Rebel Demon King

Chapter 793 The Gate of Hell (10)

Chapter 793 The Gate of Hell (10)

Cheng Mo didn't feel disappointed when he was rejected by Bai Xiuxiu again. To him, seeing Bai Xiuxiu showing such a shy expression was worth the fare. The shift changer was not far away, so he got off the line directly in the car.Cheng Mo intends to continue to track down the black hand behind the scenes, so he did not return to the main body.

When the shift changer came over, a team was chasing clues in place, and another team went straight to Emparikon Hotel to escort Chen Fang back.Because Chen Fang was only in a coma and was not seriously injured, there was no need to send him to the hospital, not to mention that it would be more dangerous to send him to the hospital, so he made such a decision.

Sitting in the car, Cheng Mo still had Bai Xiuxiu's shy look with lowered eyebrows just now in his mind. For Cheng Mo, it was very rare to be able to make Bai Xiuxiu show such an expression, and it also made Cheng Mo understand why so many heroes would love Jiangshan loves beauties more.

Indeed, a beautiful woman has such a magical power that makes the world's heroes and heroes short of breath and their children long in love.If there were no such beautiful women in this world, history would be completely different and so unrecognizable that it would be boring. It is precisely because of those beautiful women who overwhelm the country that history will be so full of fun and vitality.

Cheng Mo thought of the martial arts novels he had read when he was a child. Revenge, happy world and beautiful women are the eternal themes in martial arts novels.Knights come and go in various stories for a book of martial arts cheats that can make them invincible in the world, and the symbol of martial arts cheats is naturally for money, power and beauty.The teenagers with the dream of being a hero are not for self-cultivation, ruling the country and the peace of the world, but to become the number one in the world; the big devils who do all kinds of evil are not the face characters representing a certain class, they are often bad and simple, and their dreams are nothing more than Just become the martial arts leader who dominates the rivers and lakes.

At the beginning, Cheng tacitly thought that martial arts novels were just for entertainment. Now that I think about it, a sense of absurd reality came to my mind. Now he is like the sad hero in a martial arts novel, and "Tai Chi Dragon" is the world's top martial arts sect One, it's really funny and interesting when you think about it seriously.

For a moment, Cheng Mo was overwhelmed by Bai Xiuxiu's rare ecstasy expression. It wasn't until Touareg arrived at the hotel that he began to recall the whole process of saving Chen Fang just now. Camera, Cheng Mo felt a vague uneasiness in his heart.He closed his eyes, patted his cheeks fiercely with both hands, and drove the little thoughts about Bai Xiuxiu out of his mind, and concentrated on analyzing the whole process from beginning to end, but he still couldn't guess the other party's motives.

But Cheng Mo was not in a hurry, he guessed that everything would not end like this, the other party made such a big fight, and even did not hesitate to offend Tai Chi Dragon, they would definitely not stop after grabbing two Uroboros.

When the car arrived at the hotel, Cheng Mo watched the crowd carry Chen Fang in, and Chen Shaohua, who was following beside him, no longer showed the restlessness in his eyes a few days ago, saw Cheng Mo, and even took the initiative to smile.Cheng Mo had no intention of responding, and was just about to ask the driver to take him to Aristotle Street. He continued to squat inside, but Bai Xiuxiu called.

Cheng Mo pressed the answer button, and Bai Xiuxiu's soft and deep voice filled his ears again, "Cheng Mo, you haven't returned to your body yet?"

"No, I plan to continue to Aristotle Street and wait."

"No, you have to go offline first. Your body hasn't eaten for more than a day. You should come back and have a rest first. Don't stretch the strings so tightly. Now that Chen Fang has been saved, there is no need to be in such a hurry. We have time." Bai Xiuxiu was serious. said.

Although Bai Xiuxiu used an orderly tone, Cheng Mo felt it was extraordinarily gentle, like the sound of waves surging in a harbor under a moonlit night.He thought that the voice of a woman with temperament should be like this. There are musical instruments hidden in their chests, and every note played by their lips is singing, a beautiful singing that makes people feel comfortable.Cheng Mo's voice also lowered: "I'll ask Xie Minyun to give me a glucose shot."

"Be good, it's not good for your health." Bai Xiuxiu said.

The word "obedient" is very familiar to most teenagers, and even many people's ears are callused, but Cheng Mo, who has belonged to other people's children since he was a child, is the first time he has heard someone say " Obedient" is the word.Cheng Mo remembers washing clothes by himself when he was a child. In fact, it is not a complicated thing. He just throws the clothes into the washing machine, sprinkles some washing powder into it, and finally sets the program.When the washing machine was spinning, he would sit on the balcony with a book and read, taking the opportunity to secretly observe the children playing in the yard.

Whenever an adult passes by, he will deliberately read aloud, or stand on a small bench to dry the clean clothes. At this time, these adults will pinch their children's ears and say: "Look at Cheng Murduo Sensible, not only doing laundry by yourself, but also reviewing all the time, you know how to play all day long, have you finished your homework? Have you practiced brush calligraphy? When will you be as obedient as Cheng Mo."

At the beginning, Cheng Mo never got tired of it, but after working too much, his interest faded away, especially when he heard other people's parents say "obedient", his father never told him such a dictatorial and natural word "obedient", as for his mother Not to mention.

In this second, Cheng Mo felt a strange warmth, which Xie Minyun, who was like a confidante, could not give, nor could the gentle and soft Teacher Shen.
Cheng Mo subconsciously chose to obey, and replied: "Okay."

"I'll order a good meal for you, you can just go to the restaurant and eat it directly." Then Bai Xiuxiu added: "If Xie Minyun didn't eat, ask her to come down together."

Cheng Mo let out a "hmm", hung up the phone, then took off the shielding ring, and was forced to log off.Cheng Mo opened his eyes, and his stomach immediately growled "cuck, cluck, cluck", and the feeling of hunger immediately occupied his brain.

Xie Minyun, who was sitting at the desk writing something, heard the noise, and immediately looked back at Cheng Mo and said, "I told you to make glucose, and there are chocolate and heavy cheesecake on the bedside table, you should eat some quickly."

Cheng Mo lifted the quilt, turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, picked up the chocolate, tore open the paper wrapper, and prepared to eat some to pad his stomach.

Xie Minyun continued to write, asking while writing, "I heard that you saved Chen Fang?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "It's not really me who saved him, I just guessed what the murderer meant, without Chairman Bai's help, I couldn't save him either."

"Guess what the murderer meant?"

"Hmm! Actually, the murderer asked an interesting reasoning question."

"A reasoning question?" Xie Minyun stopped writing, turned his chair around, and faced Cheng Mo, looking at him with great interest.

Cheng Mo naturally had nothing to hide from Xie Minyun, and immediately told Xie Minyun the whole story and his reasoning from the beginning to the end. "The Thinker" and "Adam", about Aristotle and "Syllogism", as long as he explains a little bit, Xie Minyun can fully understand and express some opinions on these things that ordinary people don't understand. Communication makes Cheng Mo feel relaxed and comfortable.

After Cheng Mo finished talking to Xie Minyun, he went to wash his face and brush his teeth, tidied up and got dressed. Cheng Mo then asked Xie Minyun if he would go down for something to eat with him.Xie Minyun naturally wouldn't go, shook his head and said to Cheng Mo: "You go! Fu Yuanzhuo has come to see you twice, remember to call him back later."

Cheng Mo gave an "um" and walked towards the door of the room.At this time, Xie Minyun suddenly turned around and called Cheng Mo, Cheng Mo stood on the porch and turned his head to look at Xie Minyun whose lips were drawn into a straight line, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Do you know that there was a game in Athens in ancient Greece called 'Shadow Calendar'." Xie Minyun had a thoughtful expression on her face, which was deep and moving, and her voice was holy and light, like a church player. The sound of the pipe organ gives people a kind of mysterious enlightenment.

"Shadow calendar?" Cheng Mo frowned, he had never heard of this word.

Xie Minyun nodded and said in a low voice: "On sunny days, philosophers and literati will gather on the hill early in the morning. When the sun comes out, the trunks and crowns of the sycamore trees on the hill will cast shadows, and the shadows will Rotate around the mountainside, like a sundial. At this time, the game starts, and the players in the game will randomly propose a fatal event and make a mark on the place where the sun shines. For example, when the shadow of the tree is 30 degrees northwest, Xiao Ming will be drowned. When the shadow of the tree moves towards the mark, they together make up the details of this incident with perfect conditions, and weave a complete story. When the shadow falls again at 30 degrees northwest, the story must be made Xiao Ming in the game just happened to be drowned. Aristotle watched this game for the first time when he was seven years old, and was horrified by the meticulousness and precision of philosophers and men of letters.”

Seeing that Cheng Mo was caught in the long test, Xie Minyun said: "I only discovered this when I checked the information by accident. I was very impressed at the time, because I thought this kind of game was really cool, and it was an extreme test of the ability to control the plot and sense of rhythm. , It's just a pity that I can't find the right person to play with me."

No matter from which angle you look at it, everything that is happening right now is very similar to the game of "Shadow Calendar". The other party seems to be controlling the fate of "Xiao Ming" with a pair of invisible hands.At this moment, Cheng Mo felt inexplicably excited. It is rare for a calm person like him to feel this way. It was probably the unexpected excitement when he suddenly met a professional player on the Go website.

"It's not cool, it's really cool!" Cheng Mo whispered.

(I was stuck in the traffic jam on the highway for seven or eight hours yesterday, and the tired ones will make up for yesterday's update today.)
(End of this chapter)

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