Rebel Demon King

Chapter 809 Puzzle Game (7)

Chapter 809 Puzzle Game (7)

Carrying a box of heroin, Cheng Mo contacted the American Anderson he met last night, and told Anderson sincerely that he had a good time with them last night, and hoped that he could invite them to "Snake Kiss" for a drink today.Of course, Anderson and his group would not suspect Cheng Mo, a rich Middle Easterner, and they happily went to Neizili Road near Aristotle Road to meet Cheng Mo.

The reason why Anderson was asked to go with him was because Cheng Mo was afraid that using the pass that Bai Xiuxiu stole yesterday would reveal his secrets. In this case, of course, he had to find another way to enter the Hydra headquarters.

When Anderson and the others came over, Cheng quietly followed Anderson and his party to the Faliro beach area, and waited at the gate of a yacht club for a commercial vehicle to pick them up.The next process is very familiar to Cheng Mo. The back seat of the business car is fully enclosed, and you can’t see the outside at all. Even the decoration is similar to the Mercedes-Benz business car in Kuala Lumpur, but the space is relatively small. Point, and no entertainment equipment.

In addition to them, there were a few Greeks and a few southern Europeans who got on the bus. They didn't recognize their strangers. They greeted each other and chatted with each other. Cheng Mo also pretended to be very good at communication. The appearance of chatting with other people is very active.

But Cheng Mo is far from as relaxed as he appears. Although he is enthusiastically participating in the chat on the surface, his brain is actually running crazily. The entire map of Athens appears in his mind at this time. Commercial vehicles in the area can't drive very fast, Cheng Mo guessed the route of the commercial vehicle on the map based on the time and the direction of travel of the commercial vehicle he felt.

After 33 minutes, the commercial vehicle dragged them to an underground parking lot, and Cheng Mo silently began to calculate. Starting from the yacht club in the Faliro seaside area, within 33 minutes, at a speed of 30 to 50 kilometers per hour And the general direction of travel, able to reach those more likely places.

The calculated range is relatively large, but it doesn't matter, Cheng Mo can still have a reference factor, that is, the distance from the underground parking lot to the headquarters of Hydra.

After getting off the car, Cheng Mo mingled with the crowd, followed Anderson and the others on a special elevator, and went down to a deeper underground.Soon Cheng Mo arrived at a subway station. This subway station had no station name or platform number. Except for the colorful graffiti of Hydra on the wall facing the railway tracks, there were no other decorations. It looked very simple. , and even a little outdated.

Cheng Mo took a rough look. There were already many people standing on the platform, and there was no platform on the opposite side. There was a high probability that the exit was not here.Cheng Mo looked around again. Apart from the elevator they came out of, there were elevators in two directions.He stood in the crowd and heard some people nearby discussing "Rona of Hydera", lamenting that there is such a wonderful place in the world.However, at this moment, Cheng Mo felt that the world had changed beyond recognition in his eyes. He glanced at the dark circular opening of the tunnel, and thought of countless legends about the mysterious subway platform.

These mysterious and weird legends often only appear in street stall magazines or fantasy novels. Most ordinary people don't believe their existence, but they do exist.Cheng Mo is grateful that Ouroboros has opened up a whole new world for him. If he is not the chosen one, he may never be able to touch the world hidden in the shadows in his life.

Cheng Mo was a little distracted, and Anderson and the others beside him were also chatting wildly.

Chubby Steve said: "Do you think we will have such a place in the United States?"

"Probably there is! It's just that we don't know yet!" Anderson shrugged his shoulders. "I've only heard that Moscow has a very mysterious subway. As for us in the United States, I've only heard of Club No. 33."

"It all started with 33 those Masons are really everywhere."

"Hey! Maybe there are blue-blooded people or lizard people in the world! Maybe this one, you see, Area 51 has not been decrypted until now."

"You're taking this a little too far. I don't really believe in aliens."

"I think so! It's exciting to have aliens. I want to see a lizard man covered in scales. How long is that tongue? It must be XXXXXX." Anderson smiled strangely and said a vulgar yellow metaphor.

"My God! Are you interested in lizardmen?"

"Why not? It must be a great feeling to have sex with an alien, just like that Albanian woman last night. It was so exciting that it almost broke my waist. I have never had such a wonderful feeling." Anderson He said it with joy, and by looking at his expression, he knew that he had a good night last night.

Cheng Mo didn't listen to the foul language of Anderson and his friends. He stared at the hole on the left, because there was a roar from that direction, and then the whole subway station trembled slightly, and the rails also vibrated.Immediately afterwards, a beam of light illuminated the originally dark hole, and the air seemed to heat up.Everyone closed their mouths, staring in the direction of the subway as if on a pilgrimage.

When the brilliance of the car lights reached the brightest moment, a ferocious steel snake head came out of the hole like a snake coming out of the hole. The violent wind blew across the platform, and many people were startled by the black snake. , Many people who arrived here for the first time even exclaimed nervously.It wasn't until the subway came to a slow stop and doors slid open on the black scaled body that the exclamations turned into whistles and applause.

Cheng Mo followed Anderson and the others on the subway, and waited for all the people on the platform to get on the train. The subway slowly moved towards the way it came from. After about 9 minutes, it arrived at the "Russian Electric Lamp Factory" where he visited yesterday. Station" subway station.Everything went smoothly until Cheng Mo encountered a little trouble when passing the security check. Naturally, it was because of the ten kilograms of heroin in his box, so Cheng Mo asked Anderson and the others to go up first, and sent a message to call Artef and Niofi Toss came down to meet him.

Anderson and the others said they would wait with Cheng Mo, but Cheng Mo directly refused, telling them to go up and take a good position first, and Anderson and the others did not insist.Cheng Mo waited for a while with a suitcase at the exit of the station. Atef, Neofitos and another fat man with thick eyebrows and big eyes hurried over. Atef stood outside the security checkpoint and talked with him. After negotiating for a while with the guard wearing the army green armed uniform and carrying the M16, the guard gave Cheng Mo a pass and let Cheng Mo go out of the security checkpoint.

"God keeps you safe, my brother Atef, your Hydra's security measures are stricter than regular subways!" Cheng Mo pretended to breathe a sigh of relief.

Atef smiled, looked down at the boarding case in Cheng Mo's hand, raised his hands and said in Arabic: "Hey! God keeps you safe too! My brother, it seems that what you brought today is not just a little stuff! "

Cheng Mo picked up the box, patted it twice, and replied in English with a smile: "Ten kilograms of high-purity heroin."

When they heard ten kilograms, Atef, Neophytos, and the slightly fat Middle Eastern man were a little surprised, and stared at Cheng Mo for a while.

Atef shook his head, patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, and said with a shocked face: "Brother, you are stronger than I imagined." He looked back at the fat man and said with a proud smile: "I Speaking of Khatib, I will tell you that Abdul will not be someone who likes to brag, you can’t believe how sincere Mr. Abdul is, and he brought ten kilograms of heroin for the first time.”

The name Khatib, Cheng Mo, heard Artef mention it last night. He is the brother of Neophytos. Cheng Mo also saw the relationship between him and Neophytos from his appearance, and immediately stepped forward. He took the initiative to extend his hand to Khatib.

Khatib was also very tactful. He held Cheng Mo's right hand with both hands, shook it enthusiastically several times, and said, "Mr. Abdul, you are really an angel sent by the true God. We were betting just now how much you can bring." The goods came ten kilograms. I really didn't expect this, you made me lose a lot!"

Atef introduced to Cheng Mo, "This is Khatib. As we mentioned yesterday, the brother of Neophytos is in charge of the taxi business in Athens, but he is the leader of Hydra!"

In fact, Khatib is only responsible for the taxi business in an area of ​​Athens, not the taxi business in the entire city of Athens, but this is irrelevant.Cheng Mo didn't care about Khatib's real identity, his goal was to meet the demon god Beret, he said with a light smile: "Mr. Don't talk about ten kilograms, even if it's a hundred kilograms, I can easily get it for you."

Khatib excitedly grabbed Cheng Mo's shoulder, waved his hand and said: "If you can really get a hundred kilograms of heroin for us Hydra anytime, anywhere, I can guarantee that you must be the most honorable member of our Hydra!" guest."

Atef smiled "haha" and said, "Let's not waste time here, hurry up and bring Mr. Abdul to the boss for acquaintance!"

(End of this chapter)

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