Rebel Demon King

Chapter 872 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (18)

Chapter 872 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (18)

(There were a lot of mistakes and omissions in the last chapter, I am very sorry, I have made deletions and added some content)
The star gate Christianfield Station is the only castle in the entire Christianfield. It not only has the highest steeple building in Christianfield, but also the most easily defended and difficult place in Christianfield.

Compared with the gloomy and oppressive Tai Chi Dragon meeting room, the Star Gate meeting room is sunny and sunny, and the morning sun comes in from the tall windows, casting a layer of golden light on the luxurious meeting room. Purple velvet curtains are hung on both sides of the window. Huge oil paintings were nailed to the walls, and the long Europa table in the middle looked like an antique, and it was quite a luxury to hold meetings.

At this time the meeting was over, and Stern King stood at the door to see him off one by one. When it was Yuan Guangyi's turn, Stern King hugged Yuan Guangyi who was expressionless, patted him on the back, and said amiably: " Yuan, don't be so unhappy, anyway, with your kamikaze's strength, you can't get the "Singer's Horn", now you have a stable income and enjoy the benefits?" Stern King grabbed Yuan Guangyi's hand With his arms, he stretched Yuan Guangyi out of his arms, looked down at the eyes of Yuan Guangyi, who was slightly shorter than him, with only slits left, and grinned, "What's more, you can still pass through the bastards who hunt Tai Chi dragons!" Earn some pocket money, there is really nothing better than this.”

Facing Stern King's words of ridicule or comfort, Yuan Guangyi remained expressionless, bowed slightly to Stern King, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your generosity." Then he turned and walked out meeting room.

Stern King watched Yuan Guangyi holding the sword hilt in his hand and disappearing into the corridor with an obvious horoscope. He smiled contemptuously, and twisted his fat body to meet the tall, thin, long-haired man standing beside him. .

The long-haired man was wearing a sunflower flag olive green uniform. He was extraordinarily tall and his face was extraordinarily long. He looked exactly like the German football star Dirk Nowitzki in both appearance and figure. Standing beside him was the obese Stern King. Like a chunky tumbler.The long-haired man is none other than Gregory Rasputin, who made great contributions to the Sunflower banner during the death train incident.

Without waiting for Stern King to approach, Gregory lowered his head and said humbly, "Mr. Stern, I will definitely convey your meaning to the dean. Then I will reply you as soon as possible."

Stern King raised his hand and patted Gregory's arm. However, because the other party was much taller than him, the gesture of raising his hand was like a salute, which seemed extraordinarily funny, but it didn't hurt Stern King's good mood. , he said with a happy expression: "Gregory, also convey my greetings to Dean Boris for me. Although our star gate and your Sunflower flag had some friction in the past, it is already 2020, isn't it? Look We didn’t care about your Russia’s manipulation of our American election, which shows how generous we are! As things stand, other organizations have chosen to cooperate with our Stargate. If you really want to refuse, it will only be your loss.”

"Mr. Stern, I will definitely bring your meaning to the dean in its entirety."

"Come on!" Stern King spread his hands, "I know that old fox Boris must be listening, there's no need to talk to me in such bureaucratic terms, let him tell me what he thinks."

Gregory did not deny that the whole process was monitored, but said with a smile: "Mr. Stern, our dean is not in charge of monitoring, and he has not yet arrived at Christian Field."

"Really? Where would he be then?"

"This... I can't tell you."

"You are really an honest boy! I like you Gregory, not only because of your surname!" Stern King blinked at Gregory, and then made an unexpected movement, he was very displeased Reaching out his hand politely touched Gregory's X, "It's really big, and it's a good seed for an SQ movie!"

Gregory didn't stop him, but his blushing was as if he had applied too much blush, so thick that people had to look sideways. No one knew whether his blushing was because of embarrassment or humiliation. If Cheng Mo saw this scene, he would definitely think that It is humiliation, anyone familiar with history knows that the big bird of his ancestor was cut off and put on display in the Sex Museum in St. Petersburg.

Stern King let go of his hand and smiled "haha": "I know even if you don't tell me, he is still in Germany and Stuttgart, right?"

Gregory didn't answer, and forced a smile. This smile can be regarded as a model of a superficial smile. The standard one is like a Da Vinci oil painting. It makes people feel that this smile seems to have a deep meaning, and it seems to be just a simple smile. .

"Okay!" Stern King raised his hand again and patted Gregory's arm, "I'll give you [-] hours to think about it, this is special preferential treatment for your sun flower flags, you should know who didn't agree There is no way to get out of this meeting room, except for your sun flower flag, after all, you were once rivals, not some begging dogs, and the necessary respect must be given."

"Thank you for your generosity." Gregory replied exactly the same as Yuan Guangyi, and then walked out of the meeting room quickly.

Stern King watched Gregory walk out of the conference room, looked at his palm and said to himself, "It's really not that big, but I don't know if it's a silver pewter tip."

"Brother, how do you know that Boris is in Germany?" Daniel Jin, who was sitting by the fireplace reading a book, asked without looking up.

"It's not difficult to analyze. The most important country in Europa is Germany, and it is Russia's lifelong enemy. At the moment, riots are happening in Stuttgart. The mob even surrounded our garrison headquarters in Stuttgart, trying to drive our troops away through demonstrations. "

"Is the ethnic conflict in Germany so bad?"

"What you see is just the appearance. In fact, refugees have advantages and disadvantages for Germany. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. But when the economic downturn is turbulent, the people need a scapegoat, so a few weak people will be put on fire." Serve it up." Stern King smiled, "Human beings are selfish animals who will put on a benevolent face in order to satisfy their own sense of superiority. The face of hypocrisy!"

"Stir the flames? Do you mean the media or"

Stern King said lightly: "According to the information we have received, the incident of refugees attacking German left-wing civilians in Stuttgart was caused by the extremely racist Teutonic 88th Knights. Of course, the guidance of the media is to let The key to the uncontrollable situation in Germany"

"Teuton 88 Knights? Isn't Zero and the Clown Sith belong to this organization? They are all lunatics! Don't we intervene?"

Stern King said with a slight smile: "It is definitely necessary to intervene, but now is not a good time, and there may be more surprising things happening there." After a pause, Stern King said in a low voice, "But this is not What you should think about now, think about how to conquer Asgard! An artifact like the 'Singer's Horn' cannot be lost."

"To be honest, this is not interesting. I can already predict how boring this competition will be." Daniel Jin sighed and said, "According to the strength of our star gate, it would have been enough to win the ruins of Asgard. Now that Ou Yu can still let us in, the three Chosen Ones are absolutely crushing, I don't think there is any need to give other organizations so many benefits!"

Stern King walked towards the window slowly with his back on his back, and said as he walked: "My dear brother, your thoughts are too simple, don't regard the battle between the Chosen organizations as a gladiatorial fight, whoever is stronger Whoever wins is not like that."

"What's that like?" Daniel King put down "Symmetry of Quantum Mechanics" in his hand and asked with a frown.

"This is war! My dear brother."

"so what?"

"There is a book in China that every politician and military strategist must read called "Selected Works of XXX". This is the primary issue of the revolution'." Stern King raised the binoculars resting on the coffee table, looked in the direction of the Tai Chi Dragon station, and said in a low voice, "This sentence is also applicable in war."


Compared with the luxurious and grand Stargate conference room, Taijilong's conference room is so simple that people have to feel pity. The conference table made up of several dining tables, because the corners of the table are worn differently, the entire tabletop is not only huge but also uneven. .There were only a few small windows, and they were sealed with sound-proof materials to prevent eavesdropping. Therefore, there was no sunlight in the meeting room, and there was no ventilation. There were only dim chandelier, illuminating stern faces.

It was the first time for Cheng Mo to see so many high-level Tai Chi Dragon elites. In this cramped and shabby meeting room, except for him wearing a poor 33-level Taiqing badge, everyone else was at least the sixth-level Yao Mounting the badge, almost all the strongest combat power of the Tai Chi Dragon is concentrated here. If it is replaced by other students to participate in such an important meeting, they will definitely be honored and proud in front of others for several days.

But in this small and smoky meeting room, Cheng Mo only felt depressed. Thinking of the news Li Jiting announced just now, Cheng Mo felt that Tai Chi Dragon could give up. This war had no chance of winning.Or you should wait for this incident to find a way to enter Asgard. Even if you never have a chance to enter in the future, it will be better than being besieged and beaten three times in the ruins of Asgard, and then unable to be promoted to the chosen one. better.

Cheng Mo regretted that he agreed to Bai Xiuxiu so simply yesterday, and he didn't expect that Stargate would do things so terribly, while other organizations seemed to have no resistance at all.

After finishing the desperate news, Li Jiting looked around casually at the Tai Chi Dragon elites sitting around the conference table. At this moment, the room was so quiet that it was clear who made the heavy breathing. Li Jiting smiled. Asked: "Don't grab it now?"

No one answered, everyone's complexion was complicated, and they looked a little pale against the light, but they didn't show a look of fear, they just stood up one after another after struggling to think.

"I would like to go!"

"I would too!"

"Use me in the first battle, use me to win!" Chen Shaohua also stood up, shouting out the slogan suppressed in his heart, his face was flushed, as if he was in a state of drunkenness.

Others also shouted slogans, and they all stood up vigorously, standing around the table like javelins, the sound of chairs rubbing together, the atmosphere in the conference room was ignited with blood, like a swearing-in meeting before an expedition , is not only heroic, but also full of passion and forge ahead.

Xie Guangling lit a cigarette and didn't even look at the men who seemed to have been beaten, and said sharply: "It's not that you are asked to fight a war in the ruins, but I will give you all the impassioned ones. sit down."

"Wow!" There was another sound of sitting down in unison.

Xie Guangling stared at Li Jiting and said with a stern expression: "In this case, we must choose more carefully. We must send the best members into Asgard. Even if we are besieged, even if we lose, we have to output momentum and not let a group of bastards The egg won so easily."

"I still have an old opinion. I think Cheng Mo is suitable. The battle of the ruins is not a gladiatorial fight. It is not a gladiator who is strong enough to attack the ruins. What's more, such a complicated situation requires a person who is calm enough at all times and can adapt to the situation. I think that being present All of them, including me, have been constrained by rules and regulations for too long, plus they are too old, and their thinking is not very creative. There are no young people with brains, and no young people dare to fight. It is time for young people to increase their burdens." Li Jiting laughed. speak.

Standing aside, Cheng Mo was a little speechless. Looking at Li Jiting's greasy smile, he cursed inwardly, and wanted to jump out and point at Li Jiting and scold him: I'm not a young man, I'm still a child, you old fox tricked me once , still want to cheat me a second time?
If you really want to do this, maybe you can escape the fate of being sent to the ruins of Asgard, but Bai Xiuxiu and Xie Minyun will be disappointed in themselves, right?For the first time, Cheng Mo felt that his brain was not enough. The pros and cons of the two choices were like tangled threads, making it impossible for him to tell which one would be more beneficial.

Li Jiting's expression was quite insincere, making people feel that he was teasing and not convincing at all. In addition, everyone didn't know Cheng Mo that well, they only knew that he was indeed a very smart kid.

Therefore, Chen Shaohua hesitated for a moment, and said: "Team Leader Li, I think combat power is also very important. Otherwise, what's the point of us sending the Chosen Ones in? Isn't it because the Chosen Ones have stronger combat power? If Cheng Mo's The combat power is not strong enough, didn't we send a good seedling in for nothing?"

Cheng Mo heard that Chen Shaohua's objection was very meaningful, and he wanted to jump up and applaud him, praising him for what he said was really good, and it didn't cost me to save your brother's life.

"Yes! And experience is also very important. Cheng Mo has no experience in organizing and leading large-scale battles. We must measure this in all aspects, and we can't just consider one aspect of ability." Li Hongzheng said.

Then other people also began to express their opinions. Most of them felt that it was inappropriate to send a student like Cheng Mo who hadn't even grown up to perform such a major task. However, everyone said that as long as the organization sent him, he would do his best to complete the task.None of the Tai Chi Dragon Chosen present here escaped, let alone push Cheng Mo to be a scapegoat.This reasonable and unexpected scene made Cheng Mo thoughtful.

Faced with the doubts of the crowd, Xie Guangling did not speak, but looked at Li Jiting.

Li Jiting said with a big smile: "Don't look at this kid who is silent, let me tell you, his skills are better than most of you, not only the standard 'teleport', but also the 'abyss' Staring' is a super control skill and 'Tough Will' is a super defense skill. Originally, attack power is considered a weakness, but not long ago I got him a 'Light of Death' as ​​a birthday present, and the short board is also similar to He made it up, but having these skills doesn’t prove anything. In fact, I don’t think combat ability can play a decisive role in this battle, because we are at an absolute disadvantage compared to Stargate and other organizations, and we must come up with unique moves. You all think that this kid is able to brush the ruins so quickly with the blessing of Athena, right?" Li Jiting put his feet off the sofa and leaned over the table, as if he was talking about something He whispered like a secret, "Let me tell you, his average record in the ruins is S+, which is higher than Xie Minyun's. And all of them are single brushes. Do you think he is really not qualified for such a job?"

Cheng Mo's face darkened when he heard Li Jiting report his skills, and when he heard that Li Jiting even reported his results in the ruins, Cheng Mo wanted to beat Li Jiting violently.The main reason is that I can’t beat it, so Cheng Mo can only lament whether this society can get better. You are satisfied with how we boys can live. Tears flowed down, this country is full of oppression of children, children When can I really stand up.

Only trembling with anger, cold sweat and cold hands and feet on a hot day, Cheng Mo can vividly complain about the oppression of Li Jiting, a cheap master, on him.At this moment, Cheng Mo knew that it was inevitable for him to enter Asgard. At this moment, he didn't have any resentment, anger, pain, or fear, and he didn't think about what to do when he entered Asgard. With a faint fragrance, I emptied those complicated thoughts in my mind.

At the moment when everyone cast surprised and unbelievable eyes on him, Cheng Mo actually guessed in his heart what perfume Bai Xiuxiu was using. He didn't collide with those complicated eyes, nor did he have a trace of pride or worry, but just stared at it calmly. Looking at the dark brown purlins of the roof, he quietly took a breath.There is also a sense of wood in this fragrance, and there is a trace of gentle incense, which makes people smell melancholy. It does not match Bai Xiuxiu's enchanting and charming temperament at all, but it is the same as the mint fragrance on Xie Minyun's body, which can make people feel calm.

"I've decided on a candidate, Cheng Mo." Xie Guangling didn't ask Cheng Mo's meaning, and directly announced the result in an unquestionable tone. He put out the cigarette he had just smoked twice in the ashtray, and said with a cold expression, "Now we still need someone with excellent gladiatorial skills."


Cheng Mo pulled the door of the meeting room to completely isolate the sound. The corridor was empty, and sunlight seeped in from the windows at the end, cutting a regular diamond shape on the wooden floor, and fine dust floated in the air.

At this moment, he doesn't need to make any preparations. He just needs to go to the combat readiness department in the afternoon to get a lot of experience points, bitcoins, and skills. But if he can get the "Singer's Horn", it will really belong to him. Cheng Mo thinks that there is no chance, and he has to think carefully about what kind of skills he needs.
Cheng Mo walked forward while thinking, at this time Li Jiting suddenly jumped in front of him like a ghost from the void, just like a paper figure that pops up in the shooting range, if you want to change someone, you will definitely be scared and pale, but Cheng Mo just looked at Li Jiting who was making faces at him blankly, like watching a joke.

Seeing that Cheng Mo was completely indifferent, Li Jiting, who was flaring his teeth and claws, put down his hand by his ear in a sense of boredom, put it in his trouser pocket, coughed and said, "It's boring."

Cheng Mo rolled his eyes and said, "I also find it boring!"

After finishing Mo, he bypassed Li Jiting and continued to move forward. Li Jiting quickly followed, put his arms around Cheng Mo's shoulders and said, "Let's talk about Erguotou!"

Cheng Mo pushed away Li Jiting's hand on his shoulder, and said flatly, "I don't drink."

"You kid and Bai Xiuxiu can drink but I can't?"

Cheng Mo almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, turned his head and looked at Li Jiting with a cold face and said, "What do you want?"

Li Jiting didn't care about Cheng Mo's attitude, grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and teleported to the roof, standing on the ridge of the roof.This is a typical European-style triangular roof covered with fine red tiles and the ridge is made of red bricks.

The cold wind blew over, raising Li Jiting's long hair and Cheng Mo's bangs. Before their eyes was a vast field and ancient European towns. The red sun hung like salted egg yolk on the blue sky. At the edge of the sky, it shone on Cheng Mo's face, but Cheng Mo couldn't feel the temperature at all, only felt that the cold wind was taking away his heat, Cheng Mo looked down, and could see the flow of people passing through the streets and the glowing Oily stone road.

Li Jiting took out a silver jug ​​from nowhere, unscrewed the cap and took a big gulp of wine, sighed "ah", handed the silver jug ​​to Cheng Mo and said, "Take a sip."

Cheng Mo shook his head disdainfully.

Li Jiting smiled, sat lightly on the ridge of the roof, looked into the distance and said, "Do you know why Xie Guangling doesn't like you?"

"I don't know, and I don't care."

"Because you were very similar when you were young! Proud and conceited, self-centered, very rebellious, rebellious, in order to achieve your goals, you don't even care about the rules, just think you can win." Li Jiting took another sip of wine, and whispered against the cold wind, "But the war changed him. Although everyone loves to talk about his performance in Annan's self-defense counterattack, he thinks it is his shame. The battle that broke out in Laojie lasted for four hours. The weak Tai Chi Dragon encountered the Annan people disguised as the Sunflower Banner Chosen One. At that time, Shangfeng conveyed the order for tactical evacuation, but he thought he could hide with his body, looking for opportunities to kill a few people with the Sunflower Banner, and captured some Ouroboros, he thought it worth it."

Li Jiting turned his head and glanced at Cheng Mo, and continued: "At that time, we were very short of Uroboros, the country was poor, and we couldn't afford it. So he quietly stayed alone, and when we found him missing, we sent people back to the old street They went to look for him, but he persuaded those who went to him to stay. At the beginning, their plan went smoothly. They used reed pipes to hide in the cesspit of the toilet. At that time, Annan's toilet was a latrine. People step on it and pull it towards the latrine.” At this point, Li Jiting smiled, “I don’t know how they can stand someone shitting on top of them, but they managed to avoid the people with the Sunflower Banner Check, that night they killed seven people who came to the bathroom in the middle of the night and robbed four ouroboros, four ouroboros back then we couldn't buy four ouroboros in a year's foreign exchange reserves, everyone They were all very excited and felt that they had made a great contribution.”

Li Jiting took another sip of wine, and said in a low voice: "However, when they were about to flee, they had no clothes to change, and they couldn't get rid of the stench on their bodies. Finally, they were spotted by police dogs on the way to escape because the smell was too strong. Then The pursuit battle broke out. In order to delay the pursuit, the comrades with him stayed one by one, sacrificed four of them, and in the end only he was left alive with the spoils. This is not the end, and then our Taijilong people A fierce battle broke out with the Chosen One who was chasing up to the Sunflower Banner. There were heavy losses for four hours."

"Since then, Lao Xie has changed himself. He extremely hates self-centered people, especially those who don't obey orders, and has become a complete collectivist." Li Jiting looked into the distance holding a silver jug, He said in a low voice with a desolate look: "Everyone is the same, and it is inevitable that they will grow up to be the kind of person I hated the most, including me."

(End of this chapter)

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