Rebel Demon King

Chapter 802 The Gate of Hell (End)

Chapter 802 The Gate of Hell (End)

Mortals always like to divide human beings into good people and bad people. This kind of thinking is very stupid.Because human beings can only be divided into two types, one is interesting and the other is boring, no matter his status, status or race, he can only be one of the two. ——Nishionji Benimaru

Cheng Mo arrived at the hotel entrance, thought for a while and still didn't rush to Chen Fang's room as Lin Zhinuo, but returned to his body first.When Xie Minyun lifted the quilt and sat on the edge of the bed and began to put on socks, Xie Minyun, who was sitting at the desk, ignoring anything outside the window and only reading sage books, heard the movement, looked back at him, and asked strangely: "Why is this?" Come back in time?"

"Huang He and Jia Xiaojie are dead, in Chen Fang's room." Cheng Mo put on his socks, slipped his feet into his shoes, and answered while tying his shoes. After a pause, he added: "To be precise, it should be Chen Fang and Jia Xiaojie's room."

According to the arrangement, new students can only live in double rooms, and only instructors and students above postgraduate level can be allocated to single rooms.

Xie Minyun frowned slightly when she heard the news, and did not show a shocked or angry expression. She said thoughtfully: ""Kiss"? But if you die now, then the time is not right for the other party's behavior and logic. It doesn’t make much sense, so it seems that so many things done before seem to be just a cover-up. This targeting is too obvious, as if to achieve a certain purpose, not just for Ouroboros”

"It's not clear what's going on at the moment, I'll go down and have a look first." Cheng Mo kept his expression on the surface, but thought in his heart that Xie Minyun is really not easy to deceive, even if he doesn't know the situation that well, he can still accurately judge the most likely truth of the matter, But Cheng Mo still didn't tell Xie Minyun that the other party was probably Xiyuanji Benimaru, and that he was probably coming for him.

Xie Minyun didn't doubt Cheng Mo at all, she nodded, then put down the pen in her hand and asked: "It seems to be very difficult, do you want me to help?"

Cheng Mo didn't want Xie Minyun to intervene too much in some dark and dirty things, and he didn't want Xie Minyun to know that he selectively concealed some things for his own benefit. If Cheng Mo said earlier that the other party might be Xiyuanji Benimaru, and Ri The Chosen Organization Kamikaze and the Homeland of the Chosen have close ties with the Freedom Front, so it will be much easier for Tai Chi Dragon to find someone.But Cheng Mo had to hide it, after all, it was related to 500 billion US dollars and six Uroboros.

"I don't need it yet, I will tell you when I need your help." Cheng Mo said seriously while looking at Xie Minyun when he got up after putting on his shoes.

"Don't think I don't know."

Hearing this sentence, Cheng Mo was a little startled for a moment, but he immediately judged from his eyes that Xie Minyun hadn't discovered anything, and maintained his poker face without showing any flaws.Cheng Mo had no burden to hide Xie Minyun, he just weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and felt that it would be better not to tell the truth, so he didn't tell the truth.But Cheng Mo still cared about Xie Minyun a lot, because he was already seriously considering the possible consequences of the matter, which also made him entangled. Although it was not to the extent of worry, it was still considered a negative impact.

Cheng Mo thought this was the price he had to pay to enjoy the sweetness of love.

"The new students are the bait. This organizational approach is really open to question. After the Asgard project is over, I will file a complaint with the higher-ups. I hope the dean can give everyone a reasonable explanation." Xie Minyun said calmly.

At this time, Cheng Mo stood on Taijilong's side instead. He shook his head and said, "I don't think there is any need to explain. As a member of the Kanglong group, it is impossible to just enjoy various social resources without paying anything. The danger of the Qianlong group The level is ten times and a hundred times higher, so will everyone in Qianlong Group appeal?"

"It's not the same. New students should be given some choice. They have the right to be cowardly and withdraw."

"I don't think so. There is no difference between Tai Chi Dragon and the army. The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders, not to doubt whether the order is reasonable or even to run away. Didn't you take an oath when you joined Tai Chi Dragon? What's more, you can't leak this kind of thing Wind!"

Xie Minyun was silent for a while, and said softly: "I didn't expect you to integrate into the system faster than me! It is true that in the face of the overall situation, the individual's will is so small. But I still hope that anyone's free will will not be affected by secular money rights. Restraint. Just as the trees, flowers and plants that live by the sun will not become humble because of the existence of the sun; all kinds of birds and beasts that live in the air and water will not change their way of life because they depend on air and water. Even human beings The free will of a person is born from a god, country or parents, but does not belong to any organization or individual.”

Cheng Mo said noncommittally: "The goal is very ambitious."

"I know it's unrealistic, but I'll try my best." After speaking, Xie Minyun turned back to continue reading, and said at the same time: "I won't delay your investigation, come on."

Cheng Mo can understand Xie Minyun's great mind of "changing the world", but he is not optimistic about what she can really achieve. Although her position has natural advantages, her goal is to "change the world", and being able to change a country is enough He is considered a great man. To make the world a better place, only God can do it.

Cheng Mo would not laugh at Xie Minyun's innocence. In fact, Xie Minyun's attraction to him is probably such a rational innocence. He walked out of the room and looked at Xie Minyun's beautiful back when he closed the door. Xie Minyun himself is too worthless, what he longs for is his own free will not to be bound by anyone or anything
Although he felt that he was worthless, Cheng Mo didn't intend to improve his ideological realm. He was not Xie Minyun, and he didn't care at all how the people he didn't care about were doing well.

Cheng Mo closed the door gently, and walked quickly to the elevator room. Chen Fang's room was downstairs, so Cheng Mo pressed the down button. When he reached the 7th floor, Chen Fang's double room was surrounded by crowds. Peeking into the room at the door, more students were standing in the corridor and whispering, discussing the sudden murder, everyone had sympathy and worry written on their faces.

As the discoverer, Fu Yuanzhuo was being interrogated by an instructor. Cheng Mo didn't go over immediately. Such a serious accident happened in the hotel. Xie Guangling would definitely come over in person. By then, the new students gathered in the corridor would definitely be driven away .Cheng Mo stood at the corner of the safety stairs and waited quietly. Sure enough, Xie Guangling with a frosty face came after a short while.

As Cheng Mo expected, all the new students who were watching in the corridor were driven back. When the whole corridor was quiet and only some Tai Chi Dragon Chosen Ones who were in charge of security were left, Xie Guangling became furious. The door of room 712 scolded angrily: "What are you doing to eat? You let the murderer kill someone under your nose and walk away. If it spreads, the whole world will laugh at us Tai Chi Dragon. You are shameless, and I want shame."

Several members of the Tai Chi Dragon standing in the corridor were silent, they lowered their heads and did not dare to breathe out. There was a stuffy heat in the corridor before the summer rainstorm, so suffocating that people wanted to escape here quickly, or turn off the air conditioner. .

Fu Yuanzhuo, who was standing at the door, was so frightened that he stood upright with his back against the wall, his hands clinging to the seams of his trousers, as if he was being punished to stand.

"Everyone has to write a self-criticism after the work is over, and write clearly what punishment they think they should receive." Xie Guangling cursed with his hands behind his back.

The jagged "yes" sounded very weak in Xie Guangling's stormy anger. It seemed that Xie Guangling was really angry, his face was red, his ears were red, and his lips were chapped.Even though the corridor was empty at this time, Cheng Mo didn't want to go up at this time, but Xie Guangling looked at where he was standing, and said in a deep voice: "Cheng Mo, come out!"

Cheng Mo had no choice but to walk out from the corner. Fu Yuanzhuo, who was standing at the door, quickly turned his head and glanced at him. Lax, not as energetic as usual, and his face was pale, floating with fear, it seemed that he saw a dead body for the first time.

Xie Guangling turned his head to look at the person who was taking notes with Fu Yuanzhuo, and said expressionlessly, "Report the situation."

"The victims were Jia Xiaojie, a male student from Class 0 of Tai Chi Dragon, and Huang He, a female student from Class 0. The crime was characterized by poisoning, and the cause of death was neurological asphyxia. He took a large amount of high-purity ketamine, and neither of them died on the spot, but they were suffocated due to excessive excitement in the bathtub and their breathing was suppressed." After a slight pause, the member of Taijilong holding a notebook and a pen cautiously He explained: "This is also the reason why we were not able to find out what happened to Jia Xiaojie and Huang He in the first place. There is a high probability that they took off their Taijilong badges and put them on the sink in the bathroom. It took too long, Nuwa called the police, we checked it immediately, because the students were not prohibited from doing that, so we didn't stop it, and we didn't continue to monitor the situation here, which led to an accident."

"Accident? Now I don't want to listen to you looking for reasons and clues." Xie Guangling said coldly.

"Chen Fang, who lives in the same room as Jia Xiaojie, has serious suspicions. According to the girl in Huang Hetong's dormitory, after dinner, between 05:30 and 712:[-] p.m., Huang He helped Jia Xiaojie and Chen Fang pack the food and delivered it to the Room [-]. Huang He and Jia Xiaojie haven't come out since then, and Chen Fang was picked up by Chen Shaohua at [-]:[-]. Chen Shaohua had applied for it at that time, saying that Chen Fang remembered some clues about the case and needed to go out to help him Recalling that Deputy Head Xiao approved it."

"Where is Xiao Dapeng?" Xie Guangling asked.

"Deputy Head Xiao received a call from Captain Bai and went to the monitoring center. Now Captain Chen cannot be contacted in any way. Captain Bai wanted to find Captain Chen's location through the Athens camera, so Deputy Head Xiao went to the monitoring center. Checked out"

Xie Guangling turned his head and looked at Cheng Mo. Although Cheng Mo didn't say the exact result, he predicted the right direction. He even asked his friends to keep an eye on Chen Fang. The other party killed Chen Fang in a way they never expected. Killing two men and taking two ouroboros, there is no doubt that he is responsible for leadership.No one in China dared to target the Kanglong Group like this, after all, it was the territory of the Kanglong Group, but everything went wrong when they came abroad, which made Xie Guangling very angry.

Without the support of the ubiquitous Sky Eye, it becomes extremely difficult to capture the enemies hiding in the dark. Xie Guangling couldn't help but borrow Cheng Mo's wisdom. He glanced at Cheng Mo who was standing beside Fu Yuanzhuo and asked blankly. Said: "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Cheng Mo shook his head and said in a low voice, "Can I go in and have a look?"

Xie Guangling nodded, and Cheng Mo walked sideways into Room 712, where two or three members of Tai Chi Dragon were taking pictures, collecting fingerprints and collecting other evidence, doing some very basic detection work, which is actually just routine work, Not of much practical use.The crimes committed by the chosen ones are completely different from those committed by ordinary people. The crimes committed by the chosen ones cannot be detected by conventional means, or even have no way to detect them at all. They can only be investigated by manpower and luck. Even so, most of the time it is futile.

This is also one of the reasons why Huaxia has not let go of Uroboros' private ownership authority. It is too difficult to manage it.

After Cheng Mo put on his gloves and foot gloves, he first went to the bathroom to observe Huang He and Jia Xiaojie's death. The doctor wearing a mask was squatting by the bathtub and doing the examination carefully. There were still drops of water on the glass mirror. Two Taijilong Taiqing badges were placed on the sink, and the water in the bathtub was not drained. Huang He's long hair was floating in the bathtub like seaweed. They did not pose in the shape of "Kiss", but just Soak naked in the large Turkish bath.

Cheng Mo walked up to the forensic doctor, squatting halfway to catch a glimpse of the faces of the two people. Judging from the frozen facial expressions, the two people didn't feel pain when they died, but were in a state of extreme excitement, floating in the bathtub. There was an extremely light bloodstain, it wasn't Cheng's acquiescence, it couldn't be seen at all, Cheng Mo guessed that it should be the bleeding caused by broken capillaries
"People who are familiar with pharmacology, can they use ketamine to control the time of death?" Cheng Mo asked softly, looking at the two entangled corpses in the bathtub.

The doctor turned his head and glanced at Cheng Mo, who was squatting beside him, and replied in a muffled voice: "It's very difficult. In fact, most of the deaths caused by taking this drug are accidents, such as shaking the head until the cervical spine breaks. The product is called K powder, which is a kind of magic potion. It is used as a drug. After taking it, there will be sexual impulses. It is also often used by cult members to confuse believers. Therefore, it is impossible to use this drug to control the time of death. However, those who are very familiar with pharmacology may be able to estimate an approximate time."

Cheng Mo knew what he wanted to know, so he said "thank you", got up and left the wet bathroom, the other party knew everything about Taijilong and was hiding in the dark, no wonder Taijilong was frustrated everywhere.If he hadn't fought Xiyuanji Benimaru, even Cheng Mo would be blind at this moment, and he couldn't find who was hunting in the dark.

Then Cheng Mo looked through the belongings of Chen Fang and Jia Xiaojie in the room, and there was nothing suspicious, until Cheng Mo saw a Kindle on the bedside table. Kindle is a must-have item for every member of Tai Chi Dragon. Everyone has one, and it is very normal to appear at the head of the bed.But Cheng Mo walked over and carefully mentioned the Kindle that should belong to Chen Fang.

Cheng Mo opened the bookshelf and glanced at the newly purchased books, all of which were in English, in stark contrast to the following three Chinese books. The first one was "The Front", which should be called "Front Line" in literal translation. Cheng Mo clicked in and took a rough look. It was a suspense book.Cheng Mo glanced at the second book again. It said "encyclopedia of contemporary knowledge" on the cover. Looking at the translation, he knew that it was an encyclopedia, and there seemed to be no abnormalities.When Cheng Mo was about to exit, he took a closer look, only to notice that there should be an inconspicuous engraving on the cover, which is the English word "desk". If it is a physical book, it should be obvious, but because It's an e-book, so it's easy to miss it if you don't read it carefully.

Cheng Mo retreated to the bookshelf, glanced at the first "The Front", and then at the second "encyclopedia of conternporary knowledge", and the last English book was called "The Alienist", literally translated as "Psychiatry Home", Cheng Mo clicked in again and looked through it, probably telling a suspenseful story about a serial killer.

Cheng Mo scanned the books in front of Chen Fang, there were also English books, mainly academic books, and Chen Fang had never bought suspense novels, obviously these were not books added by Chen Fang, obviously this was a reminder.Cheng Mo raised the Kindle and asked, "Has this person collected any fingerprints?"

The member of Tai Chi Dragon replied: "It has been tested, and there are only Chen Fang's fingerprints on it."

Cheng Mo let out an "oh" and put the book down. He looked back at the door of the room. Xie Guangling had already left. He probably went to the monitoring center. Cheng Mo walked around the room for a while and found nothing else, so he left Room 712. .Fu Yuanzhuo, who was in an extremely unwell state at this time, did not leave either. When Cheng Mo came out, he grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what's the matter? I was almost scared to pee when I came in. Lao Tzu When I first entered, my scalp was numb, and I felt something holding me behind me, so I ran out screaming."

Cheng Mo looked at Fu Yuanzhuo, his pupils were horrified, his facial muscles were tense, and his panic was beyond words. He said lightly: "The inner world is much crueler than the outer world. Well, there is no need to be afraid, we are afraid when we see the dead because of the fear of death itself, this is the common fear of all human beings, as long as you are not afraid of death, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

"Damn, it's easy for you to say, I almost threw up my dinner, but what the hell is going on, why did Chen Fang kill Jia Xiaojie and Huang He? All the groups exploded, and everyone was panicked, afraid that he would be next. Mad, it's really terrifying." Fu Yuanzhuo shivered while speaking.

"It should be fine for now." Cheng Mo said.

"Temporarily? Fuck you, do you think I will die? I feel like I have to vaccinate my parents and forget it. If I tell them, I will only be worried, or I will write a suicide note and put it here, in case If something happened to me, please take it back for me," Fu Yuanzhuo said worriedly.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "You are safer than me, and I am more likely to die than you."

"Ah~ ah~ ah~ ah~! It's over, it's over, can't I die here before I have time to chat with Feng Qianqian? This is really terrible!"

"Shouldn't you regret being the Chosen One?" Cheng Mo glanced at Fu Yuanzhuo who was a bit mad with contempt.

Fu Yuanzhuo hesitated for a moment and said: "I really don't regret this, even though I know it's dangerous, I still choose to be the Chosen One."

"For Feng Qianqian?"

Fu Yuanzhuo forced a smile and said: "It's not all. As a boy, he always has a heroic dream. Becoming the Chosen One is a temptation that every boy can't refuse, even if he has to face death."

"A dream of a hero?" Cheng Mo shook his head at Yuanzhuo, and said softly, "The so-called hero is not afraid of death. Seeing you like this, I'm afraid you can't be a hero."

"Who said that? I'm not afraid!"

"Who said just now that you ran out of the room screaming and almost vomited?"

"Where did you scream? I was just shocked when I saw the scene. The nausea is due to nausea, not fear." Fu Yuanzhuo said with a serious face.

"Just don't be afraid, go back to your room first, don't run around, don't take off your badge, if something happens, call the police as soon as possible, nothing will happen." Momo walked towards the elevator after finishing speaking.

Fu Yuanzhuo quickly followed Cheng Mo's pace. After walking a few steps, there was only an empty corridor left. He shivered and asked, "Where are you going now?"

"I have something to do." Cheng Mo pressed the down button in the elevator.

"Aren't you going back to your room?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked in fear.

"No return."

"Would you like to sit in my room? I feel that I still have some details to explain to you." Fu Yuanzhuo said calmly.

"no need."

"Damn! Are you willing to let me go back to the room alone?"

"Didn't you say you're not afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of accidents. What if someone suddenly jumps out and wants to kill me, a witness?"

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and Cheng Mo walked in quickly, and Fu Yuanzhuo also followed in step, without giving Cheng Mo any time to close the door.Cheng Mo rolled his eyes, pressed the 9th floor helplessly, and said, "Let's take you up first!"

Fu Yuanzhuo said submissively: "I'm really not afraid, just in case. After all, life is precious, and I'm the only one in my family."

"I said, just get used to it. If you experience this kind of thing a few times, you won't be afraid."

"Seeing that you are so calm, have you experienced it?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked suspiciously.

Cheng Mo didn't answer, but when the elevator reached the ninth floor, he pressed the door open button, "You don't want me to walk you into the door, do you?"

"Of course not." Fu Yuanzhuo walked out of the elevator as if nothing had happened, looking very calm, but the moment the elevator door closed, he rushed towards his room as if he had seen a ghost He muttered: "The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. Huang He, Jia Xiaojie, I am not the one who killed you! You must not follow me. The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, please protect me. If I return home safely, I will definitely go to Hengshan Mountain Contribute 50 incense money with you."

Cheng Mo could hear Fu Yuanzhuo's hurried footsteps in the elevator. He took out his mobile phone and googled the three books separately, wanting to see if there were any detailed introductions on the Internet. When he walked out of the elevator, Cheng Mo happened to google When it came to "The Alienist", Cheng Mo discovered that the Chinese translation of the book was called "The Silent Angel".

There is no doubt that the other party is Xiyuanji Benimaru, otherwise he would not care so much about his true identity.Cheng Mo's expression became serious, and he could even imagine that Chen Fang could easily know who he was by simply asking Chen Shaohua.No wonder he wanted to make himself up and appear in front of Chen Fang and the others, just to judge whether Chen Fang and the others knew him or not.

No wonder he had to give himself a close-up at the end of the abandoned iron foundry, so that he would have ample reason to ask Chen Shaohua who he was.

Cheng Mo stood at the elevator door and did not move for a long time. The combination of "The Front" and "desk" was the front desk of the hotel. He guessed that the other party had left something for him at the front desk.So Cheng Mo changed his plan to go to the monitoring center, went straight to the front desk, found the staff at the front desk and asked directly: "My name is Cheng Mo, may I ask if someone left something at the front desk and asked you to hand it over to me?"

The staff at the front desk asked Cheng Mo for his name before taking out an envelope and handing it to Cheng Mo.Cheng Mo took the envelope, did not read it right away, but put it in his arms, and walked to the blind corner of the video surveillance, Cheng Mo took out the envelope from his arms, and he took a closer look at the neatly written Chinese words "Cheng Mo Kiss."

([-]-word chapter, please ask for a monthly ticket)
(End of this chapter)

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