Rebel Demon King

Chapter 951 call me Joker

Chapter 951 call me Joker
(Thanks to the lord of "mmlukk", and thanks to the boss of "Shaanhuan who loves to read books" for his popularity. I have no solution to the problem of reposting chapters [-], [-], and [-] after revision. Posting free chapters will make me unable to meet the word count. If you can't get the bonus, you can only invite book friends who have opened automatic subscription and have already subscribed to come to the group and I will send red envelopes to everyone)
The regular rectangular front of the car emits two cone-shaped lights in the thick yellow-green fog. In the bright light cones, countless dust-like particles visible to the naked eye are floating. The shadow of the clown Sith standing in the center of the culvert looks like a slender giant Standing on the collapsed rubble.

At this moment, Cheng Mo seemed to be in a dark movie theater. He was standing in the last row, watching the light from the projector pass through the film, and cast the already filmed plot on the screen.

But in fact, he is not a spectator.

but a real participant.

Cheng Mo clenched the electromagnetic gun, aimed firmly at Commander Michelle, and started counting down in his heart.

There are six minutes and 49 seconds before the carrier can be activated.

The clown Sith turned around, made a stop gesture to Cheng Mo, shook his head and said in an almost pleading tone: "Oh, Siren, you must calm down, in front of you. But France Commander, you really want to accidentally pull the trigger. That would be a declaration of war on France, do you know what that means?"

Cheng Mo knew how to talk to the clown Sith, and he realized early on that the clown Sith had an unparalleled appeal.Whether the Clown Sith is unintentional or intentional, this is the stage for the Clown Sith.Therefore, no matter passive or active, he has to show "wonderful acting skills" and play with the clown Sith on the same stage, so that he can put himself in a safe position.

In the world of the clown Sith, the more important the supporting role is, the longer it will live, and the extras are cannon fodder, and they may die at any time.

Cheng Mo knew that he had to be in the play, into the plot, and show enough dramatic effects to meet the expectations of the clown Sith.

"I think the great Commander Michel would not mind me doing this to save the people of Paris!" Cheng Mo looked at Commander Michel and tilted his head and asked, "Do you think so?"

Commander Michelle hugged the box tightly and stood on the rocky pile, like a talk show actor standing on a stage projected by chasing light. He didn't speak, just like an overly frightened chipmunk, rushing towards Cheng Mo kept shaking his head slightly.

Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders and said, "You see. Your Excellency the Grand Commander is still very conscious, and he shook his head firmly to show that he is not afraid."


Guan Bojun, who was hiding in the shadow, looked at Cheng Mo's back and said in a low voice full of resentment: "Cheng Mo is so good at pretending. I thought he was an honest man like me. In fact, he is a smooth-talking B! No wonder I can soak up Xie Minyun."

"Slick tongue?" Gu Feifei on the eMule sneered, "Show me your smooth tongue in front of the clown Sith? I'll count you as the winner if you don't pee your pants."

"That's right." Guan Bojun sighed, "A good-for-nothing like me doesn't even look down on boys, let alone girls."

"It's not about Guan Guan senior," Fu Yuanzhuo said in a low voice, "You see, the clown Sith doesn't have to wear a mask to transform, try women's clothes, maybe women's clothes will change your life!"

Guan Bojun cursed secretly: "Yeah!"

Gu Feifei suppressed a smile and trembled on the eDonkey.

Du Leng frowned and said, "This is the time, you should be more serious!"

Several people stopped talking, and stared intently at a group of leading actors on the stage in the dark.


Commander Michel, who seemed to be just a tool man, stood on the pile of rocks with ten thousand mud horses galloping past him. He never imagined that things would turn out like this. The first clown Sith who threatened his life was killed A second Cyron emerged out of nowhere and threatened his life.
He turned him into an Ennos nesting doll.

At this moment, Commander Michel wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only look at Cheng Mo and then at Sith the Clown, trembling and at a loss.

When he heard Cheng Mo say that he was willing to dedicate himself to the French people and was not afraid of death at all, Commander Michel let go of the black lockbox he was holding tightly and turned into a man holding it in one hand. box.

"My God!" The clown Sith exclaimed, he turned his head to look at Commander Michel, raised his hands, and said in disbelief, "Your Excellency Commander! I never thought you would really want to be the headline of tomorrow? You should You told me earlier, do I look like an unreasonable person?" The clown Sith sighed, "Well! The barriers and prejudices between people are so difficult to break." Immediately after his tone After turning around, he said in a nonchalant tone, "In this case, don't waste everyone's time. Suicide is fine. As long as you commit suicide, no one will be able to open this box, and I don't need to do so many things." Clown Xi Si pointed to the box in Commander Michelle's hand, "For what son of a bitch God gene."

Perhaps it was because the clown Sith's tone was too sincere, and Commander Michelle couldn't tell whether what the clown Sith said was true or not. He lowered his head and looked at the clown Sith, trembling in the poisonous mist that shone with halo .

The clown Sith took a step forward, stepped on the pile of rocks and bent down to pick up the pistol dropped by Commander Michelle, then raised his hand and handed it to Commander Michelle, saying: "Come be a great The French commander in chief is extremely simple, just point the trigger at his temple and pull the trigger."

Cheng Mo said softly: "Du Leng shot and hit Commander Michel's left hand."

A flash of fire flashed in the darkness, Commander Michel screamed, and subconsciously covered his shot left hand, so the black box fell on the pile of rocks, smashing countless fine stones.

"Sis, if you take another step forward, I'll blow the head of Commander Michelle." Cheng Mo said coldly.

"Okay! Okay!" The clown Sith spread his hands, and the pistol spun around his fingertips and fell on the pile of rocks. He turned and looked at Cheng Mo, "Anyway, my purpose is to want God Genes are not intended to kill people, not to mention this kind of unnutritious killing is really boring."

"Your Excellency, Grand Commander, please pick up the box and come here now." Cheng Mo said holding his gun.

Commander Michel grabbed his blood-stained arm and moaned in a low voice, but did not move.

Cheng Mo said coldly: "Hurry up! This is not a request, but an order"

Commander Michel hesitated for a moment, then bent down and picked up the box, with his bleeding left hand hanging down, carefully walked down the pile of rubble.

When passing by the clown Sith, the clown Sith turned around and said with a chuckle, "Your Excellency, you must think carefully before making a choice. This is the most important day in your life."

Commander Michelle trembled slightly, and slowly walked past the side of the clown Sith, and he walked slowly towards Cheng Mo with heavy steps.

"Hurry up!" Cheng Mo urged impatiently by waving the electromagnetic gun.

Grand Commander Michel was indifferent, like a tired mountaineer climbing a summit in heavy snow.Cheng Mo knew that Commander Michel was delaying time, but he couldn't tell Commander Michel that he was actually saving Paris.He knew that he couldn't continue to urge him, so he could only suppress his anxiety as the time passed quickly, staring at the clown Sith standing not far away.

"Hey! Sairon, don't be nervous, I am the person who respects transactions the most. You take yours, and I take mine." The clown Sith raised his hands and drew a line on his chest, "Perfect."

Cheng Mo ignored the clown Sith, and when Commander Michelle approached, he took two steps forward and said softly in French to Commander Michelle who was close to him: "Your Excellency Commander, I Didn't mean to hurt you, but it's the only way to save you and get the remote control of the gas device."

Hearing Cheng Mo's explanation, the apprehensive Commander Michel seemed to be relieved. He quickened his pace, walked up to Cheng Mo and whispered, "You are beautiful, Sai Lun, which department are you in?"

"Office of Planetary Research."

"Planetary Research Office?" Commander Michelle asked suspiciously.

Cheng Mo guarded Commander Michelle behind him, and said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter, I know you are waiting for rescue, but you must quickly open the box and exchange the remote control of the poison gas device with God's gene."

Commander Michel gritted his teeth and said: "There is no need for this now. Since I have been rescued, let's delay for a while, wait for Captain Luert to arrive, catch the clown Sith, and force him to hand over the remote control!"

Cheng Mo pretended to be shocked and said: "What if he threatens you with the remote control? And he is a lunatic, seeing Captain Luerte, he immediately detonated the poison gas device?"

Commander Michel was silent.

"Exchange the remote control with God's gene now, and you will be invincible. You can not only save Paris, but also hunt down the clown Sith after Captain Lurt arrives. If you don't change now, in case the clown Sith Si detonated all the poisonous gas in a fit of anger, and Paris fell, and it is difficult for you to give an explanation to the people." Cheng Mo persuaded earnestly.

Commander Michel hesitated for a while, but finally softened his attitude: "Okay! But you have to make sure you can get back the remote control of the gas device, Salem." Commander Michel stood the box on the ground. On the ground, he said in a stern tone, "I can't get it back. You will bear all the responsibilities."

Cheng Mo scoffed at the politician's face in his heart, but said in a low voice: "Don't worry! Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I promise to get it back."

"Remember your promise." Commander Michel, who was sweating profusely, said while entering the password.

Cheng Mo looked at the clown Sith, and asked loudly, "Mr. Sith, how should we trade?"

The clown Sith standing in the poisonous fog shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't care."

"That's how it is! You put the remote control on the left side of the culvert where the light can shine, and I put the God gene on the right side of the culvert at the same place parallel to it, and then we walk to the middle at the same time, each to get the things we need , do you think it’s okay?" Cheng Mo chose a plan that seemed to be reasonable for both parties, but he has the "Seven Sins", and he can use the "Seven Sins" to take back the "Seven Sins" while the clown Sith is not paying attention. God Gene".

Clown Sith spread his hands: "Fair."

Cheng Mo looked back at Commander Michel. At this time, he had opened the box and took out a golden metal tube from inside. The screw-shaped bottom of the metal tube was the "Maze of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres".Cheng Mo's memory of this metal tube is still fresh. He once injected it into Xie Minyun's body after the K20 derailed, thus saving Xie Minyun's life.

Thinking of the powerful effect of "God Gene" and his heart disease that has not been completely cured, Cheng Mo's mood will inevitably fluctuate and his eyes will shine brightly.He immediately reached out to grab it, grabbed the top of the metal pipe and pulled it lightly, but Commander Michelle did not let go of the metal pipe.

Commander Michelle raised his head slightly, shook his head twice, and said in a trembling voice: "Anyway, you must take the remote control back."

Cheng Mo didn't know what Commander Michel was worried about. His flaxen hair was completely soaked, his body was shaking constantly, and there was an indescribable emotion in his eyes.

It is probably a collection of negative emotions such as regret, heartache, annoyance, anxiety, and difficulty in letting go.At this second, Cheng Mo thought of Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings", when he held the "Lord of the Rings" and didn't want to let go, he had such a painful expression when he had to let go.

Cheng Mo naturally didn't have any mercy, he just felt that even if he is the French commander who has the power over the world, there are always moments when people are powerless, at that time, you can't do anything except pray, it feels extremely gloomy, like walking into a hospital by yourself The moment of inspection.

In the bustling hospital with people coming and going, he walked alone in the cold heavy rain as if isolated from the world, everything around him was out of reach, he couldn't see the way forward, and he couldn't find the way back. Only endless raindrops hit him.

He loathed, even hated, the feeling.

Cheng Mo felt that the scene in front of him was inconceivable. He was no longer an unknown person, but a person who could be recorded in history.

No doubt his name will be recorded in the history books, and how it will be recorded depends on the development of events.

At this moment, Cheng Mo's inner feelings are hard to describe.

Just like a World Cup football match that attracts worldwide attention, the audience and the people participating in the game must feel completely different.

Of course, the struggle for rights and interests in the world is far more complicated than a football game, and what can be gained is not as simple as a game of honor and money.

Cheng Mo didn't know why so many thoughts flashed through his mind, maybe it was because he was touching the most precious object in the world, maybe it was because he was observing his desire through Commander Michelle.

Under such an extremely dangerous environment, Cheng Mo naturally did not dare to be distracted. Those thoughts were only fleeting. Cheng Mo immediately nodded to Commander Michelle, and then made a little effort, from Michelle who was reluctant to part with the "God Gene" Commander Erda pulled out the metal tube, turned around and showed it to Sith the clown: "This is the gene of God. Now you have to show me the remote control of the poison gas device."

"No problem! Sairon!" The clown Sith began to grope around, and murmured to himself, "Where did you go?" After a while, he took out a mobile phone-like thing from his jacket pocket , shaking at Cheng Mo, "Look, here! I almost couldn't find it."

Cheng Mo held up the God gene and looked at the remote control in the hands of the clown Sith and said, "You have to prove its authenticity to me."

"Oh! Siren, you are too suspicious!" The clown Sith spread his hands and lit up the phone screen, and then he showed the screen to Cheng Mo, pointing to a Paris map covered with green skull marks Said, "Do you need me to find a place to detonate it for you to try? For example here" the clown giggled, "Although you have taken a few gas canisters away, it doesn't affect the poison here enough to kill all Parisians. "

Cheng Moxu saw the clown Sith's finger pointing at the position of the Eiffel Tower, and a red dialog box popped up on the green skull, "Warning - please click to confirm to activate the No. 1 device".Cheng Mo stared at the mobile phone-shaped remote control through the vague poisonous fog. The green skull logo under the Eiffel Tower was flickering non-stop, and several green skulls nearby had turned red. Cheng Mo observed carefully Looking at the location, the red skulls are all poison gas devices that have been detonated, while the green skulls are gas devices that have not yet been detonated.

There is no doubt that this is indeed the remote control of the poison gas device, but Cheng Mo is not sure that this remote control is the only remote control.Such low-level mistakes cannot be made.

Sensing Cheng Mo's suspicion, Sith the Clown snorted coldly and said, "Are you afraid that I have more than one remote control?"

Cheng Mo looked away from the remote control, looked at the clown Sith, and said calmly: "Mr. The remote is worthless if you have one more, and if you can't prove it's unique, I'll just have to cancel the deal."

"Cancel the deal?" The clown Sith held the remote control in his right hand, raised his left hand and pointed his finger in the distance and asked, "Sai Lun, are you threatening me, or are you questioning my character?"

Cheng Mo knew that he couldn't use normal logic to talk to the clown Sith, reasoning is definitely not useful to the clown Sith, so he quickly waved his hand and said in a low voice: "No, of course not, I'm not a threat, and I'm not a threat. I'm not doubting you. It's like two chess players playing against a chessboard. My move is just to test your sensitivity to time, and also to detect what your hole cards and goals are. To be honest, I don't I think for you, the 'God Gene' is more important than your Christmas Paradise." Cheng Mo tilted his head, "Do you think so?"

"Oh! Oh! I like your exploration of my deepest desires." The clown Sith raised his head and closed his eyes, "It feels like another self is constantly approaching me"

"Mr. Sith, there is no one else who can be you. You are unique. Although others think you are crazy, I never feel that way. As an artist whose world is a stage and life is a drama, you are using your Life plays out against the nothingness of existence.”

Clown Sith stroked his chest, took a deep breath, shook his head with tears in his eyes and said, "Seren, you are so touched! I'm really, so fucking touched." Clown Sith I don’t know where to pull out a miniature submachine gun and shoot at the top of the culvert. The fire light is like a blooming rose in the poisonous mist, and the gunshots are like firecrackers. .

The clown Sith didn't throw the gun away until he finished firing all the bullets: "Please allow me to use this passage as my acceptance speech in the future!"

"If you like it, it's my honor." Cheng Mo bowed slightly, "Even if it can't be the acceptance speech, it's not bad to be the epitaph."

"Epitaph? Can a person like me be buried in the grave safely??" The clown Sith "haha" laughed, "This is really a gratifying blessing. I was also good at writing such literary sentences when I was young , but now that I am older, my hobbies are different, and I prefer to be more straightforward." Sith the clown waved his hand, "For example...don't feel sorry for my death, if I haven't died yet, then the one lying in the coffin is you"

Ordinary people, if you talk about the epitaph with him, he will only think that you are cursing, but the clown Sith happily discussed with Cheng Mo what kind of epitaph he likes.A simple test made Cheng Mo hear the clown Sith's disdain for death. He really couldn't think of the weakness of this arrogant madman in front of him. Cheng Mo made his tone as relaxed as possible, and he pretended to be nonchalant Say: "Perhaps this sentence is more suitable for you. The creator has drawn the curtain, and the comedy is completely over."

"Oh! That's a good sentence!" The clown Sith snapped his fingers, "Okay! Okay! How can I prove it? It's a reward for you coming up with a good epitaph, although I may not use it. "

As the clown Sith said, he bent down and put the remote control at his feet, unzipped the zipper of Ou Yu's uniform, and took out a "Bible" from it, "Oh! How could I have such a thing." The clown Sith disdainfully Throwing the "Bible" aside, "Shall I show you my whole body?" Sith the clown took out a dagger from his uniform and showed it to Cheng Mo, "This But a good thing, the SS Lightning Saber."

Cheng Mo stared at the dagger with two lightning bolts on the handle and whispered, "It's really good."

"I'll see you off!" The clown Sith directly threw the lightning saber towards Cheng Mo. Commander Michelle behind Cheng Mo thought it was a grenade, and immediately fell to the ground in fright.Fu Yuanzhuo and the others also aimed at Sith the Clown, with their fingers touching the trigger, ready to shoot at any time.Only Cheng Mo calmly reached out and took off the scabbard dagger from the air, inserted it into his belt, and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The clown Sith shrugged his shoulders, and he continued to dig out things from his clothes. The inside of the coat was like Doraemon's space bag, with everything in it.The clown Sith threw the things under his feet one by one, and after a while, the miscellaneous things were piled up in a pile.In addition to weapons such as saws, steel needles, and pistols, there are also inexplicable things such as rubber ducks, a plastic bag of colorful balloons, clockwork frogs, wigs, and red noses.

Cheng Mo kept counting down in his heart. As time went by, he became more and more anxious, but he waited silently without saying a word, and he didn't mean to urge him at all.

If he hadn't seen the "Water Holder" in the hands of the clown Sith just now, maybe he would take the risk to kill the clown Sith now, but now he can only wait patiently.

Fortunately, the clown Sith himself became impatient, took off his coat, and shook backwards twice.

Cheng Mo watched some odds and ends falling on the ground without blinking. The clown Sith fumbled twice from his trouser pocket, took out the lighter, and set his jacket on fire.

The clown Sith held his coat and turned his head to watch the fire grow bigger and bigger. When the rising fire was about to reach his hand, he threw the clothes that had turned into a ball of flames into the sky, raised his hands high, and spun on the spot. Circle shouted: "surprise"

That posture was like he would conjure up countless pigeons like a magician.

But the coat was reduced to ashes, but no pigeon flew out of the flames.

"FXXK!" The clown Sith yelled. He opened his pants and looked down into his crotch. He reached out and took out the bodies of two white pigeons and threw them on the ground. He said angrily, "Maybe today shouldn't be Beg for a day of peace."

Everyone was shocked by this extremely absurd scene.

Guan Bojun, who was silenced, couldn't help but said in a dumbfounded tone: "What the hell is this? A big devil who killed Yingcheng took out two pigeons from his crotch? This is even worse than the anti-Japanese drama hiding thunder in the crotch Lei Ren, who can tell me what kind of mentality this clown Sith has?"

"If you can understand him, you have reached the same level as him." Fu Yuanzhuo shuddered, "It's kind of creepy to suddenly pull out the corpses of two pigeons from his crotch."

"It's just two pigeons, what a big surprise!" Gu Feifei said impatiently, "Don't interrupt, just watch the drama!"

No matter how shocked the others were, Cheng Mo remained calm.He didn't look at the dead bodies of the two striking white doves at all. He knew that the trick of the magician was to use people's attention to create blind spots.He stared at the bony hands of Sith the Clown, to see what moves he would make next, what tricks he would play.

To Cheng Mo's surprise, the clown Sith had almost no extra movements. He immediately reached out and took off his pants, revealing a pair of slender and somewhat sickly legs. He faded aside, finally took off his shirt, piled the clothes into a pile and lit them with a lighter.

The dim yellow flames jumped in the poisonous gas, and the clown Sith standing beside him only had a pair of pants with a clown painted on him. That pair of pants was very joyful, and it was a long red nose in a special position.Cheng Mo glanced at it without hesitation, making sure there was nothing else to hide, and then looked at the pair of colorful stockings on his feet.

Perhaps noticing Cheng Mo's prudent gaze, the clown Sith pointed to his joyful underpants and asked, "Shall I take this off for you to see?" Then he wobbled like a real clown Turned around the fire, "Even a magician can't hide anything in this situation, and I'm just a clown."

"No, no need! Mr. Sith!" Cheng Mo replied, carefully observed the whole process from a distance of more than 20 meters, and he was not confused by the clown Sith's magic performance.He was sure that the clown Sith only had the remote control on him.According to the personality of the clown Sith, it is absolutely impossible to give such an important thing to other people, and after entering Ouyu's headquarters, it is completely meaningless to have more remote controls without him.

Cheng Mo became more and more determined. Even if the clown Sith had a "water holder", he was confident that he could destroy the remote control of the poison gas device with the "Seven Sins" and get back the "God Gene". As long as he can accomplish these two things, Killing the Clown Sith or not doesn't matter anymore.

"Oh! That's really good, but in order to prevent the plot from being harmonized because it is too R18, we still don't want to show such a plot"

"Thank you for your performance, Mr. Sith, so now we each go to put the things in our hands on the edge of the junction between the wall and the light."

"No problem, but before that, shouldn't you open this tube and let me see if there is a god gene in it?" The clown Sith, who only wore a pair of clown pants, said with a smile.

"It should be." Cheng Mo picked up the metal tube and pretended to observe it, then covered the metal tube with one hand pretending to be inadvertent, and turned the bottom cover with the other hand to make the dot move in the maze.Cheng Mo unscrewed the bottom cover with ease, and then poured out a crystal clear needle tube from it.

In the dense poisonous mist, the wine-red liquid is churning in the needle tube, but it does not give people the feeling that it is too hot to breathe like magma.It exudes a icy color and a bitter breath, making people who see it feel as if they are being blown by a cold wind on a hot summer day, refreshing the whole body and refreshing the brain.

"No problem?" Cheng Mo asked while holding up the haunting "God Gene".

(BGM—"call me Joker" Hildur Gunadóttir)

The red shimmer swirls in the culvert with the tumbling foam like a police light, and the wavy lines are reflected on the dark rock wall, which dims the blazing xenon headlights.Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire culvert became stagnant, and the sound of breathing that had been lurking in the poisonous fog and shadows was exposed.

Only Clown Sith and Cheng Mo could maintain even breathing.

Cheng Mo noticed that the clown Sith had the same mentality, and his vigilance was immediately raised. He knew that he was able to restrain his greed because he had personally injected the extremely precious "God Gene" into Xie Minyun's body. He had already experienced it once before, so he could be so calm this time.

Why is the clown Sith so calm?

"Could it be that he has really reached the highest state where he is neither happy with things nor sad with himself?" Cheng Mo wondered.

The clown Sith just casually looked at the God gene in Mo Mo's hand, nodded and said, "No problem."

In front of the clown Sith, Cheng Mo reinstalled the needle tube back into the metal tube, screwed the cap on, pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Such an important thing must be well protected." In fact, Cheng Mo did this just in case Clown Sith got the "God Gene" and used it immediately.

Clown Sith said indifferently: "It's getting late, let's start trading."

After finishing speaking, Sith the Clown picked up the remote control of the gas device and walked from the rubble towards his right hand, and the junction of the cone-shaped light on Cheng Mo's left hand and the wall.

Seeing this, Cheng Mo also took the "God Gene" and walked quickly to the right. The position Cheng Mo chose was exactly at the midpoint of the distance between the two, and it was only a distance of more than ten meters to walk diagonally.

In the silent culvert, there was only the sound of two people stepping on cinders, and everyone else waited with bated breath.

The clown Sith took the lead in walking to the junction of light and darkness at the side of the culvert wall. He bent down and stood the remote control on the side of the wall, then turned to Cheng Mo on the other side and said, "Look, I'm done!"

Cheng Mo also placed the God gene by the wall, where the light can shine, the metal tube containing the God gene shines in the light that penetrates the poisonous fog against the black rock wall, Cheng Mo stood up Looking at the clown Sith opposite him, he said, "I'm fine too." After a pause, Cheng Mo said, "Then we all raise our hands now, you move a few steps to the left, and I move a few steps to the right, keeping a certain distance." Keep a safe distance, and go get what belongs to each other." As he spoke, Cheng Mo raised his hands first, and took four steps to the left.

The clown Sith "hehe" smiled strangely, and also took four steps across, widening the horizontal distance with Cheng Mo, raised his hands and said in a low voice: "OK, then let's move forward together?"

"OK!" Cheng Mo took a step forward, it seemed that Cheng Mo's opinions were very fair, and they were all for the sake of each other's safety.In fact, this is Cheng Mo's deliberate trap to maximize his own advantages.At this time, he can avoid the attack range of the "Water Holder", while the silent "Seven Sins" can attack almost infinitely as long as they have enough energy.

Everything is moving in his favor according to his plan.

"Awesome! I believe this will be a perfect deal!" The clown Sith also followed Cheng Mo's pace and walked towards the opposite side.

The culvert was extremely quiet, only two people took one step after another, and the subtle and clear sound of footsteps echoed in the poisonous fog.

Perhaps it is to carry larger machinery into Ouyu headquarters. This culvert is wider and higher than ordinary culverts, but it is also limited in width, no more than eight or nine meters, and the railroad track is located in the center of the culvert.The sleepers stretched endlessly in the center of the culvert, which looked like the border between Chuhe and Han, while Cheng Mo and the clown Sith were like two soldiers who could only move forward but not retreat.

Their movements are so consistent that, if not in a straight line, they are mirror images of each other in two parallel lines.

Cheng Mo stared at the clown Sith diagonally opposite him. He was walking towards the railroad tracks in the poisonous fog, naked and barefoot. He didn't even look at Cheng Mo, just humming the unknown tune of "la la la la" Take a leisurely walk.Cheng Mo was sweating profusely. He knew that his time was limited and he couldn't hesitate.

Although this scene has been repeated countless times in his mind, and he has calculated countless variables, the worst result is that he can only get one of the "God Gene" and "Remote Control", And exposed that he had the "Seven Sins".

"Why not play games with no losses?"

"But didn't everything go a little too smoothly?"

"Although the rules I made are all impartial, and I just secretly favored myself with the 'Seven Sins', but the clown Sith was just a little dissatisfied at the beginning, and he didn't raise any objections at all later."

Cheng Motian was fighting, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart. At this moment, he and the clown Sith are only a few steps away from the middle railroad track. If they want to move forward, they will lose the advantage of the surprise of the "Seven Sins", and time is running out He continued to think.

To take the poison gas remote control steadily, or to be greedy and try to fight for both, for Cheng Mo, it is one of the most difficult choices he has ever encountered in his life.

This is not a multiple choice question on the test paper.

Wrong, just hit a red cross and deduct a few points.

This is a multiple choice question at a critical moment in life.

Each option represents a different life trajectory, and even determines life or death.

The pressure blocked Cheng Mo's throat like a lead block, making his breathing difficult and his heartbeat unstable.

The poisonous fog in front of him became thicker, and the clown Sith, who was bouncing not far away, was like a ferryman on the "Forget River".He propped a flat boat on the misty long river, humming demonic songs, and walked step by step to the other shore of immortality.

When the tide of thoughts was turbulent, Cheng Mo remembered the ugly face of Commander Michelle, and remembered his suppressed desire.

"If you don't dare to take a chance under such circumstances, maybe you will never have the courage to face the clown Sith in the future, and what will happen next if you really let the clown Sith get the 'God gene'?" Cheng Momo didn't dare to think about it, his hand raised high in the air was clenched into a fist, and when he was halfway to the railroad track, he, a soldier who couldn't retreat at all, became a deserter.

"Shoot!" Cheng Mo yelled, and at the same time, a golden light grew in his hand and rushed towards the opposite remote control, while he turned around and rushed towards the "God Gene" behind him.He is only about two meters away from the "God gene", but the clown Sith is currently a full four meters away from the God gene.

With Fu Yuanzhuo and the others shooting to stop the clown Sith, whether it is the God gene or the remote control of the poison gas device, he should be able to get it by virtue of the surprise of the "Seven Sins".

Nothing goes wrong with the plan.

The crackling sound of blue electric current passing through the air was heard, and the bright gunfire of the assault rifle exploded in the darkness.Electric lights and bullets were madly pouring towards the clown Sith, and the red, blue, yellow, and white lights illuminated the entire culvert.

Cheng Mo heard Gu Feifei's excited cry. There is no doubt that the clown Sith, who has nothing on, is an eye-catching target under the xenon headlights. He must use the "water holder" to defend himself, so that he has enough Grab all the "God Gene" and "remote control" in time.

Cheng Mo knows everything that is about to happen without looking.

The "Seven Sins" pulled out a straight white light in the poisonous mist, and when it reached the remote control, it seemed to be alive, tightly wrapped around the remote control, and then the shining white light bound the remote control and began to retract.

Having already got the remote control, Cheng Mo's heart was mostly settled. He glanced at the location of the clown Sith from the corner of his eye, and at the same time flew towards the "God Gene" he placed at the junction of light and darkness.

Once you get the "God Gene", you just need to escape from Ouyu's headquarters and everything will be over.

Cheng Mo has full confidence in escaping from Ouyu's headquarters controlled by "Nuwa".

Victory is at hand.

However, in his field of vision, the clown Sith, who was supposed to be shooting with the water bearer to defend against lightning and bullets, was not where he should be.

There were a few gentle ripples in the yellow-green poisonous mist, but there was no one there.

Cheng Mo was terrified, he turned his head in mid-air, like a goalkeeper who was throwing a penalty kick in the wrong direction, looking back to see where the crucial football is now.

Time slowed down, like a videotape with worn film in slow motion.The air is covered with fine snowflakes, making all the scenes abstract. Not far away, the embers of the clothes lit by the clown Sith are flying, and sparks rise like fireflies in the poisonous fog.The blue lightning and red bullet marks passed through the place where the clown Sith should have been, and went straight to the pile of rocks.

A dull sound of "Boom!" rang in Cheng Mo's eardrums, and Cheng Mo, who was in mid-air, was hit by a knee that came out of the void, and hit his waist without any tricks. Mo straightly smashed towards the rock wall.

When Cheng Mo fell to the wall, he saw the clown Sith clearly wearing only a pair of clown pants.


In Cheng Mo's mind, a skill that could not exist in human beings rose up.His brain seemed to have been hit hard with a big stick, and all the cerebral cortex was trembling.A piece of information that could never be guessed flashed through my mind: "Could it be that the clown Sith has also been injected with the 'God gene'?"

"But why does a person who has been injected with the 'God gene' want to get the 'God gene' so much?" Cheng Momo couldn't understand.

Unbelievable failure engulfed Cheng Mo, and he fell heavily to the ground.But at this moment, he hadn't lost his composure. Cheng Mo immediately wanted to control the "Seven Sins" to grab the remote control of the poison gas device, but at this moment he saw a blue light flashing across his eyes, and the invincible "Seven Sins" was captured. The water handler cut it off, and the remote control with the screen on fell from mid-air into the black cinders.

The clown Sith flew up and kicked Cheng Mo in the stomach, he gave a strange laugh, and said in a very mocking tone: "Why are you greedy? Greed is not a good habit! Sai Lun! Look You could have taken the remote control of the gas device. And now. Nothing. Nothing!"

Cheng Mo's abdomen twitched, and the severe pain made him completely lose his strength.He quickly shook off the heavy frustration, and he knew that at this time, he couldn't let Sith the Clown see that he cared.Cheng Mo knows that he has no chance of winning against the clown Sith who has been injected with the "God gene" and the water holder. The only thing he can rely on is his understanding of the clown Sith.

Cheng Mo collected the "Seven Sins" that was retracted in his hand, and a little light disappeared, which symbolized that he gave up resistance. Cheng Mo's brain was running wildly, but he was curled up by the wall like a dead dog.A call from Fu Yuanzhuo and the others came from the communication channel. Cheng Mo covered his head and pretended to groan while whispering, "You are now. Take Commander Michelle and leave immediately. This is an order."

The clown Sith brushed his sparse green curly hair, panting and said: "It's really beyond my expectations, Salem. I made a deal with you with all my heart, but you are counting on me because you have an artifact. You make me so sad Yes. Can you feel how heartbroken I am right now?"

He said it was "unexpected", but there was no "unexpected" in the tone of the clown Sith, just like when he said "sad", there was also no "sadness".

".Do you know this feeling?" The clown Sith swung his right foot and kicked Cheng Mo's head fiercely. Cheng Mo hugged his head and tightly protected the mask and respirator to prevent his life. The gadget takes a little damage.However, this seemingly powerful kick on the arm was far less unbearable than Cheng Mo imagined.

It still hurts, but it is far from the force that the carrier can exert.

Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun's body had wrestled, and it was obvious that the clown Sith's body was far less powerful than the carrier, and the power that Xie Minyun's body could control was far worse.

Cheng Mo didn't believe that the clown Sith was merciful. He endured the severe pain and looked out from the gap in his arms with empty eyes. The blue water bearer was spinning around the clown Sith, like a shield blocking all obstacles. Bullets and electricity.In the flickering light, the clown Sith's skin texture showed a blue color, just like the blood flowing under the pale skin was blue.

This is completely different from Xie Minyun's situation.

When he was on the verge of death, he still had the leisure to distinguish the state of the clown Sith's body, and only a rational and perverted person like Cheng Mo could do it.

Because Cheng Mo knows that the danger of death is in front of him, and he must seize every tiny opportunity.The more he was in the extreme state, the calmer Cheng Mo became.Cheng Mo lowered his arms and sat up from the ground with difficulty. He raised his head and looked at the eyes covered with black paint behind the plexiglass mask without any timidity. Those light blue pupils were full of bright lights. The shadows are like clouds that the sun cannot penetrate. Cheng Mo clenched his fists to hold back the pain and asked in a low voice, "How does it feel?"

The clown Sith bent down and picked up the remote control in his clown pants, he tilted his head, half squatted and looked at Cheng Mo's eyes, piercing into Cheng Mo's eyes like sharp swords, Said in a joking tone: "It's like a beloved toy, the feeling of being taken away by others"

Trembling, Cheng Mo leaned over and picked up the metal pipe beside him, leaned against the wall and reached out to hand the metal pipe to the clown Sith, "No, Mr. Sith, no one can take your toys away."

The clown Sith didn't take over the metal tube containing the "God gene" immediately, he laughed at Cheng Mo's unscrupulous "haha": "Sai Lun, although the ending is disappointing. But I have to say that you acted in this play It's great." Sith the Clown shrugged his shoulders, "If...if I hadn't just picked up a handful of Philip's water holder, maybe your ending would not be so bad. At least, you still have chips to talk about. The clown Sith stood up, looked down at Cheng Mo, who was dripping with sweat, and said with a smile, "But it's a pity, maybe the situation is not so favorable for you now!"

Cheng Mo pretended to be indifferent and said: "Mr. Sith, I still have Commander Michel and his nuclear bomb button in my hand. I think we still have a basis for doing business."

"Really?" The clown Sith looked around, he picked up the "Water Carrier" floating beside him, pressed it against Cheng Mo's throat, and shouted in the direction of the front of the subway, "Hey! You two don't hide Come out quickly, if you don't come out, I will kill him immediately"

Cheng Mo's heart sank.

After a while, Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei, who was riding an electric donkey, came out of the poisonous fog with lights on the subway.

"Cheng Mo, are you okay?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked eagerly.

Gu Feifei grabbed the machine gun on the eDonkey's head and shouted in English: "Joker, let him go. If you don't let him go, I'll shoot your head right away!"

The clown Sith turned his head to look at Cheng Mo and asked, "Is this your partner? Isn't it too rude?"

Cheng Mo didn't know how to evaluate the behavior of Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei. In short, he was a little touched, but felt that they were impulsive and stupid.Cheng Mo didn't even look at Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifan. He raised his hand and made a stop gesture to them, then turned his head and said: "His personality is a bit irritable, and it may be because he has always lacked education. Give him a lesson, let him understand how cruel this world is"

"I don't do such thankless things." The clown Sith moved the water bearer away from Cheng Mo's neck and put it on his shoulder. He turned to look at Gu Feifan and Fu Yuanzhuo, and said loudly : "It's really affectionate and righteous! Boys! I like your sincere feelings. It reminds me of the puppy my mother gave me when I was a child!"

The clown Sith paced back and forth beside Cheng Mo, his weakness was within reach, but with the experience of failure, Cheng Mo stared at the side of the clown Sith and dared not act rashly.

"What was that dog's name? Pete, Dick, Mike, Nick. Oh! I don't remember exactly, but it was a little wolfhound that my mother gave me for my eighth birthday, and she put that The dog and a letter stayed, and then ran off alone, saying it was Pete, Dick, Mike, Nick. Maybe it was JOKER, anyway, it was the dog who didn't know what the name was called to protect me. I was naive at the time and believed and then that night, my stepfather came home and he asked where my mother had gone? I said. Dad, I don't know, but she left a letter I couldn't read at the time, didn't know it said What. I only know that my stepfather picked up a copper buckle belt and whipped me non-stop after reading the letter. I was in pain, so I burst into tears. My stepfather asked me: Idiot, why are you crying? The barking puppy in the corner said: Mom said he would protect me. Guess what my stepfather said?"

The clown Sith's speech style is so eloquent, very bewitching and contagious, making you fall into the plot he described involuntarily.As two newcomers, the first brothers who have not yet become the chosen ones, Gu Feifan and Fu Yuanzhuo were completely suppressed by the insane and incomparable aura of the clown Sith. Sri Lanka's reputation.The two stood there unable to move, and could not even speak.

The clown Sith didn't expect anyone to answer, he raised the water holder on his shoulders and shook it, letting the blue light illuminate his gloomy face: "He grabbed the puppy and said to me: Jack, only you can protect yourself in this world, no one can protect others, even if someone can protect you once, he can’t protect you all the time, neither can a dog. You see, it will only bark unless you give it bone, then maybe it will bark harder."

The clown Sith stopped talking, and it took a while before he continued: "The next day I dragged my bruised body, took the letter, and set off to find my mother with that puppy in my arms." He pointed at his head, " Although I am illiterate but I am very smart, I found the place where my mother works through the letter. It is far away from the town, it is a big city, I have no money to take a bus, I want to get on a bus, but the dog in my arms is in Called, so I was thrown down by the conductor. It was a bit cold in winter, and I walked dozens of kilometers alone. Finally, I found my mother, but my mother sent me to the orphanage, saying that there was food and places there. I stomped the puppy to death in front of her mother asked me why and I said because I had no bones to feed it."

The gloomy voice of the clown Sith echoed in the culvert, like a cello that was about to die, and like a calm but disgusting river of garbage, which made people feel extremely heavy.

At this time, 6 minutes have already passed, but in this case, activating the carrier is courting death. Cheng Mo can only stand up against the wall, stroking his burning and painful abdomen, and said in a deep voice: "This is really a sad story. , but looking at your current achievements, why do I think the orphanage is also a good choice?"

The clown Sith "hahahaha" laughed strangely. He laughed for a long time before turning his head to look at Cheng Mo and said, "Look, Sai Lun, you are still too naive." Just then the clown Sith stopped talking, and he turned his head to look Look at the direction of the front of the subway.

Cheng Mo also followed the line of sight of the clown Sith, and found that Du Leng, Guan Bojun, Zhu Lingqi and the poor Commander Michel were escorted by six men wearing Ouyu exoskeletons and holding electromagnetic guns.

Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei also realized that the situation was wrong, and when they turned around, they found that they were surrounded and aimed at from behind, and there were still their own people in the opponent's hands. Fu Yuanzhuo could only put down his gun and raise his hand to surrender.

Gu Feifei was a little reconciled, and didn't let go of the machine gun turret on the eDonkey's head immediately. Before he could turn around, he was knocked off the eDonkey's back by a professional terrorist, fell to the ground, and gnawed cinder.

Cheng Mo closed his eyes, as if even the last glimmer of hope had been shattered.

"There is no need to be afraid, my dear Sai Lun. I will not hurt you." The clown Sith squatted down, he watched Cheng Mo and said softly, "But now you seem to be spoiled by love and friendship Child, I have to help you grow up well."

Cheng Mo opened his eyes and said calmly: "No, Mr. Sith, I'm not afraid. In fact, I had a serious heart attack when I was a child. The eyes of the god of death are staring at me all the time. Maybe you won't I understand that feeling. The thing I fear most every day is falling asleep. As the night falls, I seem to feel that the room is getting smaller and smaller. The bedroom I like, the only space that belongs to me, is getting smaller and smaller. It oppresses me so that I dare not enter the sleep where I don’t know if I can wake up tomorrow. I often have nightmares. In my dreams, there are all kinds of horrible things approaching me, maybe the faces of dead people hanging from the ceiling, Maybe it was a boa constrictor hanging there, or something more terrifying. I would wake up suddenly, then sit up in bed, grab the quilt, and stare into the darkness with wide eyes. The accompanying death made me extremely anxious, just like the movie The protagonist in , needs to escape from an extremely dangerous environment, maybe a room with rising water level, maybe the gap between two steel doors that are closing. This kind of fear has a domino effect, and every attack Both lead to more seizures and more fear until you're scared even to close your eyes."

Clown Sith shook his head: "Continue to say I'm listening."

Cheng Mo stroked the position of his chest and said in a low voice: "Conquering fear is not an easy task. In fact, I may have never overcome it, but as time goes by, I have gradually learned to face the fear of death." , I learned to take it for granted, people have to learn to survive in a difficult environment, I made every effort to make my body healthy, and then when I closed my eyes every day, I said to myself that fear is useless, what should come will always come Yes, even if you can't face it with a smile, there is no need to add unnecessary burdens to yourself. It is meaningless. Now I have gone through many stages of fear and have a deeper understanding of the nature of fear. From constant fear , to the constriction during a panic attack, I know that fear can play different tricks on my body and mind. However, through growth and mindfulness, I have transcended fear. The God of death has taken care of me for so many years, and I have found a way to face way of fear."

"Yo!" The clown Sith stretched out his hand and raised Cheng Mo's chin, he said loudly, "You really are a heart-wrenching little fellow. No wonder you can find a beautiful girlfriend and a group of hot-blooded friends." Clown Xi Si Si paused, "But believe me, they are not suitable for you, you are just like me. You can only live alone"

"I don't think so." Cheng Mo pushed the clown Sith's hand away.

"Aha! This is not a curse!" The clown Sith shrugged, "It's a prophecy."

"I'm sorry, but I believe in a physical world view. In my world, there are no constellations, no fortune-telling, no blood type, no personality analysis, and my destiny is one of my ideas."

"Believe it or not, I can see your future." The clown Sith tilted his head, he grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and dragged Cheng Mo up, "Now, I will show you a great show first!"

Cheng Mo staggered, and was dragged by the clown Sith to the direction of the front of the train. He saw that other people were surrounded by the group of terrorists on the rails, where the xenon headlights could reach.

Guan Bojun squatted on the ground holding his head and shivering, like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.Du Leng, Zhu Lingqi, and Fu Yuanzhuo also squatted, putting their hands on the back of their heads, in standard prisoner mode.As for Gu Feihua, who was still lying on the ground, unable to get up, a hanging electromagnetic gun was pointing at his forehead intentionally or unintentionally.

Only Commander Michel was treated better. He was standing in the middle of the crowd carrying the box with only the "nuclear button" left.

Clown Sith looked back at Cheng Mo and said, "Oh! It's time for the five of you to do multiple-choice questions again. Think carefully about which companions you want to survive. I'll ask you after I set off a firework." Clown Xi Si Si put his face next to Cheng Mo's cheek, "Help you become a better person."

Hearing this sentence, the shadows trembled.

The clown Sith let go of Cheng Mo's hand. He walked up to Commander Michelle, grabbed the "Water Holder" and bowed to Commander Michelle: "Great King of France! Michelle Your Excellency! It's an honor to meet you again!" Then he straightened up and raised the "Water Carrier" to push aside Commander Michel's suit.

This abnormal behavior frightened Commander Michelle and yelled in horror: "What are you doing?"

The clown Sith moved his eyes from the blue plaid tie of Commander Michelle until he was level with Commander Michelle before saying: "Don't be nervous, Your Excellency Commander." He looked up, "I just think This tie of yours is quite to my taste, I hope you can lend me to wear it."

Commander Michel rolled his throat, put down the box in his hand, took off the tie tremblingly, and handed it to the clown Sith tremblingly.

The clown Sith took the tie, bowed slightly and said, "Thank you." Then the clown Sith reached out and tapped Commander Michelle's chest twice, "But I seem to be lacking a shirt to match!"

Commander Michel hurriedly took off his shirt, and consciously handed the suit to the clown Sith.

"I didn't expect you to be so generous!" The clown Sith stroked his chest and bowed slightly again. He inserted the "Water Carrier" on the ground, took a close look at the suit and shirt, and said to Commander Michelle: " This is probably the most expensive suit I've ever worn, and I'm so grateful to you!" Sith the clown said as he cast his eyes on Commander Michelle's pants.

Commander Michel dared not speak, but immediately untied his belt, took off his trousers and shoes, and handed them over to Sith the Clown. He stood on the sleeper, wearing only a white vest and a pair of shorts. Shivering.

"Oh!" The clown Sith took the trousers from Commander Michelle, glanced at them while wearing them, and said, "I hope you didn't pee your pants just now!"

"Of course not," Commander Michelle stammered.

The clown Sith put on his suit, straightened his tie, and suddenly pulled out the "Water Carrier" that was inserted at the side, and put it on the shoulder of Commander Michelle. He gently touched the neck of Commander Michelle While stroking the Oceanus sword, he said with a strange smile: "Now I still need you to do me one last favor, I wonder if you are willing?"

"What's the matter?" Commander Michelle asked tremblingly.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency the Grand Commander! Let's try to imagine a scenario first, for example, what would happen if you didn't agree to help me, but you were killed by me!" The clown Sith twitched the water holder back and forth. The Waterman "lights up the profile of Commander Michelle," and "want to see those dirty newspapers...and those disgusting social networking sites when they send out your black and white photos. They will spend dozens of pages to introduce Your life, counting your achievements, and then talking about your poor performance in this incident, will definitely criticize you. As for how much you love this country, how hard you worked for it, and even died noblely for this country , and everything will disappear. People will only remember that Paris was gassed in your hands, and the conspirators behind Napoleon VII will jump out to fight for the hearts of the people. I think you should know that he is doing it now, maybe after you die, He will slander you even more unscrupulously, and use this to restore the monarchy. Your great French commander died in this tunnel like a mouse for this country, but in the end he was hung on the pillar of shame in history and let others flog you. You You don't even deserve a state funeral, no one will lay flowers for you, they will even spit on your grave. As for your poor wife and daughter, they will soon put a distance from you. No doubt your beautiful wife will find Another man married in a hurry and your daughter doesn't want to mention you and refuses to even acknowledge you as her father because you're sorry for the position you're in"

"What. What do you mean?" Commander Michelle glanced sideways at the "Water Holder" by his neck and asked in fear.

"I have a good way to relieve all your troubles!" The clown Sith said in a bewitching tone, "No matter what happens, you can still sit firmly in your current position."

Commander Michel asked subconsciously: "What way?"

The clown Sith stood on tiptoe, pointed to the box at Commander Michelle's feet with his left index finger and said, "Open this box, press that nuclear button." While speaking, the clown Sith suddenly shook the "Water Holder", hitting At the same time, he stabbed the Duke of Sutherland standing behind Michelle with a sword, and the clown Sith yelled with a strange smile, "... shoot the nuclear bomb at the country that launched this terrorist attack, Only a complete explosion can divert the attention of the people!"

Commander Michelle saw the light blue pupils of the clown Sith getting closer, his eyes widened in horror, and his body softened all of a sudden.

Although the sword was extremely fast, the Duke of Sutherland, who had always been on high alert, reacted when the clown Sith shouted. He subconsciously waved the electromagnetic gun in his hand to block, preventing the "Water Holder" from stabbing his neck. Pierce in half.

But the power of the "Water Carrier" is too powerful, and the electromagnetic gun can't resist it at all. With a single tap, the "Water Carrier" cut off the electromagnetic gun, cut through the exoskeleton, and pulled the electromagnetic gun on the Duke of Sutherland's chest. There was a long bloodstain, the Duke of Sutherland made a decisive decision, screamed "Kill him", turned and fled.

Clown Sith shouted at the Duke of Sutherland's back: "Your Excellency, don't go! You haven't taken the gift I gave you!"

The terrorists' civil war started, but this sword came too unexpectedly, and the outcome was decided almost instantly.The three terrorists who had been prepared for a long time stabbed the two people caught in the middle to death with their daggers. The technique was exactly the same as that of Cheng Mo, using the dagger to penetrate the joint of the helmet and the exoskeleton at the neck.

Although the Red Lions of England died before they had time to react, they bought time for the Duke of Sutherland to escape. He bowed his body and rushed into the poisonous fog quickly.

At this moment of lightning and flint, Cheng Mo said softly: "Nuwa starts the subway!" At the same time, a white light shot out from his hand, and the "Seven Sins" moved towards the commander Michel behind the clown Sith. Straight through.

The clown Sith turned around and chopped off the "Water Holder" trying to cut off the "Seven Sins", but Cheng Mo, who had been prepared for a long time, let the "Seven Sins" draw an arc to avoid the edge of the "Water Holder", like Commander Michel rolled around like a snake, and the tip of the sword pierced the temple of Commander Michel, who was slumped on the sleeper.

The clown Sith stopped attacking and looked at Cheng Mo, and said with a half-smile: "Oh, Siren, don't you want to see the historic moment when the nuclear war breaks out? The most magnificent fireworks are about to light up, and the new world is coming soon."

"Mr. Sith, I have no interest in your plan. Now I just hope you don't move. Please believe me. Even if you can kill me, I can definitely kill Commander Michel by reflex. Now I Your nerves are tense, you must not accidentally stimulate me, so that your nuclear bomb fireworks will never explode."

"It turns out that you just told me how you overcame fear for a long time, just to pave the way for this moment." The clown Sith turned his head and looked at Commander Michelle, who was once again a hostage of Cheng Mo, the bright red blood flowed down His temple was dripping down, a line of blood pooling at the visor.Commander Michelle, who was terrified, really peed his pants this time. A puddle of urine had collected on the sleeper, and Commander Michelle's teeth were still chattering. The clown Sith put down the "Water Holder" in his hand, and said nonchalantly, "Oh! Salem, I will be angry if you keep fighting against me like this."

Cheng Mo shook his head and said, "I didn't mean to stop you, I just wanted to take my companions away and now please go to the other side of the railway track with your people."

The clown Sith didn't move, he tilted his head to look at Cheng Mo and said, "Then do you still remember the story I told you at the beginning?"

"Sorry, I don't think the same way as you do."

"Okay!" The clown Sith spread his hands, and then he swung his sword like lightning, and a blue light flashed, directly cutting through the respirator of Zhu Lingqi who was closest to him. Zhu Lingqi spurted blood from his mouth and immediately fell to his knees. On the ground, there was a weak neigh of "ho ho".The clown Sith waved his hand to Cheng Mo, and made a gesture of invitation, "Come on Sai Lun, now it's your turn!"

"Brother Qi!" Fu Yuanzhuo wanted to support Zhu Lingqi but was kicked to the ground by the terrorists at the side.

Gu Feihua next to him struggled to stand up, but was kicked twice hard, and curled up like a shrimp.

Cheng Mo's veins bulged while holding the "Seven Sins", and the "Seven Sins" became tighter and tighter, piercing into the temple of Commander Michelle, and his sharp screams echoed in the poisonous fog.

"help me!"

"help me!"

Commander Michelle shouted hoarsely.

The clown Sith didn't go to see Commander Michelle, but just stared into Cheng Mo's eyes and "hummed" with a strange smile: "It seems that I haven't killed the person who has the best relationship with you. Salem, you are so lucky "The clown Sith swung his sword and pointed at Fu Yuanzhuo, "I don't know if the next one is that you only have one card in your hand, but I have six cards, even if I knock out one card, I still have five cards. Your one and only card? Stop bluffing. You can't protect anyone but yourself. You see, like me."

Even though Cheng Mo had said something earlier and would not care about their lives, but when this moment really came, Cheng Mo was oppressed by a nightmare pressure and couldn't breathe.Cheng Mo was sweating profusely, and felt that he had once again fallen into the nightmare he had when he was a child.He needs to escape from an extremely dangerous environment, maybe a room with rising water level, maybe the gap between two steel doors that are closing.In the dream, you just need to wake up, but in reality, the more awake you are, the more powerless you feel.

Clown Sith snapped his fingers and said: "Now I am willing to give you a chance. I will make a fair deal with you. Commander Michelle's life can be exchanged for someone's life. You can choose someone to let him go, or You can leave on your own, but for those who stay, I will give him a perfect ending, and there will be absolutely no sequels." The clown Sith pointed at Cheng Mo, "Including you, too, Seren, now, I will give you Ten seconds to think about it, I will start killing people after ten seconds. I personally expect you to watch me kill them one by one, and then watch me press the nuclear missile button before leaving. Of course, if you lack such interest, I will I won't stop you either."

Cheng Mo's heart sank to the bottom, facing a lunatic like Sith the Clown, any threat was meaningless.

"Oh! I think I didn't run away from home alone back then. How about I give you another preferential treatment and let you choose a puppy to take him away?" The clown Sith gave a strange smile, "Look how I treat you it is good?"

Cheng Mo was very anxious, he asked Nuwa to start the subway, but the subway didn't move, maybe it was because the subway was completely broken, or maybe the front of the car couldn't move due to the derailment of the carriage behind, in short, he had nothing to do.




The clown started counting down, and his timing sounded like a piercing screeching of sharp iron objects hitting glass. The sound strongly stimulated Cheng Mo's eardrums and made his heartbeat become disordered.Cheng Mo didn't dare to look at Fu Yuanzhuo and the others, his mind was full of images of Zhu Lingqi spouting blood and kneeling on the ground.





The clown Sith bent down and looked at Cheng Mo. He narrowed the distance with Cheng Mo out of thin air, chattering and laughing: "I can't wait! Sai Lun! Why hesitate? Waiting can't change fate!"

 Happy new year everyone
(End of this chapter)

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