and then he coughed twice, as if he was choking on saliva.

Cheng Mo glanced at the Duke of Sutherland's injured chest. The bloodstain had already been wrapped in a white bandage. It seemed that the injury was not serious. Cheng Mo asked, "What's so funny?"

"No, it's nothing funny. It's just a surprise." The Duke of Sutherland put down the gun in his hand, walked to the globe next to the coffee table, raised his left hand and twirled it, "So you are Leon's apprentice, no wonder you are as cautious as a little fox .”

Hearing that the Duke of Sutherland said "apprentice" instead of "student", Cheng Mo became more and more suspicious. He whispered, "Thank you for your compliment."

"Since this is the case, then we still have a basis for cooperation." The Duke of Sutherland turned his head and looked at Cheng Mo, "But I'm curious as to what made you fight with a powerful clown Sith when you were able to leave safely. Character death? Justice? Glory? Benefits? He let you go twice, but he might not let you go a third time."

Cheng Mo sneered and said, "Let me go? The cat teasing the mouse is not called letting go. I have no choice."

The Duke of Sutherland nodded and said: "Okay! I understand the toy. I want to prevent that madman from launching nuclear weapons. That is not a fun toy." The Duke of Sutherland paused and said quickly, "Now You're all here, Nasis must have reached the top floor, we don't have much time, so hurry up."

Cheng Mo could hear the urgency in the Duke of Sutherland's tone, "Then what's the delay?"

"Clean and neat." The Duke of Sutherland applauded, "It's easier to deal with than that old fox in Leon."

"I'll go ahead." Cheng Mo took the lead to walk to the corridor on the right side of the living room. He remembered that there was an elevator at the restaurant. According to the structure of the Eiffel Tower, that elevator was the one from the second floor to the top floor.

Entering the long corridor full of oil paintings, the Duke of Sutherland began to talk about some past events between him and Li Jiting. Cheng Mo had no room to intervene and could only listen attentively. When he walked into the dining room, Cheng Mo At first glance, Mo saw the portrait of Xie Minyun hanging in the most conspicuous place.

She had no smile on her face, and stared coldly ahead. At first glance, she looked lonely and indifferent, but her eyes were heavy, as if she could see everything through everything, and seemed so hollow that she turned a blind eye to everything, making it impossible to escape or welcome her.

I don't know who the master of the painting is. Cheng Mo feels that the other party has extracted the characteristics of Xie Minyun, not only beauty, but also a sense of religion that surpasses ordinary people.Looking closely at her flawless face, it is hard to believe that this is a realistic face. There is a kind of oriental Buddhist emotion permeating, a lofty, eternal, and compassionate expression.

Seeing Cheng Mo stop, the Duke of Sutherland stared at Xie Minyun's portrait and asked strangely: "What's wrong? What does this painting have to do with you?"

"Well! This is my wife. At that time, Clark, the owner of the 'Explorer's Club', said that if he wants to exchange for what I want, he must leave his wife's portrait here." Cheng explained briefly and silently.

At that time, Cheng Mo didn't want to agree because of the "Light of Death", but Xie Minyun agreed and made a bet with Clark that as long as she could beat Athena, who ranked first in the sky list, she could take the painting back.Cheng Mo is not a person who keeps his promises blindly, not to mention that it was a gamble between Clark and Xie Minyun, and it has nothing to do with him, so Cheng Mo went straight to the oil painting and took the oil painting of the same size as "Mona Lisa's Smile" The frame was taken off, and the oil painting inside was taken out.

The Duke of Sutherland held his chin and exclaimed: "Your wife? My God, then you got married so early!" Then he said loudly, "This is really something that old bastard Clark can do. He He has always been in love with a woman who looks like a work of art. If he can get one, he will take care of her. If he can't get one, he will have to make a painting. It seems that this is his favorite work in his collection, and he can match Heidi. Portraits of Rama hang side by side."

Cheng Mo glanced at Heidi Lama, who was "hailed as the most beautiful woman in the world" next to him, and said nothing. He folded the oil painting and stuffed it behind his back.

The Duke of Sutherland sighed with regret again: "If you want to treat such a perfect oil painting like this, you might as well leave it here."

"That won't work."

"It's such a pity. You will deal with it like this. I should stop you." The Duke of Sutherland shook his head.

Cheng Mo ignored the Duke of Sutherland, who was looking for something to say. He found red wine and ketchup in the restaurant, and finally chose ketchup to fill the flagon, and then walked towards the elevator door on the left side of the restaurant. Ask in a low voice: "Your Excellency, do you have any plans?"

The Duke of Sutherland didn't ask what Cheng Mo was doing, but just followed Cheng Mo's footsteps, and said as if suddenly remembering: "We definitely can't go up at the same time, there is not much space on the top floor, and someone must go up to attract the clown Xi." Attention, another person can wait for an opportunity to activate the carrier. Given your relationship with the clown Sith, it is up to you to attract attention." He raised his left hand and shot himself in the temple. "If I go up, he will definitely not let me say a word, just shoot."

The Duke of Sutherland left the most dangerous task to himself as if nothing had happened, and Cheng Mo did not bargain. In the case of unequal strength, bargaining is meaningless, not to mention that the other party is telling the truth, so Cheng Mo just thought for a while and said : "What if his people go into the elevator to check when I go out? You are asking for death when you activate the carrier at that time."

The Duke of Sutherland smiled, as if admiring Cheng Mo's courage and responsibility, "This is very thoughtful." He observed the elevator door, "You go first to the elevator, and I will open the outer door of the elevator later. Wait. When you go up, I grab the cable and follow you up, and I hide under the car, so that no one will find out. As long as we can cooperate to kill the clown Sith, you will become famous in one battle!! The rewards on the dark net will be all It's yours, I don't need a dime."

This kind of superficial beating made Cheng Mo feel disgusted. Maybe the other party just regarded himself as a cannon fodder of a higher level, but he didn't show it. He just glanced at the Duke of Sutherland's injured right hand and asked, "No problem." Is it? This action is no ordinary adventure."

"Huh? You're showing blatant contempt for a senior!" The Duke of Sutherland said in astonishment, he pushed the elevator door for Cheng Mo, pushed Cheng Mo in impatiently, leaned over and pressed the elevator button, and at the elevator door Before closing, he pumped his fist and said, "We can do it."

After thinking for a while, Cheng Mo put on the gas mask again. He watched the Duke of Sutherland disappear from sight, thinking: I still don't know who will be the cannon fodder.The elevator began to ascend, and a few seconds later he felt the car sink downwards, then shook twice.

It seems that the Duke of Sutherland has "taken" the elevator as he wished. Although the motive of the Duke of Sutherland is impure, Cheng Mo still hopes that everything will go well.

As the elevator went up, Cheng Mo kept trying to activate the [-]D map of Ouroboros to see if there was a signal. Finally, when he was close to the top of the tower, the map popped up.But the speed of the elevator is too fast, and the distance to the top floor is very close. Cheng Mo, who is in the elevator, has no way to activate the carrier for his own safety. Even the Duke of Sutherland, who is attached to the bottom of the elevator, had better not activate the carrier at this time. Clown Sith is not a fool, he must know that the elevator is fraudulent, and the Duke of Sutherland will become cannon fodder sooner than Cheng Mo, no matter how powerful he is.

Just as Cheng Mo's thought flashed across, the elevator had already reached the top floor.He quickly put down his right hand, and after the "ding" sound, the elevator door opened, and the not-so-large viewing hall on the top floor appeared in Cheng Mo's field of vision.

Clown Sith and Commander Michelle tied to the computer chair are in the center of the observation hall, a camera is shooting at them, and a few men wearing gas masks are standing outside the lens. Laptop work.

The sound of the elevator door opening attracted everyone's attention. The clown Sith, who was watching the live broadcast, also straightened up. He turned to look at Cheng Mo, patted Commander Michelle on the shoulder, and said with a chuckle: "Look. !The supporting characters are starting to appear!"

Cheng Mo didn't linger in the elevator, and walked out of the elevator directly.The guard at the side immediately leaned into the elevator, pressed the down button and dropped a bomb at the same time.

Cheng Mo heard the crashing sound of bombs spinning in the car, and his heart sank. He knew that the Duke of Sutherland was in trouble, but he didn't look back.

A moment later, a violent explosion resounded over the Eiffel Tower, orange light shone by the glass windows of the observation deck, the tower trembled slightly, and wailed softly.

Cheng Mo looked at the clown Sith without changing his face, and said lightly: "Mr. Sith is really cautious."

"I thought it was the Duke of Sutherland who came up from that elevator, but I didn't expect it to be you." He waved his hand, "But it doesn't matter, it's just a pity that I set up an interesting question and answer session for you in North Point."

Cheng Mo stood where he was and replied, "That's really a pity."

The clown Sith pointed to the laptop on the table, grinned his scarlet lips and said: "Come and watch the live broadcast, the voting will be over in 5 minutes, and now 90.00% of the citizens of Paris at [-]% strongly demand that Your Majesty the Commander launch a nuclear bomb." People who have been begging for love and peace all day long are driving this country to war." The clown Sith sighed, wrinkled his face and said plaintively, "It looks like my gas device is about to fail! This is really bad news!"

Cheng Mo didn't answer, but turned his head to look at the several computers on the table, one of which was broadcasting the voting data of the Parisians in real time, and the serious-looking French host next to him was analyzing the possibility of the clown Sith's data falsification. .They thought it absolutely impossible that only one and a half per cent of the brave Parisians were willing to sacrifice themselves.And keep telling people from other countries not to be fooled, this is definitely the clown Sith's smearing of all French people.

On the other laptop computer, the British chieftain who was a guest of BBC News was mourning the suffering of the Parisians with a sad face, and at the same time reassured the Parisians with compassion that poisonous gas is not a big deal, and everyone squeezed together towards the high place , Gather some gas masks, the poison gas attack will soon pass, and the wounds caused by nuclear war will never be healed.

The clown Sith showed a kind of troubled pain on his face, in fact, the smile in his mind was about to break out, he pointed to the laptop that was playing "ABC News Network" and said: "Look, look , isn’t this the country that loves to wage wars the most in the world? Isn’t this world funny? In fact, everyone’s ass decides their head, and their interests determine their actions, but they still have to pretend to be fair and just, and speak high-sounding big words .”

Cheng Mo turned his head and saw that ABC News Network was broadcasting the press conference of the spokesperson of the army of country A. The spokesman in military uniform said seriously that country A would not sit idly by any terrorist act, no matter which country it is Country A will do everything in its power to prevent the organization from launching a war in vain. The army of country A is confident in defeating the conspiracy of any country or terrorist organization. Please rest assured people all over the world.

The comments on the Internet are fast, whether it is in Tokyo at noon or late at night in New York; whether it is a remote village in Africa or the war-torn town of Syriya; whether it is a nightclub with flashing laser lights or a breakfast room filled with fog ;Whether it's the flustered Hawaii, or the H country that eats melons through the wall.
All eyes are on Paris, all eyes are on developments.Everyone logged on to, and exchanged one dollar for voting rights to exercise their insignificant and important rights.

However, the speech of the spokesperson of country A did not prevent people from all over the world from voting.The bar chart representing country A has risen rapidly, and hundreds of millions of viewers have voted with money, expressing that they most want to see France launch a nuclear bomb on country A.

And the Republic of Tuva in the South Pacific, which has just been urgently announced by the United Nations, is an uninhabited island with no countries around, and only received tens of millions of votes. Compared with country A, which was elected with hundreds of millions of votes, it is just a drop in the bucket.
The clown Sith was giggling, holding the computer chair with one hand and shaking the commander sitting on it, and pointing at the computer with the other hand, he said: "Look how ridiculous, originally people have the ability to prevent wars from breaking out, but look at this reality vote." Smiling, he raised his hand to wipe away his tears, then turned his head to look at Cheng Mo, "Guess what caused this result?"

"Hate? Jealousy? Who knows? Anyway, there are quite a lot of people who hate country A." Cheng Mo said.

"No, no." Clown Sith shook his finger, "It's love! It's love!"

Cheng Mo felt that the clown Sith had entered a state of madness, and he had no way of understanding what the clown Sith wanted to do. He used to think that the clown Sith was just an extreme anarchist, but now he was a little confused , it seems that the clown Sith is pursuing far more than this.

Cheng Mo stared at the strange face of the clown Sith who seemed to be smiling but not smiling for a moment. Right now, he only hoped that Xie Minyun would not come, let him complete his mission as an audience, and quickly turn over everything else.

Whether the Clown Sith ultimately releases gas, nukes, or both is none of their business anyway.At this moment, Cheng Mo longed for the time to pass quickly. He stared at the alarm clock in front of the camera with sweat profusely.



The word count was jumping one by one, and it was about to jump to zero. The clown Sith raised his hands excitedly and shouted: "Look, this is the carnival of people all over the world! This is the greatest stage! I am the revealer of the mask! I am Immortal comedian!"

At this moment, a golden stream of light appeared outside the observation deck, this light was so brilliant, as if the sun was rising from the sky of Paris.
When Cheng Mo saw Xie Minyun, he felt cold all over, and his intense heartbeat also calmed down.

He knew he was going to face the worst.

The clown Sith has set up the stage for the finale, and now all the actors who have not been eliminated will decide who is the protagonist in this scene.
(End of this chapter)

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