Rebel Demon King

Chapter 747 The Shadow of Europa (5)

Chapter 747 The Shadow of Europa (5)

(Mass shootings are a legitimate revolutionary tool. - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)

Cheng Mo moved the mouse, scrolled down the page, and dialed the number of No.20 nine homestays. This is a single-family homestay named "Oasis" 1.5 kilometers away from the small town of Christianfeld. Cheng Mo first After booking a room one month later, I found the landlord's phone number in the reservation form, and then called directly.

After several busy tones, a female voice rang on the phone: "hello, May I help you?" (Hello, how can I help you?)
Cheng Mo asked in deep and serious American English, "Is Mr. Stern King here?"

The other party hesitated for a moment and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

Cheng Mo still maintained a serious tone and said: "I am George Wilson, the tax inspector of the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). We hope that you will cooperate with our investigation.”

The reason why I choose to say that I am the IRS rather than the FBI is because the US IRS is relatively authoritative enough, and tax inspection is a small matter, and it is not easy to cause panic and vigilance on the other side. If you just say that you are the FBI or some kind of policeman, these occupations that ordinary people don’t usually have much contact with are easy to be suspected. Things like taxation are something that most people usually have contact with, so it will not be caused by unfamiliarity. Outrageous feeling.

Sure enough, the other party didn't doubt the authenticity of Cheng Mo's words, but said hesitantly: "But I'm just the landlord of this homestay, and I don't have any large amount of money with him, how should I cooperate?"

Cheng Mo glanced at the landlord's information on the webpage, and said lightly: "Ms. Bijit, don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you, we just need to install some monitoring equipment in your room to get enough information. Evidence. This matter will not cause you any trouble. In addition, according to the seventh paragraph of item 1 of our US Internal Revenue Code, after we recovered the tax evaded by Stern King, You have the right to get 15%~20% of the tax recovered by the government as remuneration." After a pause, Cheng Mo said: "This must be a lot of money."

"Oh, I will definitely cooperate with your investigation with all my strength."

"Thank you, Ms. Bijit, then please tell me, is Stern King in his room now?"

"He went out with his assistant after breakfast."

"Very good, Ms. Birgit. Soon we will send agents to the door in the name of repairing the water pipes. We will call you in advance at that time. Please give me your private phone number and ensure that it is unblocked at all times."

"No problem, my mobile number is XXXXXXXX"

"Okay, your phone number is XXXXXXXX, I wrote it down, please keep this matter secret, don't let Stern King notice anything strange, he is a cunning fox, we managed to catch him I hope you will not let our actions be discovered and cause us to fall short, this is a multi-million-dollar case!"

"Millions of dollars? Of course, of course. Don't worry, I will never tell anyone." Ms. Bijit on the other end of the phone became short of breath, and her speech seemed a little incoherent.

"Thank you for your cooperation. When the time comes, we will send someone to your door and will show you your ID in private. We will pay you in cash for any damage caused to your room. Just trouble you to issue a receipt at that time."

"Okay, okay, my cell phone will always be on. If Mr. Stern King is at home when you call, I will let you know." Ms. Bijit said a little excitedly, maybe she has already started Imagine that you may get hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Thank you, Ms. Bijit, we will keep in touch." Momo cut off the phone, and he turned to Xie Minyun and said, "Is it easy? It's much better than the stupid way of waiting for a rabbit, isn't it?"

Xie Minyun said in surprise: "Do you even remember the terms of the US Internal Revenue Code?"

Cheng Mo shook his head and said: "The code is 24 megabytes, and it takes more than 7500 pages to print the entire code, which is the most complicated in the world. When it comes to trial, it has to be checked, whether it is a tax officer or a judge, it will be a headache, and it still does not have any translation, who would be bored to memorize it."

Xie Minyun certainly knows that the American tax law is lengthy and scary. She just didn’t expect Cheng Mo to put such a big bug in the lie for the sake of authenticity. But thinking about it, Cheng Mo really understands human nature. I’m sure Chengmo is lying, so if you don’t believe it, you won’t believe it anyway. It’s better to use this small bug to increase professionalism, so that people can completely believe that they won’t check at all, so Xie Minyun lightly “huh” Said in one voice: "Also said that others are cunning foxes, I think you are the most cunning, you can deceive people all the time."

Cheng Mo smiled wryly and said, "Isn't this a deception? I usually don't like to lie."

Xie Minyun stretched out his hand and scratched Cheng Mo's nose, and said softly, "I know, but I still hope you will be more honest with the people around you."

Xie Minyun didn't ask Cheng Mo not to lie to her, which made Cheng Mo deeply feel Xie Minyun's unique gentleness. He turned his body and held Xie Minyun's hands and stared at Xie Minyun's pupils. He looked so focused , like a faint flame inlaid in her narrow and deep eye sockets, although this flame is not so hot, it can easily ignite Cheng Mo's soul.

Cheng Mo couldn't help but kissed Xie Minyun's moist red lips. At this moment, Cheng Mo seemed to recall the taste he didn't understand when he was young, the woody aroma emitted by those building blocks piled up together, the colored crayons on the white The smell of paraffin left over from the scribbles on the paper, and even the taste of chocolate melting in your mouth
The kiss was so sweet that Cheng Mo suffocated.

After kissing for a while, Xie Minyun blushed a little and said, "I have to tell Instructor Bai quickly so that she doesn't wait at the 'Moravian Brotherhood'."

Although Cheng Mo was still full of ideas, he would not force Xie Minyun to do so. After saying "um", he sent a message to Bai Xiuxiu to tell her that he had found Stern King's address, and asked Bai Xiuxiu to find someone to come to install the monitoring equipment. Cheng Mo guessed Rischenfeld must have other Tai Chi Dragon members active, this trivial matter should not bother Bai Xiuxiu.

Not long after Cheng Mo sent a message to Bai Xiuxiu, Bai Xiuxiu returned to the room. Seeing Cheng Mo leisurely surfing the Internet, Bai Xiuxiu was a little ashamed of her inexperience, and she only thought of such a stupid method as waiting for a rabbit.But she couldn't do such a thing as admitting that she was inexperienced and even praising Cheng Mo. She sat on the bed and took off her boots as if nothing had happened, and pretended to be indifferent and said: "I have sent someone to pretend to be a surveillance, but I feel like staring at Ster En Jin shouldn't be able to find anything."

Although Cheng Mo laughed at the stupidity of the two in front of Xie Minyun, he never dared to say that in front of Bai Xiuxiu. In fact, this cannot be said that they are stupid. Bai Xiuxiu seldom deals with such trivial matters. The subordinates can easily determine the location of the person they want to track down based on their mobile phone, bank card, and ID card usage information. When they are abroad, there is no such convenience. It is normal that they can't think of a way for a while. After all, Bai Xiuxiu is not fighting on the front line. Qianlong group.

"This kind of thing can only be done by luck. If you can find it, you can make money. If you don't, there is no way. In short, it is better than monitoring Prince Akeem. Prince Akeem must be very careful to guard against it, and Europe is their territory. Monitoring Prince Akeem has a much higher chance of being discovered, but Stern King is different. He will definitely not be as careful as Prince Akeem, and even if we monitor him, it will be fine if he finds out Trouble." Cheng Mo said.

Bai Xiuxiu put on her slippers, said with a sigh of relief: "For the time being, that's all we can do, but we don't have enough manpower in Christianfeld, after the monitoring is installed, we can only watch it from you, is there any problem? "

"I'll try my best." Cheng Mo said without hesitation. Of course he would not refuse this kind of thing. This time, something big will definitely happen in Europe. Cheng Mo guesses that it is even more serious than what happened on the train last time. He must be deeply involved in all the experience points.

"Thank you for your hard work. If you can successfully complete the task, I will ask for credit for you."


2020 11 Month 8 Day.

On the outskirts of Paris, France, a majestic beige stone castle is located in green gardens and forests. The forest is still lush in winter. Standing on a high ground and looking at the end of the forest is an open racecourse, and the castle is surrounded by lakes. Thousands of waterfowls are flying freely over the forest, or playing in the mirror-smooth lake water, and the crisp birdsong can be heard far away.

This castle is called Chantilly Castle, the most beautiful castle around Paris. It has belonged to the Montmorency family for generations, which is the descendant of the ancestors of the modern Bourbon family.The last person to live here was the Duke of Omar, the son of the last French king, Louis Philippe. Today, the ownership here is still owned by the descendants of the Duke of Omar, and his descendants still retain the title of Earl of Paris. Angle VII.

Although Angli VII is already 84 years old, he is quite popular among the French upper class and the church among the nobles of the Orleans Party recognized by the orthodox faction. Worked and later became a writer.The very awesome point is that he divorced and remarried again when he was 76 years old. You must know that Catholics do not allow divorce, so he specially invited the Pope to annul his first marriage.

At this very moment, this old man, famous in the upper echelons of Europe, is on the steps of a main entrance of the castle. On the marble steps stand lifelike griffins, flanked by two rows of trumpeters in beige cloaks and bowler hats. Holding the horn trombone, the French traditional French horn and the sun horn are playing.

And at the bottom of the steps stood a group of men wearing brown hunting suits, deer caps and carrying shotguns. Most of them were young and middle-aged, with serious expressions.

After the sound of the equal horns stopped, Angli VII, with gray hair and a cane, said: "Dear gentlemen, you are very welcome to visit our family house. I am very happy that we have welcomed several very distinguished guests today. The guests include Napoleon VII, the president of the Rosicrucian Society, and Prince Akim of Denmark, and Prince Amedeo of Belgium. Finally, we would like to introduce the rising star Brigadier General Sarkozy from the military and our beautiful Valkyrie, Lord Athena the Incomparable Conqueror"

Every time a name that is well-known in Europe is spoken, there will be applause. When Angli VII introduced Athena Olysses of the Greek Olysses family, the applause was particularly enthusiastic. The applause was given to the only woman present - Athena Olysses.

Athena Olysses under the steps nodded slightly to the surroundings. Athena, who was dressed in a brown safari suit, had long blond hair like ears of rice, and her facial features had typical European deep and three-dimensional features, but they were long and oriented toward the east. Compared with European and American women who are always rough and sexy, Athena Olysses looks sweeter.

Angli VII looked at Athena with kind eyes. The charm of beautiful women is cross-age and cross-gender. No matter how old they are, men and women will like it. After the applause stopped, he raised his head and continued: "Welcome to these young women. Vigorous and powerful chosen ones come to participate in our family's traditional hunting activities. Hunting is not only a passionate sport, but more importantly, for us chosen ones, it is a barometer of our lives. Of course, our life is not only in the hunting grounds in the world, but everywhere, whether it is politics, business or love. They are all hunting grounds to show our life style. An active life must have a high frequency of hunting. For the life he pursues, his hunting frequency must be very low, and he enters the hunting ground just to make a living. But this should not be the outlook on life of our nobles, because we are not only hunters, but also bear the responsibility of protecting the hunting ground.”


Half an hour later, the winter sun shines on the forests, plains and lakes. A group of red deer are running in panic on the grassland. Two tall team leaders dressed in red woolen suits blow the horn to lead the competition, while the others They followed behind in brown hunting suits, and everyone's brass buckles, riding boots and shotguns were polished brightly, exuding a cold and dazzling light in the golden sunlight.

Napoleon VII carried a shotgun on his back and kept pace with Prince Akim and Brigadier General Sarkozy. He whispered: "The news is spreading little by little now. Whether it is the chosen ones or stalkers from other organizations, they are all asking Christian Feld gathered, so the two of you must ensure that there are no problems in your respective areas. Especially Your Excellency the Brigadier General, we are not here, and all information in Paris depends entirely on you."

Brigadier General Sarkozy nodded and said: "I won't have any problems here, after all, there is a general here. But Prince Akeem should pay attention to it. The situation in Christianfield is complicated. There are not only star gates, but also Ou Yu, Sun Flower Banner, Tai Chi Dragon"

Napoleon VII smiled meaningfully and turned to Prince Akim.

Prince Akim held the reins with both hands, his body undulating slightly with the horse's running, "I don't think so, the Seventh King is more worrying on your side, I am a little worried that the situation will become uncontrollable, obviously" the yellow vest '(Note 1) Behind the movement is the shadow of the Americans, and Bannon's purpose is to unite the extreme right to set off a right-wing populist rebellion. In the end, they just want to interfere with the European Parliament and tear the EU apart."

Prince Akim and Brigadier General Sarkozy discussed the problems of each other's existence a little fiercely, and both felt that the things they were responsible for were nothing more than a piece of cake. Finally, Napoleon VII ended the discussion in this regard and whispered: "China has As the saying goes, what can’t be broken can’t be built. Now we are dying in Europe. If we don’t implement high welfare and low taxes, we will be overthrown by voters. Implementing high welfare and low taxes will drive the government to a dead end. Facts have proved that giving the right to choose to the people is a problem Stupid things, we have nothing to do but to overthrow the existing system, re-establish a strong regime, establish an independent euro settlement system, and create an EU army."

 Note 1: The red vest movement should actually be the yellow vest movement, but in order to distinguish it from reality, it was changed to red.

(End of this chapter)

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