Rebel Demon King

Chapter 837 Colosseum (2)

Chapter 837 Colosseum (2)

Soon Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun walked to the main entrance of the Colosseum with thirteen arches. At this time, sporadic chosen ones were entering the arena. Cheng Mo's eyes were all attracted by the golden statue standing on the main entrance square. He looked up at the metal colossus dozens of meters high in admiration, and observed it carefully for a while.

The shape of this huge metal statue is no different from other statues, it still looks like a warrior wearing a hooded cloak and holding a giant sword, but its height is really amazing, on the same level as the Colosseum, which is almost [-] stories high.

Cheng Mo stood at its feet and looked up. The sky showed a distant indigo blue. A round moon hung not far from the top of the metal giant statue. The silvery white light shone like diamonds plated on the metal giant statue. It looked down The feet are solemn and solemn, like a god who despises all living beings.

Even though he was no longer surprised, Cheng Mo still couldn't help admiring, and said in a low voice: "The Colosseum was originally called Colosseo, which means tall. According to legend, it was originally Nero's golden palace. There's also a tall gilded statue of Nero. Who the hell is that statue?"

Just as Xie Minyun was about to answer, he heard someone shouting "Heyer" behind him. Xie Minyun hesitated for a moment, and finally turned his head back. The unexpected and reasonable person came into view—Napoleon VII.

Xie Minyun didn't take off the mask on his face, but said in French in surprise: "Mr. Christophe, I didn't expect you to recognize all of this."

"The main reason is that you are so easy to recognize. You are the only one with this kind of temperament. Even in the vast crowd, you are as eye-catching as Haoyue in a firefly."

Xie Minyun spoke French, but Napoleon VII answered in Chinese.

Hearing the name of Napoleon VII, Cheng Mo also turned his head, and saw Napoleon VII smiling at Xie Minyun with the seven-star marshal's scepter in both hands. His decoration is more dazzling than the metal colossus beside him, and people immediately shift the attention from the majestic sculpture to him.Cheng Mo looked at Napoleon VII and thought: the mouth of the nobleman is really sweet, although what he said is the truth, I can't say such a thing.

Xie Minyun nodded lightly: "Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Christopher."

"I've said it several times, just call me Christophe." Napoleon VII also took a look at Cheng Mo, but he didn't seem to recognize Cheng Mo, "Who is this?"

"My friend zero." Xie Minyun was not sure whether Cheng Mo would like to let Napoleon VII know his identity, so he answered briefly.

Napoleon VII immediately turned his eyes back to Xie Minyun's face, and asked with a smile: "Did you come to see the duel between Aldio and Joseph Arman?"

"It's such a rare contest to appreciate, of course we have to watch it."

"Which layer of tickets did you buy?" Napoleon VII asked.

"The third floor." Xie Minyun said neither humble nor overbearing.

The positions in the Colosseum are divided into strict levels, and they cannot be bought with money.The private rooms on the first floor are only eligible for reservations by the top [-] in the celestial list, and the best seats will always belong to the gods; The seats on the third floor can be reserved as long as they are the chosen ones. As for the gladiators, they can only sit on the fourth floor.

Apart from the clear location barriers, and there are only private rooms on the first floor, those who do not meet the requirements can be allowed to enter under the invitation of the person who made the reservation. The other floors must be seated according to the ranking and rules, no matter how rich they are, they cannot be exchanged. A better position, everything in the Colosseum speaks according to strength.

Xie Minyun was able to reserve a seat on the second floor, but Cheng Mo had never played a single qualifying session, so he would definitely not be able to sit on the second floor, so Xie Minyun reserved a seat on the third floor.

"Would you like to go to my private room with this friend to watch? The location is a little better, and there are many friends of mine. It will be more lively if you watch it together. You can also discuss with each other about Aldio and Joseph Arman. Duel." Napoleon VII said sincerely, his expression did not show off at all.

Even though Napoleon VII had a good attitude, Xie Minyun didn't intend to go, and she felt that Cheng Mo would definitely not want to go, but out of respect for Cheng Mo, Xie Minyun didn't make his own claim and turned to look at Cheng Mo .

Cheng Mo didn't really believe that meeting Napoleon VII here was a coincidence, so he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think it's good to see him."

Xie Minyun was a little surprised, but she didn't show it, she just said to Napoleon VII: "That's really disturbing."

Napoleon VII quickly waved his hand: "What kind of interruption is this?" Napoleon VII made a gesture of invitation, "Then let's go in now and talk while walking."

The golden colossus on the square is still a short distance from the entrance of the Colosseum. This 2000-year-old building is the originator of all sports venues. It covers an area of ​​520 square meters, with a perimeter of 57 meters and a height of 2000 meters. Accommodating [-] spectators, such a scale is regarded as a giant in the present, but it was absolutely unique [-] years ago, and it can be said to be an architectural miracle.

At this time, when it appeared in front of Cheng Mo with a brand-new attitude, it was extremely shocking. It was different from the existing Roman ruins, except that the empty arches were filled with ceremonial statues. White marble was installed, of unbelievable splendor.

The eighty arches surrounding the first floor of the Colosseum can all be entered, but the thirteen arches at the main entrance are undoubtedly the largest and the least crowded, because only the thirteen arches here can lead to the private rooms on the first floor .Although there are very few chosen ones who can enter the Colosseum through the main entrance, it does not prevent some gladiators and chosen ones who have never seen the world from coming to watch. They stand outside the small gate not far away and look at this side. It's like a group of fans waiting for a celebrity to enter the arena, and their discussions can be heard from a long distance away.

"Look, isn't that Ida Barclay? The chairman of the Barclay family, No. 40 and fourth in the list!"

"He's a strong veteran. He hasn't come down from the top 20 for 9 years. The highest ranking is No. [-]. He has participated in holy wars (jihad is the Armageddon War), and he is the same class as Philip God, but I guess he's about to retreat."

"I didn't expect him to have participated in the holy war. My biggest wish is to be able to enter the holy war and challenge the generals!"

"Forget it! At your level, you can't even beat me, it's too far behind."

"Ah, I just want to see how powerful the general is!"

"Hey, isn't the blond boy Harry Wallup, the newcomer who's been on the rise lately?"

"It seems to be him."

"Isn't he only ranked above 700? Shouldn't he be eligible to enter the first floor box?"

"What do you mean by talent? Others rushed to more than 700 in two months, that's amazing!"

"Yes, it's good to hit more than 700 people in two months, but this is not eligible to enter the box on the first floor!"

"Hehe! Don't you see who his father is? His father is the Earl of Portsmouth, England. He is ranked No. 20 and [-]th in the sky list. He is not eligible to enter the first floor box, but his father is eligible!"

"Don't you know him? Tell him to invite us in together!"

"I know him, I saw him at a banquet, but he doesn't know me!"

At this time, Cheng Mo, Xie Minyun, and Napoleon VII had walked side by side not far from the entrance. There was a strange scene at the entrance. There were rows of soldiers wearing ancient Roman golden armor standing in front of the thirteen arches. Tall and strong, his mouth and nose are completely covered under the helmet, and he is wearing a cockscomb-like red tassel and a scarlet cloak, which makes people involuntarily think of the ancient Roman version of "City Full of Golden Armor". Even more handsome, but the ancient Roman soldiers standing at the door are checking the invitations of several British gentlemen in tuxedos and top hats, which is very exciting.

If it weren't for the grandeur of the Colosseum, maybe Chengmo would feel that he was just participating in a masquerade ball.

After a few British people in tuxedos entered, Napoleon VII took out a blood-red invitation card from his court dress, and the chosen ones who were watching the excitement nearby boiled over.

"My God, Napoleon VII is here too!! My idol! The most likely successor of our French general"

"Of course he will come. Amedeo is the vice president of the Rosicrucian Society. He is the president. How could he not come? But I think he is unlikely to become a general. The Rosicrucian Society has always been at odds with Ou Yu. At the beginning of the year, the iris declaration was published, which made Ou Yu unable to step down."

"Ou Yu can't decide who will succeed our French God!"

"I think Anne-Charles-Francois is more likely. Although he is a little lower than the fifth Napoleon VII, I am more optimistic about Anne-Charles-Francois."

"I don't think so. I'm still optimistic about Napoleon VII. He is much better than Anne-Charles-Francois. He hasn't lost in the rankings in the past two years."

"This only shows that you don't have a political vision, and the general is not something you can get just by strength."

"Okay, you two, stop arguing. To be honest, whoever wins is none of your business. I only care about why Napoleon VII didn't come with Athena!"

When it comes to Athena, the chosen ones and gladiators who are watching are sighing, and there is a pity that all the good cabbages have been swallowed by pigs.

"Athena is an incredible woman. Not only is she beautiful, she is also incredibly strong. It has been three years since she fell from the number one position in the ranking. I feel that she is the only one who is sure to become a god general."

"It's still the first woman who can become a god general."

"Thinking of this, I really want to kill Napoleon VII! Why is he so lucky?"

"If you can really kill Napoleon VII, maybe Athena will look at you more"

"Hey! Look at that woman next to Napoleon VII"

"Which one is wearing a mask? What's wrong?"

"Kind of like."

"Like who?"

"The genius girl in Huaxia who chooses angels—Xiemingyun, her name is too difficult to pronounce, and I don't know how to pronounce it."

"Is that the Chinese envoy named Artemis, goddess of the moon?"

"It's a bit like her. I can't think of anyone with black hair who is qualified to enter the Colosseum with Napoleon VII except her."

"But how could Napoleon VII be with her? Aren't you afraid that Athena will be jealous?"

"No matter how powerful this Xie Minyun is, he can't be Athena's opponent. His looks are comparable."

"Keep your voice down, Napoleon VII is here."

Suddenly the whole Colosseum seemed to be quiet, Napoleon VII turned around and made a gesture of invitation to Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, and said in a very small voice: "You two don't mind the nonsense of a group of boring people."

Xie Minyun nodded, and walked in under the leadership of a soldier. There were many golden spears on both sides. Xie Minyun gracefully took Cheng Mo's arm. Those ancient Roman soldiers like works of art made Cheng Mo feel like It was to attend a state banquet in ancient Rome.

Entering the Colosseum, it is covered with woolen carpets produced by Greek workshops. The woolen carpets are not embroidered with the symbols of ancient Rome, but the symbols of the chosen ones. The marble walls are equipped with crystal oil lamps, and overhead lights are hanging. A brass lamp with countless candles, but oddly enough, it was brighter than an electric lamp.Cheng Mo walked and watched, this was the most majestic decoration and resplendent decorations he had ever seen, coupled with the warriors with their heads held high and wearing red cloaks, it was full of luxury and majesty everywhere.

Soon the three of them were led by the soldiers to the private room numbered "Ⅴ". Napoleon VII took the initiative to push open the exquisitely carved golden bronze door for Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, and the huge inner venue of the Colosseum appeared in Cheng Mo In front of his eyes, there are already many people sitting in the stands at this moment, which is almost the same as a modern gymnasium, except that the people sitting are not so dense.

Cheng Mo stared at the stadium outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. Between the second and third floors stood huge metal colossi. These giant statues were only slightly smaller than the one on the square. At this time, they pierced straight into the sky of the stadium like Optimus Prime .Cheng Mo glanced over, and the huge sword was engraved with the names of the current twelve generals, and the golden sword facing his colossal statue happened to be Nebuchadnezzar.

"Christopher, how did you get here?"

"I just met two friends, so I wasted a little time." Napoleon VII replied with a smile, "Let me introduce you. These two are my good friends from China, Xier and Zero"

Hearing that Napoleon VII was introducing himself, Cheng Mo withdrew his gaze and followed Napoleon VII's gaze into the private room. There were four people sitting on the sofa against the wall, three men and one woman, and they all stood up. Cheng Mo has seen one, that is Prince Akim of Denmark, and Cheng Mo does not know the other two men.

However, this woman with a cold and arrogant expression in front of him was very familiar to Cheng Mo.Cheng Mo fixed his eyes, feeling quite astonished. This woman's appearance was exactly the same as the 66D sculpture on the [-]th floor of the Hydra headquarters, that is to say, it was exactly the same as the robot No. [-] disguised as the demon god Beret.

"This is Athena Onassis. My fiancée."

(The update is a bit late, sorry)

(End of this chapter)

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