Rebel Demon King

Chapter 711 Lu Chi and Guide Dog's Aurora Confession Journey (End)

Chapter 711 Lu Chi and Guide Dog's Aurora Confession Journey (End)
(Thanks to "Fenninore Ziyan" for the rewards, and ask for monthly ticket support, there will be another update tomorrow morning, finish writing the aurora confession)
At the strong request of the family, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun took a photo with them, and then the blond female boss warmly invited the two of them to go to the sauna together. At first Cheng Mo suspected that he had heard it wrong, showing a puzzled The facial expression, the male boss repeated it again, and Cheng Mo remembered that sauna originated from Finland, and "sauna" is the only Finnish word adopted by other languages.

Cheng Mo had never been in a sauna before, and he was not interested in it at all. He was about to refuse, but he heard Xie Minyun whisper to him: "The sauna room is the most important social occasion for Finns. Forget about you, and invite you to take a sauna in the next second, he is really not playing hooligans, but wants to be friends with you from the bottom of his heart."

Although the hotel couple's invitation was very sincere and their smiles were very sincere, Cheng Mo thought about it for a while and decided to refuse, let's just eat, because he was going to eat, but he didn't have the need to go to the sauna, and he didn't want to spend time on such meaningless things. On social media, he said in Chinese: "I won't go, if you want to go, you can go!"

Xie Minyun took a deep breath, and replied in Chinese in a low voice: "I can't sweat, how can I go to the sauna?" After speaking, Xie Minyun declined the hotel couple's invitation with a slight smile.

From Xie Minyun's elegant and euphemistic tone, Cheng Mo heard a little hidden deep frustration. At this moment, Cheng Mo remembered the mood when he had a heart attack and was asked to play football.He was deeply impressed by a set of novels he had read that had not yet been serialized. Everyone in it was lonely. A lonely Caesar is lonely.

Of course, the loneliest must be Chu Zihang, because Chu Zihang tends to be perfect, and the more perfect he is, the more lonely he will be.

Cheng Mo remembered that there were a few chapters called "Every giant tortoise has a warm puddle in its heart", which mentioned that Chu Zihang knew a kind of Pinta island tortoise that was about to become extinct.Cheng Mo maliciously speculates that the old Jiangnan thief began to pave the way for Chu Zihang's disappearance in this chapter. Perhaps Chu Zihang, who is similar to Yuan Zhisheng, is also a metaphor for the giant tortoise.

Because of their loneliness, they all look around, and there is no one but themselves.

Unlike Lu Mingfei who still has Lu Mingze, Nuonuo also has Kaiser and Licking Dog Lu Mingfei, Kaiser has his family.

But Chu Zihang has nothing, the woman he liked was killed by him, and the woman who liked him completely forgot about him, what kind of loneliness is this?
On the other hand, if I forget everyone else, isn't it also a great loneliness?
It's no wonder that the senior sister is holding on to her memories tightly, unwilling to let go.

The two walked up the wooden stairs, the light brown stairs made light sounds, and the lights were slightly drunk. Cheng Mo raised his head slightly and watched Xie Minyun's slim back. When Xie Minyun stepped on the stairs on the second floor, Cheng Mo suddenly said: "Sister, let's go to the sauna together!"

Xie Minyun turned around in a little surprise, "Didn't you just say no? And I also said that going to the sauna is meaningless to me."

Cheng Mo tried to show a smile, "I don't think many things are meaningless if you can't feel the joy of it, such as sauna, maybe its more important meaning is social interaction, not just the effect of sweating in the sauna. Just like eating, even if we lose the taste experience, we can still recognize it through vision, chewing, and aroma. Maybe we can experience the joy of food more by focusing on other angles? "

Xie Minyun held the armrest and hesitated for a moment before saying softly, "I didn't bring a swimsuit."

Cheng Mo said: "There is also a sauna room on the second floor, the two of us can steam it by ourselves."

Xie Minyun's expression was still slightly hesitant.

Then Cheng Mo said with a sudden realization: "Don't worry, I won't think about it, not to mention that we have slept in one bed before?"

Xie Minyun glared at Cheng Mo, "That's separated by the quilt, it's not a bed!" After speaking, Xie Minyun continued to walk towards his room, without saying whether to go to the sauna or not.

Cheng Mo knew Xie Minyun's state of mind very well, and said with the corner of his mouth curled up, "I'll go back and change, and wait for you in the sauna room."

Xie Minyun didn't answer, he opened the door and walked in. Cheng Mo also entered his room, found the blue bath towel and blue plastic slippers that Xie Minyun bought for him from the box, and tied him tightly in the room. He took off the tight shirt and dress, took out the bath towel and slippers from the plastic sealed bag, and after putting them on, he left the room and walked towards the sauna.

Although the hotel is not big, there are sauna rooms on every floor, and you are not afraid to meet the owner's family. The sauna room on the second floor is built opposite a rather large platform, which is covered with snow, and there is a red A snowman with a turnip nose, a few parasols in the middle of the snow, like bright mushrooms growing in the snow, under the parasols are marble coffee tables and plastic stools, only the small circle under the parasols has no snow.

Cheng Mo entered the sauna room, the heat was blowing in his face, the log-colored room was lit with yellow lights, the opposite of the door was a floor-to-ceiling glass, and he could see the orchard outside, but the weather was bleak, in the orchard there were only bare branches and a The white snow on the ground, there is not much scenery worth admiring.

Although Cheng Mo is entering the sauna room for the first time, he also knows that he scooped a spoonful of water from a wooden bucket filled with water and poured it on the burning charcoal stove. The room reverberated, Cheng Mo sat on the log-colored wooden chair, turned to look at the barren orchard outside the window, thinking that Finns probably use the sauna to find warmth and fight against cold and loneliness.

Even when it should be time to let go of his thoughts, Cheng Mo's mind can't be idle, and there are all kinds of to-do items circling in his mind. Khan, he looked at the snowman on the platform through the glass on the door, trying to figure out why he liked Xie Minyun. He felt that when human beings are looking for a partner, they are either looking for a desire and expectation, or looking for another self, and Xie Minyun Probably a combination of both.

Cheng Mo began to think about the "God gene" and "angel" again. Assuming that the "God gene" is the carrier of the human body, what kind of existence would Xie Minyun's carrier be?
Cheng Mo was curious.

After pouring water a few more times and thinking about it for a while, Cheng Mo felt that the heat was unbearable, so he planned to leave. Just when he was about to get up, a figure wrapped in a white towel appeared in the glass of the door, so white and clear There is no doubt that Xie Minyun's skin is Xie Minyun's. As expected, when Cheng Mo opened the door, he saw Xie Minyun with his hair coiled.

Suddenly, there was a gust of air-conditioning in the sauna room, and Cheng Mo's mind went blank for a moment, leaving only Xie Minyun's cold face and enchanting figure.For the first time, he felt that the organ of the eye could not satisfy his requirement of admiring Xie Minyun at all. He thought that he could satisfy his greed only if he could evolve a 360-degree full-view eye.

Not to mention her flawless face, her round shoulders and slender collarbone are just right to exaggerate the extreme emotion. The figure wrapped in a bath towel is like a lake full of spring water, rich and soft.Looking down, it reminded Cheng Mo of the mermaid singing on the reef. She leaped high under the moonlight, showing clear and graceful curves, and the shimmering scales were like a river of stars. The tail becomes slender and plump long legs, delicate and detailed down to the impeccable wrists and ankles, everything is so beautiful.

Xie Minyun held the seam of the bath towel in one hand, sat curlingly beside Cheng Mo, and explained somewhat awkwardly: "Since you have come to Finland, if you don't take a sauna, it doesn't mean you have penetrated into the lives of Finns, right?"

Cheng Mo looked at Xie Minyun's shy side face, slender neck, shoulders exposed in the air, collarbone, and plump breasts, his heart began to beat wildly, and Cheng Mo hurriedly turned his head He didn't dare to look more, he never thought that Xie Minyun was just wrapped in a bath towel, and then retreated from the awe-inspiring nobility, and became dazzling.

Cheng Mo swallowed, and said with a dry throat: "Yes! I think so too."

After saying this sentence, the sauna room suddenly fell silent. Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun had never felt awkward when they got along these days, but at this moment they felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward.I don't know if it's because of the sauna room, or because of the subtle atmosphere, Cheng Mo's sweat is like rain, and the big sweat falls down from his cheeks like raindrops, and his palms are also full of wet sweat.

Cheng Mo, who was dripping with sweat, stood up and said, "I'll get a glass of water, do you want it?"

Xie Minyun nodded, and when Cheng Mola opened the door, she said tongue-tiedly: "There are Coke and beer in the refrigerator at the door, why don't you take two bottles of beer. I heard that Finns like to drink ice cream when they are in the sauna." beer."

Cheng Mo wiped the sweat off his head, said "yes" and hurried out of the sauna room before he heaved a sigh of relief. The temptation was too deadly.

Cheng Mo walked to the door, opened the refrigerator, stood at the door of the refrigerator feeling the coldness coming towards his face, and let out a little breath again, the seven souls and six souls that were hooked by Xie Minyun fell back to his body, and Cheng Mo took two cans of cold beer , returned to the sauna room, and handed a can to Xie Minyun.

Xie Minyun took the beer and pulled the tab, took a sip, a line of faint water stains slid along the corner of her mouth to her chin, and immediately disappeared without a trace as if it had evaporated.

Cheng Mo felt his mouth was dry, so he also sat down, kept a short distance from Xie Minyun, opened the tab of the beer can, raised his head and took a big sip, the cold feeling rushed from the mouth along the esophagus to the stomach, Cheng Mo felt better.But this couldn't alleviate the restlessness in Cheng Mo's heart. For the first time, he felt that he needed to find something to chat with Xie Minyun to divert his attention.

But for a while, Cheng Mo didn't know what he should talk about with Xie Minyun, so he could only ask the doubts hovering in his mind, "By the way, I don't know much about the angel department, can you talk about the angel department?"

Xie Minyun didn't answer right away, but Cheng Mo immediately said, "If it's not convenient, just say so."

Xie Minyun took a sip of beer before shaking his head and said, "No, it's nothing inconvenient, I'm just thinking about how to say it"

Cheng Mo didn't dare to look at Xie Minyun at all, bent over to scoop water from the bucket, and then poured it on the charcoal stove, the sound of "sizzling" and the dense water vapor relieved his tension.

Staring at the steam slowly rising in the sauna, Xie Minyun said slowly: "I think you should also know that 'superhuman' and 'cyborg' represent the evolutionary direction of human genetic modification and electro-mechanical modification respectively. , It sounds like it has a strong religious meaning, but in fact, I personally feel that the so-called angel may be an ultimate evolutionary form of human beings, and I guess it may be a quantum state. Otherwise, the Majora fermion is not Will call it 'angel particle'." (The Majorana fermion is a kind of fermion, and its antiparticle is itself. In 1937, Ettore Majorana published a paper hypothesizing the existence of this particle, Hence the name. As opposed to Dirac fermions, which refer to fermions whose antiparticles are different from themselves)

"Quantum state?" Cheng Mo was a little surprised, and immediately said: "No wonder there is such a conjecture that consciousness is a quantum state. I thought it was just nonsense. Now that you say it like this, it may be true?"

"I can't come to a conclusion on this. I only know that what the angel gene gave me was not a change in consciousness, but the ability to link my body to the quantum satellite in the sky, that is to say, my body It has also become a carrier." After a pause, Xie Minyun continued: "Actually, the research on God's gene in various countries is not just emerging now, as early as many years ago, the United States, the Soviet Union, and our country all tried to allow the human body to intercept quantum satellite transmissions. The data and energy that came out were called supernatural powers at that time. You also know that there was a boom in supernatural powers in our country for a while, and even Dean Qian led this work. In fact, a long time ago, the United States and the Soviet Union had Experiments have been carried out, especially in the Soviet Union, where more than 20 "paranormal research institutes" have been established, one of which is dedicated to cultivating gifted children, screening out genetically excellent men and women to give birth to children for experiments, and many children are in They began to be nurtured in the mother's womb, and the genes from the carrier were continuously inserted into their bodies. Although it is difficult to say, this has been done including in our country," Xie Minyun said.

"It seems that they succeeded?" Cheng Mo asked.

"No, these plans have failed without exception, so the upsurge in research on special functions has almost disappeared. I only know that the God gene is not a research result of the United States or the Soviet Union. At present, the God gene cannot be completely replicated. Yes, as for the others, I don’t know much about them either, although I have a special status within the Tai Chi Dragon, but I have no way of accessing more detailed things.”

After a short pause, Xie Minyun whispered again: "Speaking of which, among the people we know, there are people who have been trained since childhood."

(End of this chapter)

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