Rebel Demon King

Chapter 786 The Gate of Hell (3)

Chapter 786 The Gate of Hell (3)

Athens local time 02:54.

There are 16 hours, 50 minutes and 19 seconds left on the life countdown timer of Han Jieji of Tai Chi Dragon Academy.

Cheng Mo dressed up as a middle-aged man, changed into worn clothes, and entered the slums of Omonoia from Aristotle Road wearing a truck cap. Bai Xiuxiu, who did not wear a shielding ring, activated the time rift skill and followed Cheng Mo .

The entire slum of more than 30 square meters is not marked in any detail on Google Maps, only an Aristotle road can be seen.Even in Ouyu's MARS software, there are no details displayed, only this area is painted orange on the map, indicating that the danger level is relatively high.

Cheng Mo walked to the depths of Aristotle Road in the shadow of low buildings. There were almost no street lights here, and he could only use the faint moonlight and a little light leaking from the room occasionally to identify the direction.Compared with the red light district at the beginning of Aristotle Road, this place is not only old, but dilapidated, dirty, and smelly, not to mention sewage everywhere, and all kinds of garbage are thrown on both sides of the street, not to mention After driving, only the middle part can walk.

The houses on both sides were irregular, with black felt canopies stretching out everywhere, and all kinds of tattered clothes were hung on the horizontal poles.But the interesting thing is that this place has reached the state of "closed at night". Basically, every household has no formal doors and windows, some are separated by cardboard, some are hung with cloth curtains, some are pasted with posters, and some houses even have no doors and windows. Cheng Mo could see six or seven people lying on the ground sleeping in a small room of more than ten square meters.

Those who own houses are considered to be in very good conditions. There are still many people who sleep on the side of the street. Some sleep under the eaves wrapped in quilts full of patches. A shed was built with iron sheets or foam boards, and messy illegal buildings can be seen everywhere, making the road look crooked.

Compared with the area with colorful lights not far away, there is an atmosphere of despair here.

Seeing that there are still many children sleeping on the wooden beds made of bricks under the eaves, Bai Xiuxiu feels pity, watching those Middle Eastern children who are dreaming soundly and innocent, and suddenly make a sound beside Cheng Mo Said: "It's so pathetic. I've been to the favelas in Brazil, and the conditions are not so bad."

Cheng Mo just glanced at it, and said lightly: "You think all this is terrible, and you have fallen into a cognitive trap, that is, you use physical form as a cognitive approach to social structure, and in fact, happiness is more important than happiness." In other words, they are no lower than ordinary people."

"Really?" Despite being invisible, Bai Xiuxiu carefully chose where to stay and walked forward slowly.In contrast, Cheng Mo left much more unscrupulously, even if there was sewage in front of him, he didn't have much scruples, like a real tramp.

Cheng Mo said in a low voice: "The reporter named Papanikolaou said that he once lived here for two weeks disguised as a homeless man, took a lot of wonderful photos and posted them on the Internet, which aroused a lot of discussion , so it was disgusted by the Athens police. But in fact, the situation here is not as tragic as shown in the photos. It seems that this is an area that combines poverty, violence, and pornography. Tramps, scammers, women who have lost their way, gangsters, bankrupts. But in fact, the vast majority of people here are normal workers, but they are engaged in low-end jobs that the Greeks are unwilling to do. There is also a normal order here, There are shops and restaurants, and the prices are frighteningly low. Water and electricity are also provided free of charge by the government. Although it is only provided for twelve hours a day, there is no problem with basic life. But as a journalist, of course, I only show people what they want saw."

"No wonder Deputy Sheriff Kaminis doesn't like that reporter." After a pause, Bai Xiuxiu changed the topic, looked at a tall building not far away and asked softly, "Is our goal there?"

Although Cheng Mo couldn't see Bai Xiuxiu's movements, he also tacitly looked at the only tall building in the dark slum. Although this 59-storey skyscraper was immersed in darkness, it was difficult for ordinary people to see it with naked eyes. But to Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu, it looks like a huge tower that suddenly rises from the flat ground is particularly eye-catching, especially a dilapidated Ferris wheel stands on one side of the building. Although the Ferris wheel is not tall, it is still Accompanied by a skyscraper appearing here, it is particularly abrupt.

Cheng Mo nodded and said, "Yes, it's this unfinished building."

"There is still a Ferris wheel here? It's really inexplicable." Bai Xiuxiu's tone was full of doubts. .

Cheng Mo explained: "According to Papanikolaou, Greece had just joined the Eurozone in 01. At that time, the Greek economy could be called 'take off' in Europa, and its economic growth rate ranked second to that of Europa. The second area is much higher than that of Germany and France, but in fact this kind of economic growth is nothing more than killing chickens and taking eggs, because Goldman Sachs designed a set of "currency swap transactions" for Greece. You should know this. The Greek crisis is caused by this Later, Greece borrowed heavily, not only providing welfare to the people, but also proposed a plan to transform the poor area of ​​Omonoia, so this building was repaired, and the entire Omonoia was planned to be transformed into a high-end commercial district. The situation of Omonoia was actually not as good as it is now In this way, after the outbreak of the crisis in 09, not only did it not become a high-end business district, but this commercial building became an unfinished building. After the outbreak of the ALB Spring in the Middle East in 2010, a large number of refugees smuggled in from Turkey and gathered in Omonoia, with lower prices, slowly turned this slum area into a slum."

"Goldman Sachs is paying the price for the evil it once did. There are rumors that Stargate does not intend to let members of the Goldman Sachs family inherit David Solomon's position." At this time, the two had already walked not far from the skyscraper, Bai Xiuxiu He stopped in his tracks and asked softly, "Can you go in too?"

Cheng Mo also stopped in his footsteps and replied softly: "I can't go in directly, and I can't scare the snake. In fact, Papanikolaou also tried to enter this building. The first time he was driven away, the second time he was in the middle of the night He sneaked in, was knocked unconscious with a stick, and was thrown on the side of Aristotle's Road the next day. The other party also left a note on him, warning him to stay away from here, and he would not be allowed to go in again. Considering his status as a reporter, he will kill him directly, so he guesses that Beret is hiding here."

"Then I'll go in and investigate first, and see what's going on before we make a decision."

"Okay." Cheng Mo turned his head and looked around, and found that the side near the building was actually very clean. Not only were there no homeless people, there was no rubbish, and there was still rubbish everywhere across a circle of low cement piles. Sewage flowed horizontally, as if there was an invisible boundary separating this building from the entire slum.There are even far fewer refugees sleeping rough near the side of the skyscrapers.

Cheng Mo casually pointed to the corridor where several refugees were lying down and said, "I'll wait for you there, if there's anything you can send me a message."

"Okay." Bai Xiuxiu's erratic and subtle voice appeared a little ahead of Cheng Mo.

"Pay attention to your blue." Cheng Mo reminded.

Bai Xiuxiu chuckled, and said softly, "I don't need you to remind me about this, just protect yourself and don't expose yourself."

Cheng Mo didn't say any more, and walked towards the corridor where several refugees and homeless people were lying. Some of them were covered with newspapers, some with plastic film, and some with paper shells. The environment is still sleeping very sweetly, and the slight snoring sound flows in the quiet and dirty air.

Cheng Mo regretted that he didn't turn off his olfactory system before putting on the shielding ring, but it was pointless to regret right now. He entered the corridor, stepped on the gap between the sleeping refugees, and silently separated the sleeping refugees. He stole a few newspapers from his body and curled up in a corner where he could observe the skyscrapers.He stared at the skyscraper like a giant black tower in the darkness, trying to observe Bai Xiuxiu's whereabouts in the open area.

However, even knowing Bai Xiuxiu's general direction of travel, Cheng Mo still got nothing, which made him have to lament that time rift is really a powerful stealth skill.
Time passed by every minute and every second in the chaotic night, Cheng Mo neither received Bai Xiuxiu's message, nor found anything unusual, and Bai Xiuxiu, a 59-storey skyscraper, would not be able to find it in a short while. Completed.Cheng Mo lay down, covered his head with two newspapers, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and opened the live broadcast website on

At this time, the water in the sink had submerged Han Jieji's calf, and the red numbers reflected on the cylindrical glass sink had changed to 15 hours, 10 minutes, and 19 seconds, and beside the red numbers was a puddle of red Bloodstains, viscous blood left streaks on the thick glass sink, and Han Jieji, whose face was full of tears, waved his battered fists weakly, hitting the glass sink vigorously.

The atmosphere is tragic and suffocating.

Cheng Mo has observed the thickness of the glass sink since the beginning, and knows that such thick tempered glass may not be broken even if it is hit with a hammer, let alone a flesh and blood body. Except for rescue by external force, Han Jieji has almost no way to save himself. possible.If he is inside, he can't do anything, but he will never waste his energy on breaking the glass. He will just sit and rest, and save some energy to try to block the seepage hole above when the water submerges his head. That's a lot. Struggle for a while.

Cheng Mo didn't pay too much attention to Han Jieji, but began to carefully study other details revealed in the video. He first noticed that the TV set beside the cylindrical sink was playing the BBC's late-night program "Focus on Africa" ​​("Focus on Africa") "). The BBC is a 24-hour English channel, and "Focus on Africa" ​​is a late-night program of the BBC News Channel. It starts broadcasting at 01:30 England time. There is a two-hour time difference between Greece and England, which is exactly right.

It's just that the other party doesn't play "Euronews" (Euronews), which is more popular in Europe and is multilingual, which makes Cheng Mo feel suspicious. You must know that "Euronews" is also broadcast 24 hours a day, so why doesn't the other party choose Euronews or Euronews? CNN, what about the BBC?
Therefore, from a customary point of view, it seems that the other party is not from Europa, which is why Cheng Mo judged that the possibility of the Greek stalker organization "Kaos" committing the crime is relatively low. Hydra is not related to the Hydra, but it is a combination of various factors, including the place where Ayala disappeared last, and the little boss on the eleventh floor also happened to run away before Chen Shaohua caught him. All signs indicate that Hydra is also involved.

However, in terms of strength alone, Hydra is a little too weak compared to Tai Chi Dragon. The opponent really has no reason to provoke and anger Tai Chi Dragon. There must be other stalker organizations behind Hydra.

Cheng Mo silently stared at the live video of Yingwang's death until the sky turned pale. After receiving the message from Bai Xiuxiu, Cheng Mo stuffed his phone back into his pocket and lifted the newspaper covering his head.At this moment, many yellow-faced and thin refugees have woken up from their sleep. In the cold and smelly air, many people are facing the east and doing morning prayers. On both sides of the narrow street, there are people chanting words towards the sun. Strange movements, the faint shimmer of light shining on the extremely pious faces, the scene is quite shocking.

Cheng Mo thought that faith is really a miracle.

He looked around, and there were people who had finished their morning salute holding smartphones that looked like anycall at first glance, but were in fact anycool smartphones. The chicken thief’s name and Galaxy-like shape made it clear that anycool was a phone from Huaqiangbei. Manufacturing factory.

After a while, when the sun jumped out of the skyline, men in ragged clothes and women in headscarves poured out of the room. There were also sleepy children rubbing their eyes and staring blankly at the rising sun. The extremely quiet slum started a noisy day.

Cheng Mo felt someone pat him on the shoulder, and knew it was Bai Xiuxiu. He got up and leaned against the wall, held up the newspaper, and asked in a low voice, "Did you find anything?"

When Cheng Mo's words fell, I felt a soft and warm breath in my ears, and Bai Xiuxiu's voice rang softly, "The inside is really too big, like a maze, the higher you go, the more guarded it is, and the environment inside is much better than outside. The higher you go, the better the decoration, and the fewer people you live in. There are offices above the [-]th floor, and the degree of modernization is very high. If you don’t know it, you will definitely think it’s some big international company. I guess it’s Hydra The office, but unfortunately I only reached the [-]th floor, and I haven’t been able to see the places above, but I’m sure there must be stalkers above.”

Cheng Mo raised his head and looked towards the skyscraper in the morning light. This building is arc-shaped on three sides and rectangular on one side, which is similar to a huge cylinder. The arc-shaped walls on three sides are covered with dark green glass. Dotted with many stains, the glass on some floors is still broken, and the rusty steel frame is exposed in the field of vision, as if the building has experienced a huge disaster and stands in a group of dilapidated low buildings.As for the rectangular wall, due to the limited viewing angle, Cheng Mo could only see the cheap white tiles reflecting a ray of sunlight in the sunlight.
From the appearance of the building, it is difficult to imagine the scene Bai Xiuxiu described, Cheng Mo asked in a low voice, "Why are you sure?"

"The stairs on the [-]th floor are sealed by a special alloy. I guess the ceiling is also made of a special alloy, which prevents the Chosen One from using teleportation. The only way to go up is the elevator, but the elevator is guarded by someone."

"Where's the outer wall?" Cheng Mo looked at the dark green glass curtain wall and asked.

Bai Xiuxiu was silent for a while, and said softly: "I have seen this kind of design in the stronghold of the Black Death in England. When you teleport out of the building, whether it is attached to the wall or floating in the air, it will be sensed by the detector. Even time rifts are no exception."

Bai Xiuxiu's dignified voice made Cheng Mo gasp. He smiled wryly and said, "This is not a big fish, but a shark. It's normal when you think about it. Isn't the Black Death also a human trade? Nine How could an organization like Snake that is also involved in human trafficking have nothing to do with the Black Death?"

"It's time for me to go offline soon, and I have to go back to my body. What's your plan now?" Bai Xiuxiu asked in Cheng Mo's ear.

Cheng Mo thought for a moment and said, "I'll stay here. Sister Bai, after you go back, contact Uncle Li. He knows a lot about the Black Death. See if there is any useful information."

"Okay! You pay attention to safety, we will contact you at any time."

Cheng Mo looked at the dark entrance of the skyscraper in the distance and nodded.

(a wave will erupt tomorrow)
(End of this chapter)

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