Rebel Demon King

Chapter 826 Pure White Night (6)

Chapter 826 Pure White Night (6)

Cheng Mo galloped along the long street. At this time, there were few pedestrians and the night was quiet. Except for the whistling wind, there was only the sound of music coming from the bar by the sea.The speed made Cheng Mo's cells boil, and all kinds of information gathered in his brain, waiting for him to make the final decision.

But no matter how Cheng Mo calculates, the situation he is facing now cannot find the most perfect solution.

If Cheng Mo wants to minimize Taijilong's suspicion of him, it is best to call Bai Xiuxiu now and tell her that he has discovered the hiding place of the stalker who attacked Taijilong, and then wait for the arrival of the Taijilong army to communicate with her. One enters the other's base together.But this means that the most important part of killing Floran is left to luck.

If Cheng Mo asked Napoleon VII to help kill Floran, then he would not be able to explain the coincidence of Floran's death, and it would not be able to dispel Taijilong's suspicion of him. Handed over to Napoleon VII.

If Cheng Mo chooses to kill Floran by himself now, he will have to bear the risk of failure. The three Chosen Ones and two gladiators are not something he can deal with if he cannot use his skills.

It can be said that the first plan has the greatest risk and the highest return; the second plan is the safest, but the return is too low, and there may even be potential other risks; and the third plan has risks, but it is not the biggest.There are benefits, but not a lot.

After Cheng Mo thinks carefully, he still intends to observe the base where Floran is located before deciding what plan to use. At present, he tends to use Plan No. [-], and plan No. [-] as a backup at all times. As for Plan No. [-], there are too many uncertain factors. Not one to speculate, especially with one's own fate as a bet.

Cheng Mo took out his black death mobile phone and sent a message to Napoleon VII, saying that there was a little trouble, and hoped that Napoleon VII would wait.

Napoleon VII replied quickly, saying that he had a mobile office device in his car, and he was waiting for him while handling things in the car, and told Cheng Mo not to worry, and deal with his own affairs first, as if he didn't care He said that if there is any trouble, just send a message or call him.

Cheng Mo could only feel the aristocratic demeanor of Napoleon VII, which was really good.Even though he guessed that Cheng Mo was using him, he didn't show any dissatisfaction, not only that, but also directly expressed Cheng Mo's thoughts, so that he wouldn't be embarrassed when Cheng Mo spoke.Cheng Mo knew that Napoleon VII's good attitude was not only because of "Cross Bee", but also invested in him as Xie Minyun's husband, but he still felt that it was more pleasant to cooperate with someone like Napoleon VII.

Of course, this kind of pleasure is only compared with the cooperation with Xiyuanji Benimaru.

In fact, Napoleon VII's empathy could not warm Cheng Mo who was running alone in the cold wind, and he was even immersed in the match with Xienji Benimaru just now and had not come out.He looked up, and the city's streets illuminated by street lights seemed to have turned into a checkerboard pattern, and he was a chess piece that was rushing wildly, trying to devour another chess piece for his own survival.

Although Xiyuanji Benimaru praised him as a chess player, Chengmo knew himself. He knew that he was just a chess piece, at best a chess piece that "wanted" to have free will.

Cheng Mo once believed that human beings must have free will, because the laws behind human society and human behavior cannot be explained by rational science. Even if there are two disciplines, anthropology and sociology, this is not the same as mechanical (mathematical) physics. Not the same, human behavior and social development cannot be calculated with formulas.

Just as life is difficult to explain with physical and humanistic theories, it is the order formed by DNA after undergoing countless chaotic processes, mechanical (mathematical) physics has a deterministic reasoning method, after encountering nonlinear changes or complex systems ( For example, the butterfly effect is a non-linear change), it cannot work.

Physics tells us that the world will move toward disorder (entropy increases only), but the evolution of human life has moved toward a decrease in entropy and a more orderly state. Cells and DNA have stable traits and can replicate themselves. This The development trajectory is very strange, and even jumps appear out of thin air.

So even though the great Einstein said: "You believe in God who plays dice, but I believe in perfect law and order." Ke Chengmo still believes that determinism is not universally applicable to human beings, such as him. (Determinism, also known as Laplace's creed, is a theory and theory that believes that there are objective laws and causal connections in nature and human society. Simply put, determinism believes that human behavior and thoughts and everything in nature are determined by Certain factors before determine that people do not have any fundamental subjective initiative, that is to say, people do not have free will. Determinism, free will and moral responsibility have a complicated relationship, and these three are still philosophical controversial topic)

But at this second, Cheng Mo began to doubt whether he had free will again. He felt as if there was an invisible thread of "fate", making him like a marionette on the stage, performing this grand tragedy written according to the script of fate .

The terrible fact that he can't decide his own behavior made Cheng Mo slow down involuntarily. He stood under the light of a street lamp and looked at his huddled shadow, shaking his head, as if talking to himself He murmured like: "Are you sick in the brain? When are you still thinking about these irrelevant issues? Dad managed to win you a chance to survive, and you also met someone you like and like yourself. All this Nothing can be explained by fate."

Cheng Mo couldn't help thinking of the "Origin of Humanity" written by his father. He wanted to know what was written in this book more strongly than ever, but his reason told him that he was looking for a danger that he could never touch.

Cheng Mo woke up suddenly, he clenched his fists in the white light, and then he ran again, this time faster than before, as if he wanted to put all the thoughts that shouldn't be behind him.

Putting aside all distracting thoughts, Cheng Mo soon arrived near the seaside villa where Floran was. He knew that someone was monitoring the surroundings on the roof of the villa, so he didn't get too close. Fortunately, the carrier's inability to use skills was a disadvantage , but it cannot be detected by the system and greatly increases the possibility of silent infiltration.

The moonlight shines on the deep blue sea level on one side. In addition to the sparkling waves, you can also see sailboats with white sails, and occasionally cars speeding along the road along the coast, leaving behind a string of roads that crushed the cement road. Buzzing sound.Cheng Mo walked quietly on the cobblestone sidewalk and looked around. There were all low-rise villas in the vicinity, basically none of which had more than three floors, except for the steeple with a red roof not far away.

Cheng Mo looked up, and there was a cross and an old bell on the top of the steeple. It was obvious that it was the bell tower of the church. Cheng Mo walked quickly towards the steeple, and saw that everything was quiet, no one was in this picturesque place. Lingering near the coast, he pushed open the door of the bell tower, entered the interior of the bell tower and climbed to the top of the bell tower along the beige rock stairs.

The salty sea breeze blows Cheng Mo and the ancient copper bell beside him. The bell tongue inside the copper bell is shaking, and Cheng Mo's hair is messed up by the blowing. He squats and hides on the rock fence of the bell tower towards He looked in the direction of the villa.

Although Cheng Mo did not bring a telescope, it is not far from Floran's villa. The weather tonight is fine and the moonlight is clear. It is easy to see the situation in the villa with the eyes of the carrier.

Floran's white villa is built on the seashore composed of rocks and sandy beaches. It is a traditional Greek-style villa, but it maintains a certain distance from other villas. There is no shelter in the middle, only sandy beaches and some rare green shrubs, and There is still a half-circle of low walls in the villa. The defense of the walls is of little significance, but the surveillance cameras standing above can effectively monitor the intrusion.Cheng Mo guessed that besides the guard on the roof of the villa, there should be another person guarding the monitor indoors.After a little thought, Cheng Mo judged that swimming from the sea to the villa pier, and then using the hull to conceal the interior of the villa is a more feasible solution.

Cheng Mo didn't have time to hesitate, and immediately got off the bell tower, and continued to walk towards the villa along the road until the road turned to the place where the town no longer extends along the coast, Cheng Mo went down to the beach and found a building The top guard took off his clothes in a corner where it was difficult to observe, and only wore a pair of shorts. He hid the clothes and mobile phone in the bushes, but hung the Black Death mobile phone around his neck with a rope, and went directly into the sea.

The water in the Aegean Sea is cool in winter. Fortunately, the carrier can sense the temperature, but it is not afraid of this degree of cold. Cheng Mo swam to the distance of about a yacht from the beach, and then dived along the coast to Floran's villa.Cheng Mo himself doesn't know how to swim, but he has used a carrier to test how deep he can dive in the water, and there is no problem in diving for half an hour without breathing. This means that it is very easy for the carrier to dive near Floran's villa. Be careful to identify the direction, and don't be spotted by the guards on the roof when the sea rises.

The sound of the sea waves rang in the eardrums, and a deep silence echoed in Cheng Mo's heart. Cheng Mo's vision was a dark blue haloed by the moonlight. He looked down, but did not see a fish, only a deeper one. The dark blue, and the darkness that even light cannot touch, this darkness looks a bit hideous.Cheng Mo thought it would be better not to look down. He raised his head slightly and looked up from the water surface. With the rolling of the waves, the picture was somewhat distorted, and the lights were like candlelight fluttering in the wind.

Dive near Floran's villa, Cheng Mo leaned on the edge of the yacht and looked towards the villa from under the water. There was a camera hanging under a dim street light by the pier. You can't stand up here, Cheng Mo can only choose from the yacht. The bottom swam to the edge of the pier.

The pier made of rocks was covered with moss, and Cheng Mo floated up from the water with his back against the pier, and the sound of frolicking and music by the pool was transmitted clearly immediately.There is a jammer in the black death mobile phone, which can temporarily interfere with various signals, but this is tantamount to alerting the snake, and Cheng Mo does not intend to use this method.He closed his eyes and recalled the location of the camera in the villa. The other party used a camera with a 1/3-inch high-definition sensor. The focal length of this camera is 3.6mm and the suspension height is six meters. The horizontal angle of the 3.6mm focal length is about (α) 67.4 degrees, and the vertical angle is about (α) 53.1 degrees. According to the tangent trigonometric function, it can be calculated that an area about 8 meters long and 6 meters wide can be seen.

Calculated according to the area of ​​the villa, the monitoring density is enough to ensure that there are no dead spots. However, at night, the monitoring range of the camera is related to the number of infrared lights. Compared with the daytime, the monitoring area is much larger. That is to say There are no dead angles in daytime monitoring, but it does not mean that there are no dead ends in nighttime monitoring.Cheng Mo calculated the monitoring range of each camera based on the number of infrared lights, and finally got the result that as long as the card is stuck in the width of about half a meter at the junction of the monitoring range of the two cameras, it is difficult to be found.

So Cheng Mo divided the entire periphery of the villa into countless small areas according to the monitoring in his brain. The high-risk area is at the very center of the monitoring, and there is a long and narrow safe zone at the border between the two monitoring. .

Cheng Mo moved to the safe area by the pier, grabbed the rock wall with both hands, and looked towards the direction of the villa. First, he made sure that the position of the camera did not deviate from his own memory, then climbed onto the pier and lay down on the ground. Like a lizard, it slowly crawled towards the corridor of the villa.

While climbing, Cheng Mo listened carefully to the movement in the swimming pool, and it was exactly the same as his calculation. When he slowly climbed to the corridor, nothing happened.Although there is no entrance to the corridor on this side, there are windows on the second floor. Cheng Mo directly found a porch with surveillance cameras hanging under it, followed the porch, carefully bypassed the surveillance, and climbed directly to the window of a room on the second floor. .

Cheng Mo grabbed the narrow window eaves with one hand, and tried to open the window with the other hand, but the window was closed. Cheng Mo held the Black Death mobile phone hanging around his neck in his hand, and switched to the glass knife mode , the back of the Black Death mobile phone gave off a slight red light, Cheng Mo stuck the mobile phone to the side of the window latch, rotated the mobile phone a circle, and a circular hole was dissolved in the glass. Like the folds of magma after cooling.

Cheng Mo carefully opened the latch, pushed open the window, and entered the room.After searching in the room, there are a lot of cosmetics and women's clothes in it. This is probably a certain woman's room. Cheng Mo found a bathrobe in the bathroom and put it on, and then rummaged through the other party's box. Putting a mask on his face, he swaggered open the door and walked out. To Cheng Mo's expectation, the villa's surroundings were closely monitored, but there were no cameras inside.

Even if there are, they may not be able to see them. There are only five of them in total, two of them are by the swimming pool, and one is on the roof. Floran should be interrogating Chen Fang in the basement at this moment, which means that there is at most one person in the monitoring room.It's enough for a person to watch the peripheral surveillance, but if he also has to watch the interior, it's impossible to take care of it.

Cheng Mo estimated that they mainly relied on the map of the Chosen System to prevent the approach of the Chosen, and monitoring was just a routine method that was not taken seriously, which gave Cheng Mo the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes.And Cheng Mo's goal is to kill Floran, not to catch all five people at once, which is why Cheng Mo chose the last plan.

The inside of the villa was very quiet. Cheng Mo listened carefully and could hear the noise from the outside. He could also hear a slight breathing sound in Floran's room. Cheng Mo knew that it should be a woman's breathing sound, not Floran's. The breathing sound of Lan's fat man, which means that Floran used his body to torture Chen Fang.

Cheng Mo didn't hesitate anymore, and walked towards the stairs lightly. The stairs were not made of wood, but marble, which reduced the noise even more. Cheng Mo went down to the living room against the wall. Three sides of the living room are floor-to-ceiling glass. The crystal chandelier on the roof illuminates the luxurious hall brilliantly.There was no one in the living room, and everyone was by the swimming pool. Standing at the stairs, Cheng Mo could see men and women drinking by the pool. A group of people were talking and laughing loudly in Spanish, and the words between men and women were very ambiguous.

"Torres, I have taken a fancy to a pair of Carrera y Carrera jewelry. Will you buy it for others?"

"That depends on your performance!".

"How do you want me to behave?" The woman said coquettishly in an ambiguous tone.

"Patacci, as long as you make Torres happy, let alone a pair of Carrera y Carrera jewelry, even if you want the Crystal Palace in Madrid, Torres can buy it for you. We have made a lot of money recently."

"I'm not interested in Crystal Palace! But I'm interested in an apartment in New York."

Cheng Mo listened for a while, and found that the dialogue of these people was not of much value, so he turned down the stairs at the right time, and jumped directly to the stairs leading to the basement.Cheng Mo walked down and turned the corner, and he could see a wine cellar underground. In the center of the wine cellar was a white oak dining table. On the dining table were an open bottle of Romanee-Conti and a red wine glass. The bead curtain crystal lamp illuminated the wine like a ruby, but there was no one in the wine cellar.

Cheng Mo walked down the stairs and into the wine cellar. He turned his head and looked at the door on the other side. There was a rather large projection room over there. Cheng Mo walked to the door quietly and took a look. There was also no one, so Cheng Mo closed his eyes and began to listen carefully.

At this moment, the screen of the Black Death mobile phone hanging around his neck lit up. Cheng Mo picked up the mobile phone and took a look. The message from Napoleon VII said, "There are a large number of chosen people coming from the urban area, it is expected In 10 minutes, we will arrive at the Wulia Greimai Lake where we are currently. If you need help, please tell me, no matter what troubles, within my ability, I will solve them for you."

Cheng Mo didn't answer, and listened more carefully to see if there were any other sounds around him, but found nothing. Cheng Mo guessed that there might be a dark room installed with soundproof equipment. He remembered the method Li Jiting taught him to identify the dark room, put the wine bottle on He pulled out the cork, trimmed it into a ball with a cigar cutter on the table, and threw it on the floor.

The ball of cork immediately rolled towards the wine cabinet on the left side of the wine cellar, Cheng Mo went to the wine cabinet on the left side, attached his ear to the wine cabinet and still did not hear any sound, Cheng Mo began to observe the inside of the wine cabinet According to the general logic, if the wine cabinet here is a secret door, then the mechanism to open the door should be inside the wine cabinet.Soon Cheng Mo discovered something strange. Although a bottle of 87-year-old Obiang red wine had not been drunk, there were some signs of wear and tear on the bottle.

Cheng Mo reached out his hand to take the wine out of the wine cabinet, but as expected, the wine bottle seemed to have taken root on the wine cabinet, and he couldn't take it off at all. Cheng Mo tried to turn the wine bottle, but it couldn't turn at all. He frowned and began to observe the situation. A bottle of red wine from Obiang Winery, 5 minutes have passed by now, and there are only 5 minutes left before Taijilong's large army arrives at the Vulia Grimay Lake. Even if it takes a few minutes to lock his position, the current time It's all very urgent.

Cheng Mo's thoughts turned, Bai Xiuxiu also often drank the red wine of Obiang Chateau, but the two labels seemed to be different, the old wine label should be used before 2012, instead of the 1987 in front of him, it was actually 2012 A new wine label that will only be available this year.Cheng Mo reached out to touch the number in the center of the wine label, but he didn't feel anything. He picked up the Black Death phone, turned on the fingerprint scanner, and sure enough, countless overlapping fingerprints were scanned on the number on the wine label.

From the fingerprints, it can be seen that all four numbers have been pressed. This is naturally an extremely simple question for Cheng Mo. There are a total of 24 permutations and combinations of the four numbers. Just try it casually. Cheng Mo starts from the beginning of "1". , when the number "7981" was quickly tried, there was a slight buzzer in the wine cellar, the wine cabinet raised a little towards Cheng Mo, and then slid open to both sides like an automatic door, revealing a hidden room .

Floran, who was wearing the same bathrobe as him and with golden chest hair exposed, was looking back at him with a mask on in surprise, and asked doubtfully in Spanish: "Torres?"

Cheng Mo looked at Floran's familiar face, didn't speak, just nodded, then he looked in front of Floran, Chen Fang's body was tightly wrapped with red hemp rope, his hands were tied Behind him, with his knees bent, is being tied up in a strange way, hanging in the air, obviously this is a classic Japanese bondage.
Chen Fang's face showed a painful weakness, and his half-closed eyes were full of despair.

Seeing Cheng Mo's eyes on Chen Fang, Floran said with a strange smile, "Hey! How is my rope art?"

Cheng Mo didn't have time to waste here. He casually picked up a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, then walked into the dark room, pressed the switch on the side of the door, and at the moment the secret door closed, rushed towards Floran like lightning, and then The glassy and jewel-like red liquid bloomed a crystal rose on Floran's head.

Floran screamed in astonishment, and fell to the ground under Chen Fang's unbelievable sight. Cheng Mo took advantage of the situation and inserted the broken wine bottle directly into Floran's heart. Twitching and heaving, scarlet blood foamed from his fat lips.

"Help me! Help me!" Chen Fang seemed to see hope, and he begged in a low voice with his chapped lips.

Cheng Mo ignored Chen Fang, just bent down and took off the upper Uroboros on Floran's left wrist, then walked quickly to the secret door, pressed the switch and left the dark room, and then put the wine cabinet disguised as a wine cabinet back on. The secret door was closed, and he didn't take a second look at Chen Fang who was pleading inside during the whole process.

Cheng Mo put Floran's Uroboros on his hand, stood at the stairs and listened to the sound. He didn't find any sign of his intrusion being discovered, so he returned to the second floor along the original road, and climbed from the second floor to the second floor. Go to the corridor on the first floor, then crawl from the corridor on the first floor to the pier, and finally dive into the sea. The white mask floats to the distance with the waves, and Cheng Mo also swims towards the place where he came.

Returning to the coast where he started, Cheng Mo went ashore, and quickly sent a message to Napoleon VII to let him go first, so he buried Floran's Ouroboros and the Black Death mobile phone under a bush, and then After getting dressed, he ran towards the church. As soon as he reached the bell tower, Cheng Mo heard the continuous sound of the engine.

Cheng Mo stood by the clock tower without moving, and soon a BMW X7-led convoy appeared in Cheng Mo's field of vision. The convoy drove to the clock tower at high speed, and stopped abruptly amidst a series of sharp braking sounds. the side of the road.

The sullen Xie Guangling got down from the back seat of the BMW X7 first, followed by the frowning Bai Xiuxiu, and finally the serious Li Hongzheng and the angry Chen Shaohua.
Xie Guangling held the general cap in his hand and walked quickly towards Cheng Mo who was standing by the bell tower. He stared at Cheng Mo and asked coldly: "Cheng Mo, you have to explain why Jing Xing got involved in this matter? You What have you been doing for two days? Why are you here?"

 Recommend a science fiction novel "Millions of Possibilities", the author is Mr. Pian Que.There was once a button placed in front of Cheng Lin, and he pressed it decisively.

  As a result, the earth was destroyed.

  Everything returns to zero, and then a new civilization is derived.

  He thought it was a civilization evolution simulator, but unexpectedly discovered that the story was not the case...



(End of this chapter)

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