Rebel Demon King

Chapter 908 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (15)

Chapter 908 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (15)

Sitting in the co-pilot, Cheng Mo couldn't say how much he trusted the artificial intelligence Nuwa, or he didn't trust anyone in essence. At this time, his hand was already on Ouroboros, staring at the back The surging snow waves in the mirror are ready to activate the carrier at any time.

However, Nuwa's ability didn't seem to be as bad as she thought. The steering wheel turned rapidly without anyone controlling it, and the carbon fiber brake calipers and brake discs rubbed against each other, making intermittent and sharp sounds.

If Cheng Mo is proficient in driving skills, he will hear that this is a very advanced driving skill. The most important thing is that people need to use experience to judge the impact of the braking effect on the driving state of the vehicle when driving, but artificial intelligence relies on the collected driving skills. Data calculation can get the most intuitive results.

People may make mistakes, but artificial intelligence will not make mistakes as long as it has accurate data.

At this second, Cheng Mo sat in the co-pilot and watched the front of the car go sideways, feeling as if the car would overturn at any time, but the huge 6X6 BRABUS, before the rolling snow waves were about to touch it, was in front of the waves. A 75-degree corner was drawn on the ground, and it flew obliquely in the direction of the coniferous forest. There was no snow wave in that area of ​​the coniferous forest.

Perhaps because she observed Cheng Mo's movements, Nuwa stepped on the accelerator and said softly: "I have learned the driving skills of all the great drivers in history, and I have done millions of simulation trainings, whether it is formula or rally. , I can easily beat human champion drivers, so please trust my driving skills."

"How did you see that I don't trust you?" Cheng Mo stared at the screen, watching the Autobots approaching rapidly. A group of cyborgs were standing on the roof of the car, and some were standing on the trailer. All of them are weapons with explosive violence index. There are all kinds of tricks, such as slingshots, javelins, chainsaws, and maces.
But there is no gun or cannon. Cheng Mo thought it was good news just now. The cyborg standing on the top of the Hummer holding a javelin immediately threw a silver javelin over. The javelin drew an arc in the air. , piercing through the wind and snow, piercing towards the route of Babos as precisely as a missile.

Nuwa flicked the tail of Brabus, and the two tires at the back blew a burst of snow and mist, forming a "one" across the edge of the coniferous forest to keep pace with the snow waves, and then straightened the car body again in an instant, turning into a "one" 1", twisting the shining javelin.

At the same time, Nuwa said, "I can analyze your facial expressions to judge your emotional state."

"Awesome!" Cheng Mo just looked at the javelin inserted on his right side, and the silver iron rod with beautiful patterns was still swinging violently in the wind and snow, so close that Cheng Mo felt that it might even knock on the car window.Just as Cheng Mo breathed a sigh of relief, he turned his head and saw the opponent throwing javelins one after another like a cannonball on the monitor.

Silver hand-made missiles followed one after another, so Nuwa could only make extreme evasive actions continuously. Although Nuwa's driving skills were so good that she was never pierced, all kinds of extreme actions also caused the snow wave to disappear even if it disappeared. , Brabus was still unable to speed up.

Seeing that the Autobots are gradually catching up with Brabus, the Viking punk fans of Odin's Wrath began to gear up. The cyborg with a flamethrower sprayed flames into the air while roaring mockingly, Optimus Prime The Viking cyborg at the back also played musical instruments in response to the occasion, and soon turned into a rhythmic Viking roar

The guitarist raised his guitar high and started his solo, playing an exciting movement.


The drummer beat the drum set vigorously, and the huge sound waves shook the coniferous forest.


The bassist does a low-toned death rap
As if afraid that Cheng Mo would not understand the meaning, Nuwa also explained: "He is saying 'coward! Don't run! You can't run away anyway'."

"No, Nuwa, you don't understand, they're playing tricks!" Cheng Mo swayed with the car, his body and head shaking like a rattle.

Nu Wa was completely unaffected by these, and asked in confusion: "What kind of meme are you playing?" After a pause, she explained, "The signal I can receive now is very weak, and I can't search it on the Internet."

"It's just that the 'bass player' has no sense of presence in a band, so he doesn't need to perform bass solo." I saw the cyborg warrior who threw the javelin, using the suction to continuously recover the javelin shot along the way, and kept throwing the javelin In order to block Babos, so that it is getting closer and closer, and when those roars are clearly heard through the wind and snow and the howling of the engine, they can be heard without audio playback, Cheng Mo couldn't help but say, "This is not the time to discuss this." Time, can't you fight back?"

"You can return fire, but the bullets don't do much."

"Where's the laser cannon?"

"Every time I fire two laser cannons, I need six hours to collect energy, and now I need four hours."

Cheng was silent.

"The modification of this car is still in the verification stage, and it is inevitable that the technology is immature."

Cheng Mo put his hand on Ouroboros again.

"But I have driving skills that humans can't match." Nuwa said.

"The program sets you up as a chatterbox?" Cheng Mo expressed strong dissatisfaction. He believed that Nu Wa should be able to recognize it.

"I have been with Chief Xie Minyun for a long time, but I haven't been with you for a long time, so I want to know more about you."

"Do you still know how to talk about him?"

"My character is set by Chief Li Jiting." Nuwa replied.

"No wonder!" Cheng Mo looked at the sky, but he could only see the top of Babos' starry sky.

At this time, the Autobots had chased to a distance of only about 200 meters. A cyborg standing on the roof of the GMC off-road vehicle shook the rope in his hand and threw a flying claws.

Nu Wa flicked her tail again, causing the flying claws to fall into the air, and the roar of Viking roared from the Optimus Prime truck.

The yellow bumblebee at the front accelerated in the flying snow and fog, overtook other vehicles, and quickly caught up with Babos. When it was only a few cars away, an agile man wearing black samurai armor and hair made of white wires The sex cyborg opened the passenger's door.

There were deafening echoes all around, and then he jumped off the bumblebee, and chased Babus like a ghost in the snow curtain.

"Since the bullets are of little use to him, let's shoot the coniferous forest and knock down the trees," Cheng Mo said.

"No problem, student Cheng Mo." Nuwa turned the machine gun on the roof of the car and pointed it at the coniferous forest aside, the sound of "da, da, da" machine gun exploded, and the coniferous forest along the way followed Babo like dominoes The rear of the car fell down.

This unexpected trick forced the wire head, who was running wildly on the ice field like a sled dog, to jump high, and then hid in the coniferous forest to avoid the fallen trees.

"How about the strength of our car body?"

"Brabus has tank-level body strength."

"Then it's time to test your driving skills, slow down and knock over that Hornet." Cheng Mo looked at the monitor and said with squinted eyes at the Hornet that was slowing down to avoid the coniferous wood.

"Great idea!" Nuwa said, and the sound of "click, click, click" brakes sounded again, and the huge Babus suddenly turned sideways, and directly hit the hornet that was catching up from the left in an arc. , the opponent slammed on the brakes, but it was really difficult to brake in the snow, and the hornet had already avoided it, and was hit by Brabus like a bull in the middle of the car.The door of Bumblebee's car was dented in an instant, and the whole car rolled out like a dice. Brabus, who had installed the anti-collision beam, didn't even have a scratch.

"Fire the gas tank." Cheng Mo said calmly.

"Heroes see the same thing." At the same time Cheng Mo spoke, Nu Wa had already turned the direction of the machine gun, and the flames were flying in the heavy snow. A string of precise red lights hit the hornet's fuel tank directly, and there was a "bang" explosion. A small flame mushroom cloud blooms like a firework in the heavy snow.

A fiery cyborg jumped out of the driver's seat, rolling wildly on the snow, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

Seeing the situation, Mo and Nuwa destroyed each other's bumblebee, but the deceleration caused by the impact caused Babos to be chased by the wire head cyborg and the GMC off-road vehicle. At this moment, it seemed too late to open the distance, Cheng Momo saw the wire-headed cyborg jumping slightly from the tree in the coniferous forest and grabbing the door handle of the rear door. At the same time, the cyborg swinging its flying claws also shot towards Brabus from the roof of the GMC off-road vehicle. The roof of the car jumped over, and the situation has become extremely dangerous.
Cheng Mo was about to activate the carrier, but Nu Wa said, "Don't worry, this is the meticulous masterpiece of Tai Chi Dragon engineers. There are so many traps that it will make your scalp tingle."

It wasn't Cheng Mo whose scalp was numb, but the wire-headed cyborg grabbing the door handle.

The sound of crackling electric currents sounded, and Cheng Mo turned his head, and saw the cyborg in the rearview mirror, the electric wire that was pulling the handle of Babus's doorknob, was electrocuted, trembling messily by the car door, the pupils under the steel mask turned white, The braided wire ends are shining blue, which is really beautiful.

At this moment, the cyborg with flying claws is about to reach the roof of Brabus from mid-air, and there is a knocking sound of "bang, bang, bang" at the rear of the car, and blue flames spurt out from the exhaust pipe , Brabus's huge body seemed to have lost weight and accelerated violently, and it ran far away in an instant, so the "howling" Viking cyborg was caught off guard and fell directly on the snow. inside.

However, the flying claw in his hand was thrown out. The flying claw didn't know what material it was made of, but just touched it, and it stuck tightly to the rear of Brabus's car like Spiderman's spider silk.Immediately, the Viking cyborg was dragged up by Brabus, spinning in the air.For a cyborg, such friction is nothing. The tough cyborg tried to stand up while pulling the rope of the flying claw. The cyborg flung towards the coniferous forest. After breaking two coniferous trees, the cyborg finally couldn't hold on anymore and let go of his hand howling.

Successive defeats made the big brother Optimus Prime unable to hold back. The silver stainless steel exhaust chimney erected on the front of the car spewed flames and began to accelerate. Howl.

Countless weapons flew towards Barbus, this time not only javelins, but also throwing axes, boomerangs and crossbow bolts
Forced by all kinds of cold weapons, Babos had to move around in a snake skin, relying on coquettish movements, repeatedly jumping sideways on the edge of danger.Let Cheng Mo experience the thrill of riding a roller coaster.

Seeing that Optimus Prime is getting closer, through the snow and fog, Cheng Mo saw a cyborg with loose hair and a triangular mask on his mouth that looked exactly like a shock ventilator. He climbed onto the roof from Optimus Prime's co-pilot , raised his hands on the roof of the high-speed Optimus Prime, and roared in a rough and hoarse voice: "Heil Führer (Long live victory)!"

The "Long Live Victory" of the mountains and tsunami sounded, and the music became passionate.

Cheng Mo looked at the golden-haired lion cyborg standing on the roof of Optimus Prime's car from the monitor, and held up a huge speargun with a chain on it, maybe it shouldn't be called a speargun It should be said to be a fish arrow cannon.

The Golden Retriever Lion didn't aim at all, and when he pulled the trigger, the golden fish arrow seemed to have eyes, pulling the chain and soaring straight towards the rear of Babus' car.

Nu Wa, who had calculated the shooting trajectory accurately, tried to control Babos to evade, but the chained fish arrows and tracking missiles twisted her body like Babos, and got into Babos's trunk like an electric eel.

The gigantic Optimus Prime immediately braked, carving two deep grooves in the snow field.

"Boom!" The iron chain was pulled straight in the wind and snow.

Fortunately, Nu Wa braked in time, otherwise the person who was dragged would be thrown off his back.

However, he escaped the first day of the junior high school and was unable to escape the fifteenth day. No matter how powerful Brabus was, he couldn't drag a heavy truck that weighed several tons forward, let alone a heavy truck with brakes on.Nuwa activated the nitrogen gas to accelerate, and wanted to pull off the trunk lid, but was hindered by the strong body structure, struggling in the snow, turning over countless snowflakes to no avail, like a fish nailed to a chopping board.

Optimus Prime, GMC, and the cyborgs on the Hummer jumped off the roof of the car like sharks smelling blood, and rushed towards Babus, ready to eat him clean.

Cheng Mo knew that now was not the time to hesitate. Although he knew that a carrier was needed to break through the defense line between Denmark and Germany, he had no choice at the moment. Staring at the approaching cyborgs who were about to activate the carrier, Nu Wa once again dissuaded him in time: " No need, Chief Xie Minyun has already arrived."

Cheng Mo turned his head and glanced at the screen. Xie Minyun in the sky swooped down like a swan in the heavy snow with white wings spread out. A crescent-like golden light split the wind and snow, cutting the whole world into pieces. The cyborg that pounces on Brabs
The iron chain between Optimus Prime and Babos also broke, and Babus, who was struggling hard, rushed out immediately.

Seeing Xie Minyun fighting with the Golden Retriever Lion King, thinking that the Golden Retriever Lion King didn't use teleport just now, Cheng Mo knew that the opponent was definitely not Xie Minyun's opponent.Cheng Mo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's go."

Babus roared, dragged half of the iron chain and fled towards the depths of the snowstorm

December 2120, 12 at 25:1 noon.

The eleven assault personnel carriers led by Bai Xiuxiu broke through the siege and interception of the unnumbered army, galloped along the E45, and arrived at the Flensburg line at the border between Denmark and Germany.Originally, they should have fifteen vehicles and 140 people. At this moment, four vehicles have been lost, more than ten people have been injured, and four people have unfortunately been sacrificed.

The entire team is basically low-grade students, most of whom have not even graduated from college, and they are all in panic when encountering such an unimaginable crisis.

Fortunately, the backbone of Bai Xiuxiu was strong. She wiped out the entire pursuer along the way, and used her strength to reassure the students of Tai Chi Dragon. Otherwise, at this time, they probably had no choice but to surrender to save their lives.

In fact, even if Bai Xiuxiu was there, she was still a little desperate.

Bai Xiuxiu frowned at the moment. The convoy was hiding on the edge of the coniferous forest five kilometers away from Flensburg. She activated the time rift skill and went to investigate the situation near Flensburg.According to her observations, the Flensburg route can be said to be guarded by Mi Jun. There are not only soldiers wearing exoskeletons, but also artillery positions and armed helicopter battalions. Bai Xiuxiu glanced at the three-dimensional map, representing the chosen Red dots are also everywhere.

If she was the only one, there would be no problem in quietly passing through the Mi army's position by virtue of the "time rift". The problem is that there are still so many students, what should I do?
Leading them to break through is tantamount to death, but besides breaking through, what else can we do to lead so many students through the defensive positions of the Mi army?

Bai Xiuxiu really couldn't think of it.

(There is another update today)
(End of this chapter)

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