Rebel Demon King

Chapter 709 Lu Chi and Guide Dog’s Aurora Confession Journey (5)

Chapter 709 Lu Chi and Guide Dog’s Aurora Confession Journey (5)

When Cheng Mo woke up the next day, Xie Minyun was half leaning against the head of the bed, blue hair flowing down her side face, the sky outside the glass house was turning blue, against which Xie Minyun's cherry lips were moisturized and her skin was better than snow.

Cheng Mo was in a trance for a second, thinking that he should be in a dream, but the satisfaction that filled his heart reminded him that everything was real.At the happiest moment, everyone wants such happiness to last forever.But what is interesting is that for human beings, most of the happiness requires struggle to obtain, or the happiness that can be obtained without struggle is definitely not real happiness, at best it is a rush and short-term pleasure.

Cheng Mo knows that this kind of sweetness can be enjoyed to the fullest but not indulging. He forcibly moved his eyes away from Xie Minyun's side face, raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was exactly 06:30 in the morning. It seemed that Xie Minyun was the same as him, He didn't lower his requirements on himself because he was traveling and couldn't activate Ouroboros.

Seeing that Cheng Mo also woke up, Xie Minyun whispered, "Are you awake?"

Cheng Mo let out a "hmm".

Xie Minyun said softly "Good morning" again, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

But a simple "good morning" made Cheng Mo's heart rippling slightly sweet.

Although the two of them did not sleep in the same quilt last night, after Xie Minyun got up, Cheng Mo felt empty beside him, as if something was missing. He turned his head quietly and watched Xie Minyun's slim figure walk into the bathroom. There was the sound of washing, but there was no sound of going to the toilet. Cheng Mo was a little surprised, but he was not easy to ask about this kind of thing, so he could only plan to wait and ask what the "God gene" was about.

In addition, he already has a full understanding of "superhumans" and "cyborgs". "Superhumans" represent the evolutionary direction of humans transforming their genes through technological means; Evolutionary direction combined with humans.

As for the "angel", apart from Xie Minyun, Cheng Mo has not met a chosen person who chooses the category of angel so far, so he has no way of knowing the details about the "angel", so he has no way of guessing what the "angel" actually represents .

However, Cheng Mo can more or less guess that the "God Gene" is mostly related to "angels", because China's development direction is mainly based on basic science, which means that most of the main output skills are adapted to "cyborgs" However, Xie Minyun chose the worst "angel" in China, which undoubtedly means that "God gene" is related to "angel".

Of course, if it had nothing to do with it, the name "God Gene" would not have been used.

When Xie Minyun came out of the bathroom, Cheng Mo got off the bed. Whether it was the dry air floating in the room or the thick fur, Cheng Mo couldn't feel the cold at all physically and visually. He went into the bathroom and looked at the towel rack Blue and white towels are hung on the table, blue and white plastic cups are placed on the sink, the same type of male and female facial cleansers are standing beside the cups, and blue and white toothbrushes are placed in the cups. All point in the same direction.
Cheng Mo couldn't help laughing, he looked at himself in the mirror, his smile was not stiff at all, but a bit "brilliant", Cheng Mo felt for the first time that he actually looked pretty when he smiled.

Washing his face, brushing his teeth, washing his hair, and tidying himself up refreshed, Cheng Mo carefully restored the things in the bathroom to their original state, and did not forget to put the toothbrushes in the same place. When he left the bathroom, Xie Minyun was already reading a book, Cheng Mo Without disturbing Xie Minyun, he took out the Kindle and read the book.

It wasn't until 08:30 that Xie Minyun raised his head to interrupt Cheng Mo's reading, and said to Cheng Mo: "You have about 10 minutes to eat breakfast, and we will leave at nine o'clock. I have arranged the itinerary for these two days like this Yes, let me talk about it first. If you have any objections, you can raise them after listening to me, and we can discuss it. Now you can prepare your breakfast. I have a glass of milk and a glass of cereal in the morning. eat."

Cheng Mo is not unaccustomed to this kind of stylized dialogue. They were like this in Russia back then. Cheng Mo nodded, got up from the chair and went to the packing box at the door. Xie Minyun sorted out some of the food. It went in a plastic organizer that fits just fine in the box, and some left in the car.

Cheng Mo opened the sorting box, and there were instant noodles, canned food, oatmeal, milk, whole-wheat bread, etc., and all kinds of food were neatly stacked by variety.

Cheng Mo decided to make a bacon sandwich by himself in the morning, with a glass of milk, and took out the food he needed. Xie Minyun had already started to boil water, and helped Cheng Mo clear the tea table by the way, and put a plastic board and a fruit knife on it. It seems that she guessed what Cheng Mo was going to eat.

Then the two of them made their own breakfast, Xie Minyun's was very simple, just wait for the water to boil and rinse, while Cheng Mo had to slice the bacon and toast the bread.

When Cheng Mo inserted the bread into the toaster, he heard Xie Minyun say: "This morning's itinerary is to go to Ranua Wildlife Park. At noon, I have already reserved the location of Snowman World Restaurant, so I can experience the ice house restaurant. In the afternoon Then go to Christmas Park, if you are interested, we can take a sleigh pulled by elk, if you are not interested, we can go snow kart or ice hole fishing; in the evening I signed up for a night motorcycle, and I can go chasing the aurora.”

After a pause, Xie Minyun gracefully stirred the oatmeal with a small silver spoon, while turning her head to look at the weather outside the house, "But it seems that I can only ride a snowmobile, and there is no way to chase the aurora."

Cheng Mo secretly rejoiced that he didn't have a clear plan in his head yet, he thought about it all night yesterday and didn't come up with any romantic confession that would amaze Xie Minyun.Cheng Mo sighed in his heart, as expected, the goddess is not so easy to chase, because ordinary tricks can't impress her at all, just like Qi Shilong who was wearing a white suit that day, holding a limited edition Dior silver tube and bravely presenting flowers in front of thousands of people , If you want to change to an ordinary girl, I am afraid that you will be moved, but in Xie Minyun's eyes, there is only the word "vulgar".

Think about it too, what did Xie Minyun prepare for Cheng Mo?
Such a grand AR performance narrates the evolution history of the universe and mankind from beginning to end, and these countless bright and grand narratives are all paving the way for the end of the last-minute understatement of the encounter.

This kind of romance is really a few blocks away from the vulgar Qi Shilong. Even Cheng Mo, who is always indifferent, is moved. So how should Cheng Mo respond to this sea-like affection?
Cheng Mo has a big head.

Seeing that Cheng Mo was thinking, Xie Minyun asked, "Any thoughts?"

Cheng Mo immediately came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "The plan is perfect. I have no objection. I feel that when I go out with you, I don't have to think about anything, just follow the arrangement."

"Then you are not so relaxed, you have to be responsible for finding the way."

"Your Google Maps boyfriend is online."

"It's the boyfriend of a guide dog trainee."

"I'm not a dog, and don't guide dogs guide the blind? You're not blind."

"I am blind and blind!"

"Oh!? Xie Minyun, I didn't expect your logic to be so touching. Blind is an adjective, and blind is a noun! How can the two be confused!"

"Then I'm blind! How did I fall in love with you if I wasn't blind!?"

Cheng Mo was speechless by Xie Minyun, opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, with a "ding", the toast jumped out of the toaster, and immediately the room was filled with the smell of toasted wheat.

"Okay! You allow me to call you blind, and I will call me whatever you want."

"Don't bargain with me!"


"You are allowed not to wear liberation shoes today."


The sunshine time of Santa Claus Village at the end of September is only one hour less than that of Beijing. Although the sunshine time is not short, Santa Claus Village in autumn is usually either cloudy or snowy, which is not a good time to appreciate the aurora, so it is not Tourist season.

Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun drove straight to the Arctic Forest, which is known as the northernmost zoo in the world. Because it is not the peak season, there are not many tourists. Like ordinary couples, the two went to see the huge moose and polar bear. Brown bear, lynx, wolverine, moose, musk ox and other animals.

Xie Minyun had no resistance at all to the cute little polar bear, and called out "cute", took a lot of photos with the camera, and bought cod from the staff to let the staff feed it to the little polar bear. Seeing the little polar bear Running happily in the snow with the cod in his mouth, Xie Minyun was very happy to take pictures at first, but then he became melancholy again.

Cheng Mo saw Xie Minyun put down the camera and looked at the little polar bear rolling in the snow, and asked, "Sister, what's wrong?"

"I just think it's good to set up an animal sanctuary. There is really no need to imprison freedom-loving animals in a small garden." Xie Minyun's tone was a little heavy.

Cheng Mo shook his head, and said lightly: "For some endangered animals, only captivity can guarantee the continuation of their race. What's more, human beings are not raising human beings in captivity. Compared with captive animals, they are considered what?"

Xie Minyun frowned and said: "It is true that animals in the wild have their pain and misfortune, hunger, disease, and courtship competition... But these pains are arranged by nature, and they are born to fight against them. Yes, their physiological structure determines that they should live like this, and they are born to adapt to the price paid for the struggle for survival. They were not born to please humans. As the masters of the earth, we should be more Treat them kindly."

After a pause, Xie Minyun continued: "And we can't compare them to humans in this way, at least each of us has the most basic right to choose, and some animals, such as killer whales, are hunted in groups , was sent to the aquarium for training. In the wild, a killer whale can live to be 35 to 60 years old, but in an aquarium or zoo, they generally can only live to be 20 years old. Swimming pools and aquariums are nothing to them. The difference, in this case, is that a highly intelligent, socially-lived orca can become insane and therefore attack humans, which is why they were once called killer whales."

Cheng Mo thought of the human trade operated by the Black Death, but he didn't mention the more cruel truth. Human beings treat their own kind like this, and it's just a luxury to expect them to be kinder to animals.He just shrugged his shoulders and said lightly: "Of course it's cruel, but as long as there are interests, we can't change anything. In fact, I think the happiness of animals in zoos does not depend on whether they are kept in captivity, but whether they are kept in captivity. It lies in the planning and management level of the zoo."

Xie Minyun remembered the Leipzig Zoo she had been to when she was a child, she turned around and walked towards the exit, and said in a low voice: "I never thought that one day you would say what I should have said, and I said it should be you can say"

Cheng Mo, who was following Xie Minyun, was stunned for a moment, and the two of them creaked and creaked on the snow. After a long while, Cheng Mo said: "Maybe all animals in the future can only adapt to human beings, because nature can no longer decide them. Only humans can live and die. I think this is also their struggle."

Xie Minyun didn't say a word. She went to the gate of the zoo and arrived at the parking lot. When she opened the door, she said, "Anyway, I still have to do something within my power. At least I should find a way to promote the reform of zoos in China."

Although Cheng Mo felt that Xie Minyun didn't need to be keen on this kind of thing, since Xie Minyun wanted to do this, he would not object. Cheng Mo himself felt that most domestic zoos, including aquariums, were unqualified, but he didn't care about such things. That's all.

At noon, the two had lunch at Snowman World Restaurant, and went to Christmas Park together in the afternoon. The white bearded Santa Claus was not there, and the two failed to take a photo with the legendary Santa Claus who only allowed women to sit on the side. Then they went to sit on the elk pull I took a commemorative photo on the Arctic line at 66 degrees 33 minutes north latitude, and drove a motorcycle on the snow field at night.

Although it was another night without starlight or aurora, this night was extremely exciting for Cheng Mo. Cheng Mo liked the thrill of running on the endless snow field.

The next day, the two of them went skiing at the Ounasvaara Ski Resort. The Finns are all good athletes, and children as young as they are are better than Cheng Mo. Cheng Mo was able to gallop on the primary track only under the careful guidance of Xie Minyun.

Maybe it's the point bonus of physical fitness, maybe Cheng Mo himself has a good athletic talent, but his heart disease didn't let him show it.In the evening, Cheng Mo can follow Xie Minyun to skate on the night track.

For learning skills, Cheng Mo is not only not tired, but also very enthusiastic and patient. He played with Xie Minyun until the ski resort closed before leaving.On the third day, the two of them packed their luggage and checked out of the room, and went to the Polar Museum.

This polar museum is very famous in Finland. It not only covers a large area, but also has a very distinctive building. On the side facing the river, there is a huge transparent glass space, which looks like an alien building in a science fiction movie among the white snow.

The main exhibits of the museum are about Arctic creatures and the environment. One of the exhibition halls is very cute. It is about the sexual habits of various creatures, from birds to polar animals to marine animals to humans. The two people who were originally discussing When they arrived in this area, they didn't say a word, and Xie Minyun's cheeks were still slightly flushed.

Cheng Mo is not a person who likes to tell nasty jokes and pornographic jokes, so he didn't take this opportunity to tease Xie Minyun.

The two visited the Polar Museum for half a day, and went to downtown Rovaniemi at noon to replenish some living supplies. Then Xie Minyun drove the G550, carrying Cheng Mo, to the more desolate and sparsely populated Arctic Circle.

(End of this chapter)

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