Rebel Demon King

Chapter 720 Cheng's Couple (6)

Chapter 720 Cheng's Couple (6)

(Three-in-one update, Cavin didn’t say anything, and the chair hasn’t arrived yet, which makes me feel uncomfortable, and I can’t code the words at all. Fortunately, the chair should arrive tomorrow)
As soon as Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun walked to the side of the basketball court, there was a lot of commotion. The two people who don't like to show affection didn't hold hands. Due to the crowd, they didn't even walk side by side. They just walked through each other. The crowd, but many of you present have seen the earth-shattering and touching scene at the welcome party. Nowadays, the Tsinghua Shuimu Forum’s video about that segment can still be seen everywhere. Even Tsinghua’s official Weibo has released a high-definition version of the program, but the last Xie Minyun was truncated The welfare session of the last question, and the scene of Cheng Mo helping Xie Minyun put on his shoes and then leaving together, so all Tsinghua students know the scandal between the campus belle Xie Minyun and the freshman Sheng Mo.

But the video is not an official announcement. Even though the two of them sprinkled dog food wildly on the stage at the welcome party, they didn't pierce the window paper.Xie Minyun just asked Cheng Mo what he was waiting for, and Cheng Mo just said to take Xie Minyun to see the Aurora, but if there is no real hammer, some people always have unrealistic fantasies, this kind of feeling is like some female stars' boyfriend fans
As a result, many students who failed to enter the scene held a skeptical attitude. If the hero was replaced by Du Leng or Qi Shilong, everyone would think it was unexpected and reasonable.Even if everyone thinks that Du Leng or Qi Shilong and Goddess Xie are not at the same level, they are at least close to each other, but the male protagonist is actually a childish boy like Cheng Mo who looks ordinary or even tender at first glance. The students of Shao Tsinghua University couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it.

Especially the girls, although the girls of Tsinghua University don't judge people by their appearance, who doesn't like to look at the CP who is seductive?Especially when I met a cold beauty like Xie Minyun, who is rare in real life, I thought it was difficult to find a suitable partner for this kind of goddess who seemed to live in another world. Will take the initiative to force a freshman to confess his love to her at the orientation party.Not only was it high-profile forcing the other party to confess, but it was also extremely exaggerated to run away with the boy in front of five or six thousand teachers and students and a group of leaders. It is said that he went to northern Europe to see the aurora. This romantic and exaggerated plot made the whole Tsinghua University panic. Talking about it happily also made the video of Cheng Mo being interviewed popular again.

In the eyes of girls, Cheng Mo's conversation and knowledge are passable, but it is still a pity that Cheng Mo's appearance is not enough, and his family background is not high or handsome. Overall, in Tsinghua University, it is quite average.

The girls really don't understand why Xie Minyun, who has such superior conditions, likes Cheng Mo.

As for the boys, after watching Cheng Mo's interview video, they even complained "I can do it myself", but I didn't have the courage to chase after it.

Many people don't know that courage alone is far from Cheng Mo who often talks to death, and they don't know that Xie Minyun actually loves Cheng Mo more, but Cheng Mo repeatedly rejects Xie Minyun.

Speaking of which, the fact that Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun can get together can be attributed to the mysterious and mysterious fate. It is not a simple mutual understanding that can summarize the love story between two people.It is normal for boys and girls who have watched too many dog-blooded idol dramas not to understand.

In fact, even Cheng Mo occasionally wonders if he had a long and sweet dream, and is also afraid that after waking up, he will still be the bad boy with nothing but a heart attack.

He walked in this unfamiliar scene. In the past, he would never step into the range of a basketball court or a football field. He would only stand far away and watch other teenagers sweating their youth. Now he enters the This hot, boiling place filled with hormones actually gave birth to an unspeakable sense of novelty.

The golden sun shines on the concrete stands, and the black reflections on the court are indistinct. The sound of batting, shouting, and the friction of sneakers against the floor is like a youthful movement, while the girls' cheers, boys' cheers and All kinds of noisy sounds make people melt into it instantly, like water droplets entering the sea.

Cheng Mo walked towards the middle along the narrow passage between the triangular billboard and the concrete stands, Xie Minyun was right behind him, when passing by a group of people from the Department of Astronomy, Cheng Mo heard someone calling him, Cheng Mo was not Xie Minyun, so he couldn't help his classmates He didn't hear the classmate's yelling, so he turned his head and looked over, and saw Ye Lushan smiling and waving to him.

Cheng Mo was a little inexplicable. During the military training, his little transparency only talked to Ye Lushan a few words, and later Ye Lushan took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with him during the meal, and he directly slapped him back. What did he suddenly call him at this time?
Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Although Ye Lushan was asking Cheng Mo, her eyes fell on Xie Minyun who was behind Cheng Mo. Seeing that Xie Minyun also stopped, she immediately turned her gaze to Cheng Mo's face, pretending to be generous and said: "These days you haven't Come to class, you are the only one in the class who has not registered the dormitory and phone number with me, if it is convenient for you, please register with me now!"

Not only Ye Lushan, but almost everyone is involuntarily looking at Xie Minyun behind Cheng Mo. The hip-wrapped knitted skirt is too beautiful. This kind of knee-length knitted skirt can't be worn by people who are a little shorter. With a five-short figure, only a girl like Xie Minyun who is tall, long-legged, and straight-up buttocks can control it.

As Xie Minyun followed Cheng Mo and stood in place, those enthusiastic and noisy voices suddenly disappeared, as if this large area was instantly evacuated, and the sound lost the medium of transmission.

Cheng Mo had long guessed that such a scene would appear. Many foreigners took photos with Xie Minyun on the road during this trip, and not only boys but also many girls. Even though Xie Minyun refused very simply, everyone praised her in unison. She is the most beautiful Asian girl I have ever seen.

He was used to his daughter-in-law being watched silently, so he ignored them, guessing that Ye Lushan was elected as the class monitor, and seeing that it was a serious matter, he didn't refuse, and said his phone number, dormitory building and room number.

As soon as Cheng Mo spoke and broke the silence, many people turned their attention to him, the lucky guy. Suddenly, the students in this area were in an uproar. The conditions of the new postgraduate dormitory are very good, almost the same as the dormitory for doctoral students. It is not only a room for two, but also a separate bathroom, except that you cannot apply for a husband and wife room like a doctoral student.

Everyone still didn't know that he was the only one in Cheng Mo's room, and there was basically no difference between him and the doctoral student's husband and wife except that it was not a big bed. If they knew, they might all be blown up.But someone still asked loudly: "Hey! Cheng Mo, how can you be assigned to the new graduate student dormitory?"

Of course, Cheng Mo would not pay attention to such a question that could be answered by saying "it's none of your business", and just asked Ye Lushan lightly: "Is it okay?"

Ye Lushan picked up her phone and said, "It's all right! I'll add you to WeChat later, and then pull you into the class WeChat group."

Cheng Mo said "OK" and was ready to leave.

Ye Lushan said again: "You haven't attended the class these days, if you need notes, you can find me, and you can ask me if you don't understand anything."

Xie Minyun, who had been looking at Cheng Mo quietly all this time, frowned slightly at this time, she turned her head to look at Ye Lushan and said lightly: "Thank you for your concern, but if there is anything Cheng Mo doesn't understand, I will talk to you." He discusses, if you don’t understand anything, don’t ask him.”

Seeing the icy Xie Minyun jealous in public and declaring his sovereignty, the expressions of the surrounding melon-eaters changed. They felt that Xie Minyun's always high-cold image in their hearts was completely shattered. There was a feeling of collapse in the human setting. They were all surprised Look at this is not the right couple.

Ye Lushan pretended to be stunned, and said with an innocent expression: "It's just a good intention."

Xie Minyun had a clear understanding of Ye Lushan's mentality and thoughts, stared at Ye Lushan expressionlessly and said, "If it was a good intention, you shouldn't call Cheng Mo to stop at this time."

After Xie Minyun finished speaking, she didn't intend to continue to pay attention to Ye Lushan, who was a little pale. She raised her hand and gently pushed Cheng Mo, and said softly, "Let's go!"

Cheng Mo let out an "oh" and continued to walk forward. The two of them completely forgot about the discussions and continued to walk towards the gap in the billboard at the center line of the stadium.

Seeing this scene, everyone began to discuss again. Zhou Zhiqing, Yao Kexin and a few girls from the Faculty of Science were sitting in the crowd. Several women were discussing how an ordinary boy like Cheng Mo could catch up with Xie Minyun. Zhou Zhiqing looked at Shining with burning eyes. The luminous Xie Minyun cut it and said, "How did you chase it?? No one else has ever chased Cheng Mo, it was Xie Minyun who chased after Cheng Mo!"

When all the girls heard this shocking gossip, they all forgot about the handsome guy on the court, and turned to look at Zhou Zhiqing, "What? What? Xie Minyun chased after Cheng Mo, what's going on?"

"Stop joking? Impossible!"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Zhou Yuqing quickly nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said: "Really, really, I just thought that Cheng Mo and Du Leng had some earth-shattering passionate story, so I asked about it, and finally heard something even more incredible. information."

"Don't hold your breath! Say it!"

"That's right! Zhiqing, tell me!"

"Isn't Song Xizhe from the computer department also from Changya? I knew he had a good relationship with Cheng Mo, so I went to ask him, and he told me that Xie Minyun did something that shocked the whole school when he was a sophomore in high school. Cheng Mo's students transferred schools and gave Cheng Mo his Rolls-Royce and bodyguards. Xie Minyun also spent more than [-] million yuan to contract all the precious tree species on Yuelu Mountain and hang them all up. Her and Cheng Mo's names caused a sensation in the whole school at that time, so Cheng Mo also has a nickname, called the billionaire soft rice man"

As soon as this shocking news was released, many girls who listened to the gossip turned into shocked faces.

"My God, isn't it? Two hundred million? Is Xie Minyun such a crazy woman? I can't tell at all!"

Zhou Zhiqing covered her reddened cheeks and said, "Crazy? I want to replace Xie Minyun with a boy, a proper and domineering president! Ah! Ah! I think it's too sweet to say the least!"

"Isn't someone on the forum talking about it? Someone posted about it. I didn't believe it when I saw it. I haven't heard of such a big thing on the Internet! I didn't expect it to be true!"

"That's right! No matter how rich you are, it's impossible to just spend [-] million like this?"

"This is too exaggerated! It should be just a rumor!"

Zhou Zhiqing snorted, "Exaggeration? What do you know, Xie Minyun is called 'Tianxian Gong', according to the character design in the novel, it is the kind of person who looks cold and ruthless, but is very persistent and passionate when he likes someone!" He took out the phone, clicked on the photo, swipe the screen a few times, and after finding the photo he needed, he said: "This is a video I asked my classmate from Yuelu Academy to take on Yuelu Mountain. There is absolutely no PS in the video. You can watch it." Look."

Everyone moved their heads together, and saw a red pavilion appearing in a video. The person moved the camera and the words "Aiwan Pavilion" appeared, and then moved the camera to the surroundings, and some trees nearby All the tree trunks were tied with red silk, and a sparkling crystal nameplate was hung under the red ribbon tied with a bow.The camera moved closer, and the top line of the crystal nameplate was engraved with the words "Adopted", and the names of Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun were vertically placed below it. Then the video flickered around, and all the trees were hung with signs, except for a few. Yes, almost all of them are famous brands of Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun.

Everyone circulated it one after another and let out a series of exclamations.

Zhou Zhiqing said triumphantly: "Almost the entire Yuelu Mountain is full of two people's names, do you know what else is engraved on the back of this sign?"


"Hundreds of years together, forever united!"

"Ah!!! It's too sweet. This dog food is really sweet and drunk!"

"I really didn't see Xie Minyun being so romantic!!!"

"As a girl, I want to fall in love with Xie Minyun!"

"It's super sweet! How can this Chengmo Hede!!! I'm so jealous!"

"What's Xie Minyun's background? Spend [-] million yuan to adopt a tree in a [-]A-level scenic spot."

As a native of the capital and a classmate of Xie Minyun, Zhou Zhiqing naturally knew something about it, "Hehe! Don't guess about Xie Minyun's background, a real red nobleman! Otherwise, how can we let our school open the astronomy department if it says it is open!"

"Ah? You mean that the Department of Astronomy was opened because of Xie Minyun? Impossible! Where did you get the news from?"

Some students nearby also shook their heads, expressing that Zhou Zhiqing's statement was outrageous.

Zhou Zhiqing looked in the direction of Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun and said seriously: "There is no need to question the source of the news. I heard this when our teacher He was chatting with the department head, and Yao Kexin also knew it! And I'm sure Xie Minyun did it for Cheng Mo That’s what prompted our school to open an astronomy department!”

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhiqing looked around and said: "All the students of the Department of Astronomy here, I really want to thank Cheng Mo. If it weren't for Cheng Mo, you might not be able to get into Tsinghua University."

As soon as this was said, the area exploded again, and the voices of "how is that possible" kept coming and going.

Zhou Zhiqing waved her hand, telling the people around her not to make noise, and waited for the voice to subside a little before she said: "I was the one who picked up the freshmen on the day I picked up Cheng Mo. As the number one scholar in arts and sciences in southern Shonan Province, Cheng Mo's wish was the Department of Astronomy. At that time, I thought It was Cheng Mo who chased Xie Minyun to our school, but asked Song Xizhe later. Song Xizhe said that Cheng Mo didn't know that Xie Minyun was in the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University. He chose the Department of Astronomy purely for his hobby. If he didn't like astronomy, Xie Minyun asked at the welcome party Cheng Mo will definitely not be able to answer the question!"

"Then how do you conclude that Xie Minyun let our school open the Department of Astronomy for the sake of Cheng Mo?"

"Don't you remember Xie Minyun's program at the welcome party? It was specially prepared for Cheng Mo! Isn't that enough proof? Who of you has followed Li Jian, do you remember what Weibo Li Jian posted that day?"

"I saw it. He posted a video of Xie Minyun's program, and he also said '520 is so romantic'!"

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't understand either!"

"Xie Minyun's show ends on May 2018, 5!"

"What does that mean? I love you?"

Zhou Zhiqing shook her head, "Of course not! How could Xie Minyun be so vulgar! According to my guess, it should be the day when Xie Minyun met Cheng Mo. Only in this way can we connect the beginning of the universe to the inexplicable end!"

"It seems to make sense!"

"Oh my god, why do I feel like I'm watching an idol drama!"

"Yeah! Changing the protagonist, it's completely like the plot of an idol drama! It's so romantic!"

"If I were Cheng Mo, I would not die happily!!!!"

"I really want a boyfriend like Xie Minyun!"

Another girl caressed her hot cheeks with her hands, looked at Xie Minyun who was not far away and said involuntarily: "It's over! I feel like I'm in love with Xie Minyun! Even if she's a girl, I don't care."

"But Xie Minyun's background is amazing, so it's impossible to say that our school has an astronomy department, right?" someone questioned.

"Then you are too ignorant. You don't want to see why Xie Minyun can be the finale? And this matter is not only from my teacher, Yao Kexin also heard from Du Leng! Du Leng even came to find Cheng Mo that day. , At that time, I wondered how Cheng Mo, a freshman, would make our student union vice president pay so much attention, but now I know that they are rivals in love!"

Yao Kexin, who was sitting next to Zhou Zhiqing, also nodded and said: "Indeed, Du Leng said at a gathering of some people in our student union that the Department of Astronomy was established by Xie Minyun. I don't quite believe what others say, but Du Leng said I still believe it."

At this moment, the stadium suddenly became a mess, and someone shouted: "It's not good, Du Leng and Gu Feifei are fighting!" Immediately, everyone's attention was attracted by the sudden change of situation on the court, and they stood still. Get up and look in the direction of the basketball court.


Du Leng felt regret the moment he grabbed Gu Feifan's collar. Even though he never concealed the fact that he liked Xie Minyun, he didn't want others to know that he would collapse because of love.In fact, on the night of the welcome party, he hid in the bathroom alone in the dead of night and drank a few sips of wine. For the first time, Du Leng felt so deeply what loneliness is, probably no matter how many people around him , no matter how many people care about you, you can only pretend to be indifferent, pretend to be able to afford it, and then swallow the bitter fruit in a corner where no one is around, and lick the wound.

The saddest thing is that he is Du Leng. Not only can't shed tears, he can't even get drunk. He can only let the low-quality alcohol repeatedly roll on the tip of his tongue, experience bitterness and acridity, and press the choking feeling firmly in his eye sockets.

He also comforted himself that he liked Xie Minyun only because of her background, but now, his furious emotions reminded him again that he definitely didn't like Xie Minyun just because of her background.

Du Leng looked at Gu Feifan's sarcastically long face, and heard the players surrounding him asking loudly, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

The referee also blew his whistle and came over to separate them. Du Leng suppressed the anger and sadness in his heart, let go of Gu Feihua's collar before the referee came, and stopped the people behind him. The expression on his face was as calm as possible, and then he whispered: "I'm sorry, President Gu, I was impulsive! Sorry! The game continues"

Seeing that Du Leng took the initiative to admit his mistake, and there were too many people, Gu Feifan couldn't be bothered to continue provoking Du Leng with Xie Minyun. He spread his hands, looked at Du Leng with sympathy, and said, "Let's stop for a while, I'll give you a chance." Calm down and calm down!"

For the first time, Du Leng couldn't refuse Gu Feifan's kindness, and called a timeout after the referee called him a foul. However, when he turned around, he was even more embarrassed, because he saw Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun standing at their Dragon Blood Society piled up with clothes and drinks At this time, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun were talking to Fu Yuanzhuo.

Du Leng's movements froze for an instant, he really didn't know whether he should walk over, but before he did, a group of people from the Azure Dragon Club, including Gu Feifan, walked over and greeted Xie Minyun first, Du Leng was helpless, I could only follow along, no matter how bitter my heart was, I still had to keep my face as if nothing had happened.

"There must be grace, there must be grace, there must be grace." Du Leng chanted repeatedly in his heart.

At this time, someone patted him on the shoulder and whispered: "Brother Leng, don't be discouraged, I don't think these two people will be together for long, and they will break up sooner or later."

Du Leng smiled reluctantly.

Another team member also sneered and said: "I really don't know why Xie Minyun would choose such a boy, he doesn't look very good!"

Du Leng forced a smile again, and said in his heart: "Yes! It's not like Cheng Mo can't win!" He thought so in his heart, but he said: "You can't say that, Xie Minyun is not a person who likes appearance , Cheng Mo is quite talented."

"How about being talented? How can we say that he and we are not from the same world! Brother Leng, don't give up!" Zhu Lingqi patted Cheng Mo's shoulder to comfort him.

Du Leng smiled bitterly and said, "I'm really fine. Love is very important, but it's not the most important thing! I'm lucky, but not my life. I'm not as fragile as everyone thinks!"

A group of people in red team uniforms all laughed, and someone said, "Let's go, let's see what character this Cheng Mo is?"

Knowing Xie Minyun's character, Du Leng hurriedly dissuaded him: "Wait a minute, please be merciful, don't talk nonsense, just treat it as a face for me!"

Several people sighed again: "Brother Leng is so personable! Xie Minyun was really blind to not choose you!"

Several tall and powerful people walked towards the sidelines together. Xie Minyun was introducing Cheng Mo to some members of the Qinglong Club who were wearing Lakers uniforms. The members of the Qinglong Club were all from the same family as Xie Minyun, although it was very strange Xie Minyun will find a boyfriend outside the circle, but no matter what he has to give Xie Minyun face, not to mention that the Xie family is in full swing, it is the strongest family among the seven families, but Xie Minyun has already been promoted to become the chosen one at the age of 20 , deserve their respect.

Everyone is an insider, and they know that even if Xie Minyun advanced to the Chosen One so quickly, the reason why he has Tai Chi Longdui resources is also inseparable from Xie Minyun's talent. They don't know that Xie Minyun is much stronger than they imagined, yes The truly chosen one who has been injected with God's gene.

But no matter how much these members of the Blue Dragon Club valued Xie Minyun, they didn't care too much about Cheng Mo.Firstly, the two are just dating, not married; secondly, Cheng Mo didn't even enter the Tai Chi Dragon, so it really doesn't deserve their attention.Third, even if Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo are true love, as a member of the noble family, how can it be possible to say that you can marry whoever you want, and marry whoever you want?Logically speaking, these talents among them are good matches for Xie Minyun, and now that Xie Minyun was cut off by someone outside the circle, they would never accept Cheng Mo so easily.

The reason why I came here at the first time is mainly to save face for Xie Minyun.

And Du Leng is not the only one who likes Xie Minyun in Tai Chi Dragon, Cai Shufeng also likes Xie Minyun, but Cai Shufeng has always kept a low profile, and only a few people know that he likes Xie Minyun, not everyone like Du Leng.

Cheng Mo felt a little clue, because Cai Shufeng, who looked very polite, shook hands with him harder than others, and said to him jokingly: "Cheng Mo, even if you are in a relationship with Xie Minyun, you can't take it lightly. , Those who like Xie Minyun in our compound can form several basketball teams! It must be impossible to accept this fact, and we will definitely find a way to get Xie Minyun back!"

Cheng Mo just smirked with the corner of his mouth curled up, but didn't reply.

When Du Leng came over, Xie Minyun happened to introduce Gu Feifan. Gu Feifei smiled at Cheng Mo and said, "I met Cheng Mo in Shanghai, we are old friends! At that time, some people said that you two are the same Yes! I still don’t quite believe it. I didn’t expect it to be true. Today, I’m the host, and I’m going to invite you all to have a meal. I have to ask Cheng Mo for advice on how to pick the flowers of Tsinghua’s Gaoling! We can learn from it. !"

After a pause, Gu Feifan turned his head to look at Du Leng who was wiping his sweat with a towel, and said with a smile, "Especially Vice President Du, I really want to learn from Cheng Mo!"

Du Leng knew that Gu Feifei was going to make trouble in front of Xie Minyun again, so he looked at Xie Minyun and said calmly, "Gu Feifei, you don't need to be sarcastic, I like Xie Minyun, but I'm not as small as you think .”

Du Leng put the towel on his shoulders and squeezed through the crowd towards Cheng Mo. He first looked at Xie Minyun, then looked down at Cheng Mo, who was shorter than him, and said with a condescending expression, "Cheng Mo, I'm sorry." , even if we are alumni, I can't give up Xie Minyun, I will continue to pursue her! After all, you are not married yet, I have this right! And I believe that only I can give her happiness!"

Hearing Du Leng's persistent and heart-warming declaration in public, everyone around was excited. Du Leng's popularity is good, and he has a good reputation in school. Know where the good is.

The audience who originally thought that fighting was worthless were once again ignited by this passionate confession. Suddenly, countless applause and cheers rang out, and there was a huge booing sound echoed in the entire campus. The scene is even more lively.There were also people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, shouting loudly: "Du Leng! Come on! Take Xie Minyun back!"

The huge drum noise attracted passers-by around, and the entire basketball court was immediately surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

Cai Shufeng, who was standing in the crowd, saw that Du Leng had the courage to confess in this situation, and couldn't help clenching his fists. In his opinion, Du Leng was a more threatening existence than Cheng Mo. Cheng Mo must be just a passer-by in Xie Minyun's life. , but Du Leng is not necessarily.

In such an occasion, Du Leng still dared to express his heart, which is undoubtedly a bonus. Compared with his two words that were neither salty nor weak, Cai Shufeng felt that he was at a disadvantage again.

Cai Shufeng closed his eyes, he didn't know if he should also express to Xie Minyun at this time that he would never let go, to give Xie Minyun some impression points, he gritted his teeth, still wondering whether he should stand up, but he heard Xie Minyun's faint He said: "Senior Du Leng, I think you made a mistake. Cheng Mo and I are not lovers."

Hearing Xie Minyun's clarification, countless people cried out in surprise, and all looked at Xie Minyun in astonishment. Even Du Leng felt incredible, and his hands trembled slightly.

However, Xie Minyun's next sentence was even more earth-shattering and shocked everyone's jaws.
(End of this chapter)

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