Rebel Demon King

Chapter 734 The Dream of Europa (1)

Chapter 734 The Dream of Europa (1)

(Thanks to "Sister Bai is the most beautiful" for the [-] starting coins sponsored by Queen Bai, it's a little late, and I will try to update a chapter in the evening)
After Cheng Mo packed his things and went downstairs, Xie Minyun was already waiting for him downstairs in the dormitory. She dragged a silver aluminum alloy box and stood on top of the golden fallen leaves. Cheng Mo felt that autumn nights, despite the infinite Xiao Suo, but contains a clear depth.

Cheng Mo walked over quickly, and when Cheng Mo approached Xie Minyun, he said, "I asked Jiang Jun to park the car at the gymnasium, where there are fewer people."

Cheng Mo let out a "hmm" and walked towards the gymnasium side by side with Xie Minyun. The sycamore tree that was still lush a few days ago has lost all its leaves, leaving only a few sporadic green leaves and unbroken yellow leaves trembling , Two people walked hand in hand in the cool night, and the withered and crispy leaves "creaked and creaked".

"Have you ever been to the ruins of Tu Kingdom?" Cheng Mo turned his head and looked at Xie Minyun's elegant and pretty side face and asked.

Xie Minyun nodded, "I've been there. The Jelebatan Underground Water Palace is a very spectacular attraction. In Greek mythology, this is the place where the Gorgon Medusa was imprisoned. The inside is beautiful and supported by Corinthian stone pillars that no one can hold. With huge brick vaults, dim street lights standing beside the slippery stone road, and many fish playing in the water, even if there is no relic, it is a very worthwhile place to visit. Entering the relic is completely different world, you can feel the glory of the Ottoman Empire.”

Xie Minyun slowly told Cheng Mo about the situation in the ruins of the Yelebatan Underground Water Palace.However, the gymnasium was not far away, and the two of them saw the black and silver Rolls Royce within 10 minutes of walking.

Jiang Jun was standing by the car waiting, when he saw Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun coming over, he opened the trunk.

Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun handed the box to Jiang Jun and got into the car. When the car started, they had already talked about the history of Turkey from the Yelebatan Underground Water Palace. However, while talking, Cheng Mo noticed that the direction of the car seemed to be Something was wrong, it seemed to be driving in the direction of Xiangshan, so he asked suspiciously: "Aren't we going to the Capital Airport?"

Xie Minyun glanced at Cheng Mo and said, "We went to Xiyuan Airport, which is the nearest military airport to the school, so of course we depart from there."

Cheng Mo shook his head, took out the ticket from the computer bag he was carrying and said, "I'm on the Air China flight that departs at eleven o'clock in the evening."

Xie Minyun didn't show any look of surprise, just took a look at the ticket, frowned slightly, and immediately took out the mobile phone from the satchel with the wolf Zabiwaka hanging on it, and made a quick call.

Cheng Mo's gaze did not fall on Xie Minyun's hand, but at the little wolf Zabiwaka. There were obvious signs of wear and tear on the surface of the puppet, as if it had been repaired, and it was impossible to see it unless you looked carefully.

This World Cup mascot was given to her by him in 18, but she still kept it.

"Uncle, I have something to ask you. Why did I take the special plane at the military airport, and Cheng Mo took the flight at the Capital Airport?" Xie Minyun opened his mouth, and Cheng Mo turned his attention to Xie Minyun, tilting his head and not moving He listened intently to what was being said on the other end of the phone.

"Because he was placed in the third group, and you were in the first group."

"Why didn't you start from one place?" Xie Minyun asked puzzled.

"It doesn't matter, this arrangement is the most reasonable, you hurry to the airport."

"I want to take Cheng Mo with me, he is in my car now." Xie Minyun said.

Xie Guangling said in a serious tone: "No, I can't specialize with the two of you. It's still early, so let him get off the car and go to the Capital Airport as soon as possible."

Cheng Mo listened to Xie Guangling's words, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, you tell Jiang Jun to stop the car by the side of the road, and I'll call a car now."

Xie Minyun shook Cheng Mo's hand, and continued to talk to the phone: "This is not specialization, Cheng Mo is not a student anymore, why do you let him sit among a group of students?"

"This is the organization's arrangement, you just need to obey."

Xie Minyun, who was holding the mobile phone, was silent for a while, until Xie Guangling said: "Xiao Jin, I have nothing else to hang up, you hurry up, it's just a few hours apart on the plane, there is no need to be so hard to separate. !"

Xie Minyun said in a low voice: "But I told you, arrange me and Cheng Mo together."

"I'll say it again, this is the organization's arrangement, you just need to obey." Xie Guangling said in a deep voice, his tone mixed with an irrefutable majesty.

Xie Minyun thought that his uncle was targeting Cheng Mo, and said in a cold voice, "Well, uncle, you can call there now, and I will also fly Air China instead."


The lights in the waiting room are bright, the night outside is deep, the various flight path indicators on the airport are shining in the darkness, the narrow and thick C919 is parked by the corridor bridge, and many people are holding mobile phones or cameras standing on the huge Take pictures of this giant blue and white aerial bird by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The reason why people pay attention is that the C919 is a large passenger plane completely independently manufactured by Huaxia, and today will be its maiden flight. Although it was not reported in the news, the huge white "C919" on the tail of the plane is still there in the dark night. It is particularly eye-catching, attracting some aviation enthusiasts to stop and observe.

This C919 will fly directly to Ankara, the capital of Turkey, at night, and the members of Taijilong who are still studying in university will be on board.At the moment, there are 33 Tai Chi Dragon students sitting at Gate 120 of the Capital International Airport.

Fu Yuanzhuo is also one of them. He is watching the theatrical version of "EVA" while wearing headphones and holding Huawei Mate X2. However, as a senior chef of "EVA", he even wants to build an "EVA first machine" and "Gundam Strike Freedom" is a real-scale hand-made mech controller. He couldn't eat the long-awaited cartoon.

Fu Yuanzhuo couldn't concentrate at all. Apart from the excitement and excitement of his first mission, there was also an inexplicable nervousness and fear.

Although he grew up watching all kinds of hot-blooded hero comics, and he himself has always longed to become a hero, but when this opportunity really came, Fu Yuanzhuo felt timid.

During the summer training camp and the first semester of study, the all-round gap between him and others made him feel inferior. In addition to being a little better-looking, his grades, training, actual combat, and even his wealth and background are far from the new students. They are all the worst ones. The self-confidence built up through running for the chairman of the student union and the college entrance examination in the past two years has been beaten in various ways. This made Fu Yuanzhuo, who always thought he was not bad, realize in Tai Chi Dragon that he is just a younger brother. middle brother.

Although he tried his best to catch up again and again, he was still a little powerless.

Many times, especially when Cheng Mo helped him study, Fu Yuanzhuo would feel that Cheng Mo was more suitable than him to enter Tai Chi Dragon, and this opportunity should be Cheng Mo's.Occasionally, Fu Yuanzhuo would also think that if it wasn't for the fact that Uroboros could not be transferred, it might be a relief for him to give Uroboros to Cheng Mo.

All in all, the huge pressure made his past few months not so pleasant.

Fear of being disappointed by family members, fear of being looked down upon by peers, fear of being discouraged.
He realized that not everyone who is ordinary or even mediocre is "Izuku Midoriya", maybe Midoriya is not ordinary at all, because he has the strongest hero "All Might" as a lighthouse.

Yan Funing was his lighthouse when he was young, so he liked to imitate Yan Funing, but he found that he could not become Yan Funing no matter what.Yan Funing was setting up traps on other people's bicycle tires, watching the other person's whole leg being ground bloody and still changing color, but he was shocked and at a loss.When fighting with others, Yan Funing only picked the yin and damaged parts to attack, and the beating almost disabled others, but he only dared to pretend to be fierce and beat his stomach and kicked his thighs
Before meeting Cheng Mo, Fu Yuanzhuo was actually imitating Yan Funing subconsciously. He also wanted to be a lonely and arrogant person like Yan Funing, but he was not Yan Funing.

After meeting Cheng Mo, he began to imitate Cheng Mo subconsciously. He studied hard to become a top student. He learned to see through and manipulate people's hearts. He learned Cheng Mo to deal with various things with a rational attitude. It seems to be very successful, so successful that he was admitted to Tsinghua University and even became a member of Tai Chi Dragon.

But when he arrived at Taijilong, he realized that no matter how successful his imitation was, he was still not Cheng Mo, and he would not be able to become Cheng Mo. He seemed to have returned to his mediocre self.

Fu Yuanzhuo looked at Du Leng, who was like a fish in water among Tai Chi Dragons, and realized how ridiculous he was before. He would even laugh at himself when no one was there. He felt a powerless pain that made him He wants to give up on himself.
If it wasn't for Cheng Mo calling him to study by himself every day and cramming all kinds of basic knowledge with him, he felt that he might choose to run away.

Fu Yuanzhuo turned off the video, took off the earphones, and unconsciously looked at the C919 crawling quietly outside the window. He heard two aviation enthusiasts whispering: "There seems to be something wrong with the engine. It's not like CFM's LEAP-X1C "

"Yes, I don't seem to have seen this model before. In fact, it's not just the engine. You can see that its nose is more pointed than the pictures published on the Internet, and the wings seem to be longer, which makes it look more beautiful."

"Not only the wings, I feel that the fuselage seems to be longer!"

"Indeed, it's really good. I didn't expect the mass-produced C919 to be so amazing. I thought it was just an ordinary medium-sized airliner!"

"Why is there no news about the maiden voyage? Post the photos online later"

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't care about such a dialogue, he looked at the classmates and seniors who were discussing the trip not far away, his eyes were a little lonely.There is no doubt that he was isolated, but the main reason for being isolated was not that he performed the worst and was at the bottom of all grades, but because he had no way to choose between the Dragon Blood Society and the Blue Dragon Society, and he had not joined the two centers so far. any association.

Logically speaking, he should join the Dragon Blood Society, but he didn't have a good relationship with Du Leng. Although Du Leng has been actively expressing his kindness to him, he was invited to play a basketball game in the shopping mall last time, but Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun went Looking for him on the basketball court, Xie Minyun also showed off his wedding ring in front of Du Leng, which made everyone in the Dragon Blood Society inexplicably hate Cheng Mo. In addition, Gu Feifei had been persuading him to join the Blue Dragon Society, which made him and Du Leng The relationship that had been slightly relaxed by Leng quickly cooled down again.

Of course, it seems that Fu Yuanzhuo can also choose to join the Azure Dragon Club, since they are all brothers of the Tai Chi Dragon, no difference.But Fu Yuanzhuo is not stupid. He fully understands the difference between the Dragon Blood Society and the Azure Dragon Society, and knows that his position is inappropriate. He also knows that if he joins the Azure Dragon Society, which is dominated by the children of aristocratic families, he will only be reduced to a fool and a laughing stock.

Fu Yuanzhuo still has a little bit of reserve and pride, even if Gu Feifan and his group are distinguished, he is not willing to let himself be the role of kneeling and licking.Kneeling and licking Feng Qianqian is exhausting, if she wants to kneel and lick a man, how hopeless are these days?
At this moment, Fu Yuanzhuo misses his time in high school very much. At that time, he was so high-spirited that even if he fell out of love, someone would comfort him and accompany him.Fu Yuanzhuo sighed silently, closed his eyes and thought: It would be great if Cheng Mo was here, why didn't senior sister get Cheng Mo to Tai Chi Dragon?

Just when Fu Yuanzhuo was thinking wildly, Gu Zhixue, the deputy team leader of their third team, shouted loudly near the boarding gate: "Now all the third team come and line up, ready to board the plane." At the same time, the deputy team leader of the second team also shouted , Fu Yuanzhuo opened his eyes and saw that everyone was getting up, he quickly stood up, picked up his luggage, and walked towards the boarding gate.

When they got to the boarding gate, Gu Zhixue, the deputy team leader, told them to line up and prepare to board the plane. Fu Yuanzhuo consciously stood at the end of the line and walked towards the corridor bridge with the flow of people. He smiled when he and Jin Jinhan passed by, and patted Chen Fang on the shoulder when his classmate Chen Fang passed by. This insignificant gesture made Fu Yuanzhuo a little envious.

Fu Yuanzhuo entered the corridor bridge without saying a word, and the deputy team leader Gu Zhixue walked in behind him.Getting on the plane was beyond Fu Yuanzhuo's expectation. This domestically-made C919 was much more luxurious than he had imagined. The first-class cabin in front was actually fully enclosed. Although the configuration inside the first-class cabin could not be seen, Fu Yuanzhuo Years of experience in first-class business class, I can judge from the exquisitely crafted shutter doors with dark patterns that they are very luxurious, and the space is not small.

Fu Yuanzhuo walked past the first class cabin and arrived at the seat of the economy class. In fact, this should not be called the economy class. There are only two seats, and the distance between the front and rear seats is wide enough to put the chair halfway down and lie down to rest.

Ordinary passenger planes would never be arranged like this for efficiency, obviously this is a special plane.

Fu Yuanzhuo glanced at the ticket in row 19, seat A in his hand. In the middle seat, he walked slowly forward. At this time, most of the people had already sat down. As for a small number of people who were still looking for seats, Fu Yuanzhuo left. When I got to my seat by the window, I found that my seat was taken by Chen Fang. Chen Fang was turning his head and looking out of the porthole, as if he didn't notice him at all.

Fu Yuanzhuo confirmed the plane ticket again, raised his head and said to Chen Fang: "Chen Fang, I'm sorry, this is my seat."

Only then did Chen Fang turn his head to look at Fu Yuanzhuo who was standing in the corridor, and said, "Is your seat? Can you change it, I want to sit with Yang Haina, Brother Gu, and Sister Jin."

Fu Yuanzhuo has become a lot more friendly in the past two years. He may not give in to change his previous personality, but now he doesn't think it's a big deal to give up his seat, but just when he was about to agree, the person sitting behind Chen Fang Gu Feihua persuaded with a smile again: "Fu Yuanzhuo will sit with Chen Fang! What a big deal. When you get off the plane, ask him to treat you to dinner."

At this time, everyone on the plane had already sat down, only Fu Yuanzhuo, who was walking at the end, was still standing in the aisle, looking very abrupt. Fu Yuanzhuo also noticed this, and he also noticed that sitting in the back half of the plane Everyone seemed to be looking at him, which made Fu Yuanzhuo feel inexplicably embarrassed, and he quickly said to Gu Feihua: "It's okay."

However, Fu Yuanzhuo hadn't said "such a small matter, no need to treat", when he heard someone shouting from behind him: "That classmate, please go to your seat quickly, what are you doing standing in the corridor?"

The plane immediately became quiet, and Fu Yuanzhuo swallowed what he hadn't finished speaking, and walked towards the back of the cabin with an ugly face facing the stares and whispers, like a child who was kicked out of the classroom by the teacher and punished to stand.

At this moment, Fu Yuanzhuo felt that he finally realized what loneliness is.
(End of this chapter)

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