Rebel Demon King

Chapter 945 see you again (4)

Chapter 945 see you again (4)

(updated with [-] words)

Gu Feifei went back to the first floor by himself. The small voices in the darkness were like the tingling sound effects in ghost movies. It turns out that he thinks that ghost movies are scary because of the sound. As long as the sound is turned off, it will not be so scary. .

Now he understands that the key to scaring a ghost movie is not the sound effects, but the creation of the atmosphere.

It is the trick of director Jiuliu to scare people with sound effects.

It's like those who engage in pornography to cheat subscriptions are all online writers.

However, the current atmosphere is definitely not suitable for pornography, but it is very suitable for ghost movies.Looking around, the corpses are scattered all over the field, and everyone's death is weird and strange, like sleeping zombies, especially those corpses by the wall, under the pale light of the emergency lights, their eyes are wide open and their mouths are also open. He is very open, and it seems that he may jump up at any time to say hello to him and say "Merry Christmas".

Gu Feifei couldn't help but shuddered and clenched the gun in his hand.If there was another way to choose, he would not go through the entrance like a concentration camp again if he was killed, but this is the only passage leading to the above-ground building.

At this moment, he regretted that he had said categorically that one person could complete the task in order to pretend to be forceful. Now that he recalled that time, he turned around in an uneasy way, and Xiang Cheng tacitly said, "It's a bit difficult to be alone."Even if there is only Guan Bojun, that good-for-nothing companion, it is better than being alone now.

Maybe seeing Guan Bojun shivering like a quail, he won't be so scared.

Gu Feifei was thinking about messy things and wanted to distract himself.But those cold faces remind him how dangerous his situation is all the time. This is not a "land of relics", and he is not in a carrier state. If he dies, he will have no chance of resurrection.

Gu Feifei still knew this in his heart, he shook his head as if trying to get rid of all the messy thoughts, forcibly concentrated his attention, and walked cautiously in the direction of the entrance.

When he was about to reach the gate that looked like the subway ticket office, a faint voice came from the depths of the hall. Gu Feifei thought "it's not good", slowed down and walked along the wall to step on the corpses that had begun to harden. He tiptoed past the direction of the iron gate.

A long stainless steel gate divides the hall at the entrance into two sections. There is a raised load-bearing column at the connection between the gate and the wall. The thick square load-bearing column forms a ninety-degree angle with the wall.Gu Feifei stuck his body in the corner of the wall, stepped on a dead body, and squatted down.Then he cautiously looked towards the iron gate. Several people wearing Ouyu-style exoskeletons in the night vision device seemed to be installing bombs at the gate.

Gu Feifei cursed inwardly, "Fuck", with the protection of the exoskeleton, even if it is replaced with armor-piercing bullets, it will not be so fatal at a long distance, unless a shot directly hits the mask, respirator or neck.He counted the number of people again, four people, and he was only one, even if one died directly, there were still three.
"One hit three?" Gu Feifei was quite confident in his shooting skills, and he had already sentenced one of them to death.He retreated to the corner, leaned against the marble wall and began to think about countermeasures. After much deliberation, the best way at this time was to seek help.But the scene of Xiao Sa talking harshly to Cheng Mo just now is still vivid in his mind, and the thought of asking for help flashed in his mind, he gritted his teeth and said in his heart: "Admit it? How can I, Gu Feifan, admit it!"

"If you don't admit it, you can't go there rashly." Gu Feihua said to himself, he breathed a sigh of relief, and began to observe. Although the stainless steel gate standing in the middle is not wide, it is also a good cover in the dark. Crouching down will also greatly block the line of sight and limit your own shooting. As long as the opponent spreads out and rushes this way, he can't deal with it alone. It would be much easier if there were two people.How can we be sure that nothing will go wrong?Gu Feifei was a little worried, and he looked at the iron gate again. The other party was laying explosives in the corner of the wall. When the other party finished laying the explosives, he would definitely come here to hide. By then, it would be too late.

"I can't drag it on any longer." Gu Feifei closed his eyes and thought, and then opened them again. He put down the submachine gun and took out the pistol at his waist and installed the silencer. The first enemy could not reveal his position, so he could only use the pistol.After installing the muffler, Gu Feifei lay down on the stomach, planning to lie down and deal with one first.

As soon as he got down on the ground, he saw the hideous face of a middle-aged man wearing a Santa hat.Gu Feifei quickly closed his eyes, and prayed in his heart: "The grievance has its leader, and the debt has its owner. The one who killed you was Cheng Mo, that villain. If you want to seek revenge, you can find him. I have no money with Gu Feifei." Relationship. I stepped on you a few times just now. I really had to. When I return to China, I will definitely burn a thousand billions to you!" Thinking about how little money seems to be a little bit less, Gu Feifei said in his heart, "There is still money to bring. There is a Dabieye building in the swimming pool, and a Bugatti Veyron. There are some hot blonde girls”

After praying, Gu Feifei wanted to move to the side. There was a fat woman next to her. Her appearance was a bit unflattering. This situation was even more horrible.Not to mention the pair of black eyes staring straight at him, and the dark red tongue sticking out long.Gu Feifei's face collapsed in an instant, his whole body was hairy, and he still wanted to vomit.

Suddenly, Gu Feifei felt that the four Ouyu guards were not his biggest obstacle, but these corpses made him feel at a loss and difficult to deal with.I cursed "Fuck" again in my heart, and sighed, "It would be nice if there were not so many corpses."Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and he stood up again, looked up, and saw a row of huge electronic display screens hanging above the gate.

He turned his head to look at the angle of the wall behind him, took it into consideration, hung the submachine gun behind his back, and climbed up like a spider with his hands on the wall. This kind of difficulty was not difficult for Gu Feihua, who had the help of an exoskeleton. It's difficult.

When he reached the position parallel to the display screen, he used the powerful force of the exoskeleton to jam himself between the [-]-degree walls. With a strong flashlight to provide lighting, the two are still laying explosives.Gu Feifei took a visual inspection, and found that he was in such a high position in the pitch-black darkness that he was basically a blind spot for vision, or a blind spot for thinking.

As long as he can quietly move to the side screen, he will surely win.

Gu Feifei turned his head to look at the electronic display screen that was within reach, swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and silently prayed in his heart that the quality of the gadgets produced by the French would be a little better. He leaned sideways and reached out to grab the stainless steel pipe that connected the display to the roof. .After a little effort, feeling that this thing should be able to bear his own weight, Gu Feifei swung his body towards the display screen like an ape.

After all, he is 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than 140 kilograms, plus the exoskeleton weighs at least [-] kilograms. It is inevitable that there will be a little movement when such a heavy weight is hung on the screen.In absolute silence, the display screen made a light "click".

"It's over!" Gu Feifei thought, his heart almost jumped out of his throat...

At this moment, countless thoughts emerged from the bottom of his heart, whether to jump down and fight to the death, or to gamble that the other party would not be able to see in the dark, he had no idea at all, he just lifted his legs up with his intuition, like a gymnast Lift your legs high and hang parallel in mid-air.

He grasped the stainless steel tube with one hand, and the edge of the display with the other, and couldn't see anything because it was covered by the pitch-black display.In his panic, he could only hear the other party seeming to have stopped laying the explosives, as well as the slight sound of trampling on the corpse.Gu Feifei's hair stood on end, his pores looked like a faucet turned on, but after a while, his whole body became drenched with sweat, and a few strands of salty sweat flowed down his bangs to the corners of his eyes. He felt so uncomfortable that he was forced to cry up.

Soon Gu Feihua realized that the other party didn't shoot, that means they didn't find him, which made Gu Feihua heave a sigh of relief, and his dead brain became active again.

He sighed in his heart that the domineering president's personality is really not easy to set up. Thinking of this episode, Gu Feifei burst into tears, and he missed more and more that following Cheng Mo doesn't need to use his brain, as long as he obeys orders, he has no brains.

Gu Feifei held his breath and tried his best to maintain the gymnastics movements. After a while, when he felt that his back was sore and his hands were about to be unable to hold on, he finally heard the other party say a few birdsong, and the sound of laying explosives sounded again. He let go of his already numb legs.

Hanging in the air for a while, Gu Feifei gently pulled out the safety lock on his waist, hung it on the stainless steel pipe, adjusted the length, and turned his body sideways while grabbing the monitor like a stuntman.He slowly jammed his left leg into the gap between the monitor and the ceiling.

With a point of leverage, you can free your hands.

After adjusting the night vision device slightly and blinking his pantothenic acid eyes again, Gu Feifei took out a pistol from his waist, grabbed the edge of the display screen with his left hand, and stretched the pistol with his right hand from the middle between the display screen and the wall.

At the corner of the iron gate, one person was on guard, the other was holding a strong flashlight for lighting, and two people walking on the stairs were about to lay explosives along the wall to the ceiling.

Gu Feifei thought for a while, and pointed the pistol with the silencer at the guard who was on guard. Only this person was facing him, and the possibility of completing the kill was the greatest.

He aimed at the opponent's respirator. The exoskeleton provided him with strong stability. After taking a deep breath, he firmly pulled the trigger.Although the power of the bullet has been reduced by the installation of a silencer, it is still a breeze to penetrate the respirator and shoot it into the mouth.

The soft sound of "pop" disturbed the dark silence.

The vigilant guards fell on their backs, and the submachine guns in their hands fired desperately at the ceiling, and the bullets and flames stirred up the thin poisonous mist.

The two people who were laying explosives fell down in a panic.The other guard holding a light immediately lay on the ground and turned the light around at the same time, but the hall was so high that the light might not even be able to touch the ceiling when standing, let alone when lying down.

Seeing that the other party didn't notice the height at all, Gu Feifei was determined. He raised his pistol and stared at the man holding the strong flashlight in the darkness shrouded in poisonous fog, waiting for him to lift his head from behind the corpse.

However, the other party was very cautious, did not show his face at all, and even piled up the corpses to form a bunker.

The voice of the walkie-talkie rang. It was obvious that the other party was calling for help. Gu Feifei was very anxious. When the reinforcements came, he would definitely have no chance to complete the task.

Seeing that the other party was about to stick to the support, Gu Feihua didn't know what to do when there was a deafening explosion from the patio, and the whole bunker seemed to be trembling slightly.

Gu Feifei immediately remembered that he still had a grenade. He quickly put the pistol back on his waist, took out the grenade, and while the sound of the explosion was still alive, he pulled out the insurance and threw the grenade towards the iron gate at the end of the hall. .

Because the posture in mid-air could not fully use all the strength, the grenade did not land on the opponent's side accurately, but it landed near the corpse bunker, blowing the pile of corpses to pieces.All of a sudden, the entire hall was filled with the roar of piercing clouds and cracking rocks, blood and flesh flew across the iron gate, and the figures of the three guards were also exposed.

Seeing the other party rolling towards the sides vigorously, Gu Feifei knew that the other party had not suffered any serious injuries, so he took out another grenade without hesitation, and this time he didn't care about hiding his whereabouts, and increased his strength, Throw the grenade at the enemy holding the flashlight.

The grenade was finally thrown to the ideal position. As the fire light illuminated the entire hall, after the loud noise, the flashlight flew up, and the enemies wearing exoskeletons were thrown up by the air wave, and then smashed heavily into the pile of corpses .

Seeing that another enemy lost its combat power, Gu Feifei felt that he was almost sure of winning, but the display screen pulled his hips at a critical moment, and with a "chi la", the stainless steel pipe tugged on the ceiling and fell downward.

Gunshots rang out immediately, and the flames of the submachine gun danced in the darkness. Gu Feifei quickly put down his leg that was stuck above the display screen, and let himself fall from it.However, in order to draw the submachine gun, he didn't have time to open the safety buckle at all. The weight of [-] kg fell freely, and the tearing screen made another sound, but it still didn't fall completely, and Gu Feifei was suspended in the air. .

Gu Feifei's mind went blank, and he completely forgot to quickly open the safety buckle on his waist. When he was shaking in mid-air, he subconsciously drew the submachine gun on his back, and fired continuously at the place where the flames were flickering.The sound of scrambled beans echoed in the hall, like a sudden shower.

It is only a short moment to fire a bullet, but it is extremely long in Gu Feifei's sense, as long as a lifetime, even longer than a lifetime.

Gu Feifei didn't realize that the enemy had been killed until he pulled the trigger a few times, but no bullets came out, and there was no fire shining from the iron door.Gu Feihua, who was sweating profusely, put down his submachine gun, stretched out his hand and loosened the safety buckle on his waist, and fell towards the ground which was not very high.

But when he landed, he couldn't feel his legs. When he fell into the corpse, the severe pain spread from his legs to his brain.He didn't know how many shots he had been shot, so he barely stood up with his hands on the ground, and took a step with the strength of the exoskeleton, but the pain was piercing.

The voice of the walkie-talkie sounded at the iron gate, and Gu Feifei guessed that the reinforcements were coming. He ignored the pain, grinned and shouted "Nuwa, open the door", and limped towards the iron gate while leaning on the wall. walked over.

The gate was slowly raised, and faint footsteps could be heard from the courtyard.

Gu Feifan had never felt that time was so difficult. He gritted his teeth and moved towards the door with all his might. The piercing pain made him unable to restrain himself from screaming.But he didn't care about that much anymore, and shouted desperately, as if he wanted to suppress the unbearable pain by shouting hoarsely.

Between his shouts, the sound of hurried footsteps seemed to be approaching.

Gu Feifei also walked with difficulty to only a few steps away from the iron gate, which is where the corpses started to explode.There are only a few steps but it seems to be separated by thousands of rivers and mountains.

"Okay! Don't open it up anymore." Gu Feifei shouted.

The iron gate came to an abrupt stop, and he raised it by about half his height. He tried to squat for a while, but his legs were sore and numb, and he couldn't squat down at all.Gu Feifei didn't hesitate either, he pushed hard, and fell straight onto a marble floor covered with blood and minced meat.

After hitting the floor hard, Gu Feifei screamed, like a dog with two broken hind legs, dragging his feet and crawling towards the crack of the door.In his busy schedule, he still didn't forget to look back, and there was already a light shaking in the void behind him.

"Nuwa, close the door." Gu Feifei shouted, and he sped up and climbed towards the slowly falling iron door, knocking his elbows on the floor one after another, shaking with the impact that would fall apart in a second his brain.

Gunshots and unintelligible shouts exploded in the hall.

Gu Feihua also crawled to the door, he reached out and grabbed the inner edge of the door frame, and pulled desperately, the thick and smooth blood helped him, making him slide under the iron door like a fish.

When he turned his head sideways, Gu Feifei saw that the explosives were about to be laid. There was a backpack standing next to the stairs next to the wall, and the detonator was exposed in the bag.

The bullets formed a curtain on the edge of the iron gate, but Gu Feifei was happy and unafraid. He carried the hail of bullets and reached out to grab the backpack with a section of detonator exposed in the corner, before rolling into the other side of the iron gate.

Footsteps sounded, and Gu Feifei lay on his side on the floor and shot through the crack of the door with a submachine gun.

He didn't release the trigger until the iron door fell to the ground, leaned down, lay on the ground and looked up at the bright lights on the roof. The white light was like sunlight, and he couldn't open his eyes at all.Gu Feifei closed his eyelids forcefully and kept panting, the pain all over his body completely wrapped him up, as if countless needles were constantly piercing in and out from every pore of his body.

Gu Feifei really wanted to take an injection of anesthetic and fall asleep, but he knew that he had to complete the task.

After resting for 1 minute, Gu Feifei opened his eyes again, climbed tremblingly to the wall, and stood up while supporting the wall.

"MD, it hurts like hell!" Gu Feihua scolded and took out the first-aid kit from his backpack, but he looked down at his blood-stained legs, and couldn't tell who belonged to him and who belonged to others, let alone see to the wound.

Gu Feifei didn't want to waste time treating the wound, so he took out a few painkillers and wanted to swallow them, but he remembered that he was wearing a mask when he stuffed them into his mouth. A bloodshot eye stuck in his waist looked carefully, he smiled inexplicably, squeezed the eyeball, threw it on the ground, and then asked weakly: "Nuwa, where is the backup power system? "


Cheng Mo took Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi around in a big circle, and went down the stairs away from the control center to the bottom floor, the ninth floor.This floor not only has Ouyu's control center, but also the war room and data center.It can be said that all of Ou Yu's core secrets are stored here.

And this bunker, which was built in 1937 and located under the Chayou Palace, is known as the fortress that will never fall.Even when Paris fell in 1940, the German Chosen didn't enter it because they didn't know it existed.

Someone once said that even if the whole of France falls again, this underground fortress named "Cyclops" cannot be breached.It is even more impossible for the chosen ones other than Ou Yu to reach the negative ninth floor. 【Cyclops (cyclops Cyclops) In Hesiod's myth, Cyclops is the child of Uranus and Gaia, they are brontes (thunder), sterops (electricity) and arges (thunderbolt) ), characterized by "one-eyed", with only one eye in the middle of the forehead.Uranus feared their power and imprisoned them in the dark abyss.Later, Zeus released them from the dark abyss in order to fight against the Titans.Under the command of Hephaestus, the god of fire, they forged the lightning spear for Zeus, the trident for Poseidon, the invisibility helmet for Hades, and the bow for Artemis. and Moon Arrow, forged the bow and Sun Arrow for Apollo. 】

But it turns out that Ouyu HQ is as much of a joke as "the Maginot Line will never be breached".

The Germans can bypass the "Maginot Line", and the clown Sith and Cheng Mo can ask France to open the gate of "Cyclops" by itself.

However, it is not easy to enter the control center and hack into Ou Yu's database.

At this moment, Cheng Mo and the others are facing the first difficulty - a dark alloy door.

Because there is a separate backup generator and storage battery on the ninth floor, the ninth floor is not powered off. The electronic lock that needs to be verified emits a faint blue light in the yellow-green poisonous fog. Two monitors are on the left and the right. Above the door, the entrance to the negative ninth floor is guarded like a door god.

"What should I do?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked softly after glancing at the screen transmitted by the micro-probe to the monitor.

Cheng Mo stared at the screen and thought for a moment, then said: "There should be quite a few people inside, and a strong attack will definitely not work."

"How can we get in without a strong attack?" Zhu Lingqi asked.

Cheng Mo didn't answer, but turned around to look at Zhu Lingqi, and said in a low voice, "Give Nuwa to me."

"Oh." Zhu Lingqi put down the backpack, unzipped it, took out a Nuwa external device about the size of two mobile phones, and handed it to Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo took Nuwa, stuffed it into his jacket, and stuck it in his abdomen. Then he also put down his backpack, took out a brand new filter element from it, turned off the respirator, pulled out the old filter element and threw it into the bag. Backpack, after replacing the brand-new filter element, Cheng Mo took out all the time bombs and grenades from the backpack, and then said: "Put the rest in the bags of the two of you."

Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi didn't know what Cheng Mo was going to do, so they quickly emptied the ammunition filter in Cheng Mo's bag, and then looked up at Cheng Mo.

"Lead some people out first." Cheng Mo said expressionlessly. He picked up the micro-probe and carefully stuck it to a very hidden place at the bottom of the copper bar on the railing. He pointed it at the alloy door, and then picked up the Several remote-controlled bombs went up a few steps, stuck to the corners of the steps along the way, and finally took out the micro-probe in their pockets and fixed them above the safety door on the eighth floor.

Cheng Mo turned to Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi and said, "Take the remaining grenades and bombs, and go to the stairs on the west side of the seventh and eighth floors to guard. Later, the opponent will definitely attack from both sides. Your task It's there to ambush them and lure them away." "What about you?" Fu Yuanzhuo looked up at Cheng Mo and asked.

"I'll find a way to sneak in." Cheng Mo said, "Give me your fisheye display."

Fu Yuanzhuo handed the display screen in his hand to Cheng Mo, rolled his throat and asked, "Can you come out if you go in alone?"

"As long as Nuwa can defeat Aurora and control the control center, I can come out." Cheng Mo said calmly, paused, and then said, "Don't worry about me, be careful yourself, I don't need you to kill the enemy, It’s enough to lure people away.”

"You must also be careful." Fu Yuanzhuo said.

Cheng Mo nodded and said: "When Gu Feifei restores the power supply, with Nuwa's help, you will be safe."

Zhu Lingqi patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder and said, "We're sure there's no problem, it's up to you."

Cheng Mo gave an understatement "Yeah" and said, "Don't waste time, go quickly. Take a good position, and run if you can't beat it."

Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi said "OK" at the same time, and continued to go up to the seventh floor.

Cheng Mo watched Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi disappear at the corner of the stairs, returned to the corner of the stairs between the eighth floor and the ninth floor, picked up two time bombs, closed his eyes and waited for about 30 seconds, and asked Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi immediately set the positions of the two bombs for one minute and twenty-five seconds and one minute and ten seconds. He looked down at the display screen and judged the position of the alloy door. A time bomb was thrown at the door.

After finishing all this, Cheng Mo walked out of the eighth floor calmly, hid in the women's bathroom diagonally opposite the elevator, stood by the door and took out the screens of the two fisheye cameras, stared at the screens in his hand, Start counting down.

When Cheng Mo counted to "zero" in his heart, the time bomb he threw at the door of the alloy blazed violently, and the entire display screen suddenly turned white. The strong explosion also shook the entire building, and the bathroom door buzzed. Humming and trembling, the mirror in front of the sink was also shattered by the shock.

The sound of the alarm bell also reached his ears from the negative ninth floor.

Momo was indifferent to all this, standing by the door and staring at the display screen.After the flames of the explosion flashed, the whole stairwell billowed with smoke and dust, and the lamp in front of the alloy door also blew out. Cheng Mo could only see a pitch black picture.

Cheng Mo waited quietly, and after a while, a beam of light passed through the faint smoke and poisonous gas, illuminating the stairwell.Cheng Mo concentrated and saw a group of guards wearing Ouyu exoskeletons standing at the door holding explosion-proof shields.

The lamp post of the strong flashlight scanned the corridor several times, and a group of people moved forward slowly holding explosion-proof shields.This time, the opponent didn't know if there was anyone in the stairs just now, and just raised the shield and moved forward, but threw a few grenades to the eighth floor regardless of 21, and then threw a flash bomb.

Cheng Mo heard the heavy sound of the security door on the eighth floor being blasted open by a bomb and fell to the floor, and saw a group of Ouyu guards rushing upwards with flashbangs on the screen.Cheng Mo was glad that he installed two panoramic fisheyes in the corridor. At this time, one fisheye was blinded by the flash bullet and could not see the opponent's position, and he could judge the opponent's position through the other fisheye.

When a group of guards ran around the corner holding their shields and rushed up the stairs leading to the eighth floor, Cheng Mo pressed the remote control.At this time, there were intermittent gunshots in the distance, but they were instantly drowned out by the explosion of bombs.There was chaos on the display screen, and several people who were passing the stairs were rolled into a ball by the air wave.

The power of this chewing gum remote-controlled explosive is not particularly powerful, and it may not be fatal to the fully armed Ouyu guards, but at such a short distance, the possibility of blowing up, breaking a leg, or bursting a gas mask is still very high of.

Seeing that two rushing guards fell to the eighth floor, most of them were thrown downstairs.Seeing the opportunity, Cheng Mo threw the monitor aside without hesitation, pushed the door out, took out a dagger and ran lightly to the fallen safety door on the eighth floor.

The entrance of the fire escape on the eighth floor was in a mess. There were two fire doors, one was leaning against the wall, and the other fell to the ground. There were two explosion-proof shields at the door, and two people who fell by the stairs.

Cheng Mo could see clearly from the night vision device that one of the masks was damaged and had inhaled poisonous gas. Although his body was still convulsing, he was definitely hopeless, while the other probably injured his leg, and was lying on the ground moaning.Cheng Mo quietly walked to the side of the injured guard, bent down and put his knees on the man's waist, and cut off the trachea and aorta of the man's neck with a dagger.

Then Cheng Mo quickly picked him up, ran back to the bathroom, forcibly took off the other party's bulletproof vest with "E·S·A" printed on it, put it on his body, took off his ID card and put it on, Cheng Mo glanced at him. Looking at the display screen, the person who saw the other person lying down at the bottom of the stairs has not yet come up, two of them have hid in the ninth floor, and two are still lying at the corner of the stairs.

Cheng Mo made up his mind, took off the other party's walkie-talkie and put it on his shoulder, then took off his own helmet, took off the other party's helmet, put it on his head, fastened it tightly, and rushed out of the bathroom towards He ran in the direction of the security door.

Gunshots kept ringing in the distance, presumably Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi were attracting enemies coming from another direction.Cheng Mo didn't care about worrying that Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi would not escape, and lay on the spot where the unlucky ghost fell just now, moaning slightly and calling for "au secours" (help) softly.

Although Cheng Mo's voice was weak, but Cheng Mo's senses were maximized. He opened his eyes and looked at the Ouyu guard who was still shaking just now. He was ashamed, staring at him blankly, it seemed that he was not completely dead yet.

Cheng Mo didn't feel any fear at all, but his heart beat a little faster than usual.He stared intently at the dying guard Ou Yu, whispering weakly, watching the pair of beautiful blue pupils slowly dilated, and death gradually swallowed up the last trace of expression.

"I don't know what he was thinking? Some people say that when a person is about to die, the memories of his life will go through his mind like a revolving lantern. Others say that when a person dies, he will see the light and then float up. Maybe I have been afraid of it all the time. Death is not that terrible." Cheng Mo thought to himself.

In any case, this is a critical moment, but Cheng Mo is not worried that his dangerous plan will be exposed, and even the tension in his heart is not so strong, instead, he starts to think that if he is about to die, What will you remember?He thought of Xie Minyunyang's soft kisses hugging him tightly, he thought of Teacher Shen's gentle smiling face reading a poem by Yeats in his ear, and he also remembered that he took advantage of Bai Xiuxiu by drinking madly.

All in all, it was all after obtaining Ouroboros, and I didn't think about the sorrow and loneliness in the past.

But he felt so lonely.

"If he fails, probably no one will forgive him, and he will probably really become the butcher of Paris in the mouth of the clown Sith. I don't know how the seniors, teachers, and sister Bai will think when they know that they have done such a crazy thing?"

Cheng Mo thought of the pupils that had gone out under his gaze just now, "Actually, it doesn't matter, as long as everyone can live and live happily."

In the silence, Cheng Mo just lay motionless on the ground, murmuring "au secours" repeatedly in the darkness, the sound was like a curse.

I don't know how long it has been.There were footsteps in the corridor, and the beam of the strong flashlight swept over.Cheng Mo closed his eyes, and soon someone heard his voice, lowered his head and asked him: "Hey! How are you?"

Cheng Mo pretended to struggle to open his eyes, and seeing the flashlight covering him, he whispered: "au secours." Immediately closed his eyes again.

"There are wounded here who need medical attention."

It didn't take long for Cheng Mo to feel that he was being carried on a stretcher, and someone asked in his ear: "Boris! Can you hear my voice?"

Boris is the name of the identity card. Cheng Mo didn't open his eyes, but just raised his hand and nodded.

"Can you tell me where it hurts?"

Cheng Mo shook his head.

"Does it hurt all over? Or don't know where it hurts?"

Cheng Mo opened his eyes again. A man in a chemical protective suit was holding a stretcher and bending over to look at him. There was a white light on the roof. It was obvious that he had passed the alloy door on the ninth floor and was carried into the Ouyang District. At the core of Yu, he said in a vague voice: "I don't know where it hurts, but my head is very dizzy."

"Okay, I get it. It's probably just a concussion, don't worry too much."

"Thank you." Cheng Mo closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

The man in the chemical protective suit had no doubts at all. He straightened up and said to the person carrying the stretcher, "Send him to the conference room to rest for a while. I'll go to the seventh floor to have a look. There seem to be wounded there too."


Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi fled crazily on the corridor of the courtyard. Behind them was a group of Ouyu chasing soldiers wearing exoskeletons. The gunfire kept ringing, which greatly affected the escape of Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi The speed, and the fact that the two of them didn't remember the map like Cheng Mo did, so they panicked even more.

Seeing that there seemed to be someone blocked in front of him, and there was no road leading to other directions, Zhu Lingqi, who was running ahead, was a little dumbfounded, and shouted: "MD, what should I do?"

Fu Yuanzhuo looked up and saw the walking elevator passing diagonally, but the walking elevator was still some distance away from the corridor.Gunshots rang out from behind, Fu Yuanzhuo glanced back, the pursuers were already at the corner of the corridor, and the Ouyu guards in front also erected explosion-proof shields to block them.Fu Yuanzhuo gritted his teeth and shouted, "I can only do my best."

He jumped onto the railing, yelled "Ah", and leaped towards the walking elevator that was at least three or four meters away amidst gunshots. With a "bang", Fu Yuanzhuo bumped into the side of the walking elevator on the railing.The gunshots kept ringing, and he clearly felt that countless shots had been shot in his back. If it weren't for the exoskeleton, he might have been beaten into a sieve.

Fu Yuanzhuo was afraid before it was too late, grabbed the handrail, turned over, lay down on the walking elevator, and pointed the gun at the elevator entrance.

With a sound of "bang", Zhu Lingqi also jumped onto the walking elevator. He raised his gun and fired at the people in the corridor. The flames illuminated the Christmas tree beside it, decorated with colorful gift boxes, reflecting the gun in the yellow-green poisonous gas. Fire, quite radiant in the dark.After firing a round of bullets, Zhu Lingqi squatted down and hid under the armrest to change the clips. He turned on the team channel and shouted: "MD, Gu Feifan, haven't you turned on the backup power yet?"

After the two rushed up to the fifth floor from the walking elevator, Gu Feifei's weak voice came from the team channel: "Hurry up, I'm climbing!"

"Fuck! Damn it, why are you joking at this time, we are all chasing soldiers behind us." Zhu Lingqi said angrily.

"I'm just kidding you MB, my fucking leg was broken, and I'm just crawling now." Gu Feifei cursed back in a low voice.

This dying tone was completely different from Gu Feihua's usual tone. Zhu Lingqi was stunned for a moment, but didn't continue to speak. He turned around and shot at the walking elevator. Unfortunately, the other party was also wearing an exoskeleton. Whether the bullet can cause damage depends entirely on luck. .

Depending on the situation, his luck is not very good.

"Hurry up." Zhu Lingqi said anxiously.

"Understood. Immediately, you hold on for another 3 minutes." Gu Feifei replied.

Zhu Lingqi turned his head and glanced at Fu Yuanzhuo, "There is nowhere to hide, we can only run up first. We can wait as long as we can."

Fu Yuanzhuo let out a "huh".

The two men ran around the patio to the pedestrian elevator and continued up while firing.Although it is difficult to escape tracking by taking the walking elevator, the enemy knows them at a glance, and they also know the enemy at a glance. If you rush to a place where you don't know the situation, if it's unlucky, you can only die.

So they can only wait for Gu Feifei to turn on the backup power and let Nuwa guide them to escape.

With the help of the exoskeleton, people on both sides ran very fast. Even though the confrontation delayed some time, the fourth floor was not high enough. In a blink of an eye, Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi fled to the B[-] floor, and there was nowhere else to go. Available for them to go up.

The two were considering whether to escape to the above-ground building through the entrance on the first floor, when they saw someone rushing out from the entrance.

Zhu Lingqi cursed, grabbed the gun and ran along the corridor to the elevator on the other side.

Fu Yuanzhuo followed behind Zhu Lingqi. He glanced back and saw Ou Yu's men running over from the elevator. Fu Yuanzhuo was about to shoot while running, but he hadn't pulled the trigger yet. It bumped into Zhu Lingqi's back, and he yelled "Ouch".

Before Fu Yuanzhuo had time to ask, Zhu Lingqi turned around and pushed him to hide in the door frame of the office on the side of the corridor. Fu Yuanzhuo was about to ask what was going on, when Zhu Lingqi shouted: "There are people over there."

Holding the gun, Fu Yuanzhuo leaned against the door frame and looked towards the elevator room, and saw several Ouyu guards stuck on the opening of the elevator room holding explosion-proof shields.Fu Yuanzhuo gave a wry smile, and gasped for breath, he said, "Now the two of us are the turtles in the urn, right?"

"It seems to be." Zhu Lingqi took out a grenade from his waist, "But we still have this thing, maybe we can find a chance to kill a few and break out."

Saying that, Zhu Lingqi pulled out the insurance, turned around and threw it in the direction of the elevator, but only heard a "pop", the grenade seemed to hit something, and then was bounced into the sky above the patio, blowing up into a flower. fireworks.

The crystal chandelier hanging in the air crackled and crackled like a huge wind chime.

"The two of us are finished." Zhu Lingqi's voice trembled, and he said in despair, "Even if Gu Feihua turns on the backup power, we have nowhere to escape."

"Not necessarily. Try again. I believe in Cheng Mo." Fu Yuanzhuo said in a low voice, he dodged out and shot a bunch of bullets at the people who came over from the courtyard.But those people were all hiding behind the explosion-proof shields, and the bullets couldn't even slow down their pace.
Fu Yuanzhuo leaned back against the door frame and closed his eyes.The two of them heard the heavy footsteps approaching step by step, their hearts were already in their throats.

"Do you want to ask Cheng Mo? Can you surrender?" Zhu Lingqi asked in a dry voice, "Maybe this can save one's life."

Fu Yuanzhuo felt his hands tremble, he was mentally prepared, but when this moment really came, fear still occupied his brain.He expects a miracle to happen, but he knows that he and Zhu Lingqi are at the end of the road and have no choice but to die and surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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