Rebel Demon King

Chapter 835 Sunny Otaku (5)

Chapter 835 Sunny Otaku (5)

(BGM of this chapter - "Qing Ping Le" Guan Dazhou, "National Treasure" soundtrack)
Xie Minyun poured some coffee beans into the quaint manual grinder. She slowly turned the handle, and the grinder, like a phonograph, made a strange "rustling" sound.Xie Minyun said softly while grinding coffee beans: "At the beginning you mentioned 'marathon' in your poem, and it was about Athens' battle against the Persian Empire. This reminds me of a similar thing."

The slightly drunk sunshine in Rome in winter passed through the vines on the side, passed through the wooden lattice glass windows, and sprinkled dots of light on the bar and Xie Minyun. These lights are like sparkling waves shining in a clear water in summer, And Xie Minyun is like a slim lotus.

Cheng Mo suddenly felt a quiet force. He held the scratched stairs, held his breath, and stared down at Xie Minyun standing behind the bar, carefully listening to her voice.

"In 755 A.D., during the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, An Lushan launched a rebellion in Fanyang, leading an army of 15 to drive straight in, and went down to Tongguan to Chang'an, forcing Tang Xuanzong to flee to Sichuan, and hanged his beloved concubine, known as the "Anshi Rebellion" in history '. This rebellion lasted eight years. Due to Tang Xuanzong's decision-making mistakes, the entire Tang Dynasty took a sharp turn from a high level of prosperity, and the prosperous era came to an abrupt end. The Tang Dynasty also lost control of the ethnic minorities in the surrounding areas—the Anlu Mountain rebels together, The Tang Dynasty dispatched heavy troops from the Longyou, Hexi, and Shuofang areas back to the Central Plains, leaving the frontier defenses empty. The Tubo people from the west took advantage of the opportunity to invade and occupy the Longyou and Hexi Corridor areas. The Tang Dynasty only controlled the Western Regions and Anbeiting. In 790 A.D., the Tang Dynasty lost the Anxi Court in the Western Regions. From then on, the Tang Dynasty suffered from internal and external troubles, and the precarious situation became even more precarious.”

"It was around this time that Zhang Yichao, who was not recorded in the history books, was born. Zhang Yichao's family has been a wealthy family in Shazhou for generations, but in the Western Regions under the rule of Tubo, everyone except the Tubo people is a lowly slave. Tang people are animals that can be trampled on by others. Even if the Zhang family is a wealthy family, they can only keep safe. As a Han, he must bend down and bow his head when he sees Tubo people on the street. The custom of Tubo people is The rich and the humble, the young and middle-aged were captured as slaves by them, while the old, weak, sick and disabled Han Chinese faced the tragic situation of being killed. For dissatisfied and rebels, "cutting off hands and gouging eyes, cutting off feet and noses" is regarded as The same as livestock. In order to cut the connection with the Tang Dynasty, Han people are not allowed to wear Han costumes, are not allowed to worship ancestors, and are not allowed to return to their hometown.”

"Zhang Yichao witnessed all this since he was a child, and he secretly made up his mind that sooner or later he would expel the Tubo people and return to the Tang Dynasty. So he studied military arts since he was a child, practiced martial arts, and even used all his family wealth as military expenses to secretly recruit and train rebels and contact the local people. The wealthy family gathered together other righteous men who were persecuted by Tubo, accumulated strength, and waited for the opportunity to overthrow Tubo’s rule and regain their homeland.”

"A.D. 848. There was a famine in Tubo, and internal power struggles continued. At that time, the Tang Dynasty was in Huichang, and the national strength was gradually recovering. It also recovered some prefectures and counties that had fallen before. Zhang Yichao felt that the opportunity for an uprising had come, so he led the rebel army to revolt. , launched an attack on the Tubo army in the city. Because the Han people were united, brave and fearless, and Zhang Yichao knew the art of war and dispatched them properly, they quickly drove out the Tubo people in Shazhou. But the Tubo people will naturally not give up. Zhang Yichao led the rebel army to defeat the enemy several times, and after many fierce battles, they finally took control of the Shazhou base."

Xie Minyun ground the coffee in a leisurely manner, and told the story about Zhang Yichao. Although Cheng Mo was familiar with this period of history, he didn't interrupt Xie Minyun's thoughts at all. After all, the words on the paper were completely different from Xie Minyun's narration. However, the expressive power of words is limited after all, especially some ancient prose with simple meanings, which are far less vivid than Xie Minyun's.

Even though Cheng Mo had roughly guessed what Xie Minyun would say, he still listened with interest, and at the same time secretly guessed what kind of topic Xie Minyun would ask.

"However, if you want to expel Tubo from the Western Regions, you must get the help of the Tang Dynasty, so Zhang Yichao sent a messenger to report to the Tang Dynasty, hoping to attack Tubo with the imperial army. Zhang Yichao knew that the Tubo people would definitely chase and intercept them. The delivery of the letter will be a narrow escape, but the process is even more tragic than he imagined. He sent more than ten teams of messengers to Chang'an from all directions on the sandbar. They will pass through the Badain Jaran Desert, Tengger Desert, Ku The Buqi desert, the vast Gobi, and the boundless grasslands, they not only have to travel thousands of miles, but also face the test of life and death. Some of these dozens of teams of messengers are buried forever in the boundless desert, and some are buried in the boundless desert by Tubo. The scimitar was merciless. In the end, only one team headed northeast, bypassed the vast desert, went through untold hardships, narrow escapes, real escapes, and finally arrived at the Tiande Army (now NMGWLTQQ) garrison. With the assistance of Li Pi, the defense envoy of the Tiande Army, he arrived in Chang'an in the fourth year of Dazhong. At this time, two full years had passed since the Zhang Yichao Shazhou Uprising."

Speaking of which, Xie Minyun stopped, did not continue to tell the story about Zhang Yichao, and did not continue to grind the coffee beans. She picked up the glass kettle on the side and took a pot of water, put it on the electric stove and started to boil water, and then smoked. A piece of filter paper, fold the semicircular filter paper upwards, then fold the whole filter paper in half and then in half again, then support the folded filter paper into a funnel shape, put it on the filter pot spout, arrange it by hand to make it fully fit, and finally put the filter paper Transfer the very uniform coffee powder into the filter paper, smooth it as much as possible with a silver spoon, and pour it into the hand pour pot immediately after the water is boiled.

Immediately, the aroma of coffee was rippling in the small coffee shop
Xie Minyun looked up at Cheng Mo, and said softly: "From the map, the straight-line distance from Shazhou to Tiande Army is about 1400 kilometers, and the straight-line distance from Tiande Army to Chang'an is about 800 kilometers, which is about 2200 kilometers. In two years, we traveled through wind and rain. In comparison, what is the mere 42.195 kilometers of the marathon?"

If it was the past, Cheng Mo would only think that Xie Minyun's patriotism education class was very ingenious, and he would argue with Xie Minyun about the reason for Zhang Chaoyi's uprising. feelings.

But after witnessing the horrors of the slums, Cheng Mo felt that although money interests are the only thing driving the world forward, sometimes money interests are not absolute.

Cheng Mo was silent for a while, and asked, "So... what's the question you want to ask?"

"You know that the courier in the Battle of Marathon was Fidipitz, and do you know who was the only courier who finally arrived in Chang'an to deliver the news for Zhang Yichao?"

Maybe this somewhat out-of-the-way question can stump other people, but Cheng Mo, who is familiar with history, thought for a while, and he replied: "Master Wuzhen."

Cheng Mo was able to answer the question accurately, Xie Minyun was not surprised, just shook the silver coffee spoon, nodded and said: "In fact, when Master Wuzhen arrived in Chang'an, the situation in the Western Regions was already very different. In 861 A.D., after three years of tug-of-war, the Tang Guiyi Army finally conquered Liangzhou, the last stronghold of Tubo in Hexi. Homeland', Zhang Yichao experienced the Shazhou Uprising, regained Ganzhou, Suzhou, and Yizhou, conquered Uighur, Tuyuhun, and even the entire Hexi Corridor."

"The Han family holds blades like frost and snow, and the captives have nowhere to escape. The arrows in the head are accompanied by the soil, and the blood is splashed on the corpses of the soldiers." Xie Minyun groaned softly, the voice was melodious and penetrating, like a tremor Guzheng strings, "In October 866, in the Battle of Langzhou, the Guiyi Army defeated Tubo and captured the commander Lun Horror alive. Lun Horror, who had ruled Hexi bloodily, was beheaded and his head was sent to Chang'an. Zhang Yichao led the army All the way to capture Yizhou, Xizhou, Hezhou, Ganzhou, Suzhou, Lanzhou, Minzhou, Buzhou, Kuozhou and Kyushu, and the eleven states of Ganliang lost by the Tang Dynasty for a hundred years, all recovered. The triumphant Tang army soldiers Singing "Dazhenle" is like the momentum and majesty of the prosperous Tang Dynasty are back."

Xie Minyun's poems are not impassioned at all, but the tone is calm and distant, but it is even more cold and vicissitudes.Even Cheng Mo couldn't help feeling emotional, sighed and said: "It's a pity that Zhang Yichao's life was untimely. Not only has he been jealous of the court, but the ending of Zhang's family is not good. Six members of Zhang Huaishen's family were killed, and they are still alive today An unsolved case in the history circles. Of course, apart from Zhang’s family, although Zhang Yichao was not listed in the "New and Old Books of Tang", he is indeed a national hero who has been forgotten by history by recovering four thousand miles of mountains and rivers by himself."

Xie Minyun shook his head, "It's a pity that Zhang Yichao is not the only one in the late Tang Dynasty, Wei Gao, Gao Pian, Zhang Zhongwu, and the little-known Wuzhen, as well as those messengers who were buried deep in the desert by wind and sand. Famous generals, or ordinary people whose names are not even recorded, all with the courage to help the building to the point of collapse, under extremely difficult conditions, tried their best to help the Tang Dynasty, which was going to the end of the world, and they also ushered in the glory of the country for a time ZTE, I don’t want to say that it is the last afterglow of the Tang Dynasty, I would like to say that it is the strength of Chinese character, the glory of a nation lies not only in how glorious it is at its peak, but also in the fact that it will always have A group of people who fought hard and persevered regardless of their own lives.”

Xie Minyun’s voice is like a stream thawing in spring, cold, clear and full of vitality. Cheng Mo stands on the stairs and stares at Xie Minyun. Although Xie Minyun grinds coffee beans and wears a down jacket and jeans, there is no ancient rhyme, but Cheng Mo can From her dark blue winding long hair, I can see the flames of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and see the warriors in broken armor under the bloody setting sun; I can hear a stringed song from her eloquent voice, and hear the triumphant Tang army fighting against the wind. The banner of the recruiting hunting army sang:

"First take the twelve prefectures of Shanxi,

Other elements will beat Yatou.

Looking back at Qin Sai as low as a horse,
Gradually, the Yellow River flows straight north.

The might of heaven crosses the Yellow River,
Tens of thousands of barbarians do their best to sing Han songs.

Mo Kan Hengshan reverses the water,
From Jiaoxi to Enbo.


For a while, neither of them spoke, and the coffee shop fell into a subtle silence. Cheng Mo leaned on the railing and stared at Xie Minyun. Xie Minyun stirred the coffee but didn't drink it.The silver coffee spoon tapped the white porcelain cup, and the curl of hot air rose in the orange sunlight slanting across the dust.After a while, Cheng Mo said, "I'm going up to put the box."

Xie Minyun gave an "um" and asked, "Do you want a cup of coffee too?"

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Okay. Just don't add sugar.""

"American? Latte?"

"American style is too bitter. I don't want milk froth for latte"

"Then I'll give you a cup of Xiaojin Special." Xie Minyun replied, she took a sip of the coffee in the white porcelain cup, then put down the cup, and poured some coffee beans into the grinder.

Cheng Mo went upstairs with the suitcase, and there was a rhythmic "creak" sound in the coffee shop. When he passed the corner of the stairs, Cheng Mo looked back at Xie Minyun again, thinking: From the beginning to the end, Xie Minyun was It was intentional, being angry was intentional, leaving alone was intentional, and answering questions in exchange for various qualifications was also intentional, but intentional and not intentional, not only did not make people disgusted, but also made people interesting.A girl who understands history and has a high IQ wants to change a person, just like this.


In fact, there is only one room and one bathroom on the second floor. If Cheng Mo gives the wrong answer unfortunately, he will probably sleep in the attic on the third floor.However, this is not the end of the story. There is only one big bed on the second floor. Cheng Mo wants to sleep better. He probably has to answer Xie Minyun's question later. If the answer is wrong, what awaits him is a floor bunk next to the bed.

Cheng Mo had no doubt that Xie Minyun would do this.

After putting away the luggage, Cheng Mo washed his face and went downstairs. The two of them sat under the awning and drank Xie Minyun's hand-brewed coffee together, watching the sunlight move slowly. This ancient street was quiet and there was almost nothing there. Pedestrians would pass by, only the two of them, despite the rich and wonderful Renaissance style.

After drinking the coffee, Cheng Mo not only felt heart-warming and stomach-warming, but also couldn’t help admiring the unique taste of Xie Minyun’s brewed coffee. The ratio of milk to coffee is just right, without losing the richness of coffee and the smoothness and sweetness of milk. The hot milk neutralizes the bitterness of the coffee just right, and the two blend together like glue, just like coffee should be.

Then Xie Minyun closed the door of the coffee shop, and first took Cheng Mo to the EUR area.

This is the new city built by Musso Xini for the World Expo in Rome. Few tourists know about it. However, a large number of fascist buildings are preserved here, the most famous of which is the Palace of Labor and Civilization in Italy, also known as the square arena, which is now a luxury Brand Fendi's headquarters.

For Cheng Mo, who likes architecture, the magnificent buildings here are undoubtedly a frozen feast. They are not only architecture, but also history and culture.
Then Xie Minyun took Cheng Mo to the second highest Mount Gianicolo in Rome, which is not only very close to the city center, but also the best place to overlook the city of Rome.Two people walked past Paul Springs, the opening scene of "The Beautiful City", overlooking the Vatican in the sunset from the top of the hill. There are no tall skyscrapers in Rome, and the skyline is low and flat. The extraordinary of the city.

You can hardly see exaggerated modernization here, nor can you see the beauty of order. Everything is a bit chaotic, but this kind of chaos is a harmonious chaos. It is not so messy that it is unsightly. Traces of historical evolution, every spiers and obelisks, every sculpture and porch are full of stories.

On the second day, the two continued to wander among the ancient ruins that can be seen everywhere. They walked from east to west, discussing the public facilities and urban structure of ancient Rome, they watched the remaining relics, and speculated together about the reality of the city during the ancient Roman Empire. face.

Two people looking at the fountain on Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican, talking about the fountain and the drainage system of ancient Rome; they walk from the Circus Maximus to the river, on the Knight's Square in Malta, there is a main church and a garden, inside There is a boulevard hidden, and Xie Minyun led Cheng Mo to the end, where he could see the most special scenery in Rome, and he opened his mouth towards St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

They discussed the public facilities of ancient Rome in the Baths of Caracalla. Although ancient Rome already had toilets at this time, the city’s sewage had reached a high level, and the government tried its best to promote public baths, but they didn’t know that this made the Romans sick; They went to the Appian Way, this intricately designed highway known as the "Queen of Roads", which runs from the city of Rome to the port of Brindisi at the end of the Apennine Peninsula, making the influence and military strength of ancient Rome equal to The port of Brindisi is the origin and radiates to the entire Mediterranean coast.

Because it does not have any shocking attractions, only backpackers who are familiar with history will come here to visit ancient tombs, towers, aqueducts and other relics.
The two trot along the Appian Way on horseback, feeling the powerful force of the Roman legion, thinking back then that Hannibal and Spartacus were defeated by ancient Rome. After the death of Spartacus, Rome People took all the captured 6000 rebels to the Appian Way, crucified them alive, and then inserted them into the side of the road one by one, like milestones, about 33 meters per person.

However, the demise of this mighty and mighty empire was somewhat inexplicable. Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun discussed how Rome, the eternal city, collapsed under the warm winter sun of the Apennine Peninsula, and lamented that there are so many unbelievable miracles in the torrent of history. chance factor.

For Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, travel is not just a check-in of scenic spots, but an exploration, pursuit, and touch of the elusive scenes behind the customs, history, and humanities.

Time is unimaginably fast for Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun. It is almost just a blink of an eye. The sun has already set, and half a bright moon shines on Rome, which is intoxicated in blue.

In the evening, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun finished their meal surrounded by a pile of marble and plaster sculptures at the most artistic Canova sculpture restaurant in Rome. Cheng Mo asked, "Should I go back now? Or continue shopping?"

Xie Minyun picked up a towel and wiped his mouth, and said gracefully, "Let's go back for a walk!"

Cheng Mo nodded and asked the waiter to pay the bill. Xie Minyun walked out of the restaurant with Cheng Mo on his arm. The two walked along the long stone-paved street, talking about unfinished topics during the day. They always had endless interesting stories and endless arguments. topic of.

Cheng Mo felt that this feeling was very comfortable, and Xie Minyun held him like an ordinary couple walking side by side through theaters, fountains, and squares full of pigeons.Although it was only a short day and a half, he already felt the leisurely life in Rome. Everyone took his time, eating pizza and pasta at noon, chatting about family affairs at dusk, and drinking and chatting at night.

They also slowed down, brewing exclusive memories between the two during the intoxicating night.

It's just that the happy time is always short. Back at the coffee shop, at twelve o'clock, Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo activated the carrier together, and the two will go to the Colosseum tonight.

Of course, their purpose is not to visit the ancient Roman Colosseum in the watch world, but to enter the ancient Roman Colosseum in the inner world. Chengmo will face the ancient Roman Colosseum known as the hell of the chosen one.
(End of this chapter)

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