Rebel Demon King

Chapter 906 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (13)

Chapter 906 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (13)

May 2120, 12, 25:10 am.

The E45 highway at Christmas has been closed due to the heavy snow. On the straight road, there is only one orange snow plow truck moving slowly. The blond driver sitting in the driver's seat is holding the steering wheel with one hand and holding the mobile phone in the other. While watching, he looked up at the road ahead from time to time. Outside the car window, it was snowing heavily, and the world was empty and silent, as if he was the only one driving a snow plow truck to remove snow alone.

"I'm the only idiot like me who would agree to change shifts in this horrible weather." The driver at the head of the plane glanced at the deserted road and complained, then turned his gaze to the phone screen.

There is a Christmas atmosphere on YouTube, and you can see Christmas advertisements if you click on any video.In addition to the unavoidable hard content, YouTube is full of "reviews" of various products, as well as tutorial videos on food, beauty and home decoration DIY, or VLOGs showing off wealth
All in all, the entire YouTube channel is either hard or soft, and there are videos that stimulate people to indulge in consumerism. The pilot of the plane is not very interested in these, except for the occasional anecdote or a video of a sexy girl posing. He swiped quickly, and the more he swiped, the less there was anything to see, but he continued to slide his fingers in boredom, mechanically looking for visual stimuli that would generate advertising value for him.

The driver at the head of the plane looked up again at the seemingly endless expressway. Although he couldn't see the road clearly, how straight was the road he had traveled hundreds of times, how far was the end point, and what did he look like? , but his heart is clear.At this moment, the pilot of the plane suddenly felt that everything was boring. He whispered: "Christmas is so boring. Maybe I should change my job. Being a salesperson is more interesting than being a snow plow driver."

As if the Creator was responding to his expectations, when he set his sights on the screen again, a horizontal message popped up on the top of the screen saying "Comprehensive Invasion of Eastern Ukraine". Christmas advertisement.As in previous years, the standard Santa Claus, elk and Christmas tree appear in sequence, and the ending is also the standard family carnival ending in previous years, just like the consistent taste of Coca-Cola.

After the advertisement was over, the pilot of the plane lowered his eyes again and immediately saw the meat of the drama. The BBC’s blond white news anchor said with a serious expression: “This morning, at 12:[-] Russian time, Donetsk Oblast, Luzhou in eastern Ukraine Gansk Oblast announced to join Russia, and Kharkiv Oblast declared its independence again. [-] Russian soldiers entered the Donbass region and are moving rapidly to Kharkiv Oblast. The Ukrainian leader Zheshki strongly condemned the Russian authorities for tearing up the "Minsk "Agreement", and declared that Russia is dragging the whole of Europa into the war. The head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zakhanova said to the public that Moscow does not want to restart the war in the Donbass region, but Donetsk and Luhansk regions The decision of Kharkov and Kharkiv is a manifestation of public opinion, and the wishes of the people must be respected. Zakharova also said: "The Minsk Agreement" is still the best way to deal with the current crisis in Ukraine, and calls on Ukraine to exercise restraint."

Judging from the anchor's statement, it was nothing more than a war of words, which disappointed the pilot who had no political sense, but when the scene cut to the report sent by the reporter on the scene.Seeing dozens of tanks appear on the screen with flashing snowflakes, he became excited again, and quickly looked ahead. There was nothing on the straight highway except snow.

He immediately held his mobile phone a little above the steering wheel and continued to watch the video. The green war machine T-14 Armata main battle tank was advancing in the field under the cover of drones, and the camera stretched backwards. 9A52-4 Tornado-S, BM-27 Hurricane, and BM-30 Tornado multiple rocket launchers appeared on the rocket artillery position. The scene of the fire flickering and the cannon fire made his blood boil
"Oh! Oh! War, war, it would be interesting to have a bigger war!" The pilot of the plane waved his fist and said excitedly.

At this moment, a horn sounded from behind, and the driver of the plane head subconsciously looked in the rearview mirror, and found a group of strange white cars behind them, keeping a close distance, flying in the wind like a high-speed train. gallop in the snow.

When the convoy caught up with him, the driver at the head of the plane could clearly see that the front windshield of the strange car was divided into three pieces, which formed a trapezoidal upper section shape and connected with the hood as a whole, and the white hood in the middle Sprayed with a light blue "UN" logo, you can't see it unless you look carefully.

The tires of the monster car are also very eye-catching. Not only are they large, but the pattern is also very rough. They are obviously all-terrain tires, and they run fast on the highway where the snow has not been cleared.

The shape of the whole car is not so round, it looks like a diamond-shaped high-speed rail front with large tractor tires, it is completely a prop car that only appears in Hollywood sci-fi movies.

The driver of the plane is familiar with every car in the world, but he has never seen this weird car. He quickly picked up his mobile phone and started to shoot wildly at the convoy. He thought suspiciously: "This is a Hollywood film about science fiction. Movie? Doesn’t seem right, the ones in the cab don’t seem to be white”

Hearing the other party honking the horn frantically, the driver at the head of the plane had to put down his mobile phone, and slowly turned the direction, moved the snowplow to the emergency lane, and gave way to the overtaking lane and the express lane. He said dissatisfiedly: " I really have no quality." When he saw that the other party didn't even have a license plate, he frowned and said, "What's the matter, isn't the road closed?"

The white strange car passed by the snowplow quickly, the roar of the engine was deafening, and there were obvious "da, da, da" sounds in the middle, as if hidden under the steel body, the locomotive was rhythmic Breathe.

"Eight-cylinder four-turbocharged diesel engine, good thing, at least seven or eight hundred horsepower." The driver of the plane turned his head and looked at the strange car that was not much shorter than his snowplow, and picked up the phone again to continue recording, but However, he saw that the side of the strange car had transparent windows extending to the roof, and the seats in the middle of the car were also different from ordinary seats. Four people sat back to back facing the side windows, while the two people at the rear of the car faced the fully transparent The rear windshield sits.

Everyone in the car was wearing a white camouflage uniform, a white camouflage helmet, and a sci-fi white long gun in their hand.

There were young and serious faces under the helmet, and the people sitting on it were also looking at him. The pilot of the plane was inexplicably afraid to raise his mobile phone to record, and watched the strange white car speeding past.

When the last strange white car was about to overtake him, the strange car slowed down slightly, the window of the co-pilot slid down, and a woman so beautiful that the nose of the plane felt unbelievable turned her head to look at him, and at the same time said loudly He shouted something.

However, the wind and snow and the sound of the engine obscured everything, and the pilot at the head of the plane couldn't hear what this beautiful and noble woman said.If it had been someone else, the pilot of the plane might not have opened the window in such a cold weather. He was only wearing a sweater, but facing such a woman, no matter how bad the weather was outside the window, no one could refuse to respond to her call .

The driver of the aircraft head pressed the window, and the cold wind suddenly rushed in. He shivered, and opened his mouth against the wind and snow that drifted into the window. Just as he was about to ask, "What did you say?", he heard the other party eagerly shout : "Stop the car quickly, and leave this road immediately!"

"What's wrong?" asked the pilot.

"Air strike!" The other party replied, then closed the car windows, and chased after the convoy in front.

"Air attack?" The pilot at the head of the plane looked shocked, and then showed a funny expression, and shouted at the taillights of the strange car, "Hey! This is Denmark, not Ukraine, and not Russia."

No one responded to him, the scarlet tail lights quickly disappeared into the wind and snow, the pilot of the plane shrugged his shoulders and moved the snowplow back to the middle of the fast lane again, he picked up his phone to watch the earliest video just now At this moment, he still regrets not being able to take a picture of that woman who is more beautiful than any movie star. At this time, there is a sound of "buzz~buzz~buzz~" in the sky, like a swarm of bees flying past his ears .

He looked up, and saw a scene that seemed familiar to him, a field of iron-gray drones crossing the wind and snow obliquely above him like wild geese returning from the south.

He stared at the drone crowd with his mouth wide open, and murmured, "Am I dreaming or making a movie?"

As he stared in astonishment, a drone broke away from the fleet, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and pointed its nose at him, or the snowplow he was driving.

"call out!"

A shining spark bloomed in the heavy snow, and a missile hanging under the drone's wing flew straight towards him with a blazing tail smoke.

Like Christmas fireworks.

"FXXK!" At the critical moment, the driver at the head of the plane remembered the woman's warning. Without hesitation, he dropped his cell phone, pushed open the car door, and jumped from the tall snowplow to the road with remaining snow.


A violent explosion sounded behind him, and the driver of the plane head was lifted up by the scorching air wave before he could touch the ground, and landed in the snow outside the high-speed highway.

The aching, dizzy pilot looked up and saw the drone was leaving, while the snowplow on the highway was like a firecracker, and the messy debris covered the road. , the flames blazed in the snow.

The heat wave could be felt from far away, but the pilot at the front of the plane felt cold. He sat up straight in the snow with trembling hands, felt that his pants were warm, and when he lowered his head, he realized that he had peed in his pants.
He looked up at the direction where the drone was leaving, and said with a look of horror, "Is there a world war breaking out?"


There was dead silence on the "Strike" special personnel carrier produced by Ou Yu. Looking at the endless snow outside the window, Fu Yuanzhuo felt dizzy. Maybe it was because his head hadn't adapted to the heavy tactical helmet. The belt was a little tight, so he put down the Type 10 "Strategic Assault Rifle" in his hand, raised his sweaty hand and loosened the belt.

Just three hours ago, they were cheering in Asgard for Cheng Mo's incomparably powerful and magnificent killing of Daniel King. Everyone was full of fighting spirit, and felt that even if they didn't get the artifact this time, they could still be proud. At least not everyone can embarrass the Americans like this.However, after being forced offline by the system suddenly, Nuwa ordered everyone not to activate the carrier again, and all of them packed up without bringing anything, gathered in the hall to change clothes, and then left the station.

Everyone didn't know what happened, but because it had been explained in a meeting before, no one asked.Immediately get dressed and assemble in the lobby according to instructions.During the gathering, no one discussed why they left suddenly. They were all talking about why they were forced to go offline, whether "Doctor Bird's Beak" became silent, and who would end up with "Singer's Horn".

Even Gu Feifei, who had the worst fight with Cheng Mo, asked "Nuwa" why she couldn't go back to the "Land of Asgard Ruins" to help Cheng Mo.

However, all the members of Nvsnail's organization have returned to the main body, and the answer is "the mission is over".

The whole hall roared with joy, the applause almost knocked the roof off, everyone was celebrating, and many female students even shed tears of excitement.At this time, the hall was as lively as the scene of the men's football team winning the World Cup.This unbelievable miracle made everyone float up excitedly. The name "Cheng Mo" and the word "Bull B" were the most talked about in their mouths. The most discussed was Cheng Mo's miraculous performance at the last moment. No one cared about them. Where to go now, what to do.

Fu Yuanzhuo is also very excited. He is more involved than most in how Cheng Mo operates. He knows that Cheng Mo has investigated and even monitored those NPCs. Although he doesn't know why, it doesn't prevent him from bragging about Cheng Mo's foresight. Things are like gods.

At this moment, he who had the best relationship with Cheng Mo also became the focus, and Fu Yuanzhuo felt deeply honored.

When Instructor Bai appeared to distribute equipment to everyone, everyone did not ask what Instructor Bai was doing, but asked Bai Xiuxiu, "Has Team Leader Cheng returned?", "Has Team Leader Cheng got the 'Singer's Horn'?"

But to everyone's surprise, the first thing that Instructor Bai did was to say that Cheng Mo was not Dr. Bird's Beak, nor did he get the "Singer's Horn", and issued a gag order, which would be monitored by Nu Wa, and they were not allowed to Discuss what happened in the "Land of Asgard Ruins" just now in any way in private on any occasion, and those who violate the rules will be given a serious demerit.

This sudden answer made everyone's enthusiasm poured with cold water, but Fu Yuanzhuo became more and more certain that Cheng Mo got the "Singer's Horn", but he was forbidden to discuss it, which made Fu Yuanzhuo feel very sad. It's so itchy, I feel lonely and unbearable like I just bought a Bugatti Veyron but can't drive it out.

However, this feeling quickly disappeared without a trace, because when they left Christian Field, they were not only required to put on combat equipment with bulletproof clothing, but also asked to remember to help take off the armor when their colleagues died. His Taichi Dragon Badge
Seeing Instructor Bai's serious expression, the atmosphere instantly cooled down.

Then they left from the secret passage in the basement, and boarded the special personnel carrier made by Ouyu in the dark morning with strong north wind and heavy snow.At the beginning, everyone was quite calm. When the convoy wanted to go to the high speed, but encountered an ambush and a large-scale gun battle broke out, the young students of Taijilong finally understood what kind of situation they were in.

When passing through the high-speed entrance full of dead bodies, there was a long silence in the carriage. mouth doctor" or "Cheng Mo", everyone must have lost interest.

Fu Yuanzhuo adjusted the strap, and re-gripped the Type 10 "Strategic Assault Rifle" in his hand.In the training camp, his scores in the science written test were relatively poor, but his scores in other aspects such as physical fitness and firearm operation were quite good, especially when practicing with training bullets. Those science students with weak limbs are much more capable, and they often become fathers alone in the team.

But these are some distant memories of Fu Yuanzhuo, and this skill does not make his survival rate higher than that of the classmates next to him.

The suffocating silence has lasted for more than two hours. The usually noisy Tang Xiaoshao kept his mouth tightly shut, staring out the window at the blurred snow curtain with dull eyes and tense face.

Nuwa's soft voice sounded from the stereo of the personnel carrier, followed by the rustling noise of the radio, as if the radio had been switched to a blank channel.

"... UAV reports, six o'clock and nine o'clock, "Neuron" unmanned attack aircraft, with an average interval of 200 meters; eleven Boxer armored personnel carriers, six kilometers at six o'clock; AMPV 28 multi-purpose armored vehicles, rounding our flank from the direction of nine o'clock, are approaching rapidly, the distance is only two kilometers, and all units are ready to engage the enemy!"

Nine o'clock happened to be on Fu Yuanzhuo's side. He knocked down the monocular infrared telescope on his tactical helmet, squinted one eye and looked at the end of the horizon through the bulletproof glass window. The white world A fuzzy cloud of snow fog floated in between, and a torrent of ferocious steel was wrapped in the snow fog. The black muzzle and orange bullets of the machine gun mounted on the roof were clearly visible.

Fu Yuanzhuo's hands and body couldn't help shaking. He quietly and fiercely pinched his thigh, trying to restrain the fear in his heart, but the special bulletproof fabric made it impossible for him to feel the pain no matter how hard he tried. transmitted to the nerve center of the brain.

There was an eerie silence in the carriage.

Perhaps unable to bear such a depressed atmosphere, Tang Xiaoshao whispered in a crying voice: "I thought I was so lucky that I would never need to use the 'suicide note'. I didn't expect Europa to be so dangerous. I swear that I will never come to Europa again. Already!"

Fu Yuanzhuo also remembered the suicide note he wrote, and his expression became sad.

"MD, in Athens, when Han Jieji and Liu Jiayuan died, I felt that something was wrong. I didn't expect it to be so wrong." He Muxian said with a wry smile.

Fu Yuanzhuo put the single-tube Hongwan binoculars back on the helmet, turned his head to look at Tang Xiaoshao and He Muxian with a forced smile: "There is no need to be so afraid, Instructor Bai is one of the top [-] in the list, so you can clean up these things like It's as easy as killing rotten fish and shrimp."

"Either the equipment of the Europa League or the equipment of the Germans, are they crazy?" Sitting next to Fu Yuanzhuo, Chen Fang was also observing the approaching convoy with a binoculars.

"Could it be because." He Muxian rolled his throat, omitting key words, "So."

Everyone in the car glanced at him, but no one answered, but everyone knew that what He Muxian omitted referred to the matter of "Cheng Mo got the singer's horn".

At this moment, everyone's expressions were complicated.

Chen Fang sighed, and said in a low voice, "Death has found you, and you can't escape it even if you want to."

At this moment, there was another oppressive roar in the sky, and the group of iron-gray "neuron" drone attack aircraft appeared above the 28 AMPV multi-purpose armored vehicles. They formed a neat formation between the sky and the earth. The formation, like an empty square formation in a military parade, is surrounded by pale snow and fog, pressing towards the E45 highway.

In the huge snow curtain flying like catkins, a row of red lights flickered, followed by piercing whistles, and a row of white pup missiles flew towards them from the air with long trails, like white day fireworks.

"Urgent evasion." Nuwa's soft voice sounded unhurriedly.

The Assault Personnel Carriers lined up like a train on the expressway smashed through the expressway guardrail and jumped directly off the roadbed.The snowflakes from the tires hit the car windows, like waves from a ship launching into the water.In the violent shaking of the car body, everyone was knocked upside down and yelling again and again. If it weren't for the automatic seat belts to tie them up, they would have lost more than half of their staff before the battle started.

The convoy turned around collectively, from end-to-end like a train, to marching side by side, lined up on the snow field, and rushed towards the distance.The small-caliber rapid-fire machine gun on the roof of the carriage fired a chain of fire, the sound of the stormy machine gun sang in the cold air, and the sound of bullet casings hitting the roof was endless.

Fu Yuanzhuo's heart beat faster, he grasped the "Type 10 Strategic Assault Rifle" in his hand, stared profusely at the rapid-fire machine gun that could fire tens of thousands of bullets per minute, and threw the chain of fire at the galloping Cub missiles, in the overwhelming snow, the cubs were hit by chains of fire and exploded into dazzling blue and white lightning balls.Fu Yuanzhuo screamed subconsciously and closed his eyes.

The ground was vibrating, and 28 AMPV multi-purpose armored vehicles rushed up the high-speed roadbed, and then pressed over the guardrail, occupying the high point and firing at the same time.

Eye-catching red light sputtered from the muzzle of the black hole, and the anti-tank missile fired flew towards the convoy with a hiss that threatened death.The orange metal bullet can be clearly seen through the monocular infrared telescope.




Nuwa's soft warning sound echoed in the carriage, and everyone couldn't help but grasp the armrest of the seat.

A white lightning cut through the heavy snow, and Bai Xiuxiu, a Valkyrie in full armor with mechanical wings, appeared between the sky and the earth

In the end, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun did not choose to take the fast E45 highway, but crossed the entire Jutland Peninsula according to Cheng Mo's plan, and took Highway 11 along the North Sea to go straight to the border between Denmark and Germany.

Because there are cameras and drones in the traffic arteries, in order to avoid tracking, the two people avoided all roads and let Nuwa drive the tank-like Brabus B63S-6x6 on the snow field, but escaped the official surveillance , but could not escape the tracking of some stalkers. There were many stalkers who wanted to fish in troubled waters gathered near Christian Field. They did not come for the "Singer's Horn". There are so many newcomers in Chinfield, and they can make a fortune by grabbing one at random, and now, they have come to harvest time.

Behind the thick white smoke rolled up by Brabus, followed five refitted vehicles.

Through the screen, Cheng Mo could see that the five refitted cars behind them had been exaggeratedly changed to the "humans" of Autobots in "Transformers". GMC off-road vehicle) and Jazz (Porsche 935 Martini Racing), ambulance (Hummer H2 search and rescue vehicle).

The difference from the real Transformers is that what they sprayed on the car body is not the Autobot logo, but the Viking logo wearing a horn helmet, but this logo is very similar to the Transformers logo, full of Founder's mechanical sense.

What's funny is that there is no truck behind Optimus Prime's trailer, but a rock band. At this time, five cyborgs in black full armor are standing on the stage of Optimus Prime's trailer and playing deafening music. Heavy metal music - "Summernight city".

The fierce, majestic and vicious singing voices are flying over the snowy and snow-covered wilderness. The scene is weird and shocking, full of the beauty of mechanical punk.

Cheng Mo was a little speechless. He looked at the cyborg playing the song on the screen and said, "What are they doing? Having a Christmas party? Or is it just to send us off?"

Xie Minyun glanced at the screen and said: "These people are stalkers from the Nordic right-wing extremist organization - Odin's Wrath. They are all cyborgs who like Viking culture and death metal. They are always keen to hold a concert before killing people." It makes sense to say it’s a farewell.”

 Note 1: The "Minsk Agreement" is also known as the "New Minsk Agreement". broken city.In order to avoid the fate of failure, Russia turned the hybrid war into a local war and launched a surprise attack on the Russian-Ukrainian border, smashing the siege of the two state capitals by the Ukrainian government forces, and severely damaged a section of the Ukrainian government army responsible for flanking the southeast of Donetsk. Supporting partial divisions made the Ukrainian government troops turn into defensive positions.At this time, Fade saw the opportunity to mediate and came out to mediate.

   In February 2015, after marathon talks, Germany, Russia, France, and Ukraine signed an agreement on handling the Ukrainian crisis that took effect.

  In addition, the Liuqiu mentioned by Wen Chengmo is Ryukyu, which refers to TW Island in the Sui Dynasty.

  There will be no update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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