Rebel Demon King

Chapter 861 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (7)

Chapter 861 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (7)

Stern King pressed down the bulletproof car window of "The Beast", rolled up the McDonald's paper bag in his hand and threw it towards the side of the street casually, then he sucked his oily middle finger and thumb, just about to put it on his clothes Wipe twice, hesitated for a moment, turned around, and rubbed on Benimaru of Xiyuanji sitting next to him.

Xiyuanji Benimaru smiled and watched Stern King wipe the light brown oil stains on his white coat, and said lightly: "Your Excellency the Consul, it seems that you have lost."

"No, don't you see that my men are still working hard? Believe me, they are hard to fly." Stern King licked his lips, his expression seemed to be looking back at the burger just now, and his expression was still unfinished.

Xiyuanji Benimaru glanced at the white four-story building not far away, shook his head and said: "They have already left, if they haven't left, they should have activated the carrier for the last struggle, but you see, now here It's still calm."

"Maybe they were knocked out by our stun guns before they could activate the carrier." Stern King spread his hands and said.

Benimaru Xienji chuckled, opened the door and got out of the car.

"Where are you going?" Stern King asked puzzled.

"I'm going to see why they stayed in the warehouse selling used books for so long just now." Xiyuanji Benimaru said without looking back.

"Why don't you just ask them later?" Stern King said loudly indifferently.

At this time, the assistant sitting in front of the beast turned around and said, "Consul, the Iris flower's chosen one and the Taijilong's chosen one are both here, and the peripheral action team asked what to do, whether to stop it or not."

Stern King subconsciously raised his wrist to open the three-dimensional map on Ouroboros, but when he looked down, he saw only an empty wrist, and he cursed in a low voice: "Damn!" Then he picked up the walkie-talkie at hand , "Shanying, did you catch anyone?"

After a while, there was a loud electric sound from the intercom, followed by a deep voice: "So far no target person has been found, and the search is underway."

"The building is only this big. It's just two chosen ones who haven't activated the carrier. Are you all trash?" Stern King said angrily.

"We found blood stains in an office on the third floor. The other party should have been shot, but no one was found. We suspect that the target used an unconventional escape method."

"I'll give you another 3 minutes. If you can't find it, retreat." He stared up at the third floor, picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a low voice after a while, "Remember to get some blood when you retreat."


Xie Minyun carried Cheng Mo on his back and walked in the sewers in the [-]th arrondissement of Paris. On a sunny day in winter, there was only a shallow puddle of water in the pipe that looked like a cross-section of a bullet head. The sewers were quite large enough for a small truck to pass through. , In addition to the endless energy-saving lamps above their heads, there are densely packed pipelines, some thick and some thin, coated with black insulating asphalt, which has a sense of the end of the world.

In the quiet pipeline at this moment, the sound of Xie Minyun's footsteps stepping on the water and running was very clear, like a fairy walking on the lake with Lingbo microsteps.

"Do I need to activate the carrier to attract their attention?" Cheng Mo whispered a little worriedly.

"I don't need it for the time being. I have cut off the heat. At least I won't be found for the time being. As long as I can run out of the encirclement and wait for my teleportation to complete, I will basically be safe."

Speaking of Xie Minyun, he increased his speed again, and Cheng Mo, who was hugging Xie Minyun's neck, felt obvious bumps. For a while, neither of them spoke, as if they were experiencing this rare tense atmosphere.

Cheng Mo lay on Xie Minyun's back, feeling her temperature and the scent of mint in her hair. His heartbeat, which was a little bit rapid just now, gradually calmed down. He closed his eyes gently, as if recalling a distant memory , that memory is so dense, like a black-and-white photo soaked in developing solution, he rested his head on his mother's lap, a ceiling fan was spinning lazily above his head, and the noise of cicadas outside made the hustle and bustle of the city dyed The smell of the countryside, his mother flipping the pages of the book, the aroma of ink and the friction of sparse paper urge him to fall asleep.
Tiredness is rampant, like a summer heat wave.

There was no news of following them for a long time, Xie Minyun felt relieved, and asked in a low voice: "How did you know that those policemen had problems just now, why didn't I see it."

Cheng Mo squinted on Xie Minyun's back for a while, as if he had entered a deep sleep and had a long dream. Hearing Xie Minyun's voice, Cheng Mo opened his eyes. Although his whole body was still full of a sense of powerlessness like collapse, he was in good spirits. Quite a few, he replied softly: "First of all, their English is really good, which aroused my vigilance, and secondly, their abnormal behavior"

"What's abnormal?" Xie Minyun asked puzzled.

"When the French police encounter blacks robbing or stealing Asians on the street, they are afraid to avoid them. They came so quickly and didn't say anything. Seeing that we are Chinese and have not suffered economic losses, they didn't release the two blacks on the spot, but They are going to be handcuffed and brought back to the police station, but France, how could such a thing happen!"

"I admit that there is a problem with law and order in France, and the police do have certain responsibilities, but they will not see such a grandiose cover-up for crimes."

Cheng Mo shook his head slightly and said, "You still don't know much about the grassroots. If it's the French police, if they don't arrest these black people, it's not to protect them, but to reduce the waste of police resources."

"How to say?"

"After 15 years, the French police will be unable to take care of the daily security of ordinary people, let alone us tourists, because of the heavy pressure of anti-terrorism and the yellow shirts. Therefore, the security of France will deteriorate rapidly. What's more, the French prisons are already overcrowded. Robbery like this Attempted, even if the evidence is convincing, it will be released by the prosecution in all likelihood. And just now there was no surveillance at all, we were not robbed, where is the evidence to prove that the other party was robbed? If the other party is bored, we will hurt others by beating them up Possibly. Therefore, it is impossible for the experienced French police to ask to handcuff the two black men, but instead they will persuade us to forget it, and there is no need to waste time.”

Xie Minyun bit her lip and said softly, "It seems that I still have a lot to learn."

"It doesn't matter to you whether you learn these things or not. Their target is me, not you. Even if we were fooled just now and go with them, you will be fine. Your identity is the biggest guarantee, even if you are an American. I don't dare to touch you, I will release you as soon as possible."

"Did Stern King do it?"

"Except for him, no one has both the strength and the need to go to war to catch me."

At this time, Xie Minyun's Tai Chi Dragon badge trembled, and she whispered: "We are safe."


When Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo returned to the Calvados apartment on Bodennes Avenue without any danger, the security of this building was strengthened again. Normally, only one red dot representing the chosen person flashed here, but now it has become three. indivual.

The bulletproof commercial vehicle drove into the basement, and Xie Minyun got out of the car first. Jiang Jun, who usually had a cold expression, stood beside him with a face of shame. He lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Miss, I'm sorry, I'm not vigilant enough. "

Xie Minyun turned around and bent down to hug the drowsy Cheng Mo from the back seat, and then said to Jiang Jun calmly: "It's okay, Jiang Ciwei, this is on someone else's territory, and they came prepared, so there will inevitably be situations. ,do not worry about it."

Jiang Jun didn't raise his head, but bowed his body slightly, lowered his head and said, "I will definitely review it seriously and promise not to make mistakes again."

Xie Minyun said seriously: "There is no need to write any review at all. You did nothing wrong. Cheng Mo and I shouldn't have used the main body to travel in such a dangerous situation. We will pay attention to it in the future."

"Thank you for your understanding." Jiang Jun just raised his head, his face was full of gratitude, seeing Xie Minyun holding Cheng Mo and walking towards the elevator, he quickly chased after him, "Miss, let me do it. Cheng Mo is okay ?”

Xie Minyun shook his head, rejected Jiang Jun's extended hand, and said at the same time: "In addition to the electric shock, he was also shot in the leg a few times, but they were all steel ball bullets. Generally speaking, his life was not in danger, but he had a heart attack. I was afraid that the electric shock would cause damage to his heart, so I called a doctor over to give Cheng Mo a comprehensive examination, and if there was any problem, we would immediately send him back to China."

Jiang Jun nodded: "Okay, I'll arrange it now."

"It's troublesome." Xie Minyun carried Cheng Mo into the special elevator.

Jiang Jun didn't follow, but just stood at the elevator door and said, "Miss, Captain Bai is already on his way here, and she will probably arrive at night."

Xie Minyun nodded, the elevator door closed slowly, she looked down at Cheng Mo's sleeping face, and murmured to herself: "Instructor Bai"


When Cheng Mo woke up, not only did he feel a splitting headache, but his left foot also had a burning pain. This burning pain was concentrated in a few points, but it radiated to the surroundings of the calf as if it would radiate. It's like the whole calf is going to be abolished.Cheng Mo grinned and forced his hands to support the soft mattress. He raised his head and looked at his left foot. There was a white bandage wrapped around his ankle to his knee, and several places were soaked in blood. On the white bandage, it looked like Red splashes.

Xie Minyun pushed the door in from outside the bedroom, and asked softly, "Are you awake? Do you want some water?" Seeing Cheng Mo frowned, Xie Minyun walked to the bed, "Does it hurt?"

Cheng Mo nodded to express his need, and then said: "It's a little bit, the whole body was stunned by electric shocks at the beginning, and I didn't even know I was shot. Now that I wake up, I feel severe pain."

"Then what should I do?" Xie Minyun turned around and went to the refrigerator to get mineral water, handed it to Cheng Mo, then sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Cheng Mo with concern, and said, "Why don't you activate the carrier to avoid the pain."

"You have to pay attention to the time to activate the carrier! There are only twelve hours in a day." Cheng Mo put the water on the bedside table, looked at Xie Minyun and said softly: "However, it seems that it doesn't hurt so much when you are by the side. Could it be that you are My painkillers."

"Cough~!" There was a coughing sound from the door of the bedroom, and Cheng Mo turned his head to look at Bai Xiuxiu standing at the door. She was wearing a milky white turtleneck sweater, gray casual trousers, and long dyed golden hair coiled behind her head. , Beside her is a piece of orange lights, like a boundless sea, the Eiffel Tower and Bai Xiuxiu stand side by side, making Cheng Mo seem to hear the sound of distant waves.

For a second, Cheng Mo forgot about the pain, and only felt that "beauty" is indeed something that can comfort people.

Fortunately, Cheng Mo had been baptized for a long time, so he didn't look fascinated. He immediately restrained his mind, held Xie Minyun's hand tightly, and shouted: "Sister Bai!"

Bai Xiuxiu also came over, first took a pillow and put it on Cheng Mo's back, let him lean down, and then asked softly: "How do you feel? If it hurts too much, I can help you get some painkillers. "

"It's okay, this pain can be tolerated."

Bai Xiuxiu glanced at Xie Minyun, chuckled and said, "Yo! Why can I bear it now? I thought you would say that you already have painkillers!"

Cheng Mo lowered his head and stared at his toes, he didn't dare to look at Xie Minyun and Bai Xiuxiu, and he didn't dare to speak, for fear of making too many mistakes.

Fortunately, Bai Xiuxiu didn't mean to chase after her, and said with a smile, "I'm just kidding you young couple. I think I will disturb you again in the next few days, so don't mind."

"Instructor Bai is wrong to say that. We are here to perform tasks, not to play. There is nothing to disturb or not to disturb. Everything should be done." Xie Minyun said lightly.

"It's Xie Minyun who is more enlightened." Bai Xiuxiu turned her head to look at Cheng Mo, and said with a smile, "Cheng Mo, you should learn more from your little wife!"

Cheng Mo felt that it was not his left leg that was hurting but his brain. He didn't know whether Bai Xiuxiu had something to say, or just used a joke to make the atmosphere easier. In desperation, Cheng Mo had no choice but to resort to the topic-changing technique of shifting the universe, He opened his mouth and said, "Is Sister Bai here for Asgard? I don't know if the organization has decided to send anyone into Asgard."

When Cheng Mo asked about the business, Bai Xiuxiu's expression immediately became serious. She walked two steps and stood by the French window, and said in a deep voice: "There are still some disputes about the candidates. It's okay if Napoleon VII has no restrictions. The strongest ones go in, but he also said that in order to avoid being discovered by Ou Yu, the top [-] in the sky list cannot help."

"His worries are not unreasonable, and we can't force others to do what they want," Cheng Mo said.

"I don't mean to blame him. It's a great favor to give us such important news and help me send two chosen ones in." Bai Xiuxiu turned to look at Cheng Mo, frowning and asked, " But besides the intention of cooperation in the future, he really didn't ask for anything else?"

"We'll meet again tomorrow, and we'll see what he says then." Cheng Mo said.

Bai Xiuxiu nodded, and said earnestly: "You two! Even if you bring guards, you can't be too casual. This time, you are lucky. Do you know that Stern King took the entire Europa overnight to catch you two? All the American agents have been transferred here! You are really lucky this time, he didn’t guess that Xie Minyun can use skills without a carrier, otherwise you are really in danger.” Pausing for a while, Bai Xiuxiu stared at Cheng Mo and said in a solemn tone , "Especially you Cheng Mo. If he finds out that you stole his Uroboros, you really just wait for Xie Minyun to collect the body for you!"

Cheng Mo opened his mouth to defend himself, but Xie Minyun said in a cold tone first: "Instructor Bai, my husband, I will protect his safety. You don't need to educate him about this, and you don't need to worry about him."

Bai Xiuxiu folded her hands on her chest, with an indifferent smile on her lips, she said indifferently, "Although he is your husband, he is also my subordinate, and it is only natural for me to discipline him."

Cheng Mo thought "Oops", wishing that he didn't wake up just now, and he had to smooth things over at this time, and immediately pulled Xie Minyun's hand secretly and said in a low voice: "Xiao Jin, Sister Bai is also doing it for our own good." Then Cheng Mo She gave Bai Xiuxiu a pleading wink, "Sister Bai, it's getting late, everyone should go to bed early today! There will be more things to do tomorrow."

Bai Xiuxiu didn't respond to Cheng Mo's wink, but just said "then you have a good rest" before turning and leaving Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun's bedroom.

When Bai Xiuxiu closed the door, Cheng Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, held Xie Minyun's hand and asked softly, "Why are you so angry?"

Xie Minyun shook his head and said expressionlessly, "I'm not angry."

Cheng Mo stretched out his hand and pinched Xie Minyun's delicate and sharp nose, curled the corner of his mouth and said, "He said he wasn't angry."

"How can a boss talk like that? I just don't like her parental tone"

"Parents? Parents are also very good."

Xie Minyun interrupted Cheng Mo's words, and said lightly: "Okay, don't talk about it, you have a good rest, we can still practice in the Colosseum tonight, and we can only use the carrier when we go out tomorrow."

Seeing Xie Minyun's indifferent face, Cheng Mo didn't dare to continue to mention Bai Xiuxiu, and pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Help me get my notebook, I'll go online."

Tomorrow was the day when he had agreed to trade with Xiyuanji Benimaru, and he had to make some arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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