Rebel Demon King

Chapter 881 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (27)

Chapter 881 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (27)

The oil lamp crackled and burned in the dark and damp room, so that the silence in the room seemed even deeper.Cheng Mo stood in the middle of the inverted pentagram, staring blankly at Anna wearing a beak mask. The shadow was projected on the floor, and next to them were the two solemn words "you" and "pray". The space filled with lifeless horror.

However, Anna, who saw Cheng Mo's face clearly, gradually calmed down. She leaned on the workbench and whispered tremblingly, "You, you are not Satan."

Cheng Mo took two steps towards Anna, smiled and asked, "How do you know I'm not?"

Anna couldn't help shrinking back, but her back was leaning against the workbench and she couldn't retreat. She reached out and knocked down some glass bottles on the table. The sound of "bang bang" startled Anna, and she screamed "Don't come here!" Then he raised the cross hanging on his chest with both hands, a pair of beautiful almond eyes widened behind the crystal lens, staring at Cheng Mo.

To Cheng Mo's surprise, Anna was not completely frightened. She still had the courage to resist at this time. She seemed to be a very courageous girl. Considering her previous behavior, she should be bold, curious and extremely vigorous Girl, otherwise, she wouldn't be running to the square in the middle of the night wearing Dr. Bird's Beak clothes.If Cheng Mo could touch her, he would naturally threaten Anna with force without hesitation, but he couldn't touch Anna at all, so Cheng Mo planned to change his strategy, he smiled as gently as possible, and said softly Said: "Don't be nervous, Anna, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just curious how you know I'm not Satan, and where did the doctor's beak mask come from?"

Seeing that Cheng Mo didn't move any more, Anna felt relieved, and said in a trembling voice, "Master Angel, I saw you walking out of the church, so you can't be Satan, and"

Anna stopped suddenly and did not continue speaking.Cheng Mo stood there without opening his mouth. He looked at Anna silently, with an expression of waiting for Anna to say the next thing. Cheng Mo was very patient. He didn't believe that he couldn't deal with a little girl, so he just kept smiling like this. He looked at Anna motionlessly.

Anna is the opponent of Cheng Mo, a devil who plays with people's hearts. He is leaning on the workbench and making small movements, looking more and more cramped. When the atmosphere is getting worse, Anna can't help breaking the deadlock. She continued: : "The mask was made by my mother. She is a doctor. This mask can help her keep away the plague"

"Anna, don't lie to an angel, your mother is a witch, not a doctor!" Cheng Mo paused for a moment, then said flatly, "At most, she is just a midwife's assistant, which is far from a doctor."

She is skeptical about Anna's mother's career success. You must know that "doctor" was a high-status profession in the Middle Ages. To become a female doctor not only requires her to be smart, wise and knowledgeable, but also has requirements for her class. The family is rich.There are no more than fifty female doctors recorded in the French medieval history, and it is unlikely that there will be a female doctor in a remote German town.

The "midwife", second only to doctors, was also a very noble profession in the Middle Ages, and it was also not something that low-class women could easily obtain.Judging from the living conditions of Anna and her mother, Anna and her mother are not nobles, but they have a certain financial strength, so the possibility of being a midwife's assistant is not small.Don't underestimate the midwife's assistant. In the Middle Ages, even if it was just a midwife's assistant, it was a great existence in a small town.

In addition, Cheng Mo concluded that Anna's mother was not a doctor or a midwife, because the monk who knocked on the door called her "Lifter". This title is usually given to midwives who work in villages or towns. They are often Assistants who have studied with midwives, noble doctors and midwives generally only serve nobles, and they will certainly not condescend to come to such a small place as Christian Field.

Of course, judging from the books collected by the other party, it cannot be completely ruled out that Anna's mother, Ms. Delorme, is really a doctor, but it doesn't matter. Whether it is or not, what Cheng Mo said will cause Anna's panic and anger, and make Anna feel angry. Anna said some information that Cheng Mo wanted to get.

A medieval little girl like Anna is an opponent of a modern person like Cheng Mo, who is cunning and cunning. When she hears the word "witch", she looks terrified and completely confused. The "lifter" was not a doctor, and immediately argued loudly: "I'm not lying! My mother is a doctor who graduated from Salerno Medical College! My grandfather's grandfather is the famous Platilias III .”

Cheng Mo knew that Salerno Medical School, the earliest medical school in the world, was the base camp of women's medicine in the Middle Ages. Cheng Mo vaguely remembered that the Platilias III that Anna mentioned was a famous medical professor in history, and Anna's The reason why my mother was able to become a doctor was naturally because she was born in a medical family.

But why were Anna and her mother, Ms. Delorme, at Christian Field?
Cheng Mo's brain turned sharply. Salerno is a seaport city in Italy, and the Black Death spread from the Italian seaport city. Maybe Ms. Delorme and Anna came to Christianfield to avoid the Black Death. .Cheng Mo remembered the anatomy book he saw in the study on the second floor, glanced at the stone workbench behind Anna, and went to Florence with Cheng Mo to visit the stone operating table in the medieval underground anatomy room of Santa Maria Nueva Hospital. The shape is almost identical.

You should know that the surgery of Salerno Medical College is also very famous, especially anatomy, but because the church in the Middle Ages opposed dissecting the human body, the school's anatomy classes used animal corpses as teaching models. Ms. Delorme hid in disguise as a "lifter" Christian Field, and arranged such a place in the darkroom of this tower, it is likely that she studied the dissection of the human body in private.

Cheng Mo smiled slightly, looked around the basement, and said lightly: "Anna, if someone, especially the church, knows that there is such a place in your house, others will only think your mother is a witch."

Anna's hands holding the cross began to tremble, and the silver chain was slightly rippling in the air. She shook her head and said, "No, you can't do this! My mother saved many people, and she treated many people. We traveled all the way from Sarai Come here, she has saved countless poor people"

"Do you know why I want to go to the Church of Sistula?" After a pause, Cheng Mo said, "Because the cardinal wants me to help the church catch witches, who they think are the culprits of the plague."

"They are talking nonsense. My mother said that all this has nothing to do with witches! Besides, she is not a witch. She has never harmed anyone. If you don't believe me, you can ask Uncle Hans next door. If it wasn't for my mother, his hand would be broken Well, you can also ask Aunt Stephanie, she had dystocia and almost died last year, my mother did her caesarean section, and she used herbs and spells, I was right there, Aunt Stephanie She and her baby are living in good health now. Even Lord Leo Hart followed my mother's advice, stepped up to improve the sanitation in the town, and quarantined the patients with the Black Death, which stopped the plague How could she be the witch who caused the plague?" Anna said eagerly.

"Anna, if your mother wasn't a witch, why should you be afraid?"

Anna didn't answer, she choked up, and her crying through the mask was a bit dull, the crystal lens was blurred by the mist, Anna raised her right hand to wipe it, only to find that the mist was on the inside of the crystal lens.

Cheng Mo put his hands on his knees, squatted down, looked at Anna and said in a pitiful voice: "How about it! You answer my question honestly, and I won't tell others about your mother's autopsy, okay? ?”

Anna didn't expect Cheng Mo to say exactly what she was afraid of. She was stunned for a moment, and even forgot to cry. After a while, she suppressed her sobs and said hesitantly: "Angel, my lord, is it right? .I answered your question honestly, and you...wouldn't send my mother to the Inquisition?"

Cheng Mo nodded and said, "the creator will not blame honest children and kind people."

"What do you need to ask?"

"First of all, why do you go to the Sistus Chapel in the middle of the night? How do you know I'm not Satan's?"

"My mother can do divination. She can see things that others cannot see through the crystal ball. At the beginning of ten o'clock, she found that there were many 'spiritual bodies' flying towards the Sistus Chapel. I was curious , I put on my mother’s clothes and sneaked to the Sistus Chapel to take a look. I happened to see you, my lord.”

"Spiritual body" is a concept of the Gnostics, which is roughly equivalent to "soul" or "spirit", and the "Master Creator" in the ruins of Asgard is also the supreme existence of the Gnostics. Medieval Gnosticism was without doubt heresy through and through.Cheng Mo didn't expect that Ms. Delorme was not only a doctor, but also a believer in the Gnostic sect, and thought: The mother and daughter are indeed related to the raid on the ruins of Asgard.

"I know you are not Satan because my mother told me that there is no real Satan in this world, and Satan is not a devil."

"Satan is not a devil? What is that?" Cheng Mo asked.

"My mother told me that Satan 'true knowledge'!"

Cheng Mo frowned slightly. Fortunately, he had done a lot of homework in advance, otherwise he would be confused when he heard what Anna said.The "knowledge" that Anna mentioned can actually be understood as "wisdom".Because Gnosticism is derived from the Greek word "gnosis", which means "to know".Gnostics claim to have advanced knowledge, and this knowledge is not from the Bible, but from some mysterious higher level being, this higher level refers to the Master Creator.

Gnosticism and JDism have many concepts in common, but they are completely different.Regarding salvation, JD teaches that believing in the Lord is free from sin; while Gnosticism teaches that salvation must be obtained through knowledge, which is completely different from JD, and Gnosticism claims that what they follow is the original teaching of the Bible.As a result, this sect was regarded as a heresy by JD and was wiped out in history.

Seeing Cheng Mo frowned, Anna hurriedly explained: "I didn't talk nonsense. My mother told me that it was all said in the "Book of Wisdom"!"

"The Book of Wisdom?"

Anna turned her head and pointed to the bookcase beside her, and said, "It's the parchment scroll at the bottom of the bookcase, that is "Book of Wisdom", also called "Sefer Raziel" ("Sefer Raziel")"

Cheng Mo was shocked, the news was really shocking, he did not expect that the book he got from the Wangfumen flea market turned out to be the "Book of Luo Jie'er", which is known as the heavenly book.The content of "The Book of Luo Jieer" is recorded in the "Book of Enoch". Luo Jieer is known as "the mysterious angel of the secret realm and the highest", and the "Book of Luo Jieer" records 1500 items in heaven and earth Shenao knowledge, Luo Jieer gave this book to Adam who was expelled from the Garden of Eden because he ate the wisdom fruit, so that the Creator later used this incident to kill Luo Jieer.

In addition, according to some mythological and historical records, the appearance of "The Book of Luo Jieer" was the beginning of the twilight that caused the gods.After the war, Enoch reprinted some of the contents of the "Book of Roger Eyre" in the "Book of Enoch", which was later given to Noah. Noah built the ark according to the knowledge in the book, and later King Solomon of Israel appears to have had it for a short time before disappearing without a trace.

"Can you understand that book?"

"I don't understand." Anna shook her head.

"What about your mother?"

"She can only understand a little bit, but you can definitely understand it? It's all written by angels."

Cheng Mo was about to continue asking Anna questions, when he suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps and the light sound of chain mail in the distance. There is no doubt that this is the sound of the Crusaders running, and the sound is getting louder and louder. It seems that it is coming in the direction of the tower.Cheng Mo whispered to Anna: "Stay here and don't move, I'll go out and have a look."

"what happened?"

"There are people from the Crusaders coming, and they seem to be coming towards your house." Cheng Mo didn't wait for Anna to speak, and ran towards the exit of the dark room. After quickly climbing the stairs, Cheng Mo immediately closed the secret door Okay, then put the heavy wooden table on top of the secret door.There are no windows on the first floor, so Cheng Mo can only run to the second floor and look down from the window of the study. A group of crusaders wearing silver chain mail and white linen coats with red crosses are holding torches along the alley. Go to the front of the tower.They stopped, and the leading soldier walked to the door opening, raised his hand and began to slam the iron door, while shouting loudly: "Open the door!"

Cheng Mo guessed that Anna's mother, Ms. Delorme, had been captured as a witch, and he immediately teleported to the dark room. At this time, Anna had taken off her beak mask and was standing on the stairs trying to push the secret door open.
"Shut up! The people outside are here to catch you!" Cheng Mo said anxiously, but Anna, who was not wearing a bird's beak mask, couldn't hear her at all. She knocked hard on the secret door and shouted, "Let me out!" .

Fortunately, the crusaders outside had already started pounding on the door, and the loud sound of "bang, bang, bang" drowned out Anna's cries for help.But as long as the other party breaks down the door and rushes into the house, they will definitely hear Anna in the darkroom on the ground floor. By then, not only Anna's mother, Ms. Delorme, but also Anna will be unable to escape and will be sent to the gate of the city to be hanged. .

The vibration of the iron door is getting bigger and bigger. Judging from the sound, it is about to be knocked open, and Anna, who doesn't know that she is looking for her own death, shouts louder and louder
(There is another update today)
(End of this chapter)

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