Rebel Demon King

Chapter 851 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (7)

Chapter 851 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (7)

Cheng Mo and Napoleon VII walked out of the banquet hall side by side, and after passing the Royal Hall of Rome, they reached the corridor of royal family portraits. Portraits of royal family members were hung on one side of the long corridor, and a row of white wooden French windows on the other side, with the breeze blowing Translucent white curtains, the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers and plants.Looking out from the window, you can see the hazy moonlight splashing in the geometric garden, and those neat shrubs standing in silence have influenced the garden style of Europa for centuries.

"In order to prevent the air and sunlight from corroding the palace and oil paintings, the place is usually completely closed. Today, because of my special request, the staff of the museum opened the windows a little." Napoleon VII said.

"The management is great. To be honest, I can't tell that this palace has existed for almost 1000 years." Cheng Mo admired in a low voice.

Napoleon VII turned around and looked at the first oil painting in the corridor. All the oil paintings here were of the same size, almost as big as the floor-to-ceiling windows, so they were taller than a person. It is a portrait of my great-great-grandfather, Napoleon I, when he was a humble second lieutenant of artillery in the Legion of Raphael."

Cheng Mo looked up at the towering oil painting. The Napoleon I standing next to his favorite 12-pound gun in the oil painting is very tall, completely different from his later image. When he was young, Napoleon had long hair and wore a red leather jacket. And yellow leggings, looking like a trendy youth in the eighteenth century.Cheng Mo also respected the great generation of emperors, and sincerely complimented: "There is no doubt that His Majesty the Emperor is a military genius who can be ranked among the top three in history. Although it is a pity that he did not leave any military works, but research The books written by His Majesty the Emperor on the art of commanding are overwhelming, and all subsequent famous generals have studied His Majesty the Emperor. Even Chairman X, the greatest military strategist in our country, respects His Majesty the Emperor very much. Not only have he read " "The Biography of Napoleon", French translator Xiao Qian was also asked to work day and night to translate "On Napoleon" written by Faure. Not only that, he also ordered to print a thread-bound large-print "Biography of Napoleon" in two letters and 100 volumes for cadres. See. Later, I read the XX version of "XXX Biography" and compared the experiences of the two. Even though more than [-] years have passed, I still feel that there is a feeling of sympathy between the two great military strategists in history."

Looking up at the portrait of Napoleon VII, Cheng Mo sighed: "When reading history, the most incredible thing is that these great historical figures don't need anyone to weave myths for them, because the truth itself is enough to make people feel incredible. Standing here, recalling those famous battles, I will feel my blood surging."

Napoleon VII smiled, and made a gesture of invitation to Chengmo to move forward. The two walked along the promenade. Napoleon VII smiled and said: "Although I am used to hearing the praise of the great ancestor, your The angle is what I am most proud of." After a pause, Napoleon VII said, "Because Chairman X is also one of the military strategists I respect the most. Speaking of which, my great-grandfather did not leave any military works, but he did. Many editorials, novels and historical works. When he was in Corsica, he created several novels and novellas with Corsica as the theme. Although none of them were completed, he completed a love dialogue. Except In addition, he wrote a dozen articles and theses on the erection of cannon, suicide, kingship and human inequality, and of course the most important theme was Corsica, such as "Corsican Letters" and "Cosica Letters". "History of West Jia."

"Probably the best military strategists are all writers, such as Caesar, Chairman X, and His Majesty the Emperor." Cheng Mo said.

"There are also Sun Wu, Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang, and Wang Yangming."

"Your understanding of Chinese history is really amazing." Napoleon VII was not surprised to be able to name Sun Wu Chengmo, who wrote "The Art of War", but he was surprised to be able to name Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang and Wang Yangming After all, the West has been leading the world for hundreds of years, and Chinese people who understand Western history are very popular, but Westerners who have always considered themselves to be superior people rarely understand Chinese history.

"About this point, let's talk about it later, let's take a look at the memorial hall of my great-grandfather first." Napoleon VII pushed away the Napoleon I Memorial Hall. now.

Napoleon I led Cheng Mo to the No. 140 display cabinet, pointed to the jeweled sword inlaid with diamonds and said, "This is the coronation sword of the great ancestor. This sword was customized by Ni Duo. The body of the sword is made of gold, bloodstone, and precious stones." , tortoiseshell, steel and leather. At that time, a 42-carat 'Regent' diamond, which adorned the coronation crowns of Louis XV and Louis XVI, was inlaid on the hilt of the sword. Set with [-] diamonds."

Cheng Mo stared at the dazzling "Coronation Sword". He remembered that in the other world, this sword was called the "Consul's Sword", and it was also one of the 72 artifacts. Now it was stored in the cabinet like this, and he was a little puzzled. Asked: "Isn't this a magic weapon?".

"Of course it is, but this one is a fake. The real sword of coronation is in Chayou Palace." Napoleon VII whispered, walking forward while talking, and continued to introduce some other exhibits to Cheng Mo.

After shopping around, Napoleon VII led Cheng Mo out of the Napoleon I Memorial Hall and into the Diana Promenade.

"This corridor is 80 meters long, and it is the longest corridor in the entire Fontainebleau Palace. It was originally not like this, and it was rebuilt by my great-grandfather." Napoleon VII pointed to the bookshelves inlaid on both sides of the corridor and said: "Actually It’s not just a corridor, it’s also a real royal library, with a total of [-] books stored in my great-grandfather’s collection The first book is difficult to turn, and many of them are in Latin, but my grandfather would still choose some to force me to read. He told me that coming here to study is a tradition that our Napoleon family cannot desecrate, because the admonition left by the great ancestor said : 'There are only two forces in the world: the sword and the mind. In the long run, the sword is always defeated by the mind'. Although Gao Zu did not have a good ending, for each of us Napoleon's family, he Words are creeds, so I had almost no time for games in my childhood, either reading books or practicing fencing."

Napoleon VII stopped by the brown wooden stairs next to the bookshelf. He reached out and stroked the smooth handrail, and whispered as if lost in memory: "I remember that I hated coming here when I was a child. In fact, I don't like it at all. Latin, and I don’t like these books I can’t understand. I want to watch cartoons, ride a bicycle or skateboard, but all of these are not allowed, which makes me hate my identity, even my last name, Because it bored my childhood terribly, until I went to school, and although I went to the Henri IV School of France, where everyone heard my name, everyone respected me, especially the grown-ups, who Always have high hopes for me, tell me: You are a descendant of the great Emperor His Majesty"

Although Napoleon VII stopped, Cheng Mo still didn't speak, but his expression was focused. He has rich experience in how to be a good listener.

Napoleon VII led Cheng Mo to the end of the corridor, the corridor was silent, only the footsteps of two people could be heard, Napoleon VII continued: "But I still didn't feel the weight of the surname 'Napoleon' at that time, Without the control of my grandpa, I was like a little pony that was let out of the stable, running freely, playing games, watching soap operas, and pulling girls' braids until the third grade of elementary school."

Napoleon VII turned his head to look at Cheng Mo and said with a smile: "We only started to take history lessons in the third grade of French elementary school, no matter what stage the history textbooks are, the oil paintings of my great-grandfather are the most on the cover, especially Jacques-Louis "Napoleon Crossing the St. Bernard Pass in the Alps" drawn by David, although I have already memorized the history of my great-great-grandfather, but when I go to class with the whole class and read one after another about him, my heart will always be Follow with excitement or sadness. Every time after the history get out of class, boys and girls will come to me and ask me excitedly, are you really a descendant of the Napoleon family? This question has almost run through my entire school career. , the more people worship my great-grandfather, not only students, but also many teachers, as well as ordinary people, every year on the day when my great-grandfather announced his abdication, they will spontaneously come to Fontainebleau Palace to perform Guards"

At this time, the two of them had passed through the Queen's bedroom and arrived at the Throne Hall. The entire Throne Hall was truly resplendent and resplendent, and all the metal decorations, including the French and Navarre badges inlaid on the white walls, were all made of real gold.The crystal chandelier hangs low, exuding a bright halo, and the curtain hanging from the big crown on the roof surrounds the dragon chair like a coat; the emperor's throne made of gold is placed on the scarlet velvet throne platform, and the blue The velvet is embroidered with the golden bees of the Napoleon family, and the solid gold pillars on both sides are the eagles with wings that symbolize the Guards. They stand on the "N" round emblem representing Napoleon I, majestic and luxurious.

The awe-inspiring aura of the emperor rushed over.

Napoleon VII stood on the edge of the red carpet, staring at the emperor's throne on the throne platform, which symbolized the royal power, with a serious expression and silence for a long time, before he said in a low voice: "The more I grow up, the more I realize what the name Napoleon means. , not only in history books, but also in museums, on the Arc de Triomphe, on military columns, and even on postage stamps, coins and military medals. Every year on his birthday, the French people commemorate him spontaneously. Both are heroes of France and I am his descendant, born to be noticed."

Napoleon VII turned his head and looked at Cheng Mo with a smile, and said in a low voice: "I think you should be able to experience this feeling now, because you are Xie Minyun's husband, so others will pay attention to you and observe your every word and deed , to see if you are worthy of Xie Minyun, and I have been stared at by all Europa people, to see if I am worthy of the surname Napoleon."

"As you can imagine, it must be very heavy pressure." Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Some people say that I still dream of being an emperor." Napoleon VII looked at the emperor's throne again, his eyes were as cold as a knife, "They don't understand at all, for me who has been attracting attention since I was a child, I never desire I'm not looking forward to being a royal again with the glitzy, entertainer-like life of the royal family right now."

"I just want them to bow their heads instead of casting curious eyes when they hear the name Napoleon!"

The cold voice of Napoleon VII echoed in the golden throne room, like a ghost wandering in the palace.Cheng Mo heard a kind of burning power from Napoleon's voice. That surging power cannot be called ambition or obsession, but a kind of calm madness.

Cheng Mo didn't know what Napoleon VII meant by telling him so much, but he knew that this sentence must be a juncture, and the next thing was the highlight. He didn't speak, and waited quietly.

Napoleon VII did not continue to linger in the throne room, turned around and walked towards the exit on the other side, without looking back, he said: "Come with me, I will take you to a place."

Cheng Mo followed Napoleon VII's quick footsteps, walked through a small hall, and arrived at a room with green as the main tone. Except for the metal decoration, the whole room was green, with green curtains, green chairs, green beds, green draperies and green walls.

"This is my great-grandfather's bedroom. My great-grandfather liked green the most, so my favorite color is also green." Napoleon VII said as he walked towards the bed surrounded by green curtains, and then moved away from the side of the bed. He pushed open a small door hidden behind the green wall covering, "My great-grandfather only slept for three hours a day, and the rest of the time he spent in this dark room reading books and looking at maps."

Seeing Napoleon VII walking in, Cheng Mo also walked in, and Napoleon VII pressed the switch with a "pop", and the whole dark room suddenly lit up, behind the door was a wooden spiral staircase, Cheng Mo held Metal handrails circled down with Napoleon VII.

The entire dark room has no luxurious decoration, and there are three walls full of bookshelves, the bookshelves are full of books, and a map of France and some portraits of great figures in history are pasted on one wall. Cheng Mo glanced at them, and they are all Napoleon Famous figures after the first life include Schumann, Charles de Gaulle, Churchill, etc. Besides, Cheng Mo also saw people from Huaxia.

Other than that, the whole room is just a simple wooden table and a few chairs, a stack of books on the table, and a laptop.Napoleon walked towards the table, he dragged a chair away with Cheng Mo, and then sat down opposite Cheng Mo himself.

"This is my great-grandfather's secret study. Behind the bookcase is a secret passage leading to the outside of the Palace of Fontainebleau. When I want to be alone, I will go here to read books through the secret passage. This is the first time. Bring outsiders in for the first time."

"It's an honor." Cheng Mo lowered his head slightly, and saw that many of the books on the table were in Chinese.

Napoleon VII also noticed Cheng Mo's gaze, smiled and said: "At first you lamented that I knew Chinese history very well, but in fact I was not very interested in Chinese history before."

Napoleon VII spread out the stack of books, all of which were books on the study of China's economy, some were written by the West and some were written by the Chinese themselves. Napoleon VII flipped through "The Long-term Performance of China's Economy - 960-2030 AD", Shen Sheng said: "Since the French economy reached its peak in 1970, it has declined year after year. Today, it has completely fallen into a quagmire, and there is no hope of salvation. In fact, it is not only the case in France, but also in the whole of Europe. There used to be many For a long time, I thought that being the chosen one would not help France, so I have been studying "Economics", and I can find a way to save France from it. When I enter politics in the future, I will not commit crimes like the bastards who are in power now. Some low-level mistakes continue to lead France to the abyss"

Cheng Mo thought to himself: "Sure enough, dignified people like Napoleon VII and Xie Minyun have a natural sense of mission and great dreams, and ordinary people like myself are selfishly pursuing a little personal freedom." He Looking down at the cover of the book "The Long-Term Performance of China's Economy - 960-2030 A.D.", it was very strange, probably because it was not sold in China. Learning "can be saved"

Napoleon VII nodded and said: "But I was only 17 years old at the time, and I didn't realize that much. I just wanted to find out the problems of France and Europa. After I studied "Das Kapital" and Europa and the economic history of the United States in depth Later, I was completely desperate, because I found that capitalism is a spiral form, and in English there are phrases like 'spiral out of control' (spiral out of control), the nature of capital is to maximize the pursuit of surplus Value, which leads to the spiraling capitalism will inevitably enter the spiral out of control indefinitely, I say this, you should be able to understand?"

Cheng Mo nodded and said: "Of course, Marx's political economy was born out of Hegel's philosophy. Hegel distinguished the 'infinity of good' and 'infinity of evil'. The 'infinity of good' is like a circle. The infinity of the "evil infinity" is the infinity that can lead to a "spiral out of control"." (Spiral rising is economic recovery-prosperity-decline — Great Depression, this cycle will bring the country's economic development always upwards)
"Yes! Let me give you an example. Under the logic of capitalism, all urbanization processes do not build cities for the people, but for investors. Then there will be a phenomenon that people buy houses for investment, but for investors. It is not for living, so a few people own a lot of real estate, and countless people at the bottom cannot afford houses. When the economy goes down and a financial crisis occurs, the middle class who use loans to buy real estate will lose everything, but financial institutions are still there. For profit, as for the capitalist ZF, it naturally serves capital, which intensifies the flow of a large amount of wealth from the majority of ordinary people to a very small number of wealthy elites, and then a bigger economic crisis breaks out, causing social turmoil. Terrible, this is not the end, this is Circle after circle of upward reincarnation, that is, a spiral, and then viciously out of control, so the spiral of capitalism must be controlled to allow it to enter a virtuous circle, rather than spiral out of control."

"Isn't that what you guys do all the time?"

"Yes! But it failed." Napoleon VII sighed and said bitterly, "It can't be said that it was a complete failure. It can only be said that it was a failure in Europe. From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, religious authority was completely smashed. However, Europe has a complex environment and a large number of ethnic groups, so it is extremely necessary for values ​​​​that can provide centripetal force, such as religion. After religion loses its authority, it is necessary to come up with a new value that has centripetal force. During the French Revolution, Roberts, who represented the bourgeoisie Pierre proposed freedom, equality, and fraternity. During the repeated struggles between feudalism and capitalism, Europa gradually formed the core values ​​of freedom, democracy, and equality to replace the original religious values. However, freedom, democracy, and equality have become a set of values. The noose around the necks of France and Europa"

Cheng Mo didn't speak, because a liberal like him always believed that a society that respects individuals like the West is more in line with the advanced form of human society. He knew that liberal democracy had brought certain problems to Europe and France, but He didn't think they were nooses, but Cheng Mo felt that Napoleon VII, as a Frenchman, must have seen it more clearly than he did.

"Here we have to go back to the contradictions of capitalism. If capital wants to develop, it needs the support of the state power. However, when capital develops to a certain stage, it must expand outward in order to pursue profits, and it is bound to go beyond the scope of the state. There is a famous saying - merchants have no nationality, capital has no country. Under the principles of freedom, equality and democracy, the state has no binding force on capital. If you respect this set of principles, you can only let capital come and go freely , Robbery of wealth, I don’t need to cite this example, Americans are best at this, so their favorite thing to do is to use guns and revolution to promote freedom and democracy, and when they achieve their goals, they use finance. Manipulating these countries. In addition to this, there is another serious problem, that is, it is difficult to collect taxes from large corporations. They can avoid taxes in many ways, and they can even manipulate the laws. It comes from the middle class. Take France as an example. The tax paid by the richest 1% of the top accounted for 15.9% of the tax, while the next 30% of the middle class accounted for 69% of the tax. You must know that in France However, the country that taxes the richest in the world needs to pay 75% of the super-rich tax, which has caused a large number of top rich people to give up their French citizenship, but freedom and democracy, you can't restrict his funds from leaving and we It is not without reason that French taxes are so high. The reason is that the debt has reached a high of 2.36 trillion euros. Last year, our French interest expenses alone reached 560 billion euros. You must know that defense expenditures ranked second last year Only 359 billion euros. 2.36 trillion euros, each of us in France has an average debt of [-] euros, and this is still the fault of freedom, democracy and equality.”

"Do you mean the 'Pompidou-Rothschild Act'?"

Napoleon VII nodded, and said as if mocking himself: "If the Pompidou-Rothschild law had not been passed, France's current national debt would be no more than 2200 billion euros, and it would not have accumulated to 2.36 trillion euros at all. However, the stupid French students launched the May Movement in 68 to oust Charles de Gaulle, who insisted on financial independence. Until today, the media is still hiding the truth, saying that the high debts in France are due to the high welfare, and still claiming that the May Movement in 5 was The victory of democracy and freedom, but they don’t know that after de Gaulle stepped down, Pompidou, Rothschild’s lackey, passed the Pompidou-Rothschild law, and sold France’s financial rights to Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Barclays Waiting for the international financial consortium to pretend to be in line with international standards, and when this bill was passed, no media reported it."

"People are stupid." Cheng Mo whispered.

"This is not the stupidest thing. What's even more stupid is that the 2005 Europa Constitution failed to pass. The most ridiculous thing is that France is the main promoter of the integration of the Europa Federation, and it is also the biggest beneficiary like Germany, but It was ruined by the French people's own stupid referendum. France once again lost its chance to struggle out of the quagmire because of its liberal democracy Democracy is undoubtedly the worst form of government, but it is the best form of government for capital development. Although the great top-level designers all want to overcome the vicious effects of capital, they designed high welfare, trade unions, parliaments, and universal suffrage to give people rights, hoping that these means can control the spiral of capitalism out of control. Welfare, trade unions, parliament, and universal suffrage have given people rights, but also brought many new problems. Assuming that the economy can develop at a high speed, capitalism and democratic and free regimes can work well together, but the development of capitalism must be accompanied by economic crisis , This leads to the separation of the class. But as long as you have money, it’s easy to handle. The Americans occupy the top of the global value chain and draw the blood of the whole world to carry out internal redemption and internal coordination. In order to maintain democracy and freedom, we must The high cost paid, the whole world can only support the United States, what should France do? It can only borrow money. In addition, the religious problems and refugee problems faced by France and Europe are also brought about by freedom and democracy. The frightening thing is that the accelerated influx of refugees and immigrants will reduce the number of the main ethnic groups in France to below 2050% in 50.00. At that time, one person, one vote will make France no longer a French France. I have studied economics for a long time , found that the greed of capitalism and the laziness and stupidity of the people are doomed to the sinking of Europe and France." Napoleon VII's tone was very heavy.

"At that time, I saw that the French economy continued to decline. The life of ordinary people was getting worse year by year, and the unemployment rate was getting higher year by year. I was very desperate until I opened this book." The long-term performance of China - 960-2030 AD" turned to the page of China's GDP icon. I started to think about this problem and looked for books and videos about Huaxia. I have spent several years studying Chinese and Chinese history, and have been observing the changes in Huaxia. In my opinion, the Chinese people have found a model to solve the spiral of capitalism out of control. , This is really great, Huaxia can not be affected by any split ideology, religion or uneducated democracy, concentrate on economic development, fast train network and huge road network will help you develop and integrate quickly, you are in Constantly building factories, nuclear reactors, cities, electric cars, dams, high speed trains. Spending billions of dollars on research in all branches of science and engineering while we still struggle and stagnate in the most productive fields , because your policy is sustainable, five years, ten years, 20 years, and our policy is only implemented for a few years, and sometimes it has not developed well, and it has to be terminated because of a change of party. Huge system Your advantages make your development completely unrestricted. I go to Huaxia every two years, and then I find that every time Huaxia changes tremendously, high-rise buildings, shopping malls rise from the ground, highways and express railways It grows wantonly, everything never stops. And I lived in Paris for 30 years, except for some new apartments in the suburbs, everything here is still my great-grandfather, when Paris was rebuilt during the Second French Empire, there is hardly a big difference Variety"

Napoleon VII shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Compared with China's Shanghai and Beijing, Paris is now far behind. Not to mention the convenient mobile payment, the buses and subways in Paris are still not air-conditioned. Rats are infested, garbage can be seen everywhere. Bus drivers don't drive unless they want to drive, and the probability of arriving on time is very slim. There are also terrible roads and those dilapidated bridges full of graffiti, which often make you feel like driving a tractor in a Mercedes-Benz; the most terrible The most important thing is the security situation in Paris." Napoleon VII smiled bitterly and said, "As a chosen person, I have been robbed three times, and I am so embarrassed that I don't want to mention it when I go out with bodyguards. Really, You are very lucky to be born in a great country and to catch up with the best times; while we were once great, we have been sinking.”

A person like Cheng Mo who doesn't care about the country and the nation so much, but only cares about himself, also feels something at this moment. If he was born ten years earlier, he might not have a chance to survive, but right now he is acting like a dog. The French royal family chatted about the past and the present, Cheng Mo sighed in his heart, and said: "There must be a prerequisite before freedom and democracy, that is, stability and development. Without stability, there will be no order. Without development, there will be no material. Without stability, there must be a prerequisite." And development, liberal democracy is just a bubble that can be poked."

Napoleon VII smiled: "I have said so much to show that I am very optimistic about China's development, so I hope to have a deeper cooperation with Tai Chi Dragon."

"I'm just a small role in Tai Chi Dragon." Cheng Mo believed that Napoleon VII should have investigated him.

"My vision has always been accurate, and I am optimistic about you."

Cheng Mo pretended to smile bitterly and said, "I'm not trusted at all in Tai Chi Dragon now." After saying that, Mo pulled off his tuxedo and pointed to the Tai Chi Dragon badge on his chest.

"It's okay, it's impossible to monitor here." Napoleon VII smiled, "Xie Minyun just trusts you, not to mention. I can also provide you with some help."

Cheng Mo didn't ask Napoleon VII what kind of help he provided, but said: "For now, all I can do for you is to tell you the whereabouts of the Crossbee."

"It's been a great help." Napoleon VII closed the book in front of him, stared at Cheng Mo and said in a low voice, "Don't you want to know about the ruins of Asgard?"

Cheng Mo nodded.

Napoleon VII stood up, paced back and forth by the table, and said after a while: "I can tell you, in fact, it's not that you can't enter the ruins of Asgard at level 33, but Ou Yu deliberately made it so It is said that in order to attract the only one who is above level 33 to show up, because the task of the singer's horn can only be triggered when a person above level 33 enters the ruins of Asgard, so in this 33 Before the player enters, no matter how many times he clears the customs, he will not be able to get the singer's horn."

Cheng Mo was shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a trap for him hidden in the ruins of Asgard. He pretended that he couldn't help it and said "ah", and said, "doesn't this mean that if the chosen one above level 33 No one can get the singer's horn if they don't go in?"

"I think he will definitely go in. At that time, this news will be divided into many versions and spread out. Among them, the version that will be revealed to the high-level members of the Chosen Organization is that Ou Yu has developed a detector that can detect the sky. The energy transmission level of the chosen ones, so that the chosen ones at level 33 cannot enter, this is deliberately telling all major organizations that those below level 33 and above level 33 can enter; the other is that they will be sold to major intelligence organizations at that time The message is that only those who are above level 33 can get the artifact. I want to face the artifact, no matter who it is, it will be tempting."

Cheng Mo said in his heart: "I'm not moved." But he asked: "Isn't Ou Yu afraid that the artifact will really be taken away?"

"As long as you are in Europa, how can it be so easy to take away the artifact?" Napoleon VII sneered and stopped pacing back and forth, "It seems that I am not sincere to just tell you the news. The content of the Garde Ruins can also help your Tai Chi Dragon operate two 33-level Chosen Ones, which should allow you to regain trust in Tai Chi Dragon, right?"

Cheng Mo gasped, Napoleon VII's sincerity was so great that he was a little afraid to accept it.

Napoleon VII seemed to see Cheng Mo's hesitation, and said lightly: "I have no conflicts with you Tai Chi Dragon, nor will there be conflicts of interests, and you are rivals with Star Gate, and our Rosicrucians and Star Gate , Ouyu also have conflicts, so we have a broad basis for cooperation.”

"I'll ask someone to bring you the key tomorrow." Cheng Mo replied immediately, no matter whether he entered the ruins of Asgard or not, he must agree to such a sincere cooperation. After thinking for a while, Cheng Mo said again: "But I have a little favor here that I need your help with."

"Just say it."

"I have to make a deal with a dangerous person in two days, and I hope you can help out then."

([-]-word update, about the deep-seated contradictions between capitalism and Western regimes, and how the United States and Europe alleviate class contradictions are not clearly written here. After all, it is not a professional paper, and some things cannot be written. In addition, these views are not It is not absolutely correct, it only represents personal opinion. Those who are interested in the "Pompidou-Rothschild Law" can go to Baidu to have a look at the complete ins and outs, and this is not water, which is related to the next behavior of Napoleon VII logic)

(End of this chapter)

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