Rebel Demon King

Chapter 829 Where darkness shrouds, light will also come (1)

Chapter 829 Where darkness shrouds, light will also come (1)

A huge sense of darkness hits the face, this strong and viscous darkness swallows Cheng Mo like a swamp, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch seem to be completely non-existent, all senses are completely blocked, leaving only The rapid heartbeat echoed in the chest.Cheng Mo felt that his heart had turned back to the broken and weak heart, making it extremely difficult for him to even breathe.

"Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes" Cheng Mo kept shouting in his heart, but his eyelids didn't seem to be part of his body at all, and he didn't listen to his instructions at all.

The surrounding darkness began to become more substantial, like a pitch-black wall, which was pressing against him from all directions, getting closer, getting closer, no matter how hard he struggled, he was powerless, his body was not affected by him at all. Fear clenched his heart and made him suffocate.

At this moment, there seemed to be a crack in the darkness.

Light, like air, poured in from that chasm-like crack, and Cheng Mo suddenly felt light all over. He looked up at the light, and saw an angel waving three pairs of huge golden wings.It's just that the light is too dazzling, like the sun, Cheng Mo can't see his face clearly at all, he can only feel that the other party is looking down at him with lowered eyes.

"What are you afraid of?"

The huge sound was like a strong wind blowing towards his body from the radiant gap, and the incomparable force pressed his body heavily to the ground. The wind seemed to be burning, getting hotter and hotter, and made Cheng Mo Mo was thrown into a boiling hot spring.

The voice sounded like his father's voice. Cheng Mo's heart beat faster, like a rapid drumbeat. He tried hard to see the face hidden behind the light clearly, but the light coming out of the gap became brighter and brighter. All the darkness was driven away, and in this incomparable light, all the reopened senses had lost their function, leaving only the wild light of purgatory burning his soul, and he was nothing but a Ant under the light focused by a magnifying glass.
My whole body was about to burn.

"Are you afraid of the dark? Does the light make you feel comfortable?"

This voice was like a shocking oracle, which made Cheng Mo shudder.

The light began to flow and became more and more grand, Cheng Mo seemed to see an extremely bright spiral, gorgeous like a colorful ribbon, fluttering in front of his eyes, it was so beautiful, like the solar wind in space, with every Floating in the universe at a speed of one million kilometers per hour, it emits this charming halo. Its speed is getting faster and faster, converging into a burning light, forming an incomparable ring of light, but the center is dark, like It is the galactic center formed by ionized gas surrounding the black hole at the center of the galaxy.

The burning air flow like a cantilever sweeps in, the hot ionized gas is stronger than the solar wind, and all the explosions in the world are just child's play in front of it.

"The strongest light is darkness." Cheng Mo's familiar voice said.

However, there is only one word "run" in Cheng Mo's heart, but he can't move at all. He looks up at the angel waving three pairs of wings in horror. He has completely lost his sight and turned into a bright black hole.

Cheng Mo was sucked in by the black hole, and in a trance he heard the voice of the soul.

"I am. I am. Dark"

Cheng Mo wants to run and grab something, but he is like a drowning person, falling into the boundless darkness quickly, no matter how desperately he tries to grab something that can save his life, he can only hold it but not grasp it. of liquid.

Cheng Mo's mind turned sharply. He felt that although all this is so real, it must not be real. He must have fallen into a state of "sleep paralysis", which is also commonly known as "ghost pressing the bed". The simple explanation of this state is The mind is awake before the body, and the control of the body is not in our own hands.People with strong self-awareness cannot accept the fact that their bodies cannot control themselves during sleep paralysis, so they will create various situations during sleep paralysis to create a "reasonable" loss of body control. s reason.

No matter how unreasonable these reasons are, they are no more unreasonable than "my body does not accept my orders".

Therefore, some people will see scary ghosts when they are sleep paralyzed, some people will see a sinking ceiling while sleep paralyzed, and some people will be swallowed by a boundless fog.

The first kind of person suffers from the fantasy he created; the second kind suffers from the helplessness of reality; the third kind suffers from the loss of hope in the future.

Cheng Mo returned to his previous self. He became the terminally ill Cheng Mo who was in danger and didn’t know if he would wake up tomorrow. His nightmare was the third kind. For him, the future was at a loss and hopeless.
Cheng Mo wants to wake up, but at this time, unless someone wakes him up by his side, allowing him to immediately wake up his soul and body from the two senses, he himself cannot escape from sleep paralysis.

So Cheng Mo rationally chose to give up struggling, and he allowed himself to fall into the boundless darkness at the bottom of the water. He saw tiny bubbles rolling around him, these bubbles were floating upwards, and there was white light rippling on the distant water surface, This light formed a light cone through the clear water in his field of vision, but the light cone became thinner and thinner, gradually disappearing.
He dared not look down.

He wanted to close his eyes.

But I can't bear the last ray of light.
"It's good that someone wakes me up." Cheng Mo thought, "So, loneliness may not cause fear, but it must not drive away fear."

"People still need companions after all, but I don't have them"

Cheng Mo chose to close his eyes.

At this moment, Cheng Mo felt a warm breath. He opened his eyes again and saw a beautiful aurora. This is the light energy released by the high magnetic latitude. It is the bright and magnificent light of the north and south poles. The most beautiful flame blooming in the lonely eternal night.

Then a gentle voice was captured by his hearing, stirring in his mind like an evening drum and morning bell, awakening his soul and body at the same time.

Cheng Mo propped his hands on the mattress and sat up. Panting heavily, he turned his head and looked at the person who woke him up by the sound. There was a faint light in the undrawn curtains, and the white moonlight shone on Her side face is soft, light, pure and flawless.It was completely different from the blinding, crazy, burning light in the dream just now, she just dispelled the suffocating darkness, allowing his heartbeat to calm down.

Cheng Mo saw Xie Minyun's face.

"Why are you here?" Cheng Mo, who was covered in sweat, asked in surprise. At this time, he had been quarantined for almost 24 hours.Last night, he made a record in Floran's villa, because he was not found in the villa video, so he did not immediately notify the hotel staff to force him to go offline, but because the footprint identification matched his height. , After returning to the hotel, not only went to his room to take Uroboros away, but also took him to the floor where the instructors lived, got him a separate room, and isolated him for interrogation.

When he was taken away, Xie Minyun was at the ruins of the Acropolis, without knowing it.During the whole day, Cheng Mo was interrogated by members of Tai Chi Dragon, and Xie Minyun was not able to see him. At night, Cheng Mo, who was tired all day, fell asleep quickly in bed, and then had a nightmare.

"I'll come whenever I want." Xie Minyun said as a matter of course, then she wiped his forehead several times with her slender hands, wiping away the sweat on his forehead, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Xie Minyun's hands were smooth and warm like silk, and her voice calmed Cheng Mo's terrified soul.

"Yes!" Cheng Mo looked at his wrist subconsciously, it was empty and there was nothing on it.

Xie Minyun also noticed Cheng Mo's movements, and asked in a low voice: "Without Ouroboros, will there be no sense of security?"

"It's not that I'm not used to it." Cheng Mo denied it softly.

Xie Minyun took Cheng Mo's hand and said softly, "Mr. Cheng, don't be afraid, you still have me! No matter what happens, I will protect you."

Xie Minyun's hands are warm and soft, almost completely dispelling the loneliness in Cheng Mo's heart, but Cheng Mo's heart is not bright, he has dark secrets that he can't tell Xie Minyun, he bent the corner of his mouth and joked: "Even if I am Heinous person, will you protect me too?"

"But you are not. Although sometimes you seem selfish and ruthless, in fact, you have an extremely fair line in your heart. You always stand from a neutral and objective perspective, so your behavior also follows this principle. Therefore When you do good things, it often looks like you are doing bad things, even if what you do seems to be a bad thing right now, but this bad thing tends to become a good thing in the future." Xie Minyun sat on the side of the bed, holding Holding Cheng Mo's hand, staring into Cheng Mo's eyes in the slight moonlight, the moonlight divided Cheng Mo's face into two halves, one half bright and the other dark, "I was afraid that you would become a person who doesn't distinguish between good and evil, but I don't know you very well, but after careful thinking, I realized that you don't discriminate between good and evil, but understand the complexity of good and evil, and uphold the essential fairness in your heart. Others misunderstand you, but they don't understand you."

"No, no." Cheng Mo shook his head like a rattle, "I can't bear such a high evaluation from you. I'm just a pure egoist. I follow the rules because it is beneficial to me. I don't do evil, just For the temptation to do evil is not great enough."

Xie Minyun bit her lower lip lightly, a blush appeared on Ruyu's cheeks, she said softly: "Then I believe you will never do evil!"

Although the two were already very familiar, Xie Minyun's inadvertent little action still made Cheng Mo's heart beat faster. He swallowed and asked in a dry voice, "Why?"

Xie Minyun blinked at Cheng Mo, then cupped Cheng Mo's cheeks with both hands, stared at him and said, "Because of me. Isn't I your temptation to 'do no evil'? There is still something for you in this world. Is there something more precious than me?"

The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, the silent warmth flowing in the cool air, Cheng Mo felt that the shadows in his heart were all dispelled into powder by Xie Minyun's sight, he even wanted to hide everything that was not so bright Tell her all the things, he knows that Xie Minyun will not help him, but he will accept him and bear all this with him.

But Chengmo didn't want to drag Xie Minyun down, he was used to solving his own affairs, he hesitated for a moment, then held Xie Minyun's hand holding his cheek, and said like a dream: "I was dreaming just now, I dreamed of the Milky Way and the deep sea, I'll go At the center of the Milky Way, the howling ionized wind formed radiant cantilevers. They grew out of the black hole and turned into a sky full of stars. I was sucked in by the black hole and fell into the deep sea. The Milky Way and the universe disappeared, and the sky and The sea also disappeared, only a beam of light projected down from a distance, I sank into the eternal black bottom in weightlessness, and the aurora stood with you on the other side of the light."

"No." Xie Minyun smiled, "I am here, by your side, whether it is now or in the future. The time axis of our life is not a straight line, but a perfect circle."

Cheng Mo was amused by Xie Minyun's mathematical love story, and he was the only one who immediately guessed that Xie Minyun's meaning was not that the lives of the two of them would cycle indefinitely, but that "the 'eccentricity' of a circle is zero", Cheng Mo He coughed and said, "Then Mrs. Cheng. When you can become a high-level Sobolev class, I can't wait to apply the embedding theorem!"

Only Xie Minyun can get this kind of boring math dirty jokes. Her body trembled slightly when she laughed, and her beautiful and picturesque face instantly staged the iceberg thawing and all things recovering and spring blossoming.In Cheng Mo's pupils, Xie Minyun's smile is like the growth of all things. The beautiful mountains, rivers, exotic flowers and plants buried by time are all rendered in brilliant colors. The invisible brush blows away the sand of time covering it like the wind, making the Her otherworldly beauty was fully presented before his eyes.

Cheng Mo looked a little crazy, this beautiful face really made him never tire of seeing it again and again.

Xie Minyun pursed her lower lip, and pecked Cheng Mo's lips like a dragonfly, then she hugged Cheng Mo, and whispered in his ear: "Is everything about me tight to you?" A set is a special class of point sets in a topological space, and any open cover of them has a finite subcover.In a sense, a compact set is similar to a closed set, but it is not closed.In terms of symbols, if C is a compact set, A_1, A_2, ., A_n, . If the set contains C, then it must be possible to find a finite number of A_i such that their union completely contains C.Therefore, it can be proved that the compact sets in R^n are all bounded closed sets]

Of course Cheng Mo understood that Xie Minyun meant that she was open to him. He hugged Xie Minyun tightly in his arms, turned his head and glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table, it was about twelve o'clock and Xie Minyun was going to the ruins It's time, Cheng Mo said with a little regret: "At least now is not the time. There is not enough time"

"Stupid, today the trial at the Acropolis ruins is about to be completed. Tomorrow everyone will leave Athens and go to Spain. We won't be with them. The two of us will go to Rome. I'll take you to the Colosseum. For a long time, it was just the two of us alone.”

"Your uncle doesn't even allow me to leave the room now, so he will let me go to Rome alone with you? Besides, my Ouroboros has been confiscated, how can I go to the Colosseum?" Cheng Mo said helplessly.

"You have to believe in the strength of Tai Chi Dragon, the matter will soon come to light, and you will be free if the misunderstanding is resolved."

"I hope!" Cheng Mo thought that it would be good if the truth would come out completely, but he was most afraid that half of the truth would be revealed. However, Taijilong couldn't find conclusive evidence. After all, although he was involved in it, he didn't really participate, but hidden worries still existed. After all, he did kill Floran. If Taijilong really wanted to confirm that he did it Yes, this misunderstanding is difficult to untangle.

Thinking of this, Cheng Mo felt dizzy, and the feeling of completely entrusting his fate to others was too bad.

Xie Minyun felt the uneasiness in Cheng Mo's heart. She knew that Cheng Mo had always been an insecure person.Xie Minyun let go of Cheng Mo's hand and turned on the bedside lamp. The warm yellow light instantly lit up half the room. She took out a piece of blue-wrapped chocolate from her pocket and said, "This brand of chocolate should be suitable for you." Your taste is not so sweet, nor is it bitter like cocoa."

Although Cheng Mo was not hungry at all, he did not refuse Xie Minyun's kindness. He took the chocolate, tore off the blue wrapping paper, and put a small piece into his mouth. The taste of happiness spread from the tip of his tongue to the bottom of his heart in an instant.

Xie Minyun stood up, walked to the window and opened the heavy curtains, then opened the window a little, and the fresh wind suddenly came in from the outside, she turned her head and asked, "Is there anything special you want to do now?" Things." After a pause, she coughed and said, "Don't make such requests that don't have enough time, this is a little slow."

Cheng Mo smiled, put aside his troubles for a while, looked at Xie Minyun standing by the window, thought for a while and said: "I want to hear you sing, I remember hearing you sing once at Du Leng's house, and I have never forgotten that time. I really want to hear you sing, but I haven't the nerve to mention it."

"Well, actually, I've never sung to others alone. It's a bit embarrassing to say that. But since you want to hear it? Then I still want to sing it to you, but after listening to it, I have to forget about these unpleasant things."

Cheng Mo nodded and said, "OK."

"Then what song do you want to listen to? I don't know how to sing much! Don't embarrass me."

"I don't know either, you can sing whatever you want."

Xie Minyun stood by the window and thought for a while, took out the phone from his pocket, called up the piano software, and said softly: "Then I will sing "young and beautiful" for you!" (BGM: "young and beautiful" beautiful"Touch Aoi version)

"Theme from The Great Gatsby?"

Xie Minyun nodded and said, "Yes!"

Cheng Mo lifted the quilt, put his feet on the carpet, sat on the edge of the bed and stared intently at Xie Minyun standing by the window. Her slender body leaned against the window sill, and the white moonlight shone on her face, like It is pouring in a field of pure white snow.Cheng Mo saw Xie Minyun raised his finger and began to tap the keys on the phone. The water-like melody was rippling in the air, followed by Xie Minyun's elegant and elegant voice. All the dirt in the world.
I've seen the world
I have seen the vicissitudes of life
Done it all
changing world
Had my cake now
success in the past
Diamonds, brilliant
And Bel Air now
Gold fans paper drunk
Hot summer nights, mid July
July Weiyang
When you and I were forever wild
You and I are free and easy, wanton and crazy

The crazy days, city lights
until the lights come on
The way you'd play with me like a child
childlike innocence

Will you still love me
When I'm old and my face fades
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
do you still love me

Will you still love me
When I have nothing but sickness
When I got nothing but my aching soul?
you still treat me the same
I know you will, I know you will
you will

I know that you will
I know so well

Cheng Mo felt that Xie Minyun's voice was extremely gentle, and this gentleness was about to melt him away. He seemed to see Lake Baikal with floating ice. A round of cold moonlight, the other side is a large coniferous forest covered in silver, at the foot of the mountain there is a pointed cabin with a red brick chimney, and warm lights are lit through the snow-covered wooden lattice windows.

The whole world is extremely quiet, only the rustling of the two of them stepping on the snow
For the first time, Cheng Mo wanted to make a promise to someone forever.


Xie Minyun left Cheng Mo's room when it was close to twelve o'clock, and she was going to lead Taijilong's students to explore the ruins of the Acropolis. Today they will arrive at the Parthenon on the top of the Acropolis. The Parthenon is The largest temple dedicated to the goddess Athena (its name comes from Athena's alias parthenon, which originally meant a virgin).

The Parthenon is not only larger than the Temple of Zeus, but also higher than the Temple of Zeus, because Athena is the patron saint of Athens, and Athens is named after it.So the final boss in the Acropolis is not Zeus, but Athena.The difficulty of the ruins of the Acropolis is at AAA level, which is one of the most difficult ruins in the whole of Europa. There are only a handful of ruins in Europa that are more difficult than it, including the ruins of the Vatican and the ruins of Istanbul. of the ruins of Mont Saint-Michel, of the ruins of Cologne Cathedral.

The ruins of the Vatican and the ruins of Jerusalem are both at the S level. It is said that the difficulty is higher than that of the ultimate trial Babel, but ordinary people cannot enter these two ruins. issued pass.The ruins of Istanbul, the ruins of Mount Saint-Michel, the ruins of the Cologne Cathedral and the ruins of the Acropolis of Athens are all triple-A difficulty ruins.

When facing the ultimate boss Athena, Xie Minyun had to be cautious and not take it lightly, so she deliberately took out the Sanxingdui scepter and spread the wings of the holy angel.

When Xie Minyun appeared on the roof of the Great Hall of the Mountain Gate of the Acropolis for the first time in full body form, a group of Tai Chi Dragon students standing at the gathering point at the Mountain Gate swept away their depressed mood these days and applauded and cheered.At this time, the bright moon is in the sky, and the bright and bright moonlight sprinkles on the majestic and sacred Parthenon Temple. This rectangular white marble building stands like an ancient building against the background of the Milky Way. Hold your breath.

What is amazing is that Xie Minyun, who is holding a golden scepter at the moment, looks like the incarnation of the goddess Athena. Standing on the height of the three steps, she is not disobedient at all, and even volatilizes the sanctity of the temple to a trembling level. degree.

If the complete Parthenon in front of you is the pinnacle of ancient Greek architectural art, then Xie Minyun in front of you is out of the scope of human beings and has become a god that should be enshrined in a magnificent temple.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Jin Jinhan was still very disappointed, but she couldn't get jealous, so she couldn't help but murmured: "I thought 'Quantum Shadow' was the most beautiful wing in the other world, but after seeing the real thing, I found that the angel's wings are also It’s so beautiful! It’s a pity that neither superhumans nor cyborgs can have angel wings”

"Yeah! It's really cool, Xie Minyun is like a real angel descending to earth, and at least at the level of Seraphim"

"Damn, it's really cheap, Cheng Mo!"

"Speaking of Cheng Mo, I think it's impossible for these two people to be together." Gu Feifei, who was standing on the steps and looking up at Xie Minyun, shook his head and said regretfully.

Everyone was shocked, and many people asked in low voices: "What's going on? Didn't they just get married?"

Gu Feifei smiled and said: "But you don't know, Chen Fang didn't die, he was rescued again."

"Ah? Impossible????"

"That's right! Didn't he run out to die after being rescued?"

"When did you get the news? Besides, it wasn't Chen Fang who was rescued that time, but someone else pretended to be him. It wasn't the real Chen Fang who died last time. It was Chen Fang who was rescued this time." Cai Shufeng said expressionlessly. , Chen Fang came back, but his good friend Han Jieji never came back.

"So weird?"

"My God, what kind of plot is this? Why didn't you watch Chen Fang?"

"Even if Chen Fang is rescued, what does it have to do with breaking up with Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun?"

"It is said that Cheng Mo may be the one who betrayed our Tai Chi Dragon information, and he has been locked up for quarantine inspection!" Cai Shufeng lowered his head and stopped looking at Xie Minyun who was standing on a high place, and said in a cold voice.

Gu Feihua, who was standing next to him, flirted with Cai Shufeng and said in a low voice, "Don't say that, after all, it's still under review, and the result is not certain yet."

Cai Shufeng snorted softly, and said with a sneer, "Even in front of Xie Minyun, I dare to say it. I'm not lying. It's true that he hasn't been confirmed yet, but he is very likely."

"My God, wouldn't it?"

"That's damned!"

"It's not just damn, it deserves to be hacked!"

"I said that our Tai Chi Dragon seems to be targeted. It turns out that there is an inner ghost!"

"Are all the above blind? Why did you let Cheng Mo participate in the investigation?"

"After all, he is Xie Minyun's target, besides, Instructor Bai trusts him quite a bit."

"It's unbelievable, how could Xie Minyun find such an unreliable person!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Fu Yuanzhuo, who was standing at the bottom of the steps, heard a group of people slandering Cheng Mo, and couldn't help shouting angrily at the group of people who were gossiping.

All the students of Tai Chi Dragon turned their heads to see who was making the sound, and seeing that it was Fu Yuanzhuo who was the last one in terms of performance and strength, they ignored him at all and continued to discuss in a low voice
Fu Yuanzhuo clenched his fists vigorously. If he wasn't in the carrier state, others would probably be burned because of this completely ignored humiliation. He clenched his teeth, and the muscles in his cheeks were so strong that he heard it. When Cai Shufeng said, "Sure enough, you can't judge a person by his appearance. He looks ordinary and honest, but he turns out to be a wolf-hearted dog." Fu Yuanzhuo didn't care that the opponent's strength was far from what he, a rookie who had just reached the seventh level, kicked his feet like a cannonball. General rushed over and punched Cai Shufeng on the cheek.

It's a pity that Fu Yuanzhuo's full blow was slow as a snail in Cai Shufeng's eyes. He looked down at Fu Yuanzhuo who was rushing straight from the bottom of the steps, and said contemptuously: "How dare you seek a fight at this level? You were invited by a monkey Is it funny?"

(End of this chapter)

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