Rebel Demon King

Chapter 888 7 Crimes - Judgment Day (3)

Chapter 888 Seven Sins - Judgment Day (3)

Cheng Mo floated like a balloon under the ceiling and overlooked the situation in the prison. He noticed that Ms. Delorme's clothes were messy. It was obvious that she had been violated before her death.In addition, Ms. Delorme's death posture is also a bit strange. Generally speaking, people who hang themselves will spread their hands, but Ms. Delorme's hands are clenched into fists, which are still very tight, like Holding something important in his hand.

The corners of her eyes were wide open, her lips were slightly parted, as if she wanted to say something, and there were still some bruises on her pale face that hadn't disappeared.In Cheng Mo's eyes, Ms. Delorme's death was not weird, but showed a kind of suffocating despair. It was impossible to imagine what she had experienced before she died.

Cheng Mo can't talk about anger or sadness, now he is numb to death, and now death is in his impression: a mass of entangled, scarred and chaotic colors.

At first he didn't quite understand Picasso's paintings, but now he understands a little bit, probably death is just like this messy paint that is randomly smeared on the walls, on the floor, in the field, in the snow.

He felt a force wanting to find an exit, and this black force kept expanding in his body, wanting to break through the boundary and vent it completely.Cheng Mo noticed that his mood bar was changing color rapidly, from gray to white, and the emotions in his body were burning slowly, baking his limbs and bones, causing his heartbeat to speed up and blood flow to speed up, but his brain became more and more tense. Qingming makes the soul colder.

Cheng Mo looked down at the world like a stone Buddha.

The bishop stood outside the wooden fence, looking down at the disheveled Ms. Delorme.He closed his eyes, and after crossing his chest, he clasped his hands and chanted softly: "May the Creator forgive this woman, let her repent in hell and atone for her sins."

The cell fell into silence in the generous and kind voice of the bishop. After a while, the bishop opened his eyes, turned his head and glanced at the jailers who looked rather flustered behind him. The bearded man standing in the middle didn't take his hood out of his armor. When he came out, there was a bulge at the collar; the small-eyed jailer standing beside him didn't even have time to iron his clothes, and pressed his hand on the trousers that would fall off at any time, and lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

There is no doubt that this group of people is the murderer who defiled and murdered Ms. Delorme. The bishop turned around and said disgustedly: "You go to the warden to receive the whipping yourself."

The four guards quickly knelt down, and the bearded man in the middle begged, "My lord bishop! We are really wronged. We really don't know who Delorme lifted up. No, the Delorme witch will kill herself!"

The bishop stared at the dangling cloth belt, and said with a sneer, "If we priests are as stupid as you country folks, I'm afraid everyone in Europa will not even be able to eat."

"My lord bishop." The bearded man trembled all over, and took the lead to get down on his stomach, crawling at the feet of his lord bishop.

"Hurry up and get out. If you don't get out, then it's not asking the warden to decide the punishment, but the Inquisition." The bishop's tone became more and more impatient.

The four jailers climbed to the feet of the cardinal one by one, kissed his shoes, and then exited the cell in a panic.

The kappa priest standing next to the cardinal sighed and walked into the cell. He knelt on one knee next to the dead body of the person raised by Delorme, raised the silver cross hanging on his chest, and began to say prayers. , the kappa priest reached out and brushed Ms. Delorme's eyes, trying to close the eyes that Ms. Delorme refused to close, but it was in vain.

Those cold and lifeless eyes stared at the cardinal outside the prison, as if the corpse would stand up and grab the cardinal's neck at any moment.

The cardinal didn't care about Ms. Delorme's strange expression. He put his hands in his wide sleeves and said to the Kappa priest who was still kneeling in the cell: "Father Frank, don't tell anyone what happened here today." , can not allow a few stupid country people to tarnish the reputation of the church."

"Yes, my lord bishop." The half-kneeling priest Frank replied with a heavy tone.

The cardinal was about to continue speaking, when there were hurried footsteps and the sound of armor colliding outside, and soon the city lord Leohard, wearing a red velvet cloak and shining knight armor, rushed in, and at first sight he saw Seeing Ms. Delorme lying on the haystack who had died, he covered his face in disbelief, and said sadly: "Oh! My God! What happened here!"

The cardinal glanced at the sad-looking Castellan Leohard, and said calmly: "Just now Delorme released a terrible curse with his own life. Fortunately, I was here to interrupt her, but I'm not sure De Lorme Whether the curse of Rom will take effect, so the ceremony must be held as soon as possible to fight against the evil devil from hell. Lord Santo, you have to go to Gisfield Monastery as soon as possible."

The Lord of Leohard has not completely come out of Ms. Delorme's death. His eyes are a little dazed, and he is also a little relieved. The entangled emotions make him feel confused. He subconsciously said: "Now, now! Do you want to go?"

"Yes, Lord Leohard, you have to go now, I don't think you have anything to prepare?"

Leohard did not dare to show too much concern for Ms. Delorme in front of the cardinal. He crossed himself on his chest and whispered: "The merciful creator, please give this sinner rest in peace." Ohard seemed to remember something. "Master Bishop, doesn't Delorme still have a daughter? Where is her daughter?"

Priest Frank in the prison got up quickly and said: "My lord, my lord, Anna is still a child, and she is innocent. Besides, if we... do too much, I'm afraid it will have a bad influence on the parishioners. .”

The cardinal didn't speak immediately. He looked into Delorme's creepy eyes and said lightly: "The influence of the parishioners? The parishioners don't care about Delorme and her daughter anymore. Don't you know that now? Are people in town reporting on each other? The Inquisition isn't busy these days, and who cares about a witch destined to be burned at the stake."

Leohard seemed unable to bear to see the tragic death of Ms. Delorme. He turned around, faced the side of the cardinal, and said, "Mr. Lischenfeld fell into chaos. Now many nobles have been threatened with reports, and because my soldiers wanted to follow me to Gisfield Abbey, the troops to maintain order were completely insufficient."

"My lord, you go ahead, I'll take care of everything." The cardinal said lightly.

"Could you not let the people of the Inquisition be too strict, and if they are too strict, blood will flow into rivers! If this is the case, what should we do with next year's taxes?" City Lord Leohard said anxiously.

The cardinal shook his head, and said calmly: "No, I will issue an order later, and anyone who is recommended by more than seven neighbors, relatives, and friends can be exempted from trial, so those who are judged will only be judged. within a narrow range."

Lord Leohard was stunned for a moment, and was about to speak, but the cardinal turned around and walked towards the door, without turning his head, he said: "De Lorme's position is taken by her daughter, this is the punishment for her curse on the world A child is no better than an animal if the mind is clouded in darkness."

Lord Leohard closed his mouth again and fell silent.

"Father Frank, please help the city lord well. You must protect the 666 witches on the way, and don't let them have any problems before they reach Gisfield Abbey." When he walked out of the prison door, the cardinal looked back and stood in the prison. The kappa monk said with a serious expression.


After Lord Leohard and Father Frank left the prison, Cheng Mo floated down from the ceiling. He walked into the prison where Ms. Delorme was held. At this moment, her body had been carried out by Father Frank. Everything seemed to happen in the prison. So-so, suffocatingly quiet.

No one cares about Ms. Delorme's death, and no one investigates how Delorme died. Her death is nothing but an insignificant matter to this world. Even the 666 women who are about to be sacrificed They are all insignificant, let alone a woman who is destined to die.

Cheng Mo looked around the prison and found nothing unusual. He opened the haystack and immediately saw a line of small French characters written in blood: "Master Angel, please save Anna."

At this moment, the task interface flashed in front of Cheng Mo's eyes, and a line of green words quickly scrolled across: "Do you accept the request of Witch Delorme, save Anna, and stop the ceremony?"

Next to the "yes" and "no" answers there is a row of subtitles: "Warning! Accepting the quest you will no longer be able to accept the Church's witch-hunting quest, and will be against the Church and the Chosen Ones who choose to join the Church."

(End of this chapter)

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