Rebel Demon King

Chapter 805 Puzzle Game (3)

Chapter 805 Puzzle Game (3)

Dazzling flames dyed the night red, and the "young animals" that were destroyed by the Tai Chi Dragon Chosen with various long-range skills exploded one after another in the air, like a grand firework, and the flames of the explosion lit up the entire field , fully exposed the convoy to the satellite’s overlook, the concrete road reflects the golden and silver light, like a river of light running through it, and at the end of the road, the dark and mysterious Mount Casariani winds against the sky .

Then the baby ammunition was destroyed and the countless bullets split into white lines, falling towards the convoy like a goddess scattered flowers, within a radius of several kilometers, and the vehicles galloping on the road in an instant were smashed into sieves , Some stopped in place and collided with the vehicles behind, causing a slight explosion; some lost control and rushed down the road, stranded on a barren field; some were even overturned by the air waves, spinning in the air It hit the ground heavily in a circle.
But in a moment, under a wave of missile attacks overwhelming the entire convoy, the entire convoy was wiped out.The tremor of the ground and the whistle of missiles resounded throughout the night sky.Those tiny warheads easily penetrated the steel body like silver light, leaving the vehicle riddled with holes.

But this is not the most deadly attack for the Chosen Ones, at least two waves of indiscriminate attacks by young animal missiles are needed to threaten the Chosen Ones.On the K20, the function of the young animal missile is obvious. It is because the chosen ones must escape with their own bodies. One hit kill.

In the current situation, a wave of young animal missiles is obviously not enough to threaten the chosen ones of Taijilong, but the means of transportation must be unusable, so the chosen ones rushed out of the cars one after another.Gunpowder smoke rises over the field, and burning cars drive away the darkness like a festive fire.Some of the chosen ones were running fast to find a hiding place, and some seemed to be talking and discussing countermeasures.

For Tai Chi Dragon at this time, the blocking of communication is a relatively bad problem. Ouroboros' voice coverage in the team cannot be so wide. Fortunately, it is only a small-scale battle right now, and it can be barely resolved by shouting.

So Bai Xiuxiu immediately lit up the light shield, jumped on the Touareg that had been beaten into a sieve, and shouted loudly: "Everyone gathers in groups and enters the highest mechanized state one by one. Snipers cover first, and heavy soldiers After completing the mechanization, raise the shield, each establish voice in the team, and report to me in time if the battle damage is serious."

There were voices of "received" sounding all around, and then there was a slight hissing sound in the cool air, there were mechanical electronic sounds, metal sounds of rotating screws, and heavy sounds of metal and metal colliding. The sound merged together is like the sound of a butterfly breaking its cocoon.I saw countless metal parts of various colors emerging from the bright light shield. They were installed on the bodies of the Tai Chi Dragon Chosen by mechanical arms of various shapes, especially the heavy armored warriors, which belonged to full-coverage cyborgs. When the highest mechanized state is completed, it is like a Hulk wearing a mecha, mighty and safe.

However, in terms of appearance, an assassin fighter like Bai Xiuxiu is still beautiful. I saw countless electronic catheters connected to her body, and countless electronic mechanical arms with sparks on her skin like embroidery, stitch by stitch. Weaving a metallic textured skin that clings to her body, when a matrix of circular light dots swirled across Bai Xiuxiu's pupils, her pupils flashed a burst of red light, and a circle of flame-like light began to shine in her eyes Spinning, and then stretching out two huge golden arms in the void, installing a pair of slender white metal wings on her back.

The whole process presents a mechanical artistic beauty. At this moment, another wave of pup missiles strikes overwhelmingly. The white light covers her streamlined body, and the milky white metallic skin follows. The streamer of his body turned ceramic-like silver, and the faint black lines buried along his body line were also revealed, revealing a strange danger.

After the mechanization is completed, Bai Xiuxiu uses the sound wave to spread the order: "The lighthouse with a red light in front of the target, the first team outflanks from the left, the second team outflanks from the right, the third team follows from the front, the fourth team circles behind, and the heavy soldiers Pay attention to the three-dimensional map and stand in a defensive position, the mobile suit enters stealth observation to observe the enemy's situation at any time, and the sniper finds the enemy and carries out long-range strikes. I will chase Captain Chen."

After speaking, with a light push of her feet, a huge depression appeared on the steel roof of the Touareg. She soared into the sky like a beautiful swan, and faced the young animal missiles with red trails.

Following Bai Xiuxiu's order, the Taiji Dragon Chosen who had lost their vehicles began to march towards the lighthouse in groups, and various voices echoed in the open field.

"Made! Why is Europa's weapon control so lax, and we are still being attacked with missiles? This is really incredible!"

A heavily armored soldier looked up at the grand fireworks that shielded the starry sky, and then looked at the display on the three-dimensional map. A total of 33 young animal missiles were attacking them. He raised the silver shield in his hand, and suddenly the shield the size of a manhole cover Then it expanded into a round table, and he complained in a low voice: "It's like fighting a war. We haven't encountered such a big battle during the exercise, have we?"

"Huh? Xiao Huang is afraid, right? This is the first time seeing a real guy?"

"I'm afraid of heavy armored soldiers! It's just that I haven't seen such a thing in China. Don't you need money for young animals? One of Europa's old iron hands?"

"Hey! What is this? You guys were born late. I think that I participated in the self-defense counterattack against Annan with Team Li back then. That scene was grand. There is no one chosen by Annan, but we met the Sunflower Banner to support Annan. 'Satan' missile system, we fought for a full four hours in Lao Cai with people disguised as Annan's sun flower flag"

"Four hours? My God!" The Chosen Ones around were amazed. Generally speaking, the battle between the Chosen Ones ends relatively quickly. Everyone's blue bars and blood bars are limited. Be careful not to drop it, but the blue bar cannot be replenished infinitely like ammunition. After it is exhausted, the combat effectiveness of the chosen one will be greatly reduced. At best, it is a humanoid tank super soldier.

Although it is still very lethal to ordinary soldiers, without the blue bar, there is no shield protection, and it will also be injured when encountering powerful armor-piercing bullets, not to mention some weapons specially designed for the chosen ones, such as The famous metal storm, in the case that the chosen one has no blue bar, the metal storm can quickly empty the blood bar of an assassin fighter.

It is certainly not worthwhile to waste the limited number of deaths of the chosen ones in ordinary battles, which is why the role of the chosen ones on the battlefield is not as great as imagined.Of course, that kind of god who destroys heaven and earth is another matter.It's just that the god generals can be said to exist like nuclear weapons, and they won't be used easily. Besides, the "new god generals" were born very late, and basically there are no particularly big battles to participate in.

Under normal circumstances, the role of the chosen ones in a war is to fight against the chosen ones of the enemy. It is difficult for them to play a role in deciding the outcome. The military strength of the two warring parties ultimately determines the outcome. It is only the chosen ones. It is also a very critical part of it. If it plays the role of surprise soldier well, it can determine the direction of the war.

"At that time, we sacrificed a lot of ordinary soldiers before we broke into the Satanic missile defense system in Laojie. We killed more than 2000 enemies before the battle ended. My death point was destroyed there. Team Leader Xie also Newcomer, but when Team Leader Xie was young, he was really aggressive. A mobile suit fought like a heavy soldier, jumping around in front of the enemy's artillery, and even looking for places where the firepower was fierce. It is said that he All the Annan soldiers who were crushed had a head, maybe they are a little older now, and their temper is not as hot as before."

"Damn! Isn't it hot? When it's hot, can't we be tortured to death?"

"That's right, when team leader Xie was an instructor, whoever was trained was bruised, so it's better to be the white team. Hehe!"

"You just said this in front of the white team, and I will count you as courageous."

"Look at the white team."

Everyone looked up at Bai Xiuxiu who was flying into the night sky. She attracted more than a dozen young animal missiles to follow her in the air. When these long white missiles were about to collide with each other, they disappeared into the air in an instant, and then used The light of neutrons enveloped the explosion point, and all the small bullets that exploded were burned in mid-air, as if a ball of metal magnesium was suddenly ignited, and the dazzling white light bloomed in the dark like a tracer bullet. The sun-like rays of light came out, and the waves of air caused Bai Xiuxiu, who was waving her wings, to dance.

Like a flag rippling in the smoke.

This is purely dancing on the tip of a knife, but the more dangerous the battle, the more intense the deadly beauty, making people so nervous that they can't breathe.All kinds of noisy voices turned into neat cheers, very loud.Then there was an explosion of violent singing, the cheers were instantly drowned out, and the remaining dozen or so young animal missiles poured down, and the chosen ones of the Tai Chi Dragon passed through the field like a torrent under the cover of heavy-armored soldiers , the key protected objects are snipers with weak defenses, while the mobile suits that cannot be protected by shields move frantically in the rain of bullets to avoid damage.

The four teams scattered like flowers in an instant, and the usual rigorous training was clearly revealed at this moment. An effective defense would prevent them from being consumed with a large amount of light shields and reduce their mana before encountering the opponent's chosen one.However, the young animal missiles are not ordinary missiles after all. They are specially made for the Chosen Ones. When these white cylinders approach the ground, they turn into banshees in the storm, screaming and exploding above their heads. After the red light flashed, the silver-white light spots smashed down like hailstones. When they hit the shield, they lit up a small cluster of flames, or when they hit the dirt, they turned over the yellowed turf and brown soil.

What's even more frightening is that when two bullets collide together, they will cause a chain explosion in the air, as if a series of powerful kicks bombarded the surroundings of the Chosen Ones.Someone got hit with a light shield that cost a lot of mana and started cursing loudly, which made the whole team laugh out loud in the tense atmosphere.During the interval between the attacks of this wave of young animal missiles, the various teams began to run fast. They ran over the field like chariots and rushed towards the lighthouse.

Bai Xiuxiu, who froze in the air for a moment, looked down from the heights and observed a factory building crawling at the foot of the mountain in the distance. She didn't find much abnormality. The BMW X7 that was about to enter the factory caught up.Her speed was much faster than the other teams running on the ground, and she soon approached the lighthouse and factory building. From a distance, Bai Xiuxiu saw that it was a sewage treatment plant, and the dark pools were inlaid like black mirrors. In the middle of the factory building, when she entered the range of the lighthouse, densely packed automatic machine guns emerged from various positions in the factory building, and countless fire chains interweaved into a seamless net to block her way.

Bai Xiuxiu had no choice but to hurry down, watching the BMW XT enter the sewage treatment plant from between the two slowly opened iron gates.

"Do you want to support the White Team?" Xiao Dapeng turned to look at Xie Guangling and asked in a low voice.

"His purpose is not to fight Taijilong, but to escape. If I guess correctly, there is no one in this sewage treatment plant, and the other party will escape in a miniature submarine through an underground pipeline leading to the sea." Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, originally he didn't want to intervene, but in this pursuit, he must have the right to speak, and catch the psychopath before Taijilong finds Xiyuanji Hongwan.

Xie Guangling, who was standing in front, looked back at Cheng Mo, and said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute, and see the situation." Xie Guangling's face was gloomy and terrifying. The wicked fox was stolen, but the cunning fox was not caught.

"It seems that Chen Fang was pretended by the other party. How could this Chen Shaohua's own brother not recognize him? How could he be sent back without being tricked?" Xiao Dapeng stared at the screen and said angrily.

Xie Guangling shook his head and said: "Chen Shaohua can't be blamed for the current situation. You and I are responsible for leadership. Let's not worry about these losses for the time being. The top priority is to catch the murderer and take Uroboros back. And teach them an unforgettable lesson"

"Ouyu must have a record of the sale of the Young Animal Missile. When we collect the numbers on the battlefield, we will be able to find out who is behind the scenes." Xiao Dapeng said.

"This is a clue, but it's too obvious to trace the real culprit. So many weapons are deployed in the sewage plant, and Ou Yu didn't notice it, and it's too unreasonable." Xie Guangling said.

"Maybe these shameful bandits have something to do with Ou Yu's people." Xiao Dapeng said viciously, and after a pause he said dissatisfiedly: "When things like this happen in our country, the source of the weapons can be found in minutes, but Ou Yu Not to mention the chaotic management of Yu’s sons-in-law, they are still sold by individuals.”

"I expected this kind of situation before I came, but I didn't expect to be targeted like this. If I don't catch the person pretending to be Chen Fang later, I will find a way to start with weapons and sewage plants. The key is that time is too tight. We have three days left in Athens, and the enemy may not necessarily be waiting for us in Athens, and they may flee to other countries soon. The most fearful thing is that the Greek police may not seriously help us investigate at the border crossing.” Xie Guangling took a puff of cigarette and said with a deep frown.

Seeing that Bai Xiuxiu entered the sewage treatment plant, there was no one there, and all the weapons were remotely and automatically controlled. Xiao Dapeng said angrily, "Yes! I really can't use my strength now."

"Cheng Mo said, let's see, what do you think?" Xie Guangling turned his head to look at Cheng Mo again.

Cheng Mo pretended to smile bitterly and said: "The other party came prepared, and we have studied it so thoroughly. It is really unreasonable to say that the other party is a stalker organization in Europa. Besides, with such a large weapon support, the two waves of young animal missiles just now It costs tens of millions of Huaxia coins, and the black market price is hundreds of millions, right? Not to mention those automatic machine guns, even if it’s not the Stargate behind the scenes, I think the Stargate must have got involved.”

Xiao Dapeng also echoed: "It must be the Stargate. By doing this, they can consume our vitality, prevent us from taking the artifact in the ruins of Asgard, and suppress our rising momentum. Besides, Stargate has always liked to do this kind of thing. Shameful thing! Anyway, even if their people are found out, they dare not admit it, this is really a dumb loss!"

"Before there is no evidence, we can't say how much it has to do with Stargate. As long as we don't send people to participate in such things as betraying information, we can't blame anything. Now we have to contact Bai Xiuxiu as soon as possible and ask him to find someone from the Qianlong team." Someone asked to see if the Americans have any strongholds in Athens." After a short pause, Xie Guangling continued: "When Chen Shaohua returns to the main body, tell him to roll to the conference room to see me."

(There is another update today)
(End of this chapter)

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