Rebel Demon King

Chapter 883 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (29)

Chapter 883 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (29)

Cheng Mo and the girl Anna walked through the streets avoiding pedestrians and walked to the vicinity of the City Lord's Mansion. Obviously, this castle located on the west side of the town is the commercial center of the city, and the noisy voices of people can be heard far away from Cheng Mo , the sound of wheels rolling over the cobblestone road, and the sound of horses neighing, it was not suitable for Anna, who was wearing a beaked doctor's coat, to continue to follow Cheng Mo, so Cheng Mo asked Anna if there was any safer place to hide temporarily.

Anna thought for a while, and led Cheng Mo to continue towards the castle. However, when she was about to reach the castle, Anna chose to walk in the direction of the stables outside the castle. After passing the smelly stables, there was a grave with crosses and tombstones. At this moment the cemetery lay quietly under the white snow in the gray evening mist.The location of the cemetery is very close to the market and the castle. It is not surprising in medieval cities. The cemetery is generally located in the busiest and noisy market, or even in the middle of the road, under the horseshoes and wheels.

Near the tomb, there will be a burrow, a well, and a hut that is blocked and surrounded by a fence.There is a prayer book in the hut, and there will be hermits or penitents who will volunteer to pray in this terrible hut.This kind of house is common in the cemeteries of various cities in Europe. Unlike modern modern times where housing prices are terribly high, medieval houses are almost worthless, especially the simple stone houses or wooden houses that civilians live in.

There are quite a lot of such houses dedicated to prayer and confession near the cemetery in Paris. Because the occupancy is not enough, the priests will try their best not to let the house be empty. If it is empty, it means that the believers are not enthusiastic enough for the Lord. Once there were no more penitents, the priests shut up the lepers.

Ordinary citizens would call this kind of house a mouse hole. Although the living environment of ordinary citizens is not much better than a mouse hole, at least they don’t have to sit in a poorly ventilated room and sing the Seven Psalms of Confession endlessly.

At this moment, Anna led Cheng Mo to the scary hut with no door next to the cemetery. It was built next to the endless tombs like a slightly larger tomb. It looked particularly gloomy in the cold wind and white snow. One must not have the courage to go in and find out.However, Anna climbed over the fence very nimbly. It seems that she usually does similar things.

She glanced back at Cheng Mo, then walked carefully to the side of the stone house on the white snow, and tiptoed into the hut through the cramped window. A slightly fatter adult would definitely not be able to climb in through the window, but It is not difficult for a slender girl of thirteen or fourteen.

After entering, Anna poked out her head wearing a bird's beak mask, like a caged bird, and asked in a low voice, "Master Angel, then I'll wait for you here."

Cheng Mo nodded and said "OK".

"Master Angel, you will definitely save my mother, right?"

Anna's voice trembled slightly in the cold air, full of apprehension and anticipation, Cheng Mo stood by the fence and smiled and said: "Of course, don't be afraid, just wait for me here, if there is any danger, Say my name loudly, three times and I will appear."

"Master Angel, you haven't told me your name yet." Anna said, Cheng Mo's words obviously comforted the innocent girl, and her tone became much more relaxed.

"The star of the morning light." Cheng Mo replied.

"Dear Star of Dawn, I am here to pray for you." Anna crossed herself on her chest, and said, "Amen." After speaking, Anna turned and walked into the room, and then a voice came from the darkness The sound of chanting, childish and pious confessional poems began to linger above the cemetery.

Cheng Mo looked up at the Castle of the Lord not far away. This three-to-four-story beige pointed castle is a high-rise building second only to the Church of Sistula. In the real world, the star gate is located here.Cheng Mo walked towards the castle along the narrow alleyway. After arriving at the main road, the whole road was dirty and muddy, and there were citizens in extraordinarily bloated clothes.

On both sides of the street are peddlers who are pushing wheelbarrows to sell farm tools, firewood, pottery, weapons, black bread, food and slaves in cages. The slaves are shouting "please buy me", "please Buy me", the cry was bleak and sad, but the passers-by were basically indifferent, with an incredible numbness on their faces.Whether it is citizens, peddlers or slaves, everyone's face is dirty, their clothes are tattered, and the bad smell permeates the whole street.

When they came near the gate of the castle, there was a group of naked Kappa monks with stern faces, waving leather whips and lashing their backs in the cold air. There were bloodstains densely all over their backs. People feel pain, but they just grunt.Many passers-by were watching, everyone was praying devoutly, and praised the behavior of the monks for enduring pain and sacrificing themselves to make atonement to the Creator.

Cheng Mo stood on the periphery of the crowd like a ghost, stopped to watch for a while, and then walked towards the gate guarded by soldiers. The stone lintel above the city gate was engraved with the city lord's family crest, and below the crest was written "The Creator is the last Loyal sword and mightiest shield".Cheng Mo walked towards the inside of the castle. There were two carriages parked in the yard, and a few monks and soldiers stood there. Cheng Mo walked through the yard, listening carefully to all kinds of voices. When he walked to the corridor, he saw four A maid came up the stairs at the corner with white bread, red wine and sausage.

One of the thin maids said: "Have you heard? The lifter of Delorme came to deliver the baby yesterday and was arrested by the city lord."

"Of course I've heard that, but it's not that the city lord wants to catch the person who raised Delorme. Someone reported the person who raised Delorme to the bishop, saying that the person who raised Delorme was a witch. The bishop quietly observed it yesterday. In order to prevent the Delorme lifter from harming his wife, he immediately arrested the Delorme lifter."

"My God, how could the one raised by Delorme be a witch? What a gentle and kind person she is! Did I make a mistake?"

"It seems that the city lord and the bishop have just returned from the church and are discussing this matter."

"I hope everything is a misunderstanding. The Delorme lifter has saved so many people, it cannot be a witch"

"Believe in the Creator!"

Cheng Mo heard the discussion of the four maids and immediately followed them upstairs. According to the eyes of modern people, this medieval building is far from beautiful, and there is no decoration, but from the environment, it is safe and spacious, and more The important thing is that it is much cleaner.Cheng Mo followed the maids to the reception room on the third floor. Two soldiers in chain mail opened the door for them. When the last maid entered, one of the soldiers touched the maid's thigh.

No one can feel him. For Cheng Mo, this feeling is very strange, as if he is in the history, but he is a bystander.Cheng Mo walked into the living room, even though it was daytime, the candlesticks in the living room were all lit with candles like Christmas trees, finally there were a lot of decorations in the living room, it looked a bit luxurious, but in fact it was still very bad, The furniture and curtains are very dated.

At this moment, the two of them were sitting next to the burning fireplace. The maids put down the breakfast that nobles could only enjoy and were kicked out. Cheng Mo walked to the fireplace and saw a tall man wearing a red sweater and a fur cloak. A strong man with a beard and curly hair, his expression is rigid, but his eyes are very bright.The other is the cardinal Cheng Mo met yesterday in the Sistula Chapel. He is wearing a red round cap, has a round face with no beard, kind eyebrows and eyes, and is sitting on a chair.

Judging from the attire, it was easy to tell that the person wearing the fur cloak was Lord Leohard, the city lord.

After the maids closed the door, the city lord opened his mouth and said with a little dissatisfaction, "My lord bishop, why did you arrest so many people overnight? There is almost no room in the cell now!"

"Lord Leohard, witches have brought the curse of hell to the world. The city lords from all over the world were helpless and turned to the church. So the church invited angels to hunt witches. Yesterday was just the first batch."

"Witch?" Leohard, the city lord, turned his head to look at the cardinal, and said seriously, "I don't know about the others, but the one raised by Delorme is definitely not. Now the plague is everywhere, only us Christian Field Slightly better, Christianfield is now the place where the Kalmar Union (Denmark, Sweden, and Norway collectively known as the Kalmar Union in the Middle Ages) was least affected by the plague. She worked hard to treat patients and advised me. I don’t think the situation is so optimistic. I don’t understand why the bishop would say that such a benevolent person is a witch.”

"My lord Leohard, yesterday I saw the witch Delorme use spells and spells with my own eyes. My lord, don't be fooled by her disguised appearance. Witches are best at deceiving people. She does all this to win you trust, and then corrode your loyalty to the Creator!"

"My loyalty to the Lord cannot be corrupted by anyone, and I believe in my own eyes. I hope that the bishop will release the lifter of Delorme, not only because of her kindness, but also because of her high prestige in the city. If I don’t know what the people will think if we catch her!”

The benevolent cardinal shook his head, and said in a low voice: "There is conclusive evidence for the capture of the witch Delorme. She is a typical example. Apart from her, we will catch 666 witches as soon as possible." He took out the book with the man's anatomy diagram and threw it to Lord Leohard.

Lord Leohard flipped through it and said in astonishment, "Isn't this a medical book?"

"The Holy See has banned the study of human anatomy, Delorme is unforgivable!"

"What about the trial? I think the one raised by Delorme should be given a fair trial!" City Lord Leohard changed his face, and said in a deep voice, "Besides the one raised by Delorme, there are 665 other women."

The archdeacon lowered his brows, avoiding the sight of Lord Leohard, and said calmly: "There is no trial, in order to end the plague, we will send a total of 666 witches together with Delorme to Gisfield Abbey, where there will be There are monks performing rituals to eliminate witchcraft and you will take on the responsibility of accompanying the angels to escort the witches!"

There are only two endings for those who are convicted of witches, except for hanging and burning.

"No trial at all? No! I refuse!" City Lord Leohard stood up abruptly, "This violates my principles as a knight, and I cannot be an irresponsible executioner!"

"My lord, in order to end this disaster, we have no choice." The archdeacon said flatly.

"I don't understand how the plague has anything to do with witches? It's clearly a disease!"

"My lord, it's not up to you, but to the church. You don't understand that the plague is a conspiracy of the devil. They are raging on the continent of Europa in order to shake the faith of mortals. Now we have to give mortals People give an explanation!"

"Even if this confession is a lie?" Castellan Leohard looked down at the bishop angrily.

"You shouldn't believe in medicine. Medicine is just a comforting dream." The cardinal put away his kind face and said solemnly.

"It seems, my lord bishop, that you are denying the effect of spring yao on blood and the effect of plaster on flesh! You are denying so many patients who have been cured by doctors and are struggling in pain!" Leohard's face was anxious irony.

"No, I am neither denying medicine nor patients, I am denying doctors." His Excellency Bishop said coldly, "Leohard of Christianfield, have you forgotten the oath you made to the Creator?" , are you planning to stop serving the Lord and the church?"

Leohard fell silent. He paced back and forth in front of the fireplace. After a long time, he sighed and said in a low voice, "My lord, can you let the one lifted by Delorme go and find him again?" personal?"

"If Delorme has no reputation, it's not that I can't promise you, but now people are in panic, we must capture someone who has weight, arrange a grand ceremony, and unite people." The cardinal stood up and patted Patting Leohard on the shoulder, "What's more, she is not innocent. Lord Leohard, you only have a son, so you should think more about your child."

Leohard closed his eyes, and asked with a painful expression: "Then when will you send them to Gisfield Abbey?"

"Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, it depends on the progress of the angels." The cardinal said disapprovingly, "Lord Leohard, you can go to see Delorme again. Before she leaves, she will be arranged to parade through the streets. We Let the whole town see what happens to the witches"

Cheng Mo stood by the fireplace and watched the cardinal leave. It was only a short meeting, and the two decided the fate of 666 women, just like deciding what to have for dinner.

If it is said that the lifter of Delorme has no reputation or that she has nothing to do with Lord Leohard, the process should be faster.At this moment in the warm living room, only Leohard was left standing by the fireplace and meditating, after a while, he walked towards the door, opened the door and said loudly: "Jonathan, prepare the horse, let's go to the prison! "

(End of this chapter)

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