Rebel Demon King

Chapter 85 The Unyielding Firefly

Chapter 85 The Unyielding Firefly
Xie Minyun's mood was agitated, because in nearly 17 years, she had never met a boy like Cheng Mo. You said he was dull, but he could penetrate people's hearts; you said he was sensitive, but he liked to pretend to be confused.

The width and depth of what he shows you depends on your own width and depth.If you are just a mortal, then he is more ordinary than you; if you are a genius, he is more genius than you.

Xie Minyun concealed the shock in his heart, and changed his sitting position, with Erlang's legs crossed, the red sunset outside the window, the dark green tree shadows, and the green mountain peaks formed a moist ink painting.

If Cheng Mo looks in this direction of Xie Minyun, he will find a beautiful set of pictures that cannot be missed.

The beauty is so false, so that people with a rock-solid heart will feel that youth-maybe not just learning.

Xie Minyun snorted coldly, "Thank you for telling me that I still have so many weaknesses."

Cheng Mo leaned on the armrest of the seat with his right hand, propped his chin and looked at the scenery slowly passing by the window and said, "You're welcome, anyway, this information means nothing to me."

In fact, Cheng Mo is also a little nervous. This is the first time he has been alone with a girl in more than 16 years. The driver in the driver's seat is behind the raised partition. At this moment, Rolls-Royce's The rear seat forms an independent space.

The air was filled with the fragrance of Xie Minyun's girl, it was a pleasant and comfortable and elegant smell, like mint candy that was about to melt under the sun.

He didn't dare to look in Xie Minyun's direction at all, no matter how knowledgeable and independent he was, he was still just a 16-year-old boy.

When a girl who looked like a green lotus was sitting beside him, no matter her expression or posture, it was still a little unnatural.

It's a pity that Xie Minyun didn't understand micro-expressions at this time, so she never spied out the nervousness in Cheng Mo's heart. Later, Xie Minyun recalled this scene countless times, but she always wondered if her memory was wrong, so that it was in her mind. This twilight is like an old film movie, noisy and silent as the hand-cranked player turns, it seems that as long as it keeps spinning, this scene will never reach the end.

At this time, Xie Minyun had no such feeling at all. He only felt that the skinny boy sitting side by side with her was the enemy she had to defeat.

Especially when Cheng Mo said, "Anyway, this information means nothing to me." In Xie Minyun's view, this means that Cheng Mo doesn't care about her at all. Nothing hurts more than being ignored by an enemy. .

Xie Minyun twitched the corner of her mouth, holding down the repressed, silent, inflating vague anger in her heart, and said coldly, "I want to learn micro-expressions, what should I do." Her tone was not like a request at all, but like a is the command.

In fact, Xie Minyun's usual attitude is definitely not like this. She has always been able to observe the etiquette of interpersonal communication, neither excessive nor modest, but she has long been accustomed to being flattered by others, so Cheng Mo treats her with respect. Contempt made her strongly stimulated, so she subconsciously displayed arrogance and concealed the unknown vulnerability in her heart.

Xie Minyun's order made Cheng Mo stunned for a moment. He didn't realize that his unintentional words made an arrogant girl think that he looked down on her. He only thought that Xie Minyun had mastered his own handle, so his attitude was unruly, so Cheng Mo fell into silence.

This was the first time in his life that someone else had caught him, which made Cheng Mo regret that he was still a little impatient, and underestimated Xie Minyun.In fact, Cheng Mo didn't make a mistake in his estimation, but he didn't take into account what Wang Shanhai said to Xie Minyun, making him the object that Xie Minyun had to pay attention to.

Xie Minyun thought that Cheng Mo didn't want to talk, so he turned his head and said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you don't talk, I will find a teacher to learn."

Cheng Mo was helpless and could only say softly: "If you want to learn through micro-expressions to enable yourself to see through other people's psychology, then you are wrong. Micro-expression analysis is based on two basic assumptions: a certain emotion It has its fixed expression mechanism to ensure the certainty of micro-expressions; emotions have cross-cultural consistency and ensure the certainty of emotions.”

Cheng Mo's light and steady narration tones drifted in the quiet carriage. Although Xie Minyun didn't look at Cheng Mo, he was listening with bated breath. He didn't dare to leave, for fear of missing something important. At this moment, Xie Minyun It looks the same as Yan Yitong, who started under the laurel tree, but in fact the state of the two is vastly different.

To put it simply, Yan Yitong's mental activity at that time was: "Wow! Cheng Mo is amazing! Cheng Mo actually knows so much! Cheng Mo can actually make music so simple and interesting! I adore him a little bit"

At this moment, Xie Minyun's mental activity is: "He actually knows all this? How can he understand it so thoroughly? How can he explain it so clearly? Such a boy is too dangerous! We must be careful."

"The key to the ability to know people lies in the understanding of people's expectations. To further predict their behavior, it is necessary to analyze their personal situation on the basis of understanding human nature, and then revise the original judgment about his possible behavior. This It takes long-term practice and pondering, it is not an overnight skill, nor can you tell if someone is lying by reading a few micro-expression books.”

Cheng Mo spoke very sincerely about the relationship between micro-expressions and psychology. The reason for his sincerity was that it was really difficult to practice to his level. He didn't think Xie Minyun had the patience to sit at the train station like him. , Holding a bottle of water, he can watch people for hours without moving.

He didn't think Xie Minyun could sit in front of the computer during the holiday, watch the talk show over and over again in a boring and tedious manner, taking notes while watching, constantly pausing, reviewing, and researching.

Cheng thinks that a girl like Xie Minyun doesn't need to practice skills that are so useless to her, her face is enough to deceive people, and there is no need to judge whether others are false or false to her.

Because no one would be duplicitous to a girl like Xie Minyun.

Of course, this has to exclude him.

In short, it is really worth the effort to learn this school that she does not use very much.

But Xie Minyun didn't take Cheng Mo's obscure persuasion to heart, and continued: "Then please recommend some books to me."

Cheng Mo turned his head to look at Xie Minyun's profile and said seriously: "I can recommend a book to you, but you have to promise me not to spoil my affairs, not to presume me in front of Du Leng, not to mention today's affairs."

Hearing what Cheng Mo said, Xie Minyun regained some confidence that had disappeared in front of Cheng Mo. Xie Minyun also turned his head and looked at Cheng Mo, pretending to be holding a Zhizhu, and said indifferently: "Then you have to Tell me what you want to do."

Cheng Mo knew that if Xie Minyun deliberately sabotaged this matter, he would definitely not be able to do it, so he said tentatively: "I suspect that Changya's Xuedian underground black market and Xuedian casino are controlled by Du Leng, so I want to induce him to make a wrong judgment"

Cheng Mo's gaze was like two cold and cruel searchlights, which made Xie Minyun, who already knew how powerful Cheng Mo's Eye of God was, a little guilty, but she did not avoid Cheng Mo's burning gaze, she knew that he was observing her own. She has a subtle expression, but she will not avoid it. She tries her best to control all her movements, as well as all her facial muscles, trying her best to turn herself into a zombie without revealing any information: "No wonder you obviously have the means to stay still. Escape with sensuality, but to arouse everyone's suspicion of you? Interesting. No matter what you are going to do, this matter is counted as one of me."

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, Xie Minyun is ready to take the initiative to approach the biggest enemy in high school, and crack his eyes of God, so that he can become someone he can never see through.

However, Xie Minyun didn't know that Cheng Mo's Divine Eye had other more powerful functions, and had already accurately calculated her shape and size.

Cheng said quietly: "Participation is okay, but you must listen to me, and the final benefit is between you and me."

Xie Minyun resisted Cheng Mo's sharp eyes with a stern face, and said very firmly: "No, half and half"

Cheng Mo said: "You are three and I are seven. This is my bottom line!"

Xie Minyun said: "I can make concessions by dividing it, but you must promise me one additional thing."

Cheng Mo turned his head and said, "Half and half."

Xie Minyun also turned his head, bit his lip again secretly, and said to himself: What a cunning Sherlock.

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(End of this chapter)

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