Rebel Demon King

Chapter 797 The Gate of Hell (14)

Chapter 797 The Gate of Hell (14)

(Thanks to the popularity of "Akiyama Oath" and "This is a farewell after a year", thanks to "WillTian" and "Book Friends 150528232634866" for the two million rewards, and thanks to "I have to learn" for the 0 starting point coins Thanks to "Qingqing Kunlun", "Feng[-]G", "GansonPP" for the rewards)


Fu Yuanzhuo opened his mouth and didn't say anything, he asked Cheng Mo with his mouth what was going on.Cheng Mo typed on the mobile phone again: "The other party will still find a way to attack Chen Fang, but this matter has not attracted the attention of the office. They think that there is no problem with Team Leader Xie sitting in the hotel, but I don't think so. Definitely. In addition, please help me to pay attention, is there anyone who is particularly interested in the character Zero?"

Fu Yuanzhuo took Cheng Mo's cell phone, deleted Cheng Mo's typing after reading it, and replied: "But Chen Fang and I don't live in the same room! How to do it?" After typing, Fu Yuanzhuo put the cell phone And handed it back to Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo saw that Fu Yuanzhuo was not afraid, nor did he run away because of the difficulty of the matter. Instead, there was a little tension and excitement on his face, and he felt that he had not misjudged the person, so he replied: "When the time comes, I will I will give you a website through which you can see the surveillance in most areas of the hotel, just keep an eye on it, and let me know if anything strange happens."

Fu Yuanzhuo took the phone and glanced at it, nodded, and then typed: "Then what about the zero thing, it's not like you don't know that I don't talk to other people very much."

"You always add to the group, don't you? If it doesn't work, you can ask Guan Bojun for help, and you can say that it was Xie Minyun."

Fu Yuanzhuo read Cheng Mo's typing, gave Cheng Mo a middle finger, and couldn't help but said: "It's amazing to have a powerful wife!"

Facing Fu Yuanzhuo's complaints, Cheng tacitly thought about it for a while, and said very solemnly: "It's amazing to have a wife like Xie Minyun."

Fu Yuanzhuo was speechless, showing a resentful expression on his face, "Are you blatantly despising the president of the FFF Association? If you want to do this, I will call and tell Yan Yitong that someone here is showing affection. I can't control it anymore, please bring her torch."

"I don't mean to show affection, I'm just telling the truth." After a pause, Cheng Mo said again: "Stop talking about these unnutritious things, I'll send you the website later, and call me if you have any questions."

Fu Yuanzhuo nodded, and the two chatted some miscellaneous things again. Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo went back to their rooms respectively. Cheng Mo asked Bai Xiuxiu for permission to watch the surveillance on the ordinary floors of the hotel. He stared at the video until the night, There is nothing unusual about the whole hotel.When it was almost 09:30, Cheng Mo told Fu Yuanzhuo the website address and asked him to watch it for him, then told Xie Minyun, activated the carrier and went out.

Originally, Cheng Mo wanted to tell Xie Minyun that he must take good care of his body, but thinking that Xie Minyun lived in the same room with him, this room must be the focus of Taijilong's care, so he didn't say anything unnecessary.Cheng Mo arrived at the parking lot on the basement level at 09:30 on time. Bai Xiuxiu was already waiting for him in the car, but he couldn't leave immediately, and had to wait for the disguiser to help Cheng Mo put on makeup.

This time, in order to enter the Hydra headquarters, Cheng Mo couldn't dress up as a homeless man, so he didn't dress as badly as last time, and he didn't deliberately make it smell particularly bad, but his clothes were a little worn out, and his skin turned sallow , with a rather large beard glued on his face, and a raised nose, he looked like Avanti.

In short, this time the shape looks much better than last time.After putting on their makeup, Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu didn't talk nonsense. They drove straight to Aristotle Road and left the car in a hidden corner. Bai Xiuxiu opened the "time rift" and followed Cheng Mo into the alley. When he walked along the Aristotle Road with ease and arrived in front of Hydra's cylindrical headquarters building, Cheng Mo found a fire surrounded by many people and stayed there, mixing in the crowd so as not to attract attention.Bai Xiuxiu sneaked into the Hydra headquarters building to help Cheng Mo get a pass to enter.

Cheng Mo stood on the periphery of the crowd, keeping a short distance from other people, so that no one would talk to him.Although a group of ragged Middle Eastern refugees spoke a language that Cheng Mo couldn't understand, Cheng Mo couldn't see any worries about the future from their expressions. Instead, they talked and laughed, and seemed not too dissatisfied with the current situation. Thinking about it, they fled from the war-torn place to Athens, where singing and dancing are peaceful, far away from the war, and they must be in a happy mood.He saw a group of children surrounding a man, who was squatting on the ground, continuously roasting the plastic bag over fire, until the bag was softened, and pressed it together with a ball of plastic.And the children around were all watching eagerly.

At first Cheng Mo didn't understand what this man was doing, until the plastic ball was squeezed by the man to be about the size of a football and handed over to a few long-awaited children, Cheng Mo realized that it was a football.He turned his head and looked at a group of children cheering and chasing football in the dirty alley. A few strands of fire from burning garbage were reflected in the puddle. Or standing smiling women and men, behind them is a house with peeling paint on the walls.

The sound of laughter rippling in the cold November wind, ruffled the flickering flames and the bright colors in the puddles.

Cheng Mo was inexplicably shocked. He is not a "sincere" person, and he is not "inspired" by suffering after being familiar with too much history, and he will not even satirize the people who caused the disaster.Cheng Mo is not a dogmatist, not a saint, politics, economy, war, energy, nuclear weapons, the entire human race, and all kinds of wars in the Middle East, separatism, isolationism, religious conflicts, the future of mankind, all of these are important to It doesn't matter to Cheng Mo, he doesn't care.

But in this moment, for the first time in his life, he wanted to focus on the question—what had become of their childhood?Where has their playground drifted to?In which land do these hometown songs resound in the wind?
Watching all these silent expressions blurred, he suddenly remembered what Li Jiting told him about his experience as an observer in Afghanistan. War conflict is a huge monster, it entrenches on top of human beings, devouring all emotions and emotions. Colors, looking down on us with contempt
Cheng Mo was thinking wildly, when he heard Bai Xiuxiu's small voice in his ears, "I put the passport in your pocket, go to the entrance."

Cheng Mo restrained the sensibility of this moment, turned away from the burning fire, the refugees around the fire, and the children kicking plastic balls in the dim light.He reached out to touch the pass in his pocket, took it out and glanced at it calmly, it looked a bit like an ID card, with a photo attached to it, and the person in the photo was somewhat similar to his current image.

"Is there no one checking the import?" Cheng Mo asked softly.

"Yes, but they don't check strictly. You just need to swipe this card to pass, but this card can only go to the dormitory at most. If you want to continue to go up, you have to think of other ways." Bai Xiuxiu replied .

Cheng Mo didn't answer, but just put the passport back in his pocket, and walked towards the dark circular building by the light of the fire in the distance. It rained during the day, and the sky was gloomy at night, without moonlight, Cheng Mo passed by Rows of concrete piers painted with red stripes walked towards the dark entrance under the envious eyes of the refugees next to them.He stepped into the empty square, there was no one there, and the cold wind swirled in the square, making the air much fresher.

Soon Cheng Mo walked to the entrance. The surrounding area of ​​the first floor was completely sealed by gray wall bricks, leaving only a wide hole. Looking into the hole from the outside, it seemed that there was nothing inside, only a patch of ink. It was dark, but when Cheng Mo stepped in, he realized that the design of the entrance was very ingenious. Facing the entrance, about three or four meters away, there was a whole side of glass painted with black paint, and the real entrance opened obliquely. On the side, as long as you don't get close, you can only see a dark void from that angle outside.

Cheng Mo turned around and walked towards the side entrance without hesitation. There was a ticket gate at the entrance, which looked like a subway entrance. Next to the ticket gate stood two Middle Eastern men in green armed suits with M16 on their shoulders. Cheng Mo took out his Swipe the access card at the sensing area of ​​the machine, and the card door of the ticket gate in front opens with a "snap".Under the watchful eyes of two heavily armed soldiers, Cheng Mo walked in calmly, turned around a wall, and suddenly the whole space brightened up.

There are not only bright spotlights here, but also shops and restaurants. The lobby in front of Cheng Mo is almost the same as a large subway station.It's hard to imagine being in the middle of a slum.
(End of this chapter)

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