Rebel Demon King

Chapter 910 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (17)

Chapter 910 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (17)

If Italy is the boot extending into the Mediterranean Sea, Denmark is the cactus growing between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.The border between Denmark and Germany is a long and narrow corridor connecting the Jutland peninsula with the Europa continent. From the map, it is the root of Denmark, which is somewhat slender.

Cheng Mo’s original plan was that he and Xie Minyun left Denmark via Zenner, which can be said to be two extremes with the Tai Chi Dragon students led by Bai Xiuxiu who left Denmark via Flensburg. Zenner is on the side of the Jutland Peninsula near the North Sea , while Flensburg is on the Baltic side of the Jutland peninsula, and the two routes are almost completely parallel in the narrow strip of the Jutland peninsula.

Lens, on the other hand, is at the midpoint between the two.

At this moment, Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu chose a place with no way out to break through the defense line of the Mi army.

All of this can be said to be a tacit understanding under the pressure of the situation, or it can be said to be the will of God in the dark. As for which one it is, it depends entirely on how the parties think.

But at the moment neither side knows the other's decision. Bai Xiuxiu led the students through wind and snow, marching quickly on their feet in the dense and cold coniferous forest of Jutland.

Cheng Mo sat in the warm spring-like Babosi and ran wildly on the snowy plain.

Xie Minyun took the "Odin's Wrath" people and fled in the direction of Zenna, and then used teleportation at the limit distance that Nuwa could transmit radio signals to her, threw off the pursuers, and rushed in the direction of Cheng Mo come over.

Since the Jutland Peninsula was completely covered by glaciers in the Quaternary period (about 260 million years ago), the terrain is low and undulating, and it is a plain of ice water deposition. Except for occasional large coniferous forests that can cover their tracks, most There is no way to provide shelter for those who want to flee.

Fortunately, it was a blizzard, and Xie Minyun was wearing a Tai Chi Dragon suit that could change color according to the surrounding environment, running fast in the heavy snow, so it was difficult to be spotted.

Ordinary people fleeing for their lives in such an extreme environment would probably have been terrified for a long time, but Xie Minyun seemed to be in the mood to observe the traces left by the ice age on this ancient land, the frozen lake.

The weather was gloomy and cold, with a touch of blue lake under the dark sky like amber inlaid on white ice jade, the rustling of heavy snow could be heard clearly in the silence, Xie Minyun took out a small The compass, but the red and white pointer seems to have lost its guidance, spinning randomly under the glass cover.

Apparently it's broken.

Losing an important tool to guide the direction is undoubtedly a disaster for the road idiot Xie Minyun, but she was not in a hurry. She put the broken compass back into her jacket pocket, took out a rubber band from it, and tied her messy hair again. Okay, then zip up the taut special combat suit and tuck your hair into the back collar.

Ouroboros does not come with a pointing function, she must rely on her own knowledge to find the way forward.

Xie Minyun lightly jumped to the middle of the frozen lake, made a hidden mark, and then asked in the snowstorm: "Nuwa, do you know my location?"

"I can only roughly judge that you are in the southwest of us, about six to seven kilometers away from us." Nuwa's faint voice came from the tiny earphone in the cochlea.

Xie Minyun stood beside the lake formed by the ice crystals and looked up at the drooping sky. After hesitating for a long time, he asked in a low voice, "Can you help me make sure the east side is there?"

"Your question stumps me." Nuwa paused and said, "Sir, don't you always have the habit of carrying a compass?"

"It's broken." Xie Minyun whispered with some embarrassment.

"This is still really unlucky, or you try to move in one direction at random, and I can judge whether you are heading in the right direction based on the distance!"

"Okay." After a while, Xie Minyun said again, "I'm so sorry."

"Officer Xie Minyun, there's no need to apologize to me." Nuwa replied, "If you're talking to Cheng Mo, I can convey it for you."

"No, no need." Xie Minyun said, "We keep in touch all the time, and I'm afraid of going out of communication range."

"Okay, Chief Xie Minyun."

After Xie Minyun glanced, the faint footprints she left on the snow field had been completely covered up. Fortunately, she was always prepared. She glanced at the marks on the frozen lake and chose the completely opposite direction when she came here just now. , run quickly.
Nuwa's counting voice "1, 2, 3" came from my ears. When Nuwa counted to almost five hundred, Nuwa's voice disappeared completely, and Xie Minyun immediately turned back, and then returned to that The lakeside marked along the road.

The whole process took about a quarter of an hour.

Just as Xie Minyun returned to the center of the frozen lake and was about to try another direction, Nuwa's voice came from his cochlea.

"Officer Xie Minyun, student Cheng Mo requests to talk to you."

"Approved." Xie Minyun's tone was a little guilty.

"Student Xie Xiaojin, your trial and error method is too slow."

Although Cheng Mo's voice was as emotionless as usual, it wasn't as fast as usual, but rather calm and unhurried.Xie Minyun knew that Cheng Mo didn't want her to feel pressured, so he didn't change his usual way of speaking so deliberately.

On the icy Jutland snowfield, Xie Minyun felt a slight sweetness in her heart, but it was not the moment to savor this intoxicating sweetness, so she asked with a blushing face, "Then what better way do you have?"

"Is there any coniferous forest around you?"

"You mean to use annual rings to judge direction?"


"There is no coniferous forest around me, no plants, not even ditches, only a frozen lake." Xie Minyun looked around and said softly.

Cheng Mo, who was sitting in Babosi, also looked out of the car window subconsciously. The whole snowfield was a vast expanse of whiteness. Even if he didn't use external objects, it was difficult for him to find the right direction. The golden fish arrow that he pulled out.

"If you can find the fish arrow, you can find the right direction, because when he threw the arrow, he deliberately threw it in the direction of Zenner." Cheng Mo thought, he closed his eyes and began to think about how to help Xie Minyun found the golden arrow with radioactive elements.

"I'll try and make mistakes! I'll run faster this time." Xie Minyun's voice came from the carriage.

"I have a way for you to try." Cheng Mo touched the tool bag on the ribs of the Taiji Dragon Special Battle Uniform and said immediately, "There is a small halogen flashlight in the tool bag of the Tai Chi Long Special Battle Uniform, you can use it Make a simple Geiger counter, and when you're done, go in the direction of the strongest energy."

Xie Minyun heard the string song and knew the elegance, and said, "You mean there are radioactive elements in the car?"

"On that golden arrow, the people of Odin's Wrath found our location based on the radioactive elements on the golden arrow."

"Didn't you drop it?"

"When I dropped the arrow, I pointed the arrow in Zenner's direction. So when you find it, as long as no one has moved it, it should still point in Zenner's direction. You just need to chase it in the opposite direction. .”

Xie Minyun didn't expect Cheng Mo to play tricks on something that most people don't pay attention to, and he didn't know whether to be happy or angry and said: "You are really a clever ghost."

"Do you want me to tell you how to use a skill flashlight as a Geiger counter?" Cheng Mo asked him.

"Nonsense, of course not."

"I'll be waiting for you on the road." Cheng Mo said softly, "I'm sorry for leaving you alone in such a bad place."

"Student Cheng Xiaomo, don't be hypocritical." Xie Minyun snorted coldly.

Cheng Mo ignored Xie Minyun's arrogance, and continued to say sincerely: "I will definitely not next time."

"I'll be right back." Xie Minyun's voice softened.

The icy snowflakes floating wantonly on the snow field seem to become soft and warm.


The principle of the Geiger counter is not complicated. Xie Minyun only needs to put the inert gas in the halogen lamp into a metal tube sealed with insulating material at both ends, and then use a voltage slightly lower than the breakdown voltage of the gas in the tube to control the discharge phenomenon. It can sense the low energy in the air, so as to select its types.

So soon she found the golden fish arrow at the place with the strongest reaction according to the Geiger counter. She used her feet to push away the snow covering it, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, covered the snow again, and then turned around. Going to run in the opposite direction of the arrow.

But at this moment, her sensitive ears caught the tremor of the earth. Xie Minyun looked in the direction of the source of the sound. The place where the ice sheet meets the sky was filled with a line of snow fog as thick as smoke, compared with the previous two times. , this time the momentum was particularly frightening, the flying snow mist had almost covered the sky at the end of the snowy field.She opened the three-dimensional map, and in the direction of the snow and fog, there were densely packed red dots, at least hundreds of them.

Xie Minyun's heart trembled, and he was hesitating whether to run away in the direction of Cheng Mo, when a sharp whistle sounded in the distance.Xie Minyun adjusted the interpupillary distance and took a closer look. In the middle of the snow fog was a hedgehog-like armored vehicle. On the top of the armored vehicle stood a tall, white-haired man with golden arms and a cloak that looked like an iceberg. A giant metal sculpture stood on her shoulder, and the giant sculpture looked towards her and soared into the air, flying towards her like a sharp arrow.

From the image point of view, there is no doubt that this white-haired man is the leader of "Odin's Wrath", the demon disciple who ranks 376th in the sky list and 27th in the reward list-Breivik.

Xie Minyun took a deep breath and looked in the direction of Lance, and immediately galloped in the opposite direction.


Babus slowly crawled towards Lens like a turtle in the lonely heavy snow. Cheng Mo stared at the monitor for a long time, feeling sore eyes. He took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and rubbed his tired eyes. eyes, and asked at the same time: "How far is Chief Xie Minyun from us?"

"Didn't you mention us just now? Now when you need my help, you should talk about us?" Nu Wa brought up a completely irrelevant matter with a hint of emotion.

Cheng Mo was a little surprised, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay! I was wrong."

Nuwa snorted softly and said, "Mr. Xie Minyun is wrong. She was still approaching us just now, but now she seems to be moving away again."

Cheng Mo frowned and asked, "Getting farther and farther away?"


"What about the speed?"

"Soon, soon, faster than coming close."

"Speed ​​up, turn around, let's chase her." Cheng Mo said.

"Aren't we leaving Lance?" Nuwa asked.

"Officer Xie Minyun is in danger now, we must save her first. Hurry up, use nitrogen." Cheng Mo said quickly.

"Okay, student Cheng Mo." Nuwa's tone became serious.

The huge Brabus turned its head on the snowy field, roared through the sky, and rushed towards the road it came from. "Bang, bang, bang" red flames gushed out from the exhaust pipe, and the accumulation on the body The snow melted quickly, revealing its tough and sharp body.

Cheng Mo asked Nuwa to call Xie Minyun, but did not get a response from Xie Minyun.
(I caught a cold when the weather suddenly changed. I am very sorry)

(End of this chapter)

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