Rebel Demon King

Chapter 928 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (35)

Chapter 928 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (35)

Paris on Christmas Eve is still brightly lit. The tall and straight Eiffel Tower exudes a charming yellow light. It looks like a transparent tower of light in the night with fine snow. The whole Paris is at its feet, not as tall as Tokyo and New York. The skyscrapers entering the clouds do not have the strange blend of classical and modern like London and the capital. It is like a sea of ​​stars spreading in the night, an elegant and graceful dream.

A swarm of drones like a dark cloud spread out in the sky, and disappeared in the grand lights of Paris in an instant, and then some screened images appeared on the big screen of the studio of TV France [-].

Obviously Paris today is not a dream, but a downright nightmare.

On the congested Champs-Elysees Avenue, the driver sat in the driver's seat and honked his horn anxiously, the child in the back seat was crying in the arms of his mother; devout believers outside the Sacred Heart Cathedral were kneeling and praying, and the bishop stood at the door Chanting scriptures; passers-by fleeing in a hurry because they could not enter the subway station in the Italian circular square; people crowded at the entrance of the Hilton Hotel frantically pushed each other, trying to get in and escape before the security guard pulled down the shutter door. It was like two worlds outside the hotel and inside the hotel; Outside the Municipal Museum of Modern Art, which had been submerged in poisonous gas, a group of men wearing gas masks rushed into the museum with shotguns in their hands. Outside the museum lay several passers-by with gray complexions and foaming at the mouth; The elites of La Défense, surrounded by high-rise buildings, stood on the balcony overlooking the traffic and people rushing towards the new Arc de Triomphe like a wave.
The director cut the screen back to Sith the Clown, he waved his hand, and said in a passionate tone: "Now the drone is in place! The picture is very clear, just waiting for our lucky one to get on the screen! We will select five They will be divided into 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 according to the order of performance. Please remember his (her) performance order and go to www.The Joker.DE to vote for your favorite tourist. Help him escape from desperation and achieve a reversal of fate. You are the real God tonight, and you decide their fate. Now we will hand over the camera to the first drone and randomly select a tourist, and the show will officially begin!"

The sound of "hum, buzz, buzz" was heard, and a quadrotor drone with its own display flew to a street with few people. The middle-aged Caucasian man on the map, he is neither fat nor thin, with a crew-shaven head and a small backpack, looking like a tourist.The Paris network is paralyzed, only the [-]G network is available, and those who are still using [-]G can only choose to use the original map.

"He's the first lucky visitor." The clown Sith, holding a microphone, snapped his fingers.

The drone immediately flew to the streetlight and hovered, casting a shadow under the orange light cone. However, the sound of the drone did not attract the attention of the white man at all. He was always concentrating on looking at the map in his hand while chanting words.

"Hey! Hello! Dear tourist." A harsh and eerie sound came from the drone's speaker.

The middle-aged Caucasian man was taken aback. He put away the ground as if he was afraid of being robbed, then raised his head and quickly turned around to look around, but found that there was no one beside him, only someone running across the street. He immediately Keep looking down at the map.

"Oh! Honey, you gotta look up."

The white man raised his head and saw his sweaty face on the screen of the drone, his mouth opened wide in surprise.

"Hello! I'm Sith the Clown, host of your destiny. I think you still don't know what happened. Let me explain to you."

The white man waved his hand at the camera angrily and said, "Go away, I don't have time to delay!" He immediately lowered his head after speaking.

"You mean you're giving up your chances of getting a gas mask?"

"What?" The white man raised his head again, squeezed the map that was regarded as a treasure, and asked excitedly, "Gas mask? Where is it?"

"Gas masks are only available if you perform the show and win the votes."

The white man was stunned for a moment, and then like an enraged bull, he scolded with a red neck, "Are you joking? How can you joke about such a matter of life and death! I am a citizen of the United States! I must I will expose your shameful and despicable behavior to the whole world!"

"You don't need to be exposed. I'm broadcasting live broadcasts to the world on France [-] TV station now. People all over the world can see your picture now. If you can use your mobile phone to open Youtube or Twitter, you can see yourself. And If you want to get a gas mask, you can only get it if you perform a show under the camera of the drone, get the public’s approval, and win the vote! Assuming you win in the end, you won’t just get the gas mask, you may also have a big bucks”

Hearing the French first TV station, the white man reacted, and shouted at the drone in horror and disgust: "You are the clown Sith? You damn terrorist! It's you. It's you who made me fall into this trap." Such a situation you bastard."

At this moment, another drone flew over, and there was a box hanging under the drone, and there was a very obvious gas mask logo on the box.

The white man stopped shouting. He stared at the box shaking under the light with wide eyes, and shouted tremblingly, "Give it to me! Give it to me!"

"How about it? Do you want to participate? You don't have much time! The poisonous gas will reach you soon!" The clown Sith's hoarse and weird voice echoed in the cold wind and snow, "And I won't give it to you either. You spend too much time thinking about it, after all, this is a global live broadcast, and I can't make the audience wait too long."

The white man glanced at the drone hanging high above, which he could not reach at all, clasped his hands together and begged: "Please, give it to me. I am willing to do whatever you ask me to do! I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life. "

The clown Sith didn't care about the white man's front and back at all, and said with a smile: "If you don't perform the show, I will order the drone to leave now! You will also lose the opportunity to perform this time."

Seeing the drone with the box hanging a little higher, as if it was about to leave his sight, the white man hurriedly shouted: "I will act! I will act!"

"OK! This is long overdue! Next, you can introduce yourself to the global audience!"

"Introduce yourself?"

"Yes! Just like participating in a variety show, talk about your name, work, family and so on"

The white man stammered and said, "My name is Damon. I am from Los Angeles, the United States. I work in a real estate agency. I have just been divorced and have two children."

"Although it's very impolite, can I ask why you got divorced? Maybe your experience will make the audience sympathize!"

"I'm not afraid to tell the story now. I found out that cousin and her boss were cheating on me! When I found out, she didn't apologize and asked me for a divorce directly!" The white man suddenly knelt down and cried I got up, "But after the divorce, she not only got the custody of the child, but also took the house and kicked me out of the house! I was the victim, but the judge was on her side, just because she was a woman, I don’t make as much money as I do! My God! Is it my fault that I’m a man? Is it my fault that I make more money to support my family?”

"Oh! Damon, thank you for sharing this terrible experience! I hope it will make you feel better after you say it!" The clown's voice did not make people feel sympathetic at all, only harsh schadenfreude.

The white man couldn't care less, he raised his wrist and wiped his tears, choked up and said, "I just wanted to come to Paris to relax because I was stimulated, but this happened to me! Now I have nothing! My child It's gone, the house is gone, the savings are gone, and even my life is almost gone!" He raised his head and looked at the camera with tears in his eyes, "Please! Please! Let me go, please?"

"Damon, I can understand your mood, and I sympathize with your experience. You have to perform a show. If you win, you can take away the chance of survival and money. If you lose, I can give you nothing." Clown West After a while, he said, "Rules are rules, and once they are formulated, they must be followed."

"Aren't you the one who made the rules?" The white man thought that the clown Sith didn't believe what he said. He took out his mobile phone, started to click on the video in the mobile phone, and then pointed the mobile phone at the drone under the drone. The camera, a blonde woman and a man with glasses appeared on the screen, and the two were kissing at the door of a hotel.The white man pointed to the video and said loudly, "I didn't lie to you! Look! I have evidence! This is the evidence that I filmed her having an affair with another man!"

"Yes, I made the rules, yes! But why do you ask me to break the rules for you? Just because your ex-wife finds other men behind your back? Have you ever thought about why your ex-wife did this? As a Male, if you can’t protect your territory, your spouse or even your children, it’s because you are not strong enough, and you expect other people to be moral models? Is your wife a good wife and mother? Your wife’s boss is a gentleman? Come on, Damon! This kind of thing does not exist, and there are very few people who can withstand the temptation of the devil! Don't cry! Get up and see what you should do! If you don't take this opportunity! Tell the truth. You probably won't survive tonight!"

Clown Sith's heart-wrenching words made the white man put down his phone again, rubbing his face and crying bitterly, without any intention of standing up.

Clown Sith notified mercilessly: "You still have 30 seconds."

Hearing this sentence, the white man stood up tremblingly. He wiped away his tears again, and said in a daze, "I don't have any talent! I don't know what I should perform!"

"Singing, dancing, or reciting a poem, people always have their own hobbies! As long as you are what you love, you can always perform it well, and then find resonance with the audience! Just like I always love comedy! I have always aspired to be A great comedian! I’ve been on this road, trying to create the greatest comedy in the world! Think about it yourself!” The enthusiastic voice of the clown Sith warmed Paris in December, Warmth as intense as an explosion.

The white man looked confused, and he said in despair, "I don't have any hobbies. I usually watch soap operas and NFL!"

"Oh! Look! So you have never lived for yourself since you were born, and your life is nothing but money? My God, maybe you should perform suicide, anyway, there are not many people like you in the world Quite a few."

The white man said with an aggrieved face, "But don't most people in the world live like this?"

"There are so many pigs, cows, and chickens in the world because we need pigs, cows, and chickens for food. If humans don't need these foods, they will become extinct in minutes! Do you know what I mean?"

"I don't quite understand! I just think it's my freedom to live how I want, and I want to live like this!"

Clown Sith laughed strangely and said, "Okay! No wonder your wife wants to leave you. So what show are you going to perform now?"

"Then I. I. Let me tell a joke!"

"OK! I like listening to jokes the most. I often try to tell some jokes, but no one laughs. I think you chose a super difficult performance!"

"I really don't know anything else!"

"No! I didn't mean to persuade you to change your mind, I just expressed my opinion, Dimon, it's time for you to start your performance"

"Then let me tell a joke about lawyers in the United States." Dimon stumbled and finished a joke about lawyers that was not very funny. People from other countries except Americans may not get a joke about lawyers, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "It's over .”

"Oh! Poor Dimon, tell me, is your ex-wife's boss a lawyer?"

"Yes." Damon replied with a sad expression.

"To be honest, your performance is terrible, but fortunately, I am not the one who decides your fate! Maybe the public will sympathize with you because of your experience, so wait a moment and wait until the other four lucky people finish their performances before we know the result! You can Choose to leave immediately and give up waiting! You can also choose to watch the live broadcast here, so that you can win tickets for yourself at the end!"

"I'll wait a minute! Maybe the audience will vote for me?"

"The preferences of the audience. Who can say for sure?" The clown Sith laughed and replied, the scene cut back to the studio, the clown Sith danced with his hands high, and sang, "Listen to Mr. Damon He told a joke, I think his life is a joke! I don’t know if the audience is satisfied with his jokes. If you are satisfied, please vote for him after the voting channel opens! Please remember that his number is '1' and was voted by his wife A traitorous real estate agent——Mr. Damon from the United States! Please invite a second tourist!"

Showing a bald head in a black jacket, the clown Sith said: "Hey! Dear tourist! Please introduce yourself!"

Maybe it was because of the preparations, the bald man was much calmer than the white man in front of him, and he was better than the white man in front of him in terms of self-introduction and talent show singing. Then came the third tourist, a violinist; the fourth came on stage The first visitor is a black aunt in the choir; the fifth visitor is a dart player
After the performance of the five tourists, five anxiously waiting faces and their numbers appeared on the big screen. The clown Sith snapped his fingers in front of the camera, as if firing the starting gun, and announced loudly: "The voting channel is open! Everyone! Go to www.The Joker.DE now to vote for the tourist you want to help!"

At this moment, the glass window of the studio exploded with a "bang", and all the staff in the studio screamed in horror and squatted down with their heads covered. The cold wind blew into the studio with snowflakes and glass shards A gentle voice also floated in along with the howling cold wind.

"Sith, it's over, stop your silly tricks!"

Facing the sudden explosion, the clown Sith didn't even move. The pieces of glass flying towards him froze in the air for a moment, and immediately fell to the ground like debris. He looked at the void outside the window, and the brilliant Floating in the background of the city was a white-haired man wearing a French marshal outfit. The man was not tall and strong, but he had an unparalleled aura.

The clown Sith laughed strangely: "A boring little trick? A boring little trick? Unexpectedly, General Philip is just a layman."

General Philip appeared in the studio in an instant, and punched the clown Sith in the abdomen with one punch. The blue electric current spread across the clown's body in an instant, and the clown Sith was knocked to the ground before he even had time to react.God Philip stepped on the clown Sith's chest, looked down at him and said, "You're right, I've always been a layman."


Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun looked forward across the iron fence outside the Luxembourg Gardens. The N17 viaduct leading to the suburbs and also to Le Bourget Airport was full of cars, the horns were loud and deafening, and there were people on the roof Running wildly, the sound of "bang, bang, bang" is clearly audible.There were also many people running on the street, especially at the entrance of the Alice Luxembourg Hotel, surrounded by countless people who wanted to enter the hotel. They slapped the shutter door and shouted for help. As for the subway station nearby, it had been closed long ago, and the entrance was in a mess.

"I didn't expect the situation to be much more serious than I imagined. We have to tell Instructor Bai quickly that it is a bit difficult to reach Le Bourget Airport through normal means under such circumstances." Xie Minyun frowned and said.

Cheng Mo smiled wryly and said, "According to what you said, the poisonous gas came from the Pantheon, so it's not far from us. Now it's not a matter of arriving at Le Bourget Airport, but a matter of how to save your life!"

Xie Minyun was silent for a while and said: "I'll check in another direction first, and you should hurry up and inform Instructor Bai not to go in this direction."

Cheng Mo nodded, Xie Minyun ran to the left, and disappeared from Cheng Mo's vision in an instant.Cheng Mo also turned his head and ran in the direction he came, and soon met the large army led by Bai Xiuxiu.

Everyone stopped when they saw Cheng Mo who was out of breath. Bai Xiuxiu saw Cheng Mo's serious expression and asked with a serious face, "What's wrong?"

Even if you want to hide such a big thing, you can't hide it, and you can't hide it, Cheng Mo said directly: "The clown Sith launched a poison gas attack in Paris, and now there is poison gas everywhere in Paris."

Hearing such shocking news, everyone changed their faces and exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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