Rebel Demon King

Chapter 879 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (25)

Chapter 879 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (25)

Despite the whistling wind in his ears, Cheng Mo could still hear the Russians yelling and cursing in the distance. He didn't look back, but ran in the direction of Christian Field like lightning. Mixed with snowflakes hitting his cheek.Cheng Mo doesn't like this kind of weather very much, he doesn't feel cold, it's just that the uninterrupted heavy snow will block his vision, making him see the world like a glass covered with fog.

When the not-so-tall stone city wall of Christian Field appeared in Cheng Mo's field of vision, laser beams behind him shot towards the dark sky like flickering flares. Cheng Mo stopped and stood between several coniferous trees. Looking back at the distant sky in the middle, countless streamers illuminated a large area of ​​the sky, and the snowflakes were crumbling in the pitch black, and disappeared in the darkness when the laser light disappeared.

It seems that the battle ended quickly, Cheng Mo guessed that it should be the Stargate investigators who were fooled by Xiyuanji Hongmaru, as long as the people with the Sunflower Banner killed the Stargate people, Cheng Mo's plan was mostly successful.

Cheng Mo didn't show excitement, and didn't look too much. He turned around and continued to walk forward. He stepped lightly on the soft snow, trying not to let himself make a sound, until he carefully moved to the edge of the coniferous forest.Cheng Mo chose a thick coniferous tree and climbed it. He shuttled among the snow-covered coniferous tree crowns, shaking the snow and falling, and a poor hibernating squirrel was awakened by him and came out of the tree hole Turning its head, it was startled by Cheng Mo, and quickly jumped into the snow along the branches, leaving a string of small footprints.

Cheng Mo watched it leave, and then climbed up to the height of the huge canopy, overlooking the dark Christian Field.The Christian Field where the ruins of Asgard were found is very different from the Christian Field in the real world. Not to mention that there is no city wall, and the area is far smaller than the town in front of you.However, in terms of beauty, the Christian Field in the real world is much more beautiful. There is no special building in the Christian Field in front of me. Looking around, almost all of the buildings lurking inside the city walls are bungalows, which sets off the original The not-so-tall Sistus Chapel looked majestic.

Snowflakes were falling, covering the whole town, when there was a heavy rustling and the clashing of chain mail beyond the gray city walls, which were particularly obvious in the silence.Cheng Mo held his breath and looked towards the source of the sound. A group of soldiers holding spears walked up the city wall. They carried the snowflakes to the top of the city gate.

At this time, the wooden city gate nailed with iron bars was pushed open in the heavy snow, and a group of men wearing scarlet linen monk uniforms came out one after another. Some of them held high torches in their hands, and some held a cross in their hands. They uniformly shaved strange hairstyles. , bald on the top of the head, but with a ring of hair around the head, it looks like a team of kappa.

Cheng Mo didn't find it funny or surprised. He knew that this hairstyle was the symbol of the Benedictine Order, but he didn't know what these monks were going to do when they came out in the middle of the night.Cheng Mo found it very strange. As far as the ruins he had been to were concerned, most of the NPCs inside were monsters, and there were very few humans. Cheng Mo could clearly feel that those NPCs were emotionless NPCs, and the expressions of these people in front of him were very vivid, not like NPCs at all.

Then a group of soldiers came out behind the monk holding the torch and the cross. The firelight reflected on the iron barrel-like silver helmet, which looked very strange. The red cross was painted on the white cloth shirt, which was particularly eye-catching in the heavy snow.Among the soldiers, there are three women in black clothes tied behind their backs. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to see. They seem to not exist, being submerged in white and red.

The team stopped when they walked out of the gate. Soldiers dressed like crusaders escorted the three women who were tied behind their backs to the front of the gate. Their leather boots kicked behind their knees, and the women knelt on the ground without any resistance. in the snow.Judging from their attire, they were ordinary women in the Middle Ages, and there seemed to be nothing unusual about them.

The monk turned around and began to chant scriptures to the three women. The loud chant in the silent night was extraordinarily weird.Cheng Mo understood every word and every word, but he didn't understand the language of these monks at all. After listening for a long time, he realized that it was French and Latin.

After the monk finished reading and crossing, someone dropped a rope with a loop above the city gate. The soldier in the iron bucket hat pushed the trembling and crying women to the side of the rope, pressed their heads, and wanted to They were about to put their heads in the noose, but one of the dying women began to struggle, and she fell to the ground, rolling as hard as she could.Snowflakes splashed on the ground, and the soldiers holding her couldn't control her at all, so the soldiers behind rushed up, pressed her shoulders, punched and kicked her, and the shrill sound pierced the night until the woman was killed Forced into the rope loop, the soldiers above the city gate simply and neatly hung up the three women, and the piercing shouts turned into gasps of "ho ho".

Their faces gradually turned pale, and in violent convulsions and tremors, they were soon hanged at the city gate, like three roast ducks being hung above the city gate.

Cheng Mo frowned, watching the monks and soldiers retreat into the city gate like a tide, and slowly closed the heavy city gate, leaving only three corpses shaking in the cold wind.

Although Cheng Mo told himself that this is a land of relics and everything is fake, he still felt that this kind of death without dignity was too shocking, because all this happened often in the real Middle Ages, even more so than the one in front of him. The scene was even more cruel, but seeing it with my own eyes was still extremely powerful.He put aside his complicated thoughts and began to think about what the scene in front of him meant.

Based on his current observations, the Asgard ruins are somewhat different from the previous ones. It is almost a completely realistic environment, and no monsters have appeared yet.According to Cheng Mo's experience, he believes that the relics do not exist for the chosen ones to gain experience. In fact, every relics reflects a piece of history, telling the chosen ones that what is recorded in the history books is not necessarily Correct, like the pyramids, the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and the Tongtian Pagoda.

The idea of ​​solving the problem is to find clues and discover the truth through the combination of the ruins and history.However, the vast majority of the chosen ones don't care about the truth. They think that the land of the ruins is just an illusion. As long as they can pass the level, the message that the land of the ruins wants to convey is not that important.Or in other words, most organizations forbid the chosen ones to investigate this issue, just like Cheng Mo was unable to find relevant information on the Internet and in the library when he passed through some relics.

And foreign countries are not Huaxia, even if he wants to see experts in this field, there is no way to do so.This is the reason why he only got S+ in the seven ruins.

Cheng Mo exhaled slightly, and jumped down from the canopy. He had already heard the movement of the people with the Sun Flower Banner.Cheng Mo ran along the city wall in the coniferous forest until he heard no sound, then crossed the blank area between the coniferous forest and the city wall, and jumped onto the city wall.Cheng Mo stopped, standing between the arrow stacks and looking at the Sunflower flags. At this moment, they have jumped over the city wall and are moving quickly towards the center of the town. Looking at their direction, the target is the brightly lit West Stow Church.

The group level of the ruins needs to go to the task point to collect the task first, and the task collection point of the Asgard ruins is the Church of Sistus.Although it is said that every second counts, Cheng Mo is not too anxious. He walked down the city wall and walked along the narrow alleyway. The town was very quiet at midnight, and there was a slight stench in the air, but it did not reach the unbearable level. There are low stone houses on both sides. This kind of stone house is very ugly. If it is not covered by snow, it will not only be more ugly but also extremely dirty.

The street paved with white snow did not give Cheng Mo a clean feeling. The snow at the junction of the street and the stone house was yellowish, probably stained with excrement and urine, which made people feel a little nauseated.A big "P" was shockingly written on the walls of some houses. From the broken wooden doors that couldn't block the wind, faint cries kept coming out, like desperate sobs, mixed with chanting The scriptures sound like mantras.

Cheng Mo knows that "P" is written on the wall of a medieval house, which means that there are patients with the Black Death in this house, which means to remind passers-by to stay away.He walked in the middle of the road, and found that every one or two houses had a "P" written on it, some houses were empty, and some houses still had remnants of breath.Cheng Mo seems to have seen the god of death waving a sickle, circling the streets and alleys of the town, the pure white snow has turned black, and the whole city is filled with a breath of death, and the stone houses are like tombs, closed The groan of a painful soul.

After walking for about 10 minutes in such a suffocating atmosphere, Cheng Mo could already see the atrium of the Sistula Chapel through the snow curtain. It was no longer Ou Yu or the chosen ones from Denmark, but crusaders in chain mail and white robes. They moved back and forth in front of the church with spears in hand, guarding the main entrance.

In the center of the square was a pile of vigorous bonfires. Several wild dogs were sleeping soundly near the bonfires, and a group of strange-looking people were warming up.Cheng Mo stood on the edge of the square and listened for a while. After making sure that there were no people with the Sunflower banner here, he stepped on the snow and walked towards the main entrance of the church. Cheng Mo was sure that his movement was big enough, but the patrolling soldiers were As if he couldn't see him, there was no reaction.Cheng Mo felt a little strange, he deliberately walked in front of a soldier, and this soldier with a golden mustache still focused on behind him, his eyes seemed to pass through his body.He hesitated for a moment, and reached out to grab the soldier's spear, but it was empty, as if the soldier in front of him was just a three-dimensional projection.

It seems that he can't touch objects related to people. Cheng Mo has never entered the ruins that can only be cleared by teaming up. I don't know if all this is normal. Thinking about what was going on, he went straight to the Sistus Chapel.Walking through the steps, crossing the white-robed crusaders guarding the gate, the moment you step into the church, a hot air with incense rushes towards your face. Countless candles are lit around the church, the exquisite dome painted with murals, and the golden sanctuary are enshrined. The shrines of the statues, the steps covered with red wool carpets, and the lifelike white angels carved in marble are all so holy and graceful.

There are two worlds here and outside.

The church was empty, except for an older priest in red standing in front of the brown altar under the cross.

"Cardinal." This word jumped out of Cheng Mo's mind. In many classics, the cardinal has played a disgraceful role.Moreover, the cardinal could see him, Cheng Mo stopped, and stood in the corridor in the middle of the church, looking at the cardinal in front of the altar.

Cheng Mo looked at the cardinal. His eye sockets were deep, his hooked nose was extraordinarily large, and the red cap on his head was extraordinarily small. His fat body was covered with a gorgeous red velvet robe, and he wore a golden velvet robe on his chest. With his hands clasped in front of his chest, he looked kindly at Cheng Mo standing in the middle of the corridor, gave a deep salute, and said in a low voice in Latin: "My lord, this city is now facing destruction, may I ask you?" Was the Creator sent to solve the plague for us?"

Cheng Mo didn't understand Latin, but the meaning of this passage appeared directly in his mind like subtitles.Cheng Mo didn't answer right away, but just stared at the priest in red for a while. There was no trace of impatience or arrogance on his wrinkled face, and he looked back at Cheng Mo with a humble smile.However, Cheng Mo didn't feel that the cardinal in front of him was kind at all, he only felt that the other party was a bit like the wolf grandma in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".He thought for a while, then asked in a low voice in English: "Plague?"

The cardinal understood his words without hindrance, and immediately replied: "Yes, the unprecedented plague, this is the power that the witches borrowed from the devil, and they are prepared to humiliate you for a very small reward according to the will of the devil. The Creator, they abandoned their own salvation, deviated from the belief of the Creator, and had sex with Alcon, the demon in his sleep. They cursed and swore, cast magic, deceived people with demonic words, and acted mischievously. They made small animals die young, and crops did not grow. To wither the fruit trees, to cause the people to die. But God did not abandon us, so you came."

"So the solution to the plague is to help you catch witches?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, they have the power of demons and are powerful. The judges of our court are not their opponents. We need to rely on your sacred power."

"What reward can I get for helping you catch witches?"

"If you can help us relieve the distress from the plague, I will tell you the location of the Great Master Creator. You can get the 'Singer's Horn' after killing the Great Master Creator."

"Where should I go to find the witch?" Cheng Mo asked.

The cardinal turned slightly and picked up a yellowed parchment scroll from the podium-like altar behind him. He showed the book to Cheng Mo and said in a low voice, "Dear Your Excellency, this is "The Witch's Hammer" , it records how to detect the crimes of witches, and it is also a basic manual for hunting witches. If you take this book, it means that our contract has been reached. As long as you can catch 666 witches (666 means demons in the West), we A ceremony will be held to help you summon the demon Alcon, as long as you kill the demon Alcon, I will tell you the location of the Great Master Creator"

Cheng Mo set his sights on the "Hammer of Women" in the hands of the cardinal. On the cover was written a line of French "Ie Marteau des dessorcières" ("Witch's Hammer"). Cheng Mo, who is familiar with history, of course knew that this book was famous. The Book of Evil, written by the Inquisitors Instidauri and Slunge, two witch-hunting inquisitors and recipients of papal decrees.The authority of the two Inquisitors in the intellectual and religious circles provided the book with moral and theological assurance.Before the 17th century, this book was the basic manual for inquisitors to capture and try witches.

Cheng Mo hesitated at this moment, he thought of the three women who were hanged to death just now, their pale faces appeared in Cheng Mo's memory, like corpses that suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water.Anyone who knows the history of Europa knows that witches are just scapegoats, and they are not the cause of the plague. According to the analysis of later generations, this epidemic swept through the 500th and 1th centuries, resulting in 3 million people (accounting for [-] million people of the total population of Europa at that time) [-]/[-]) The Black Death, which died, should be the plague.

Cheng Mo stared at the "Hammer of the Witch", stood upright, and fell into deep meditation.

"My lord, what are you still thinking about? The Creator's people are waiting for your salvation." The cardinal said in a very low voice, "Take this book, you will be able to eliminate the plague, and you will be able to gain eternity name and gift from the Creator"

Cheng Mo raised his head slightly and saw the Creator tied to the cross. He closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to see the evil in the world.Maybe it was because the sculpture was too vivid, or maybe the scene just now was too shocking, at this moment Cheng Mo felt that some feelings of compassion for the world and humanity were born in his heart.He couldn't help shaking his head, feeling that he shouldn't be so emotional. He suspected that it was because of Xie Minyun's love or Shen Youyi's warmth that his hard heart was softened, but now is not the time for him to feel compassion. He just needs to rationally consider how to get the "Singer's Horn".

As for right and wrong in history, it doesn't matter.

Cheng Mo looked at the cardinal, looked at the "Hammer of the Witch" again, walked up to the cardinal, raised his hand, and was about to get the "Hammer of the Witch". There was a kind smile on the bishop's wrinkled round face. There was not much mercy or worry in the smile, only a majestic and solemn indifference.At this moment, Cheng Mo couldn't tell whether the cardinal in front of him was just an NPC in the ruins, or a real person.

Cheng Mo retracted the hand that touched the parchment like an electric shock. He suddenly remembered that he is the real "judge". If he did something unfair, he would be deducted crime points. Cheng Mo was not sure Whether it takes effect within the ruins, he has never encountered such a situation.

"I have to think about it again." Cheng Mo decided to go out and do a test first. He thought that maybe the appearance of "Asgard Ruins" was related to the appearance of his professional judge.

"There are already three teams of powerful Chosen in front of you who have accepted the mission, you'd better not waste time."

"I know!" Cheng Mo turned and walked back.

The cardinal showed vague disappointment, he bowed deeply to Cheng Mo and said, "I look forward to your return anytime."

Cheng Mo didn't answer, he walked out of the church quickly, the bonfire in the center of the square was still burning in the heavy snow, there were hurried footsteps in the distance, Cheng Mo looked at the time, it should be the people of kamikaze who had arrived.Cheng Mo glanced around, and was about to find a hidden place to hide, to see how many people Kamikaze had entered, when he accidentally saw a man wearing a bird's beak mask standing under the eaves of a stone house on the edge of the square. He was wearing a black robe, a black gentleman hat, and holding a cane-like stick in his hand.

This is one of the most famous and attractive characters of the Middle Ages - Doctor Bird's Beak.The highest rank of the evil organization "Black Death" is "Doctor Bird's Beak". Cheng Mo was shocked, and suddenly realized that "Black Death" was the name of the disease that killed countless people, but Doctor Bird's Beak Another great doctor dedicated to fighting the Black Death.

What did the founder of the Black Death think?
Cheng Mo was puzzled as he stared at Doctor Bird Beak not far away. The ice edge under the eaves was shining with the orange flame of the bonfire, and the long and narrow silver beak and transparent crystal lens had a strange feeling across time and space.

Cheng Mo remembered that the beak mask seemed to be invented in 1656, but the time and space of Asgard seemed to be older than this age.Cheng Mo struggled for a while, his curiosity towards Dr. Bird's Beak overwhelmed his will to investigate Kamikaze, he quickly went down the steps and ran towards Dr. Bird's Beak, but unexpectedly, the other party seemed to be Saw him, turned around and walked towards the dark alleyway
(End of this chapter)

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