Rebel Demon King

Chapter 742 The Lonely Man's Leap of Faith

Chapter 742 The Lonely Man's Leap of Faith
(Thanks to "Book Friends 150528232634866" for rewarding the leader again! Thanks to "X Lietian He Su" for the two rewards, and "Bamboo Shadow Mohen" for the rewards)

The Atherston Cemetery in winter is like a dark girl in the rebellious period. It also has a green spring in the cold winter weather. However, this spring is separated by a layer of indifference and alienation, making people feel no vitality and enthusiasm at all.

After Cheng Mo asked the question, another gust of cold wind blew, blowing the hair of Bai Xiuxiu flying in front of the tomb. She took off the scarf and wrapped her honey-colored hair in the way YSL women wrap their headscarves. Under the blue cashmere scarf, he put his hands back into the pockets of the woolen coat and said unhurriedly: "I think Andersen's story has his own factors. In your narration, I saw a cowardly, A sensitive and low self-esteem writer, his character caused him not to be able to reap true love, there is really nothing to be sympathetic to. As for Kierkegaard”

Bai Xiuxiu stopped, turned her head and glanced at Cheng Mo before continuing: "Maybe I'm not a genius, so I can't understand why he pushed himself and his loved ones into the abyss of pain, despite his purpose and desire It’s very noble, raising love to the dimension of religion, and letting yourself and the one you love go down in the annals of history forever, but in my opinion, all of this is not as meaningful as giving the real happiness to the one you love.”

There was an imperceptible sense of loneliness in Bai Xiuxiu's voice, and it was obvious that she remembered something.

Before Cheng Mo could speak, Xie Minyun shook his head and said, "Instructor Bai, I disagree with you. You overlooked one thing, that is, Kierkegaard grew up in a devout religious atmosphere. He is a Christian." Christians, the theology at that time could not explain why God opposed people (bringing pain and disaster to believers). Kierkegaard sacrificed his love to God, trying to think about the position of his own existence so as to climb to the true The pinnacle of belief. The difference between a genius and a madman is that the genius controls the madness, while the madman is enslaved by the madness. When Kierkegaard, a genius, realized that he had a far higher moral responsibility than ordinary people, he could only Choosing to be cruel and unkind to himself and Regina, he knows that only when he is in pain can he understand the nature of pain. In fact, not being understood is the fate of a genius thinker, he can’t even defend himself so that his behavior can be understood and tolerated by human ethics, because moral struggle and not being able to defend himself are the tests and challenges he must face Torture. In fact, he has no excuse."

After a short pause, Xie Minyun said in an infinitely compassionate tone: "People who transcend the times are destined to suffer great pain that is not understood by the world."

Bai Xiuxiu chuckled lightly and said: "So this story is to tell me that you people who understand philosophy have a strange brain circuit, and you always want to connect the universe with yourself, morality and humanity, secularity and love?"

Cheng Mo stared at the epitaph of "that lonely man" on Kierkegaard's tombstone, and said in a low voice: "Although what my sister said is right, the reason why I came to pay homage to Kierkegaard is because my sister He told the story of Andersen and Kierkegaard in front of Chairman Bai, not because of the irreconcilable gap between Andersen and the upper class, nor because of Kierkegaard's noble sacrifice, but because of both Andersen and Kierkegaard. Erkegaard was deeply influenced by their father. Andersen was able to write so many wonderful works because of his father, and also because his father was a shoemaker who was sensitive and inferior, so that he could not find a home for love in his life. As for Kierkegaard Er, his devout religious belief and his father's cheating are shadows that he can't get rid of. I guess he was tortured on the eve of his marriage because he found that there was a huge conflict between thinking and love, and he couldn't be sure of himself. Can I only like Regina for the rest of my life? So the contradiction between belief, self and lover made Kierkegaard extremely painful. In the end, he chose the most rational way to completely unify the three, which is to refuse marriage and obey his own Concentrate on the will, and at the same time maintain the steadfastness of love, so as to be worthy of the loved one morally, and will not violate his pious beliefs. For Kierkegaard, repenting of marriage is not only a religious task concept, but also a complete Sublimating love into eternal spiritual love Decades after his death, his unread works were finally "rediscovered" by the world, and this misunderstood sage spent his life to complete this great work A leap of faith."

Cheng Mo finished a long speech in the cold air, his voice was not like the indifferent narration at the beginning, but like a lonely monologue, after his voice stopped, there was only whistling in the cold air After a while, Cheng Mo said in a rather bleak voice: "Kierkegaard reminds me of my father. It also makes me think about myself constantly."

"My father is also a staunch existentialist, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Sartre, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein, these existentialist masters are all objects of my father's admiration. I once hated my mother's departure , I also complained about my father’s indifference, but now that I think about it seriously, these are all different expressions of love. In fact, when my mother left, my father never said a bad word about my mother. He just told me that he ignored her. Feelings, and she couldn't watch me go to death, so she chose to leave, I shouldn't resent. I didn't understand it at the time, and I didn't understand it until after my father died."

"This also made me completely understand that any kind of love should not be a restrained behavior, but a choice of oneself. Love itself is a selfless gift. It is up to you to accept or reject it, but you cannot ask for it. The other party uses the way you want to express, and you can't ask the other party to continue their love forever. Because love is not selfish possession, just like the selfless love of parents for their children, it is giving children more freedom. Love is the best The method is actually the same. In fact, it is never love when two people stay together until they grow old. People who stay together can have different dreams and numb habits. True love is never-ending lovesickness. Just like Abraham walking alone in Moriah Kierkegaard used his celibacy to walk on his own road of love, and this road is deserted, so there is a different kind of scenery."

The white rose in front of the tombstone swayed in the cold wind, Xie Minyun turned his head to look at Cheng Mo, his profile was solemn, like a lonely thinker.

Cheng Mo also tacitly turned his head to look at Xie Minyun, and he said softly: "So I have always been very grateful to Mrs. Cheng for never interfering in my private affairs too much, and never asking me to be what kind of person I am."

Xie Minyun said softly: "There are also requirements. I hope you will be a good person. If you really can't do it, you can't be a bad person."

The two were throwing dog food beside her, and Bai Xiuxiu's agitated mood just now disappeared, and she said lightly: "Okay! Philosopher, now the story is over and the mourning is over, can we go?"

Cheng Mo looked at Bai Xiuxiu who was turning around and said, "Chairman Bai, it's like your love for your husband. Will it disappear completely because you like another person now? If your incumbent requires you to completely forget that you die Husband, cut off all contact with him, can you do it?"

Bai Xiuxiu was silent, and walked quickly to the way they came.

Cheng Mo stood behind and said: "In fact, eternity has never been the purpose of love, but our own beautiful vision. Loving only one person does not mean that love is more sincere than loving two people at the same time. It depends on what you are willing to do for yourself." How much did the other party pay?"

Bai Xiuxiu still didn't speak, and the sound of high-heeled shoes echoed in the empty cemetery.

Xie Minyun glanced at Cheng Mo and said, "I thought you just wanted to untie instructor Bai's knot, but I didn't expect you to untie it with me?"

Cheng Mo immediately shook his head, pulled Xie Minyun to follow Bai Xiuxiu, and at the same time said seriously: "How? I know you understand me. For a person like me, the burden of love is far greater than that of happiness. It’s easier to be alone.”

Xie Minyun bit her lip, then said with a cold "hum": "You mean that falling in love with me makes you feel heavy?"

Cheng Mo said as a matter of course: "Of course, you are so good, you are beautiful, you have a good family background, you are smart and can beat me, how can you not be under pressure?"

"It would be my honor to be able to give you a little pressure."

"No, it's my honor to find a wife like you!" Cheng Mo said sincerely.

Xie Minyun said lightly: "Don't think too much of me. I'm just afraid that one day I won't be able to defeat God's gene and forget you. How pitiful you should be! I just turn a blind eye and close my eyes when I have no other choice." One-eyed. But today I heard you tell the story of Kierkegaard, I am wondering whether to elevate the love between us to the stage of religion."

Cheng Mo smiled wryly: "Don't you don't believe in religion. There's no need to make each other so painful"

"But the more painful it is, the deeper it is!" Xie Minyun said in a very serious tone.

Cheng Mo took his hand out of his pocket and put it into the pocket of Xie Minyun's down jacket. He clasped Xie Minyun's warm hand tightly. He took a deep breath of cold air and said, "I don't want to be so deep now, I just want to Be superficial and live a good married life."

Xie Minyun bit her lip and said, "If you can beat me in PK, maybe I will agree."

Caught off guard, Cheng Mo almost choked on his own saliva and coughed a few times, "I didn't mean that. But, the requirement to PK win against you is too strict, right?"

Xie Minyun thought for a while and said, "If you can help get the artifact this time, maybe I will think about it carefully."

Cheng Mo sighed: "It seems that the love between the two of us has really been elevated to the religious stage!"

Xie Minyun patted Cheng Mo with the corners of his mouth bent, and said with a slight smile, "I have confidence in you!"


The three left the cemetery, Cheng Mo found the mailbox and sent the postcard to Shen Youyi before returning to the car.Bai Xiuxiu suggested that she should drive. Xie Minyun had no choice but to sit in the back seat with Cheng Mo. Bai Xiuxiu changed into a pair of flat shoes that had been prepared earlier, reset the navigation target and drove the Grand Cherokee on the highway.

Bai Xiuxiu's driving is not as "gentle and elegant" (slow) as Xie Minyun's, nor is it as reckless as Shen Daoyi's driving. It is fast and stable, and has the feeling of a professional old driver.On the way, the three of them bought camping equipment just in case, and they drove towards Christianfeld.

There was no rest along the way, and Xie Minyun and Bai Xiuxiu drove alternately. After eight hours, they arrived at Christianfeld. Unlike Cheng Mo's imagination, Christianfeld stood in a seaside In the flat field.There is no bare land here, and there are grasses and forests everywhere. The cold wind in winter is not so piercing here. Bare branches and scattered red roofs are scattered in the yellow field. When they were in the small town of Chinfield, they seemed to have pressed the button of time travel and returned to the Middle Ages. The elegant seriousness and exquisite rigidity filled their eyes. The air was very fresh, and the air was often accompanied by the scent of wild flowers and elk. Stone houses, white wooden attics, Gothic churches and the Angel Fountain in the center of the town all make people feel that this is a rigorous and cold town.

The three of them took a stroll around the small town first, and found that the town was a little overcrowded when it was not the peak season. There were many "tourists" with twinkling eyes in the cafes and taverns, and they hadn't finished their tour of the town yet. Mo was worried that he couldn't find a room, so he suggested to book the hotel first. Of course, Bai Xiuxiu had no objection.Xie Minyun opened "BOOKING" only to find that there are no formal hotels in the town, all of them are homestays, and almost all of them show full rooms.

After flipping through several pages, Xie Minyun finally found a homestay that still had rooms. After contacting him, he told him that there was only one double room.

Xie Minyun immediately settled down, and the three of them rushed directly to this homestay called Kapok. It was already evening, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun were resting in the room, and Bai Xiuxiu went to visit Ou Yu from Christianfeld principal
 PS: I recommend the fantastic "Doomsday Roulette".

  At the moment when life stopped, Ye Zhongming returned to the afternoon when the doomsday began ten years ago.

  Is it God's favor for you?Or another punishment?Do you really want to re-experience a cruel and cold apocalypse?
  Ye Zhongming decided to live, not for anything else, but for those comrades-in-arms who used to live and die together, and the lover who never gave up!
  Also, he wants to find the answer.Why do countless roulettes appear from nothingness, and tens of thousands of Jedi fall from the sky.Who turned this beautiful blue planet into a bloody ruin full of corpses! ?


(End of this chapter)

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