Rebel Demon King

Chapter 818 Puzzle Game (16)

Chapter 818 Puzzle Game (16)

The elevator made a crisp "ding". The sound was completely different from the electronic sound of ordinary elevators. It was a bit like the sound of wind chimes, just like the bells that rang when he pushed open the door of the youth hostel.This kind of coincidence made Cheng Mo find it interesting. Cheng Mo speculated a little bit why the sound of the elevator door opening was so special. If this fully transparent glass elevator belonged to the demon god Beret, then "he" is more likely to be a woman .

"Please, Mr. Abdul." At this point, Ahmadi's expression became serious, and he no longer called Brother Cheng Mo, but called him Mr.

Cheng Mo nodded slightly, and walked out of the elevator. The elevator entrance is a rather large foyer, surrounded by three smooth white metal walls, with colorful murals carved on the walls, facing the white metal wall of the elevator door. , a woman wearing dark golden armor, wearing a red cloak, and holding a golden spear sits high in the clouds, surrounded by a circle of luxuriously dressed men and women.

The size of the characters is the same as that of a real person. The embossed carving method and the bright color of the monitor not only make the characters lifelike, but also give this huge mural a [-]D visual effect. It looks very shocking, like watching it with VR glasses. Cinematic illusion.

As for the content of the painting, even if you are not familiar with Greek mythology, as long as you have been to Greece, you will know that the image of the Valkyrie holding a golden spear in front of you is Athena, the goddess of wisdom loved by the Greeks.

Cheng Mo stared at it for a moment, and noticed that Athena was surrounded by the other twelve main gods of Olympus. Although there was no Zeus among them, this composition was a bit deviant.

Seeing that Chengmo was admiring the relief murals, Ahmadi introduced in a low voice: "This is the work of the German painter Howard David Johnson. He has always been good at depicting characters in Greek mythology."

Cheng Mo stared at the mural and said, "It's shocking. I think this art form combining relief and oil painting is more amazing than traditional murals!"

"I was also shocked when I saw it for the first time. This kind of work is not only realistic and simple, but also very beautiful. I also wanted to get one in my home, but I was scared by the cost." Ahmadi shrugged his shoulders and said regretfully: "Not to mention that this kind of metal is ridiculously expensive, to create such a painting requires an artist with very high attainments in painting and sculpture."

Cheng Mo turned his head and glanced at Ahmadi, then smiled and said, "That won't make you deterred."

"Yeah! At that time, I thought that I would not buy such a big one, but I would like to get a smaller one for my own collection, but Mr. Johnson was unwilling. He said that no matter how much money he paid, he would not spend five years doing this second time. Unless the mural I want is bigger than the one in front of me, then he still has a little desire to create." Ahmadi smiled wryly, "It's because there is not enough money."

"Then how much is this mural?" Cheng Mo asked with great interest.

Ahmadi said softly: "One hundred and fifty million euros. The main reason is that the material is relatively expensive. This is a special alloy, and special pigments are required for coloring. These pigments are all made of rare ores. So the whole The second mural is mainly expensive in terms of cost. Mr. Johnson only charged a symbolic euro. He said that Lord Beret gave him a chance to be famous in history, so the cost does not matter, but our Lord did not treat him badly. gave him a Renoir painting"

"Renoir's painting? Lord Beret is really generous."

"The main reason is to give Mr. Johnson a reward that he can't refuse." Ahmadi smiled, and then made a gesture of invitation to the right side of the elevator.

Only then did Cheng Mo look to the right. On the white metal wall on the right was a gate with countless golden olive leaves inlaid on it. The gate looked very heavy, but when Cheng Mo and Ahmadi walked over , it slid silently to the sides, and two rows of maids wearing Greek-style bundled cotton gauze skirts appeared in front of Cheng Mo, and their improved ancient Greek-style palace, compared with the ancient Greek architectural style, It abandons most of the curved lines and overly complicated patterns, and adopts simple straight lines, so at a glance, it is less luxurious and elegant, and more pure and flawless.

Cheng Mo didn't know what a modern palace would look like, but now the building on the 66th floor gave a perfect answer.

Just when Cheng Mo and Ahmadi walked to the door, a blonde girl wearing a golden wheat headband came out from behind the door. She looked at Cheng Mo and asked, "Ahmadi, Is this Lord Beret's guest?"

"Yes, Miss Ayala, this is Mr. Abdul, the guest that Mr. Beret will meet with today." Ahmadi bowed slightly and bowed his head, and said respectfully. After a pause, Ahmai followed Cheng Mo introduced: "Mr. Abdul, this is Miss Ayala, the guard of Lord Beret, and she will take you to see Lord Beret later."

Hearing this familiar voice, Cheng Mo didn't show any strange expression. In fact, he thought that he would meet Ayala at the Hydra headquarters, but he didn't expect this to be the case.But this is not something that can surprise him. His face and eyes did not show any abnormality, and he smiled quickly and said: "Miss Ayala, nice to meet you."

Of course, Ayala did not recognize that the man in Middle Eastern makeup in front of her was the Lin Zhinuo she had seen a few days ago, she also smiled and said lightly: "Mr. Abdul, I am also very glad to meet you." You." After a pause, she said again: "I think Ahmadi has already told you that we need to verify your identity as a trainee doctor before entering. I hope you will not be offended."

"This is a reasonable thing." Cheng Mo replied without hesitation, but he said it easily, but felt a little regretful in his heart.Identifying whether he is a "trainee doctor" through the plague will not reveal his true identity.One is because his identity registered on the Black Death is "Jing Xing"; second, most of the doctors of the Black Death walk in the underground world, even if they are both doctors, they don't necessarily want the other party to know their true identity. To identify each other’s identity under the condition of mutual protection, as long as the other party uses the mobile phone to open the “Plague” and scan the iris for authentication, the specific identity of the plague will not tell the other party, but will only give the simplest job rank. There are six levels, the lowest level is Cheng Mo's current trainee doctor, the next level is the short-shirt doctor, then the long-shirt doctor, then the alchemist, the white-robed beak doctor, and the highest level is the black-robed beak doctor , They were also called plague doctors in ancient Europe.

There is no risk of revealing his identity, and the reason why Cheng Mo feels "regretful" is because if violence is used later, the other party can complain to the plague, then he will definitely face the scrutiny of the white-robed bird beak doctor.

This also means that Cheng Mo can't continue to lurk in the Black Death. If the Black Death is investigated deeply, it may even be exposed to the Black Death.But now Cheng Mo can't take care of so much, he can only solve the immediate crisis first.

Seeing that Ayala had already taken out the Black Death mobile phone disguised as an Apple mobile phone and turned on the plague, Cheng Mo approached a little, and Ayala raised the phone and pointed the camera on the back at Cheng Mo's eyes , but in just a few seconds, the entire verification process is completed.

Ayala glanced at the icon of a little crow that had just hatched, and said with a smile, "Doctor Abdul, please come inside."

Cheng Mo nodded and walked in, while Ahmadi stayed outside the golden gate.

After entering the interior, Cheng Mo discovered that the style of No.90's ninth floor is completely separated from that of the entire Hydra Building. If the following 98 floors are of normal style, except for their relatively wide business scope, you will not be surprised. He felt that there was something strange about Hydra's headquarters building, but when he reached this floor, Cheng Mo felt that he was not in the world.

There is a great artistic conception of being separated from the world of mortals for thirty miles, with white clouds and red leaves.It’s just that it’s hard to see the red leaves at a high place, but you can overlook the city lights of Athens. Through a whole glass curtain wall without seams, Cheng Mo can see the sea of ​​lights that light up the night, the shapes of streets and buildings. It was strangely determined and clear in the light, and the light like white mist flowed in it. It was a river of cars made up of cars.

"You are the first guest who can arrive here. Our Lord Beret never meets guests here." Ayala, who was walking a little ahead, looked back at Cheng Mo and said softly.

"It's really my honor." Cheng Mo replied respectfully, touching his chest slightly. He and Ayala were followed by more than a dozen beautiful maids. The scene looked like an ancient Greek court drama in a movie.

"It's mainly because of your conversation with Ahmadi that day, which made us Lord Beret very interested. In addition to your status as a trainee doctor, Master Beret specially asked Ahmadi to ask you out."

"Actually, I really hope to see Mr. Beret. It is said that Mr. Beret is also a 'doctor'."

"Yes, our Master Beret is an alchemist." Ayala's tone was very flat, but there was an unspoken pride in it, and then she added: "It's not that he can't become Doctor Bird's Beak ’, it’s just that he is more interested in doing research and not much interested in fighting.”

Hearing what Ayala said, I first thought of Dr. Charlie from Penglai Island. It seems that the big figures of the Black Death were weird people, and they were very different from the traditional "bad guys". For example, Dr. Charlie almost never cared about the affairs of Penglai Island. It was handed over to others to deal with through the Penglai Island management system.He doesn't care about making money at all, and his palace is full of strange things, like an old man with evil tastes.

Right now, the demon god Beret seems to be similar. Although he controls the leading gangster in Europa, he has no interest in fighting and killing. Judging from the decoration style of the palace, he seems to be calm about everything and only cares about his own feelings. A research-oriented high-IQ person who is interested in things.

Cheng Mo's heart trembled, it seemed that the strength of the Demon God Beret was higher than he imagined.My plan to violently coerce the other party to reveal the location of Xiyuanji Benimaru may not be feasible, and of course it is not completely impossible. After all, the other party does not know that I am in a carrier state. As long as the demon god Beret meets him with his body, Then Cheng Mo has a chance. If the other party is very cautious and uses a carrier to meet him, then Cheng Mo can only give up the road of violence and coercion, and use other methods instead.

Cheng Mo was thinking about various methods, and at the same time he and Ayala seemed casual, but actually inquired about the details of the demon god Beret, and soon the two passed through the maze-like palace and came to the side of the building , facing the Acropolis, you can easily appreciate the Temple of Athena on the Acropolis Hill.

Seeing the wonderful scenery in front of him, Cheng Mo couldn't help showing surprise on his face. Of course, he was not surprised by the still majestic temple under the lights.It was because he saw a dining table covered with a white tablecloth and two golden chairs floating outside the glass curtain wall of the building. There were silver candlesticks on the table, and the flames in the candlesticks were flickering in the windshield. The lights of the city complement each other.

This magical scene surprised the well-informed Cheng Mo. He took a closer look, only to find that there was a piece of plate glass under the dining table, and in the middle of the plate glass was a cable that was hard to detect with the naked eye in the dark. This cable is attached to the metal arm of the crane, which is actually a flat glass "going basket" without any railings or supports.
"Mr. Abdul, you don't have acrophobia, do you?" Ayala stopped and turned to look at Cheng Mo and asked with a smile.

"A little bit, but I believe this will also be a rare experience." Cheng Mo replied politely and awkwardly. If the main body was here, he would definitely not feel that he was in a piece of water suspended at an altitude of more than 200 meters. What is the experience of eating on the glass? If there is one, it is frightening.

"Then please sit on it for a while and enjoy the beautiful night view of Athens. We Lord Beret will be there soon."

"Okay, luckily the weather is fine today and there is no wind." Cheng Mo smiled.

"It doesn't matter if the wind is strong. The chairs and tables are fixed on the glass. If you feel afraid, you can fasten the seat belt under the chair."

"No, I definitely don't need to wear a seat belt, but I wonder if you need to wear a seat belt for the plate." Cheng Mo joked.

Ayala chuckled and said, "Of course not, the tables and plates are magnetic, so you can eat with confidence."

"With Mr. Beret as your company, of course you can rest assured." Cheng Mo walked towards the glass hanging basket, and Ayala had already opened a door next to the hanging basket for Cheng Mo in advance.

Cheng Mo stepped out of the building and stood on the glass gondola. This place seemed to be integrated with the sky, and it was a real cloud restaurant.A blond maid went up to the terrace before him and opened a chair for Cheng Mo. After Cheng Mo sat down, the maid asked, "Sir, what would you like to drink?"

"Have a glass of clouds, I think there is nothing better than this cocktail for the beauty of the moment."

"please wait."

The maid left the plate glass, and Cheng Mo looked at the night view of Athens, wondering if the big bosses of the Black Death like to scare people?Doctor Charlie uses a skull wine glass, and the demon god Beret specializes in treating fear of heights?Even without fear of heights, it takes a lot of courage to eat on such a piece of glass without any support. Fortunately, Cheng Mo is in a carrier state, otherwise he would not be so calm and calm.

Soon the maid brought the "cloud" cocktail made of marshmallows, and Cheng Mo began to drink with the invincible night view. Just as the glass of wine was finished, the chef pushing the trolley and the bartender who made the drink served the plate glass , when the chef was in place, Ayala also reappeared on the plate glass. With a clear "Master Beret", Cheng Mo turned his head and saw a man wearing a white robe of an ancient Greek sage and a golden metal mask person is stepping over door between glass gondola and building.

Cheng Mo also stood up quickly, and said respectfully when the other party arrived at the table: "Master Beret, hello."

Demon God Beret glanced at Cheng Mo, and said in a strange metallic voice, "Hello, young trainee doctor."

Cheng Mo felt that the voice of the Demon God Beret had the decadence of the steam age, as if it came from a voice changer. He glanced at the complicated patterns on the golden mask of the Demon God Beret, stroked his chest, bowed slightly, and whispered "It's an honor to meet you," he said.

"I'm also very happy to chat with a thoughtful and insightful doctor." The demon god Beret waved his hand, "Sit down!" After speaking, he walked towards the chair opposite Cheng Mo, and he had already prepared Good Ayala gracefully opened the chair for Demon God Beretra.

After the demon God Beret is seated, the chef wearing a white chef hat will start to introduce what ingredients he has prepared, most of which are seafood, including bluefin tuna, Dover flounder, monkfish, etc. For all kinds of snacks, the sommelier will start to introduce the fine wines attentively. After Cheng Mo and the Demon God Belet finished ordering the dishes and drinks, a maid will bring fresh ingredients and drinks over.

When the chef lifted the lid on the trolley to reveal the silver stainless steel plate, the glass platform started to move, and Cheng Mo raised his head slightly, and he could see the yellow crane boom slowly extending forward, moving the entire twenty The square meter-sized glass platform is taken away from the edge of the building, making them seem to be above the clouds, truly suspended in mid-air.
 I recommend "The Unqualified Demon King" by Yimeng Huangliang. Simply put, this is a story about a mix-and-match of a slut and a devil.


  But it seems that there are more heroes who want to kill them!

  Jiang Li faced the countless heroes in the world by himself, squatted on the ground and smoked a cigarette: "I just like to see you all angry, but you can't beat me..."

  The crowd is angry!
  Jiang Li punched the sky, and since then there will be no full moon in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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