Rebel Demon King

Chapter 784 The Gate of Hell (1)

Chapter 784 The Gate of Hell (1)

Athens local time 20:29.

There are 23 hours, 15 minutes and 32 seconds left on the life countdown timer of Han Jieji of Tai Chi Dragon Academy.

Cheng Mo turned into Lin Zhinuo, put on the shielding ring and entered the elevator with Bai Xiuxiu, Bai Xiuxiu raised her hand and pressed the first floor, after the dark gold mirrored stainless steel door closed, Bai Xiuxiu asked: "Why are you still wearing the shielding ring at this time? "

Cheng Mo replied without hesitation: "The next 1395 minutes every minute is critical. Without the shielding ring, my carrier can only be used for about 1 hours. Relatively speaking, I don't think my combat power is as good as it is now. It’s not that important, it’s more important to maintain a state where I can think deeply, in order to prevent my thinking and tracking from being disconnected, I have to wear a shielding ring.”

"I thought you didn't want to show up on the map by yourself, and make Stern King realize that you are the carrier." Bai Xiuxiu looked at Cheng Mo's reflection in the elevator door and said noncommittally.

Cheng Mo thought that Bai Xiuxiu was really not easy to fool, but the reason why he wore the shielding ring was not just because of Stern King, he would never tell Bai Xiuxiu that he was still wary of Xiyuanji Hongwan.

In Copenhagen, I suddenly received an email from Jing Xing saying that Xienji Benimaru agreed to cooperate. Cheng Mo kept hanging Jing Xing without replying to the email, and Jing Xing did not urge him. It seems that Jing Xing and Saiyuanji Benimaru are not in a hurry look.Two days ago, Cheng Mo also secretly contacted the director of Arnold Mental Illness Health Care Center. The other party sent a real-time surveillance video. Xiyuanji Hongmaru was lying in the room wearing a straitjacket, and there was nothing unusual.

But when he received Jing Xing's email at this time point, Cheng Mo's heart was still shrouded in suspicion.

Although Cheng Mo has doubts, Xiyuanji Benimaru does not have Uroboros, so it is not a big threat to Cheng Mo.Cheng Mo also didn't think Xiyuanji Benimaru, who had no Uroboros, dared to provoke Tai Chilong in this way. It is unlikely that the student of Taijilong is Xiyuanji Benimaru, he is more inclined to be a "thinker". Bundle.

Cheng Mo's wearing of the shielding ring is only due to the habit of being cautious and cautious over the years, so he said: "This is just a very small factor in it. To be honest, I don't think the person who caused this incident was Stern. · Jin, I'm not trying to shirk responsibility for myself, but because according to the analysis of the general situation, the relationship between Huami has picked up a little bit, and it's not time for a full-scale war. It is impossible for Stern Jin to start such a war without Stargate Intense revenge. What's more, he has thousands of revenge methods, and this is the worst method at the moment. Stern King is not a stupid person. It is very logical to sell the information of Tai Chi Dragon. When it comes to execution , must be some stalker organization in Europa."

Bai Xiuxiu sighed and said, "But even if it is only found out that there is a shadow of Stern King behind him, it will be very bad for you."

"It's not me who made this decision." Cheng Mo said disapprovingly. He felt that Li Jiting dared to use Stern King's Ouroboros to the Explorers Club to exchange skills, which showed that he could hold on. He felt that Li Jiting had a thoughtful heart under his frivolous appearance. He dared to do this because he was sure that Stern King was helpless.

"No one can do anything to Team Leader Li, they will only vent their anger on you in their hearts."

Cheng Mo said lightly: "I know, anyway, in the eyes of others, I'm just a lucky man who relies on a woman to be in the top position. It doesn't matter if I have another reason to look down on. What is important now is to catch Ayala and find the demon god Bei." Leiter, I think that the one who captured the three of Chen Fang should be a powerful stalker organization in Europa, which has something to do with the demon god Beret. Without the help of the local snake, if you want to arrange such a big scene in Athens, It's not an easy thing."

Bai Xiuxiu turned her head to look at Cheng Mo, and said in a low voice: "Anyway, behave well, for the sake of the students who are in danger, and for yourself. Come on."

"Sister Bai, I think you need to send someone to control the group of people in 1801 first. They are probably related to the demon god Beret." Cheng Mo said.

Bai Xiuxiu replied "OK", just at this time the elevator reached the first floor, the car stopped for a moment, the stainless steel door slowly opened, and a silver-gray BMW X7 stopped at the door of the elevator, Chen Shaohua in the driver's seat was leaning on his arm At the car door, I turned to look at Bai Xiuxiu who was about to speak at the elevator door, but caught a glimpse of Cheng Mo who was following behind Bai Xiuxiu, frowned and asked, "Why are you here? Didn't the team leader tell you not to leave the hotel? "

Cheng Mo didn't answer Chen Shaohua, Bai Xiuxiu said flatly: "I have already told Team Leader Xie."

Chen Shaohua looked at Cheng Mo and sneered: "What help can a novice do? It would be good if he didn't make trouble, Captain Bai might as well ask him to honestly write down the whole process of last night in the hotel"

Bai Xiuxiu interrupted Chen Shaohua, and said coldly: "I don't need you to teach me how to do it, and you are not part of my team. Didn't the team leader ask you to stay behind? What are you doing here?"

Bai Xiuxiu's indifferent words directly pissed her off. Chen Shaohua was not angry, but said worriedly: "How can I sit in the hotel? But the team leader said that my state is not suitable for participating in the job search of students, so I can only come to you Let's see if there's anything I can help you with here."

"Since this is the case, Captain Chen will follow my arrangement. Now go to Room 1801 of the Royal Olympic Hotel and control all the people inside. They should be related to the demon god Beret."

"Devil God Beret? Aren't we looking for that Ayala?"

"To go or not to go? Go, you take people to set off now, if you don't go, you get off and go back to the hotel." Bai Xiuxiu said mercilessly.

Chen Shaohua was stunned for a moment. Bai Xiuxiu was not the kind of person who was serious and cold. She had a good relationship with everyone in the male-dominated Tai Chi Dragon. In fact, if it wasn't for her outstanding appearance, most People will ignore her gender, so many Tai Chi Dragon members with lower ranks will not call Bai Xiuxiu "Captain Bai" or "Sister Bai", but will call her "Master Bai", but Bai Xiuxiu doesn't like this kind of address, so No one called it that anymore.

In short, Bai Xiuxiu is a person who hides needles in the cotton, is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and has never been so strong as before.

Chen Shaohua felt a little uncomfortable, but the habit of obedience formed over the years made him subconsciously salute the military, and replied: "Yes! Sir."

Bai Xiuxiu didn't think there was anything wrong either. Although Chen Shaohua and her were both captains of the third ladder, in terms of rank, Bai Xiuxiu's second-level Tai Ming was one level higher than Chen Shaohua's Qing Hetian. There was nothing wrong with Chen Shaohua calling Bai Xiuxiu the chief .Bai Xiuxiu nodded and led Cheng Mo to a Volkswagen Touareg following behind.

When Bai Xiuxiu and Cheng Mo got into the car, Chen Shaohua finally realized that he had been excluded from the core position of tracking Ayala. Although he was a little annoyed, Chen Shaohua couldn't go back on his word, and directly drove the car out of the underground parking lot .


Half an hour later, Bai Xiuxiu led [-] people including Cheng Mo, and drove three cars to the Athens Police Station near Syntagma Square, because the Chinese embassy had said hello in advance, even at night, Athens Mr. Fotis Provatas, the police sergeant, also rushed from home to greet him at the hotel entrance.

However, Fotis Provatas just showed his face and handed over Bai Xiuxiu and his party to the deputy sheriff Kaminis who was wearing a blue uniform and had a big nose. Because of time constraints, Bai Xiuxiu didn't exchange pleasantries, and just went straight to the point. Ask the Athens police to help track down Ayala's whereabouts.Knowing Ayala's specific information and the hotel where he stayed, it is not difficult to track it down.Soon the Athens police found out that after Ayala left the Royal Olympic Hotel, she took a taxi to the "Le Gocce" bar where she and Cheng Mo had been together yesterday.

It was Xie Guangling's decision to hunt down Ayala first. Even if Cheng Mo felt that he should go directly to the demon god Beret, there was no way to change Xie Guangling's plan. He still had to find Ayala first.

Aristotle Road belongs to the red-light district, where the cameras have been vandalized for a long time, and it belongs to a black area that the Athens police cannot monitor. Therefore, Bai Xiuxiu left two people in the police station to respond, and the others were in four police cars and eight motorcycles. Accompanied by the car, he went straight to Aristotle Road, the red light district of Athens, without stopping.

It was already [-]:[-] when the big troops arrived at the bustling Aristotle Road, which was the busiest time in the red light district.The November night in Athens is as cool as the sea water of the Aegean Sea. The women who stumbled along the street wore black silk and sexy underwear and windbreakers and looked at the flashing police lights. The drinkers with wine bottles showed no sign of fear. All of them were standing at the railing while watching the play while puffing and puffing.

The Athens police did not intend to drive away the spectators, and directly divided into two groups to surround the Legus Bar at the intersection of Aristotle Road.

Bai Xiuxiu got off the Touareg and looked around. The evening wind blew her long honey-colored hair, and everyone on the long street looked over. Some even whistled in front of the police, and attracted a lot of attention. The police shouted and cursed.

Bai Xiuxiu didn't care about it, but just observed her surroundings. The street looked a bit dilapidated. Cars and motorcycles were parked randomly on both sides of the road. It looks like the old street of Xiangjiang, except that the flashing characters are all letters, there is almost no difference.

The bar is not the kind of tall bar, the door face is not too big, looking in from the door, it is dark, and there are blue, red, and yellow laser lights spinning.The Legus Bar at the crossroads is relatively large, with red "Le Gocce" flashing among the stained buildings. Compared with the tall bars near the Acropolis, the bar on Aristotle Road Appears to be slightly lower grade.

The deputy sheriff with a big nose, Kaminis, also got out of the car, and after the police took control of the entire bar, he took Bai Xiuxiu and the others to search the entire bar.The guests in the bar sat obediently, and some drunks who had clashed with the police were brought under control.

Things didn't go so well, however, and they didn't find Ayala at the Legus bar.Surprisingly, not only did Ayala disappear directly into the Legus bar, Cheng Mo also found that today's waiter, bartender and manager were completely different from those of last night. After Cheng Mo raised a question, Deputy Kaminis called the manager over.

After some inquiries, the middle-aged manager with a white beard told Kaminis that the bar was occupied by a film studio all day yesterday. Just now, the beautiful female model Ayala who had negotiated the price with him Came here to take away the remaining deposit
"And then? Where did that woman go?" Kaminis asked in English.

"She ordered an Aphrodite cocktail and sat by the window and drank a couple of sips before she didn't see anyone." The manager's English was not bad, and he spread his hands and replied in English.

"Where is the surveillance in your bar?"

"It's behind the bar, but the position where the model is sitting, happens to be out of surveillance."

"Is there surveillance at the back door?"

"Of course there is, but just yesterday, it was broken, and the woman named Ayala paid us for it. I'm planning to call someone to fix it tomorrow." The manager said regretfully.

At this moment, Bai Xiuxiu interjected and asked, "That means, all the surveillance videos in the bar yesterday are gone?"

The manager nodded at Bai Xiuxiu and said in a low voice: "This beautiful lady, what you said is not accurate. In fact, they didn't turn on the monitoring equipment at all yesterday."

Bai Xiuxiu frowned, the other party's actions can be said to be flawless, and the clues to track down Ayala may be broken at the Legus Bar.

"Please allow me to make a digression. I have to admire you for being so beautiful." The bearded manager stroked his chest and sighed to Bai Xiuxiu.

Bai Xiuxiu nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

Kaminis turned to look at Bai Xiuxiu and said, "It seems that we have to go back to the police station and call the nearby surveillance to see if we can find any clues."

Bai Xiuxiu nodded.

Kaminis said to the manager with his hands behind his back, "What's your name?"

"Mr. Sheriff, my name is Andreas Samaris, and you can call me by my nickname Mark."

Kaminis said lightly: "Mr. Samaris, now I need you to go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation."

"Go to the police station? What happened?" the manager asked in astonishment.

Kaminis patted the manager on the shoulder and said, "You don't need to know this, as long as you answer the questions we ask you honestly."

Standing behind Bai Xiuxiu, Cheng Mo has been staring in the shadows at the wrinkled manager with graying hair and beard. Judging from his micro-expression, he is not lying.Cheng Mo thought that there was nothing valuable to be discovered from the bar manager named Andreas Samaris, so he walked towards the seat where Ayala had just been sitting by the window, and the glass of blue Aphrodite, the god of love, still has a small half left, sinking in the crystal clear cocktail glass, the spotlight above the head illuminates the glass of liquid like blue crystal, exuding a dazzling luster
Cheng Mo turned the wine glass, and he could still see the lipstick mark on the edge of the glass. He said to himself, "Aphrodite."

"What did you find?" Bai Xiuxiu also came over and asked.

Cheng Mo turned his head, let go of the hand holding the cup, then turned to look at Bai Xiuxiu and shook his head, he walked quickly to Kaminis, and asked seriously in English: "Mr. Sheriff, can the police find the demon god?" Beret's position?"

Hearing the name of the demon god Beret, Kaminis, who had a relaxed expression, froze for a moment, but he returned to normal in an instant, pretending that he didn't hear Cheng Mo's question and said, "What did you say? I didn't It's very clear."

Kaminis' abnormality completely fell into Cheng Mo's eyes, and he asked again calmly: "Mr. Sheriff, can the police find out the location of Demon God Beret?"

"Devil God Beret?" Kaminis pretended to be surprised, "I haven't heard much about this person!"

Bai Xiuxiu, who was standing beside Cheng Mo, smiled and said: "Mr. Sheriff, don't be joking. In 2016, your Greek police cooperated with the Europa Prosecutors Organization and launched a long-term follow-up investigation on your local gang 'Hydra'. Isn't Demon God Beret the boss of Hydra?"

Kaminis touched his chin without changing his face and said: "Really? I was still the police chief in Thessaloniki in 16, and I don't know much about the middle of it! How about I ask you for you?" Lord Provatas."

Bai Xiuxiu said "Thank you", and Kaminis turned and left to make a phone call.

Cheng Mo looked at Kaminis' back and said: "He will tell you immediately that the police chief has shut down the phone, so you can only go back to the police station and ask other colleagues."

Bai Xiuxiu followed Cheng Mo and stared at Kaminis' back and said, "It seems that things are more difficult than we imagined."

"For the time being, don't think about catching the murderer behind the scenes. It is considered a success if you can save Han Jieji, but I don't think the chance is great." Cheng Mo said.

"Even if you think so, don't say that. You have to show confidence, so that others will feel that you are not doing useless work." Bai Xiuxiu said.

Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders and said, "This is the leader's business. It doesn't matter what my little Xiami says."

Bai Xiuxiu turned her head to look at Cheng Mo's side face, she said softly: "It doesn't matter at all, because you can affect me."

Cheng Mo couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Bai Xiuxiu. He looked at Bai Xiuxiu's sparkling eyes, and his heart was trembling with the bright and beautiful light. Cheng Mo opened his lips slightly, but he couldn't say anything. When he came out, he quickly turned his head back and continued to look at Bai Xiuxiu as if he was avoiding something. After a while, she whispered: "It's a pity that Captain Chen didn't catch the person in room 1801, otherwise You can’t be so passive, you have to rely on the Athens police for everything.”

"Don't worry, let's take our time, I don't believe that the other party is tight and flawless." Bai Xiuxiu said.

At this time, Deputy Sheriff Kaminis came over, raised his hands and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, Your Excellency Provatas is in a meeting at the city hall, and I won't be able to answer the phone for a while, so I can only go to the police station Ask other colleagues to see if they know about this Demon God Beret."

(End of this chapter)

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