Rebel Demon King

Chapter 727 Dream of Asgard (2)

Chapter 727 Dream of Asgard (2)

(Thanks to the "Start Le" boss for being popular again, to the "Book Friends 20180702120213574" boss for being popular again, and to "LebronKings" and "DemonLover" for the two rewards, there will be another update tomorrow morning)
Cheng Mo entered the classroom with the books "General Astronomy" and "Physical Astrophysics" between his hands. These two classes are not big classes, so there is no need to go to the electronic classroom. However, there are only 28 seats in the classroom of his class, and there are only 21 students in the whole class. He was dissatisfied with his seat, the teacher hadn't come yet, and a group of people were chattering. The center of the topic was of course Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo who suddenly appeared in the basketball game between the Blue Dragon Club and the Dragon Blood Club yesterday.

Before Cheng Mo entered the door, he heard the crowd discussing him. He was a little helpless. He originally wanted to spend four years in college in a low-key way, but now his strength does not allow him. Now he is a box sword curtain lamp. Even if he wants to restrain his light, All because my wife is too dazzling and unable to do it, this is really a sweet burden.Cheng Mo quietly entered the classroom, picked a corner seat in the last row, and was about to sit down. Just as he put his schoolbag on the table, someone noticed him, and informed the others: "Here we come, here we come Look, Cheng Mo is here for class."

There was no need to spread this news in the small classroom. Immediately, everyone in the classroom looked at him, except for Ye Lushan, the class leader who was scolded by Xie Minyun yesterday, did not look back.

Cheng Mo turned a blind eye to such celebrity treatment, moved his chair and sat down calmly, then took out the book and began to review.

This posture is full of pretentiousness, probably the scene when the high-cold male god in the idol drama enters the scene. Unfortunately, the temperament is there, but the personal image is not good. There are no girls who show their hearts, only a group of The male compatriots look enviously and hatefully, making people feel a bit of an illusion of pretentiousness.
No, it should be the fake Xie Wei?

In fact, it is normal for no girls to wink at Cheng Mo, the high-cold male god. After all, there are only 21 people in their astronomy department, and there are only three girls. One of them is probably already very disgusted with Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, which means One-third of the girls in the class hate Cheng Mo, which is a really bad situation.

Cheng Mo speculates maliciously that Xie Minyun did it on purpose yesterday, his wife is so arrogant as hell, she even has to act out such things as being jealous, she obviously cares a lot, but she has to pretend she doesn't care, just pity Ye Lushan He became the cannon fodder for the sacrificial flag. With this example, it is estimated that no girl in the Faculty of Science will be interested in him.

When Cheng Mo opened the book, Guan Yunpeng, who was sitting next to Chen Qianyi, joked with half envy and half jealousy: "Cheng Mo, you and Xiaohua are both married, don't you want to give out wedding candies to us classmates?"

Immediately, someone echoed: "That's right! We are all married to Xie Daxiaohua, why don't you send some wedding candies to us single dogs, so that we can be happy too!"

Now that someone took the lead, the classroom became lively, full of boos that made Cheng Mo lose his temper.

Anybody would be happy to share their joy with other people, but Cheng Mo didn’t, he just thinks this group of people is boring, besides, eating too much sugar is not good, it will not only cause tooth decay, but also speed up internal organs. Fat accumulation and abnormal blood lipids increase the risk of coronary heart disease. What is even more frightening is that people who like to eat sugar are not only prone to gain weight but also age quickly.
So Cheng Mo ignored the booing, and frowned very clearly, showing displeasure, but most of the people still didn't stop the behavior that made Cheng Mo disgusted, and they were clamoring for Cheng Mo to continue giving candy.

Cheng Mo can only lament that he is not Xie Minyun, who has no deterrent power to silence a group of people with just one glance, but he has no intention of building a good relationship with the people around him.Therefore, he took out the earphones from his schoolbag, stuffed the white earphones into the external auditory canal under the expectant eyes of everyone, and chose to be isolated from the world.

This simple action made the whole classroom instantly quiet, and everyone looked at Cheng Mo's act of pretending to be full marks in astonishment.

Most of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then couldn't help giving Cheng Mo a contemptuous look, then turned around and started reading.

A few others commented in low voices without any scruples: "What are you pretending to be? Isn't it just a joke to ask for wedding candies?"

"Yes! If it weren't for Xie Minyun, who would pay attention to him?"

"Wow!? Why would Xie Minyun like this kind of person?"

Through the light piano music in the earphones, Cheng Mo could hear these discussions, but he continued to read the book indifferently, and he would not waste time on such meaningless social interactions.

Not long after, the teacher of "General Astronomy" entered the classroom, and all the students stopped talking about Cheng Mo and began to listen to the teacher's class.After class is over, no one is going to talk to Cheng Mo. Cheng Mo got his wish and became a loner, but Hong Mingwei, a loyal fan of Xie Minyun, timidly greeted Cheng Mo, and Cheng Mo did not completely ignore it, with a deadpan expression nodded.

For the next few days, Cheng Mo walked alone in the class, and soon the reputation of "[-] million young boys who love to pretend" spread throughout the entire science school.Cheng Mo doesn't mind what other people think of him at all, lives his own life in his own way, devotes himself to the study of astronomy and physics during the day, except for the occasional Fu Yuanzhuo who will come to him, he is still alone Didn't go out with Xie Minyun and throw dog food madly.

Xie Minyun is not a greasy person, and believes in "love needs to be restrained". In addition, both of them are extremely busy with their studies. If it weren't for the chosen one who can work around the clock for 24 hours, it is estimated that the two would not even have time to meet each other.

A week passed by in the blink of an eye, and Cheng Mo's daily schedule was basically fixed. He and Xie Minyun went for a run for an hour at 06:30 in the morning, then went back to the dormitory to wash up, had breakfast at 10:30, went to class at [-]:[-], and went to Taoli Garden at noon Eat, go to class in the afternoon, have dinner with Xie Minyun in the evening, go to the library with Fu Yuanzhuo for self-study until [-]:[-] in the evening, go back to the dormitory and chat with Xie Minyun, activate the carrier at [-] o'clock, and handle various chores, including paying attention to Shen Youyi's situation , the last skill practice until early morning
What's interesting is that Xie Minyun's schedule is almost in sync with Cheng Mo's, except that Xie Minyun doesn't go to the library much at night, and spends most of his time in the laboratory. Xie Minyun also mentioned that Cheng Mo should go to the laboratory with him, but after thinking about it, Cheng Mo still thinks Refused, strengthening one's basic studies is one aspect, helping Fu Yuanzhuo to lay a solid foundation in science is a more important task for Cheng Mo
Naturally, Xie Minyun would not dissuade Cheng Mo, but was pleased with his actions, so he would occasionally go to the library with Cheng Mo to abuse dogs.

On the weekend, Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo invited Cai Shufeng, Chen Fang, Gu Feifan and Jin Jinhan to dinner. The place was Gu Feifei’s Shanghai Jinban restaurant. Excellent, it is a small building near Zhonghai Lake. It is a typical three-story building under the royal regulations of the Qing Dynasty. There are many wooden pillars on the ground floor, supporting the building, forming a chessboard. In the center of the building, there are four separate thick pillars It leads directly to the top floor, and the top is a cross-ridged roof paved with golden glazed tiles. The corners of the roof are surrounded by clouds, flying, light and magnificent.

Although the whole building is exquisite and beautiful, the area is small. Some antiques are displayed on the first floor, and only the second floor is used as a private room, because it is not open to the public, and it is a historic site. There is no kitchen, and the dishes are all from the Jinan Office After the canteen is ready, send it over.

The autumn is crisp and the sky is blue. The windows around the hall are all open. Two waiters in cheongsams stand at the entrance. Cheng Mo looks to the left and can see the turrets of the Forbidden City across the Tongzi River, and to the right is the sparkling Zhonghai and South China Seas , front and back are quaint buildings of various colors, gray fronts, locked iron gates, interspersed with countless resplendent temples. These mysterious courtyards and temples are quietly hidden in Beichang Street. It adds a lot of legend to this simple and quiet street.

At this time, the guests have not yet arrived, Xie Minyun personally poured a cup of tea with Cheng Mo, and seeing him leaning on the railing looking at the temple complex at the end of the long street with great interest, he whispered: "That is Fuyou Temple, At present, it is the largest, best-preserved, and most mysterious temple in China. It has never been opened to the public since the day it was built. I went in and looked at it. In fact, there is nothing special about it. The main reason is that the great man came to Beijing in his youth. When he was young, he lived in Fuyou Temple temporarily, and established the "Popular News Agency" here, and he served as the president. Earlier, when Emperor Kangxi had not succeeded to the throne, he lived here for a while to avoid smallpox, so ordinary people could not come here. worshiping."

What Xie Minyun said about ordinary people is of course not what ordinary people mean. Cheng Mo understood it and took the purple sand teacup handed over by Xie Minyun. There was an obvious sense of sand in his hand. The fragrance of the tea mixed with a touch of earthiness made it even more mellow. He took a sip of tea and said, "Then please thank the narrator and continue to tell your story."

Xie Minyun pointed to the courtyard not far away, and said softly: "Over there is Zhaoxian Temple. It used to be the ashram where the royal family worshiped the God of Thunder, commonly known as the Temple of Thunder. Beichang Street in the northwest is because the lightning comes from the northwest; the ancients believed that Beichang Street was the dragon vein of the capital, and the temple of thunder was built here, and the dragon will make the spirit. The dragon can create water, and the water can overcome inflammation. Ming Dynasty Zhu Guozhen of the dynasty wrote "Song of Yongzhu": "Yu passed the Xihua Gate, the horse's feet just made a sound, and the stone bones were black when looking down, and the north and south can be tens of feet. This is where the real dragon passes through the veins." There is a small alley on the north side of the temple, called Leishen Temple Jiadao, after defeating the ghosts and snakes, it was renamed the Education Association Jiadao, and now it is an elementary school, many of us have parents who have studied here."

Xie Minyun narrated the history of each building like a few treasures. From a distance, these buildings are the military battle bureau in the Ming Dynasty, the Accounting Department and Qingfeng Department in the Qing Dynasty, and the Education Association in the early Republic of China.From a close point of view, these buildings once lived in China's famous meritorious figures, and any one or two of them are big figures who can change the history of China.

Cheng Mo listened with great interest, because many of the things Xie Minyun said were beyond the reach of ordinary people, such as the daily life of these big men, and some unknown stories that happened around the houses that have been passed down for hundreds of years on the dragon veins.
The two chatted, and they didn't feel that waiting was boring. In fact, Cheng Mo felt that the guests came too early. When Cai Shufeng, Chen Fang, Gu Feifan and Jin Jinhan all came, the waiter began to serve the food. Cherry braised pork, tofu with crab powder, crispy squab, baked crab with ginger and scallion, etc. The dishes are all traditional local dishes, but they are much more delicate than ordinary restaurants.
Naturally, Cai Shufeng and Chen Fang also brought their female companions, and they introduced each other before eating. Except for Cheng Mo, they are all juniors from the big families in Huaxia. Introduced their names to Cheng Mo and reported their parents' identities. The parents of these people are all big figures who use Baidu to search and hang their ID photos. The name of any one will make ordinary people feel daunting and unattainable.

If someone with a background like Cheng Mo sat among this group of people, he might not be able to last for half a minute, and wanted to run away ashamed, but Cheng Mo was calm as usual, and when Xie Minyun introduced Cheng Mo, the original group of people still I thought Xie Minyun would take it with me, but unexpectedly Xie Minyun stood up, supported Cheng Mo's shoulder and said: "This is a solemn introduction, my husband Cheng Mo. Although his father has passed away, he has deeply influenced me. Cheng Yongze, member of the Faculty."

After a pause, Xie Minyun continued in a low voice: "My father once said that there are three realms for people to study: to be a businessman, the first is to live with business; Standing up for the world is the third stage. The first stage requires only intelligence; the second stage requires not only intelligence, but also luck; and the third stage is the most difficult. Under the intrusion of the secular world, he devotes himself to studying hard, and in today's realistic society, there are very few smart people like my husband's father who devote themselves to learning."

The word "member of the academic department" made others less repulsive towards Cheng Mo, and Xie Minyun used his father's mouth to give his father-in-law a big hat that was almost a saint, which made others face up to Cheng Mo again and changed There are some stereotypes that Chengmo relies on women to mix in circles.

Of course, this kind of attention is also very limited. No matter what Xie Minyun brags, Cheng Yongze has already passed away, and his influence is limited, which is not enough for Cheng Mo to join their circle. Jiaodi didn't reveal the identity of Cheng Mo's Chosen One, which made the crowd still not think highly of Cheng Mo.

During the meal, the nobles talked about things in the political arena, such as who was promoted, who was transferred where to work, and how these would affect the economic form or the place. Cheng Mo had no access to these things, let alone interrupted.

Apart from political matters, the second thing is to talk about making money. Although making money is a bit vulgar, money is the foundation of the chosen ones. Every chosen one needs a lot of financial support, and they are not talking about making money. To the industrial chain, industrial clusters.
Of course Cheng Mo can get in on the topic of economics, but the various data they have and some of the policies they talk about are not available to Cheng Mo at all. Cheng Mo can only listen carefully. A person who does not take the initiative to speak, so he is invisible and marginalized in the chat, becoming a little transparent.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone chatted about the Azure Dragon Society and the Dragon Blood Society. Cai Shufeng tentatively asked, "Xie Minyun, does your boyfriend know about our Tai Chi Dragon?"

 I recommend Feiguada's "The Asylum of Ten Thousand Worlds". I don't know when there has been such a mental hospital in the world.

  It once appeared on the busiest street in Gotham City, and was once hidden in the darkest corner of Raccoon City. It may have been described in a short section in "Detective Sherlock Holmes", or it may be in "Hannibal". There is one second of footage in the video.
  Some people say that the girl in the nurse's uniform looks a bit like Harley Quinn. Some people say that the old man in the ward on the second floor calls himself Professor Moriarty. Some people found an old chainsaw in the corner of the corridor, and some people Under the bed, a card with a clown painted on it was pulled out. The attending physician was always lazy, and there were inexplicable bloodstains oozing from the cracks of the floor.

  If one day, you stumble across a strange hospital on your way from get off work, welcome to visit whether you are sick or not.


(End of this chapter)

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