Rebel Demon King

Chapter 731 Dream of Asgard (6)

Chapter 731 Dream of Asgard (6)

(Two-in-one update, ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for a recommendation ticket)
The dark small room, the flickering candlelight, and the light and shadow shaking on the uneven marble walls.What is that cylinder behind the clown covered with a curtain?It feels like there is a hostage strapped to a chair hidden inside, and Sith the Clown is ready to lift the curtain and cut his throat at any time.

Why is the Clown Sith's tie so greasy?It seems to have been soaked in a pool full of oil, but it is inexplicably in harmony with this room with mottled walls and gloomy walls.Why does his face with a mask seem to grow on his face?Under the dim candlelight, that eerie smiling expression was so real, clear, and pale.

It felt like being in a hospital morgue.

Even in the well-defended combat conference room more than 150 meters underground, members of a kind of Tai Chi dragon who are watching the projection still feel shuddering. Through the projection, they can really feel that the clown Sith is observing them, as if an ignorant child is watching them. Look at his toys.

You don't know what's going to happen next second, so it's creepy.

The clown Sith smacked his mouth in front of the camera, and waved his right hand that was holding the comb. At this moment, the red comb in his hand has turned into a western knife, and the candlelight is reflected in the silver light, "You must be very happy!" Curious why I made a videotape and sent it to you”

Saying that, the clown Sith turned around and walked towards the cylinder covered with a curtain behind him. After two minutes, he suddenly turned around, pointed at the camera with a silver knife and said, "To perform a magic trick?" After a pause, he shook his head. Spread your hands, "Oh! Of course not"

Then he took two steps back, turned his head and pointed at the camera again and said, "To threaten you? Ask you to show your respect to the stalkers?" He turned around in a circle, and the table knife in his hand became Rose, "Do you think I am a person who likes to threaten others? Of course not, I never threaten anyone! I said that I am a comedian who just wants to bring a little joy to the world."

"Then you must be wondering why I recorded a videotape in such a way in such a place and mailed it to you in the most primitive way. I think you smart people will understand."

After speaking, the clown Sith hugged his head and screamed hysterically. He rolled around in the small stone room, like Monkey King who was being cursed by Tang Seng.

The battle meeting room was silent, except for the irritating scream of the clown Sith, there was only more and more shortness of breath, and some people even clenched their fists to smash the curtain.

It took a while for the clown Sith to get up from the ground grabbing the edge of the cylinder. When he stood up grabbing the black curtain, the knitted fabric that wasn't tightly covered gradually slipped down.

The worrying answer finally came to light.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the curtain was just a huge metal cage, and there were no hostages or living things in the cage, only a "robot" composed of computer parts. Suspended from the top of the cage by a network cable, this strange and broken "robot" was shaking slightly in the metal birdcage like a hanged corpse because of the clown Sith's touch.

The clown Sith grasped the railing with both hands, watching the robot in the birdcage choke up, the crying was sincere and touching, probably no more than the Oscar winner, he reached out and touched the body composed of various circuit boards, composed of number keys and letter keys Composed arms and hands, like stroking your own relatives.

After a long time, he turned around and said with a whimper, "Don't you think you are too cruel? The industry developed by the Ouroboros system puts all ordinary people in cages. It is you people who let them be enslaved. , so that they can only feel the emptiness and meaninglessness of life, deprive human dignity, lead to the spread of mental illness, and seriously damage the natural world."

Clown Sith became more and more angry as he spoke. He grabbed the metal birdcage and shook it, and the "computer man" inside also shook violently. The computer man inside seemed to fall apart at any moment.

Angrily, he wanted to tear the computer man out of the cage, but the bird cage was too strong, and the network cable hanging from the computer screen was too strong, so he only tore off one of the computer man's hands with force.The clown Sith turned around angrily and smashed the arm composed of letter keys and number keys towards the camera, but in mid-air those white and black keys scattered and scattered all over the ground like a goddess.
The clown Sith stepped on those plastic keys that were still bouncing on the floor, and rushed towards the camera viciously, shouting loudly: "Power grids, telephones, TVs, computers... How can ordinary people oppose these things? How can they object to countless technological advances? All new technologies taken together create a world in which the fate of the common man is no longer in his own hands but in the hands of politicians , company executives, technicians, and bureaucrats. So every ordinary person is locked up by this web of technology! Every ordinary person must obey, which makes all people highly similar."

"A bank employee in New York is different from a bank employee in Berlin and a bank employee in Shanghai. What's the difference? There is no difference! Everyone has a similar fate from birth, they learn skills, they look for jobs, they go to work , they drink coke, they eat hamburgers, they eat fast food, the originally depressive life can be satisfied by turning on the computer at home, watching a pornographic movie, playing an online game, and watching a few episodes of bloody [-] o'clock sitcoms "

"However, hundreds of years ago, everyone's life was different, and everyone's life had a different trajectory. The communication between people was so intense, even if it was blood and fire, it was so passionate. shoot!!!!"

"You are looking at the present, technology completely controls everything on the earth, everyone lives like a computer person, freedom has been trapped by the invisible hand of technology! Individuals cannot fight against large organizations armed with super technology. Only a few people hold real power, but even their freedom is very limited because their behavior is also regulated. We all know that when the age of intelligence comes, ordinary people become less and less important, and machines Start to make decisions instead of humans, and your means and ability to control the public will be greatly improved, and ordinary people will be domesticated into useless domestic animals, or NPCs in computers.”

"My eyes have seen the result of the future, and human beings will perish because of this!!! And you are the chief culprit!"

After the clown Sith roared, he calmed down in an instant, as if he was not the one who gave a speech like a lunatic in front of the camera just now, he whispered softly: "I don't allow you to do this. If this continues, the world will be too much." It's boring, human beings are too boring, how can I continue my career as a comedian? I can't take it"

The clown Sith twisted the tie around his neck, and said gracefully: "I am going to make my request now. I hope that the governments of all countries will broadcast my speech live on TV at the same time as Christmas. You can see my speech. It's all written."

Pages of manuscript paper were thrown out of the hands of the clown Sith like playing cards in the hands of a magician. They bounced into the air and fell down one by one like snowflakes.

"If you don't agree to my request, I will send a big gift to the world on New Year's Day 2020, using chaos to end the process of global industrialization"

In the manuscript paper filled with German words flying all over the sky, Sith the clown conjured up a red balloon and said with a smile, "Don't worry, everyone, it will definitely be a super big surprise!"

The red balloon exploded in his hand, blood-like ketchup splashed all over Clown Sith, and even the corners of the white porcelain mask's lips were stained with ketchup, as if he had just committed a murder
Xie Guangling turned off the video of the clown Sith, and the map of Denmark reappeared on the projection.Everyone in the combat conference room was still immersed in the seemingly unreasonable but persuasive speech of the clown Sith. His crazy performance was really unforgettable for everyone. His face is deeply engraved in their hearts.

Bai Xiuxiu, who was sitting in the second row, was thinking differently from most people. She was shocked, but also felt that it was unbelievable that Cheng Mo had ever fought against such a completely unreasonable strong man.

Bai Xiuxiu squinted her eyes, and Cheng Mo's expressionless face appeared in her mind.

Xie Guangling walked down a few steps with his back to the projection, and said in a deep voice: "The clown Sith, I think everyone knows who he is, the super-chosen one who ranks second on the reward list and 17th on the sky list. Worse It is he who is extremely provocative and demagogic."

"It's fine if he's a loner. If he is strong, he won't be able to stir up any troubles. But the situation in Europe is very chaotic. If a group of lunatics really overthrow Ou Yu and announce the existence of the Chosen One, then the whole world will be shocked." If we fall into chaos, of course we will be less affected by China, but in this era, we have no way to be alone."

"Thus, after the discussion of the round table council, we will organize a joint Chosen force to eliminate the 'Chosen Homeland and Freedom Front', the '88 Teutonic Knights', the Rosicrucians and the Golden Fleece Knights in Europe."

At this time, someone couldn't help but whispered: "If you send us there, why send the newcomers to Europe? With their strength, aren't they going to die?"

Suddenly there was a burst of doubt in the meeting room. Even if Xie Guangling is usually dignified enough, the new students sent to Europe are all the most elite descendants of their families, and many of them are immediate relatives, such as Chen Shaohua and Chen Fang. Can't help asking aloud.

"Right? There's no need to send newcomers there! They have no fighting power at all, and letting them go is just a burden."

"Is this 'Asgard' ruins real?"

"Do you want to use 'Asgard' to lure the stalkers in Europe?"

"Even so, it won't be possible to even get the freshman's new college to go to Europe, right? Isn't this going to send it?"

"What is the team leader thinking? Isn't this sending sheep to the tiger's mouth? If it is not for the artifact, it is better not to send new students there! If you must send, you must send some combat capabilities."

Xie Guangling didn't speak, he just stopped and stood motionless, watching a group of his subordinates questioning dissatisfiedly.

After all, Xie Guangling's accumulative prestige was really terrifying. A group of people noticed that Xie Guangling's expression was wrong, and they gradually dared not speak anymore.

Xie Guangling saw that the meeting room had regained its calm, so he said with a cold face and a little anger: "My grandfather was 15 years old and herding sheep on the mountain. When he saw soldiers passing by, he followed the army to fight the Japanese devils. It was the arduous defense stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan. The [-]th Division opened up a base in Ludi. On the one hand, they had to fight against the puppet army and the Japanese invaders, and they also had to deal with the friction of the KMT army. My grandfather did not receive any training before and after he became a soldier. The only thing that made him a little "martial" It’s the tricks of crawling, rolling, riding donkeys, and shooting rabbits with earthen cannons that he learned while herding cattle. But he went to the battlefield on the second day of his enlistment.”

"The next day!" Xie Guangling roared loudly.

Everyone in the conference room was silent and lowered their heads in shame.

Xie Guangling breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "And the next day he encountered a team of devils who landed from Haizhou in Heilin Town. At that time, the devils were just scouting the way. My grandfather and the others relied on the large number of people and added more than 100 militiamen. Decided to eat these devils. But because there were no machine guns and artillery, the best weapon in hand was the [-] cover. In addition, there was no skilled combat technology at that time. More than a hundred people beat more than a dozen devils, and only heard the machine guns of the devils. , our army had no choice but to crawl in the ditch and shoot from time to time. Sometimes when the head was exposed, it was shot by the devils hundreds of meters away. Of the [-] recruits who joined the army with my grandfather that day, nine of them died. My grandfather said he clearly remembered a young man surnamed Liu from Dongpan Village who had just been married for ten days on the day he joined the army. He was wearing big red flowers, and the villagers sent him to the army by twisting yangko. As a result, he was sent to the army the next day. , before he could fire a single shot, the devil's machine gun tore off half of his skull."

"This kind of thing happened to each of our grandparents. Don't tell me that you haven't heard similar stories from the elders in your family. If anyone complains about the dangerous mission and the lack of training, Get out with me now, and get out with your younger generations!"

Xie Guangling slammed the table down and roared angrily, "We don't need any idiots in our Taijilongkanglong team!"

 PS recommends Qingkong Xiyuda's "Bring a Hunting Space with You" - Lu Ze has traveled to the interstellar era after 2000.

  The predecessor had his parents and cute sister who showed affection and abusive dog all the year round. Although his cultivation talent was ordinary, his life was fulfilling. It can be said that it was a dream start. Lu Ze expressed his satisfaction.

  As soon as he fell asleep, Lu Ze came to a strange space.

  After almost fighting with a one-meter-high super white rabbit and finishing the kill with difficulty, Lu Ze found that things didn't seem to be that simple.

  Can the small light group obtained after killing the prey in space be used for cultivation?
  Doesn't this make me a ten thousand year jungler?
  However, across the starry sky, unparalleled in the world, it seems that you can look forward to it?

(End of this chapter)

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