Rebel Demon King

Chapter 937 We Are All Clowns Without Masks (End)

Chapter 937 We Are All Clowns Without Masks (End)
"No enemy on George V Avenue. Safe, please pass quickly."

Cheng Mo didn't respond to Nuwa's broadcast, but ran along George V Street without looking back. At this moment, this famous commercial street was empty. After all, this road was full of relatively low buildings. There are no tall buildings.Although the soles and heels of the exoskeleton come with rubber cushioning, the hard alloy soles still make heavy footsteps when they hit the stone bricks. The atmosphere of terror.

But these noises will be automatically filtered by Nuwa, and only Fu Yuanzhuo and the others are chatting in Cheng Mo's earphones.

"MD, I have a feeling that I am playing Call of Duty 16, but we are not a special air service group that makes the enemy fearful, nor is it a powerful CIA."

"I said Guan Bojun, wait a minute and don't shout like that."

"Then shall I call out later?"

"Stop! You are undermining national unity!"

"Damn! Some kind of slogan is necessary! How about planting the blame on the Japanese? Shout 'Emperor onboard'!"

"The Japanese are outrageous! How do you say that the Japanese don't need to engage in France! Maybe we should paint a 'ten thousand' character on the exoskeleton, and then smoke a cigarette after detonating the poison gas, and say in German elegantly, 'The French are still We've taken Paris before we've had time to clip the flag."

"The nipple hair is really hammered!"

Talking about the "disgraceful stalker" in the earphones, it seems that they are really just playing a game, rather than doing big things against the world.

Probably young people are like this, they seldom look forward and backward, and tend to get excited.

Cheng Mo didn't stop everyone from chatting nonsense, he thought it was a good way to eliminate fear.

What's more, the evolution of science and technology to the current stage, the war is not complicated, but because of the intervention of artificial intelligence and satellites, it becomes easier and simpler. As long as the signal is not blocked, it is equivalent to fighting with the whole map, plus Ou Yu With the blessing, the level of detail of the information is even more relaxing.

This is also the main reason why Fu Yuanzhuo and the others have the time to laugh and laugh in the call channel.

Cheng Mo listened to Fu Yuanzhuo and his nonsense, while running in the drifting fine snow, a building not far away stood at the crossroads like a mirage melting in the mist, this second Cheng Mo seemed to have entered an incredible time and space .When Cheng Mo quickly approached, he realized that this strange building composed of irregular doors, windows and irregular corridors was not an illusion, but an architectural image printed on canvas.

Obviously this building is under maintenance, and next to it is the famous LV head office. Cheng Mo clearly remembers that they passed by here during their summer camp in Paris.At that time, everyone in the group was excited to take a photo with the LV head office here, and Cheng Haoyang was no exception.Only he and Xie Minyun did not stop, and walked forward tacitly under the shade of the plane tree.

Suddenly, Cheng Mo felt a little nostalgic for Xia Tian. He always hated Xia Tian before, but now he began to understand the beauty of Xia Tian.

The bright sunlight passed through the layers of emerald green leaves, and Xie Minyun's cheeks were like a lake, reflecting countless stars.

He felt blushing and heartbeat at that time, it must not be because of the hot summer climate in Paris, but because of the betrayal of the sun that day, betraying his heartbeat in the late summer of [-].

Cheng Mo's memory still lingers in that summer, and Nuwa's voice rang in his ears: "Student Cheng Mo, you have to turn on the French one."

"what happened?"

"Instructor Xie Minyun appeared on the show of the clown Sith before you, and said that he would exchange the 'God gene' for the poison gas controller." Nuwa replied softly.

Cheng Mo slowed down and took out his mobile phone from his jacket pocket. Nuwa had automatically opened the "French Channel [-]" on YouTube for him, and even expanded the message into a barrage, so when Cheng Mo raised his wrist, Everything that came into view was full of bullet screens.

Cheng Mo took a quick glance, and what surprised him a little was that most of the bullet screens were lamenting the greed of human nature, praising Xie Minyun's beauty, or discussing whether Xie Minyun would be the "chosen one" like the clown Sith .

No one talks about how bad things are in Paris, no one talks about Sith the Clown, and no one worries about what to do with people in Paris.

Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks and stared.

"My first taste of how the word 'perfect' is defined!"

"My God, she is more beautiful than those Hollywood actresses, she is so good-looking."

"I really want to know her name and which country she is from! She looks Asian, maybe Han, maybe Japanese"

"Is she also the chosen one with super powers? The plot is so exciting!"

"Oh! You dare to provoke the clown, a good show is about to be staged! Let us look forward to it!"

In addition, almost all supporters of the clown Sith.

"Human beings are really ugly things. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it was so easy to kill a human being."

"That woman is so stupid, she shouldn't have followed that man!"

"Those whores who scold Mr. Clown don't need to watch this show! It's for people who can recognize the reality. To be honest, if there is only one mask, the other will die sooner or later, even if I don't kill it." That woman, I'll take the mask and the phone and leave."

"There's never been a better reality show than this one! Long live the clowns!"

"Joker is awesome! I'd definitely vote for him if he ran!"

"The real God of Destiny!"

"Although he is doing bad things, why does he look so cool? I really want to marry him!"

"Paris is not Gotham City, but there are real clowns! So who is Batman? I don't think it will be this porcelain doll that looks like it will break when touched."

"God gene? No! Clown Sith will definitely kill her! It is impossible to give her the remote control of the gas device! Let us wait and see!"

"Nuwa transmit the voice to the earphone." Judging that Xie Minyun was not in danger for the time being, Cheng Mo held the phone and started running again, but at a slightly slower speed.

"In fact, I have been trying to penetrate into the human mind. I used to think that the strong aggressiveness of human beings on the Internet is mainly based on two psychological phenomena, one is depersonalization, and the other is aggressive behavior in one-time social situations. However, these two psychological phenomena do not seem to be able to fully summarize these behaviors, and human behavior is too complicated” (Deindividualization refers to the individual identifying with the group after immersing in the group, or identifying himself as the group, so that the individual’s personality dissolves in the group In the process of deindividuation, because no longer need to be responsible for their own identity, the individual's introspection and moral level will decline, and he will no longer care about other people's self-awareness. evaluation, leading to impulsive, irrational and even antisocial behavior. Aggressive behavior in one-time social situations involves a well-known theory in the field of behavioral science, namely the "prisoner's dilemma" in game theory)
Cheng Mo interrupted Nuwa and said, "Do you know Lord of the Flies by Golding? There is a painting in which a pig's head dripping with blood is surrounded by flies, and then the pig's head opened its mouth and said I am your lord of the flies is the evil itself in the religious scriptures, and the clown Sith is the collection of all the evils in this world. He exposes the hidden ugliness of human beings to everyone, and then tells the public that these evils are evenly distributed in the world. Everyone. It’s just that in reality, because we are bound by laws and morals, we will behave lawfully and friendly, but it is completely different on the Internet. Human nature will be infinitely magnified on the Internet, because of anonymous It is difficult to hold accountable, human beings put on a mask on the Internet, and everyone becomes a clown who can act recklessly. And when the whole environment is dominated by evil and morality and law lose their regulating effect, the whole society will change accordingly. Be evil, in fact there are not so many evil people, but when some people find that only by becoming evil can they enjoy the benefits, they will take the initiative to become evil, and then more people will follow, maybe they are law-abiding Neutral people, but people are group animals. When a certain type of people seems to occupy the majority, some people will follow blindly and some will be coerced. In fact, the vast majority of people are neutral and kind lambs, but the flock sees When our companions are preyed on by wolves, they will not run away, nor will they collectively resist. They just watch and say "Sister Li", because the sheep only care about their own safety and interests. Indifference, selfishness, and wishing others to be unhappy, this is what we are The gene deep in everyone's heart is also the rationality of the existence of evil in each of us. This is why most people have a sense of identification with clowns." Cheng Mo paused, and whispered, "Because each of us has There's a clown."

"Human beings are really strange species"

In Nuwa's words, human beings are described as another species. The subtext is to consider themselves as a species. Cheng Mo has no time to care about these details. He said: "Now is not the time to talk about this."

Nuwa became quiet, while Cheng Mo was running towards the destination, while listening intently to what Xie Minyun and the clown Sith were saying.

There are whistling winds in the background noise, these sounds are sometimes far and sometimes near, making Cheng Mo feel that he is very close to that studio.

"Oh! Little girl, you won't want to give me moral education again this time, will you? I advise you to save your energy, it's better to see how to save your life!"

The hoarse and weird voice was undoubtedly Sith the Clown.

"I said, I want to exchange the 'God Gene' for the remote control of the gas device."

Xie Minyun's voice was as cold and gentle as ever, like a piano playing a song belonging to a stream. Cheng Mo couldn't help but raise his hand to take a look. Unfortunately, the director just cut the scene, and there was no Xie Minyun in the picture, only the clown in the void Sith raised his hand and tapped his head with his index finger, saying, "Oh! Oh! 'God Gene', that's a good thing."

"I will give you the 'God gene', and you will give me the controller. If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you. I do have the God gene."

The clown Sith "hoho" laughed strangely: "Even if you really have the 'God gene', I don't need such an exchange, because it can't reflect the magnificence of life at all, and it also reduces the significance of the 'God gene' to human beings." "The clown Sith raised his right hand, put his five fingers together, and shook it twice, "Girl, can you understand? The vast majority of human beings never desire the truth. Whoever can provide them with something to paralyze their souls can easily become their master." The clown Sith raised his hands and shouted in a passionate voice, "And I, I did all this just to Let people have no way to ignore me, and use shocking death to wake people up, is the most severe warning to the rulers above. I have written lengthy papers trying to make people 'see their own value', but No one reads; I have tried to become a business elite to awaken people's 'self-awareness', but people only know how to make money. I found that everything is in vain, and only disasters can wake up human beings from their deep sleep!"

"Mr. Sith, I admire your efforts, but you do not have the right to use violence to decide how others choose their lives. What's more, what I have seen is that you are using violence to forcibly destroy morality."

"Violence?" The clown Sith smiled, "Girl, where is your companion? That child named silent?"

"He's not in now."

"That's really a pity." The clown Sith sighed regretfully, "If he was here, he would definitely not say these meaningless things to me. Because justice and morality are also based on violence, if there is no violence to maintain, Do you think morality exists?"

"Facts are the existence of morality." Xie Minyun said firmly.

"The fact is that the strong can decide the lives of others," the clown Sith said with a strange smile.

His laughter trembled in the wind, like a night owl flying across the night sky.

Cheng Mo raised his hand and saw Xie Minyun on the screen biting his lower lip slightly. Cheng Mo knew that this was Xie Minyun's expression when he was in trouble.Although she accurately found the purpose of the clown Sith, her natural righteous attitude put her at a disadvantage.She casts a mouse, but the other party has no scruples. In this negotiation between justice and evil, Xie Minyun will undoubtedly lose from the very beginning.

"I will stop you!"

"Oh! innocent girl, what can you do to stop me?"

"Start by stopping your performance."

"You mean you want to stop my show from continuing?"

"Yes! Because you use the media to spread some distorted facts that are deliberately amplified, and at the same time spread hatred"

Before Xie Minyun finished speaking, Sith the clown turned his head to look in the direction of the director station, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Hey! This girl said she would terminate my show! Although this show has already saved several people, She doesn't care either"

The director of Mediterranean Sea stood up from behind the camera, and the fluorescent lamp illuminated the top of his head. He shouted loudly with a serious face: "Girl, please get out! This is the studio of our France [-] station, and you are not allowed to enter without permission!" You can't interfere with our broadcast!"

Immediately, other staff members also stood up out of righteous indignation, perhaps because of the explosive ratings, allowing them to reap high rewards from major networks; perhaps because being used by the clown Sith can make them immune to the fear of death, They were all scolding Xie Minyun loudly, and pointed the spotlights directly at Xie Minyun's eyes, even though Xie Minyun wanted to save Paris.

"It is our media's responsibility and right to report the real situation in Paris to the world."

"You have no right to interfere with our media's reporting of the truth!"

"Everything we do is to save lives!"

"Yes! Get out!"

"Do you know that for every minute you delay, you will delay the time for a life to get a gas mask? You are committing a crime!"

Faced with the criticism, Xie Minyun calmly said: "As the media, shouldn't you help the people find places to take refuge and report the disaster situation?"

The crowd yelled as a matter of course: "That is the responsibility of the police and the government."

Xie Minyun was silent, her flawless face was a little pale under the spotlight.

Cheng Mo sighed in his heart that Xie Minyun still thought of people too well. Obviously, although the clown Sith's live broadcast was evil, it was in the interests of most people.Refugees get a meager hope; the media gets traffic; the French government gets to divert attention from their lack of rescue and poor prevention; the audience gets a great show; the clown Sith has Unparalleled stage.
Although the people who eat melons have not forgotten those poor people who are hiding in fear, if the media does not broadcast it, they will think that death does not exist.Even if death exists, it has nothing to do with them through a screen, right?
Justice is so lonely sometimes.

Cheng Mo knew that he had to intervene. He looked up at the most famous landmark in Paris not far away, and asked in a low voice, "Nu Wa, how far is it from the target?"

"One thousand, two hundred and seventy one meter." The female snail replied.

Cheng Mo pressed the headset and asked, "Have you entered the predetermined position?"

"It's coming soon, less than one kilometer." Du Leng said.

"We are still on the Invalides Bridge, and there are too many people on the bridge now, so it's hard to squeeze through!" Fu Yuanzhuo said.

"MD, there are passers-by asking us for help, thinking we are the police," Guan Bojun said angrily.

"Du Leng and Zhu Lingqi, speed up and throw grenades when you see the sewer! Don't hesitate."

"Okay." Du Leng replied in a deep voice.

"Gu Feifei, Fu Yuanzhuo, and Guan Bojun, I don't care what method you use, as long as you arrive at the scheduled location, I will give you 8 minutes at most."

Fu Yuanzhuo exclaimed, "8 minutes?"

Gu Feifei said coldly, "No problem."

Cheng Mo pressed the call button, took off the helmet, took a deep breath and said, "Nuwa let the drone that you hacked fly over, connect my video to Channel [-] France, let me and the clown West Dialogue!"


The Christmas Eve activities of the Beijing Film Academy were very exciting. Various social gatherings emerged one after another. The luxury cars that came to pick up the girls at the door were one after another. On Christmas Eve, more girls did not go back to the dormitory, because the 26th was Saturday, and the school no class.

Christmas Eve was probably Yan Yitong's best night of sleep, because the two girls who were usually the most noisy went to the bar, and the other girl went on a date with her boyfriend, and suddenly the dormitory became quiet.Usually they would chat until one or two o'clock, discussing that the senior and senior sister took the show again, that classmate in the class was spotted by the rich second generation; discussing how to get an advertisement and earn some easy extra money; Or whoever is the second generation of stars, good resources are enviable
All in all, the gossip of the girls is always endless. Although Yan Yitong does not participate in the discussion, she listens with gusto, and occasionally expresses a few words of emotion, but her roommates don’t pay much attention to her. After all, Yan Yitong, who wears glasses and a wig, is in the Nortel, which is as beautiful as a cloud, is too inconspicuous, and Yan Yitong is also so happy, happily being her little transparent.

Originally, Yan Yitong wanted to sleep late on Saturday, laying his body on the bed until noon before going to the cafeteria to eat, but at [-]:[-], he was woken up by two girls who had been high all night, and his roommate, who smelled of alcohol and cigarettes, was commenting on what happened last night A few rich second generations washed their faces, brushed their teeth and applied facial masks. There was no doubt that they spent the night in the bar yesterday.

Yan Yitong covered her head with the quilt, but those voices still penetrated into her ears, disturbing her sleep.

"I think that Lu Haobin is pretty good. He looks a bit like Wu Yifan. He said that he is also joking about being afraid of the dark, and he is going to participate in Huaxia New Rap next year."

The roommate grinned, "Don't tell me, I saw Lu-senpai yesterday, she was with a producer senior, and Gundam King was at the same table. It is said that Gundam King is picking a heroine for a new play. A lot of people are trying to figure it out!"

"Who is the hero?"

"I heard it's Wang Junkai or Zhang Yixing."

"Wow! Whoever plays it can be popular! If only I knew Gundam King! Or Wang Junkai and Zhang Yixing!"

"Hey! Forget it! We freshmen have no chance. You are not senior sister Guan Xiaotong, you are full of resources behind you, not to mention that senior sister Guan Xiaotong only acted in serial dramas at the beginning, and is not qualified to act in movies."

"Come on! Don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with us freshmen with no background. Put on a mask and go to sleep! I'm so sleepy!"

Yan Yitong thought to himself that he still has the business card of Gundam King, and he even asked him to audition, do he want to go or not?Yan Yitong was lying on the bed and was tangled, when she heard her roommate shouting: "Hey! Hey! Something big happened, Paris was hit by a terrorist attack."

"Terrorist attack in Paris? Isn't that a common thing? Maybe refugees are making trouble again! Europa won't stop if a few people die every year!"

"No, it's different this time. The whole of Paris is surrounded by poisonous gas, and a man named Sith the Clown is said to have superpowers!"

"Haha! Tingting, don't make me laugh, I'm washing my face! I've eaten all the foam in my mouth."

"I'm not kidding you! You read Weibo by yourself, and the whole Weibo exploded. It looks like acting in a movie, my God."

When Yan Yitong heard what his roommate said, he couldn't help picking up his phone from the pillow. Just now, Fu Yuanzhuo called him to ask her to help buy gifts for Feng Qianqian and Feng Zhenzhen, and it seemed that Paris was also mentioned.It's just that he was sleepy and didn't pay attention to it. Yan Yitong clicked on Weibo and received a Weibo push - "Terrorist attack in Paris, superpowers staged a shocking battle, the scene is like a movie."Yan Yitong swiped to push, but this Weibo has been unharmonized for no reason. She opened the trending search, and all the first few posts were displayed as "explosive".

The first place was "France's No. [-] TV Station Clown Live Broadcast", "Paris Terrorist Attack" came in second, and "You don't need to go over the wall to watch the live broadcast" came in third.Yan Yitong clicked on the trending search and saw an intercepted video. In the video, a clown in a Christmas costume was hosting the show, but the content of the show was very strange. It must be a movie promotion, but I checked the comments and found that it seems to be true. The comments also said that there are no shots of being harmed on the Internet. The clown Sith and the other Phillip are both people with superpowers.

This startled Yan Yitong, who immediately sat up from the bed and began to browse relevant information seriously.She looked at Weibo trending searches again, and there were some "Paris terrorist attack surprises superpowers" and "Clown live broadcast surprises beautiful Chinese girls", but Yan Yitong clicked on them, and they were all harmonious pictures.

Fortunately, Yan Yitong usually visits the P station, set up a ladder, just open the oil pipe, Yan Yitong quit Weibo, clicked on the oil pipe, the home page recommendation is "French First TV Station", and then all are all kinds of videos and live broadcasts about the Paris terrorist attack .

At this time, Yan Yitong completely believed that "clown Sith" and "horror reality show" were not movies, but real. She quickly clicked on France [-] TV station, and it was Cheng Mo's face that jumped out. She was shocked. With a jump, he stood up directly from the bed, but hit the upper bunk board and yelled "Ouch", and the phone fell on the bed.

A loud bang made the whole dormitory explode, and the sound of the bed shaking echoed in the cramped room for a while.

"What's wrong?" the roommate asked.

Yan Yitong touched the top of her head, and a bag had already been hit. She gasped in pain, thinking that she must have been blinded by missing a bad guy, she shook her head and said, "It's nothing. I was taken aback by the terror attack.”

"Yeah! It's terrible! How could this happen, just like the movie!"

"The foreign world is too crazy! Our Great China is still safe."

Yan Yitong rubbed his head and sat back on the bed again, picked up the mobile phone that had fallen on the quilt, opened it, and sure enough, he had made a mistake, the weird clown with white paint and a big red mouth was still on the screen.

"Sai Lun, I didn't expect us to meet again! It was really a happy night, and all my dreams seemed to come true!"

Hearing the name "silent", Yan Yitong was shocked, and an ominous premonition rose from the bottom of his heart like a tide.

"Mr. Sith, I think it's too early for your dream to come true, because I know what you want to do, so you see, I'm releasing your poison gas at Roosevelt Station and the Military Museum. The next step is the Bishop of France. The regiment and the Arc de Triomphe. This playground. You are not the only one who has the final say!"

Seeing Cheng Mo's expressionless face, Yan Yitong bounced off the bed again, hit the upper bed again, and there was another loud noise in the bedroom
The roommate said in astonishment: "Yan Yitong, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just saw my friend on France [-] TV"

"Ah? Impossible? Are you joking?" The roommate laughed in disbelief.

"I also hope I'm joking." Yan Yitong's voice was full of tears. She didn't even touch her head this time, and immediately sat down and picked up the phone, but it turned out to be the opposite. She saw Senior Xie Minyun, Cheng Mo's wife.

Xie Minyun on the screen raised his alluring face and said solemnly: "Cheng Mo, you can't do this, leave everything to me."

Cheng Mo replied coldly: "It's too late, I have already released the poison gas at Roosevelt Station and the Military Museum."

"You two. Are you stealing the show?" The three-dimensional projection of the clown Sith fluctuated on the screen, and his voice changed from hoarse to sharp, like a file on glass, "You know? It's just me I am the protagonist! Only me, Sith the Clown, is the only protagonist!"

Cheng Mo sneered: "Mr. Sith, you yourself said just now that in this movie of life, anyone can be the protagonist until the end, and it's not that I can't replace you? Right?"

Although the clown Sith is trying his best to suppress the anger in his chest, his expression is still a little irritated, and his three-dimensional stereoscopic projection looks at the big screen with a strange smile: "Hehe! It's very interesting! I declare, who is going to kill this horror I will reward 2000 million, not a hundred million dollars." Then the clown Sith turned and grinned at Xie Minyun, "Don't you want the remote control of the gas device? As long as you can kill him, I will immediately send the remote control of the gas device Let me show you the weapon, here is your chance to save the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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