Rebel Demon King

Chapter 765 The Avengers Alliance (3)

Chapter 765 The Avengers Alliance (3)

(Thanks for the reward of "This is a year of farewell")

Benimaru Xienji and Benimaru Jingxing took their luggage and walked out of Charles de Gaulle Airport. Jing Xing, who was wearing a black suit and pushing the luggage cart, looked like a follower, while Benimaru Xienji, who was walking a little ahead, looked like a nobleman on vacation in Paris. He wears a sky blue suit with long hair parted in the middle, and Xienji Benimaru attracts the attention of countless passers-by. Even though the aesthetics of Europeans and Americans tends to be masculine, but the stunning beauty of Xienji Benimaru still attracts attention.

The two of them walked towards the pick-up point, and a black guy who seemed to be wearing black-framed glasses and a gray suit was very elegant, came up and asked them if they wanted a taxi.

Jing Xing stopped and asked Xiyuanji Benimaru in English, "Where are we going? Do we need a car?"

Xiyuanji Benimaru looked back at Jing Xing and replied in Chinese: "From now on, I will speak Chinese. I have to practice my spoken English well, and I will call me later." He tilted his head and thought for a while before saying: "Call me Su Qiushi is ready!"

Jing Xing didn't care why Xiyuanji Hongwan changed his name to "Su Qiushi", but asked again in Chinese: "Then do we need to call a car now?"

Xiyuanji Benimaru turned his head to look at the black brother who was staring at him intently, and said with a harmless smile: "Of course, how about the two of us walking to downtown Paris? Use it more for what you do in the future." Head, don't ask me to teach you everything!"

Xiyuanji Benimaru reprimanded him like a master, which made Jing Xing quite unhappy, but thinking that Jing Quan told him to be more patient, and his weak performance could be bullied, Jing Xing could only suppress his anger in his heart, and said to the black brother In English: "Where is your car?"

The black boy immediately pointed to a smoky Skoda urban off-roader with a taxi light plate on the parking lot not far away, and he said in retrotrolected English: "Don't worry, we are a regular company, and the price is calculated by meter. This one is still New car, guaranteed to run fast!"

Jing Xing turned his head and looked at Xiyuanji Hongmaru again, opened his mouth, thinking of what Xiyuanji Hongmaru said just now, he immediately turned his head and said to the black brother: "Go to the Fauchon Hotel on the Champs Elysees Avenue."

"No problem!" The black brother immediately enthusiastically picked up the two people's suitcases from the luggage cart and walked towards his Skoda.Jing Xing was a little nervous and hurried to follow. The security in Paris is terrible. Tourists all over the world know that, as a B social member, if someone blatantly robbed him at the Paris airport, it would be the biggest joke.

Xiyuanji Benimaru walked behind unhurriedly, and glanced at the Skoda license plate. There was a blue border in front of the license plate, and there was a letter F below it. The license plate number was DE.998.DN, Xiyuanji Red Maru said lightly: "This is just a black car that wants to kill customers, so there is no need to be so nervous."

"Isn't this clearly a taxi? How could it be a black car?" Jing Xing asked unconvinced.

Xiyuanji Benimaru smiled and watched the other party open the back box, stuffed the luggage in, and said with a sneer: "It seems that your preparations are not in place. If you don't study the local situation, you should at least read the travel guide." ?”

"We're not here to travel. What kind of travel guide? Besides, I've been to Paris several times, but there are more thieves and robbers. There's really no need to make a guide." Jing Xing said when he opened the car door.

"What a terrible servant." Saiyuanji Benimaru said bluntly.

Jing Xing's movements froze for a moment, and he got into the car with a blank expression. Xiyuanji Benimaru also got into the car from the other side. The black guy who drove the car just asked where the two of them came from, and didn't continue talking. , Jing Xing also felt that he and Xiyuanji Benimaru had nothing to say, and the carriage was very silent along the way.

When he was about to arrive at the Faucong Hotel, the black brother did not drive the car directly into the reception desk of the hotel, but parked on the side of the road, holding a meter and said to Benimaru and Jing Xingliang who were sitting behind : "A total of 249 Euros."

Jing Xing frowned and said, "It can't be so expensive, at most sixty Euros."

The black boy pointed to the meter with a puzzled expression and said loudly: "Paris taxis are already very expensive, and the meter shows 249 Euros! Have you Chinese never taken our Paris taxi?"

Jing Xing was not very foolish, and said with a sneer, "Show me your company employee ID."

While muttering something dissatisfied, the black boy took out a document that was written in French like a driver's license in the storage box and handed it to Jing Xing. Jing Xing opened it and read it for a long time, but he couldn't understand French at all.Xiyuanji Benimaru just glanced at it and said lightly: "This is a maintenance worker certificate."

Jing Xing glanced at Xiyuanji Hongwan and returned the ID to the black brother, and said with a gloomy face: "This is a maintenance worker's license. I will give you [-] Euros. If you don't want it, go directly to the police station!"

As a result, the black boy said, "Don't even think about getting out of the car if you don't give it up." He opened the door and got out of the car. He slammed the door hard and then stood on the side of the road. He took out his cell phone and began to smoke while making a phone call.

Jing Xing tried to open the door, only to find that he and Xiyuanji Benimaru were locked inside the car. He yanked the doorknob several times and cursed viciously: "You son of a bitch. You want to be in Huaxia, I don't kill him"

Xiyuanji Benimaru said nonchalantly, "I told you this is a black car."

"It's just luck!" Jing Xing said with a sullen face.

Nishienji Benimaru sneered: "Luck? The license plate in France adopts a one-vehicle-one-plate-for-life system, but this new car's license plate is the style of the plate before 09, so the driver must be lying. He doesn't have a taxi license at all. "

"How do you want me to praise you? Your observation skills are astounding, old Sherlock Holmes? You were imprisoned by Lin Zhinuo for two years!" Jing Xingxin mocked unconvincedly.

Xiyuanji Benimaru shook his head with an unteachable expression, and pulled out the laces of his shoes in silence, then took the mineral water bottle inserted in the cup holder, and put the laces in the mineral water bottle. The cap of the water bottle was tied with a knot, and then he took the black boy who was smoking and quickly lay on the storage box without paying attention, and slid under the driver's seat to fiddle with it for a while.

Jing Xing didn't know what Xiyuanji Benimaru was doing, he only heard him ask: "That nigger didn't look into the car, did he?"

"No." Jing Xing said.

Xiyuanji Benimaru quickly retracted his body to the back seat, clapped his hands and said, "Don't waste time."

Jing Xing gritted his teeth and scolded "Fuck", took out the euro from his wallet and shook it in front of the glass. The gentleman-looking black brother glanced at Jing Xing and ignored him. He smoked the cigarette leisurely and contentedly by the trash can before throwing the cigarette butt into the trash can. Shi Shi ran to the driver's cab and got on the car. He said angrily in French: "A Chinese guy like a dog."

Xiyuanji Benimaru translated the curse words of the black brother to Jing Xing with a smile, and Jing Xing, who was handing the money to the black brother, squeezed the 250 euro banknotes tightly in his hands.

The black brother pulled it twice but failed to pull it from Jing Xing's hand. He raised his hands, pointed at Jing Xing and said, "F**K, don't you want to get out of the car? If you don't want to get out, I'll take it now." Go somewhere else and have fun."

Jing Xing stared angrily at the black brother, and after a while, he still threw the banknotes on him, cursing in Chinese: "This is the prostitution money given by your mother! The grandson took it!"

The black brother didn't know what Jing Xing said, but he also knew that the other party said something bad, but he probably saw that he didn't care about Jing Xing because of the 250 euros, so he opened the car door and said, "The hotel is right in front. Walk over by yourself."

Although Jing Xing was very angry, but thinking that Xiyuanji Benimaru seemed to have tampered with something in the car, he swallowed his anger and got out of the car, and went to the back to pick up his luggage.

The black guy closed the back cover and gave Jing Xing his middle finger before getting into the car. Jing Xing also pointed his middle finger at the black guy and kicked Skoda, but Skoda left as soon as he stepped on the accelerator. off the curb.

Jing Xing could only curse and lifted the box onto the sidewalk, ready to walk towards the hotel, but Xiyuanji Benimaru was still standing on the side of the road and did not move. Jing Xing glanced at Xiyuanji Benimaru and asked, "You What did you do in the car just now?"

Xiyuanji Benimaru said calmly, "You will know soon."

Jing Xing hummed: "Could it be possible that you can still make a bomb out of a mineral water bottle?"

Jing Xing hadn't finished his words when he heard a loud noise. He immediately looked towards the source of the loud noise, and saw that not far away, the Skoda crashed into a thick lamppost on the side of the road. I don't know exactly what happened, but the parts near the car were splashed all over the place, and the sound was so loud, the accident must be serious.

Jing Xing opened his mouth wide and looked at Xiyuanji Benimaru who was still standing by the side of the road, and said in surprise, "You really made a bomb?"

Benimaru Xienji pointed to his head and said, "Please use your brain!" At this moment, a champagne-colored Mercedes-Benz taxi stopped beside Benimaru Xienji. He opened the door and got into the car without even looking at it. Jing Xing, very naturally ordered: "Put the luggage in the trunk, let's change to another hotel."

Jing Xing was still astonished by the sudden explosion, he didn't care to dislike Xiyuanji Benimaru calling him as a follower, and stuffed the suitcase into the trunk with the taxi driver with a blank expression.

After putting away the luggage, Jing woke up and got in the car. The Mercedes-Benz taxi started slowly, and soon passed the scene of the Skoda accident. Because there were many parts and debris here, the taxi slowed down.

Jing Xing turned his head and saw through the window that the airbag of the driver's seat had completely exploded. The black boy who was alive just now was lying on the airbag with his eyes closed, and his black-rimmed glasses were tilted to one side. The injury seemed serious.
Jing Xing couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiyuanji Benimaru, but Xiyuanji Benimaru didn't even glance at the scene of the car accident next to him, just looked ahead as if nothing had happened, Jing Xing looked at Xiyuanji Benimaru's feet again The silver casual shoes that no longer have laces, still haven't figured out how Saiyuanji Benimaru used a shoelace and a mineral water bottle to create an explosion, or a car accident. (The method is actually very simple, but it is not written out for the sake of harmony.)
When the scene of the car accident disappeared from sight, Jing Xing couldn't help shivering. He didn't understand why his brother Jing Quan had the confidence to share a cup between the terrifying Lin Zhinuo and the even more terrifying Xiyuanji Hongwan soup

When Bai Xiuxiu returned to the safe house that used a Japanese restaurant as a cover, Cheng Mo was watching the news on the computer, and Xie Minyun was reading a book. The tea on the table smelled like a curl. The two heads of the two sitting at the small table were studying by themselves. , Bai Xiuxiu stood at the door and knocked on the wooden sliding door and said, "Cheng Mo, come here, I have something to tell you."

Cheng Mo said "oh", moved the chair and stood up, walked to the door, put on his shoes, and walked to the courtyard with Bai Xiuxiu. The winter sun in Paris was neither warm nor dazzling, like a glowing white balloon, far away hanging on the blue sky.

"Maybe you are going to stay in Paris for the time being!" Bai Xiuxiu said softly, looking at the jagged rockery and the gurgling spring.

Cheng Mo said noncommittally: "Have you been disqualified from participating in the Asgard raid?"

Bai Xiuxiu nodded: "It just happened to fulfill your wish. I wonder if you shot Stern King on purpose yesterday."

Cheng Mo didn't admit it or deny it, but said: "Why is it irrelevant. But I don't think I can always stay in Paris. Is there any other place I need to go?"

"Where are you going?" Bai Xiuxiu frowned and asked.

"At least go to the Colosseum." Cheng Mo didn't intend to tell Bai Xiuxiu that he was going to meet Nicholas, to find the lost "Cross Bee", and by the way, he also had to do the task of "Seven Sins". He had a hunch that Europa had Big things are about to happen, he has to make some preparations to harvest experience points. In the past two years, he has been busy completing the task of being promoted to the chosen one, and has not had time to collect crime points. Europe is the best place for him to collect crime points in the current chaos.

Bai Xiuxiu sighed and said: "Do you know that Xie Minyun's uncle has a very bad impression of you, so you'd better stay in Paris, so that you won't be able to be the son-in-law of Xie's family, and the loss will be huge." I'm getting older." Naturally, Bai Xiuxiu would not tell Cheng Mo, and there was her reason for this.

Cheng Mo felt that Xie Minyun's uncle seemed a little too ruthless, so he frowned and said, "It seems that anyone can interfere in the matter between me and Xie Minyun?"

"Team Leader Xie is different. Mr. Xie is old, but when it comes to common matters, apart from Xie Minyun's father, Team Leader Xie is the number two in the Xie family, and what he says is still very important. Besides, he is also your boss. .” Bai Xiuxiu
Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders and said, "It seems that I am not a member of your Kanglong team."

Bai Xiuxiu hesitated for a moment and said: "No matter what team leader Xie thinks of you, you are Xie Minyun's boyfriend, and he will not hinder your promotion, so you should not choose to join the Qianlong team."

Cheng Mo said to himself: "Actually, I don't want to choose either." But he also knew that it was impossible, so he said helplessly: "I will be honest and not cause trouble, but at least give me the right to walk around. I promise to be there on call?"

Bai Xiuxiu smiled wryly, and she didn't want to tell Cheng Mo that she was in danger of losing her job now, and might even hand over the "time rift". Just when she gritted her teeth and was about to agree to Cheng Mo's fight for him, a loud noise sounded in the courtyard. Magnetic sound.

"Beautiful, honorable and distressing Ms. Bai, who can make my apprentice lose the right to walk around?"

(Please invite "Excaliba" and "Souls and People Scatter" to enter the group to receive red envelopes, and there will be another update tomorrow morning)
(End of this chapter)

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