Rebel Demon King

Chapter 703 Some stories are not finished, but only half of them are told (1)

Chapter 703 Some stories are unfinished, but only half told (1)

(Thanks to "liuyeung", "Xiaojie, Lan", "I have a treasure in my heart", "Dududujiang", "Night at Songyanzhuwuxi Bridge", "Ghost of the Night Watch", "Kai who fell in love with fishing Son", "Shanju Cihua", "Book Friends 20170302155607645", "Business Monk", "153 Jazz X", stay up late to make up for yesterday's update, there are two more chapters today, ask for a monthly pass!)
It is the first time in Cheng Mo's life that he stands on such a grand occasion. Although the story that happened on K20 is far more thrilling than the story that is going on at the moment, the current struggle without gunpowder presents a different story. A bloodless tragedy.

It seems that this kind of plot is called "Sura Field" in the anime, Cheng Mo thinks this is really an image metaphor.

At this second, he could clearly feel the scorching heat of the harsh spotlight shining on his body. The golden light not only evaporated the sweat on his cheeks and arms bit by bit, it seemed to roast him even The blood flowing in the veins will turn into steam.

He stared intently at Xie Minyun's clear eyes, those pupils that were cold to other people, but when they looked at him, they were like stars, which added a little more heat to Cheng Mo's heart.

There is no doubt that Xie Minyun must have known something about himself and Teacher Shen, so he uncharacteristically forced himself to confess to her in public.

Everything was Xie Minyun's plan, and the final result was just as Xie Minyun expected. No matter how unmoved he was before, in this battle of love, he, who was seen through his weakness, completely lost to Xie Minyun.

Only now did Cheng Mo wake up, it wasn't an afterthought, but Xie Minyun's program really moved him, touched the string in his heart, and made him rush over desperately.

He couldn't help but wry smile, it wasn't that he felt guilty towards Mr. Shen, in fact, the secular morality was never his shackles, obeying the secular rules or morality was just because it was in his interest.

Probably everyone knows a famous Kant saying: "There are two things that the more I think about them, the more miraculous I feel, and the more I am filled with awe, and that is the starry sky above my head and the moral code in my heart."

Liu, a famous Chinese science fiction novelist, once used Kant’s words—“I am in awe of the starry sky above my head, but I don’t care about the morality in my heart.” In fact, many people who study philosophy know that such things as “morality” are Time-sensitive, to some extent, it is a product of maintaining social stability.

Just like why "polygamy" was moral in ancient times, why is "polygamy" immoral in mainstream countries now?

Regardless of religious factors, if you think about it carefully, you will find that in ancient times, only the rich could guarantee the education of future generations. The country needed a large number of elites to maintain the rule, and it was even difficult for the poor to feed their children. What about education?Therefore, three wives and four concubines meet the needs of social stability, so it is moral.

But now, with the popularization of education and equal rights for women, monogamy is more in line with the needs of the times, so monogamy is moral.

Besides, killing such a thing can't make Cheng Mo feel guilty, is it a thing to talk about two girlfriends?It's not a big deal, but if it's a big deal, it's how to handle the relationship between girlfriends.

Cheng Mo thought very clearly, stay together if you can accept it, separate if you can't accept it, just respect each other, and there is no law that can't have more girlfriends?Wang Sicong, who graduated from the Philosophy Department of the University of London, has so many girlfriends, he is the national husband.

Cheng Murduo, a philosophy lover, talks about a girlfriend, is he a scumbag?
Of course, apart from having a different understanding of morality than ordinary people, Cheng Mo also knows that Mr. Shen, who looks gentle and considerate on the outside, is actually very rebellious in his bones, with meticulous thinking and super action ability.

In fact, Cheng Mo found out later that it was Sister Xi who woke up and stared at him after being drunk that night, not Sister Nan, but Sister Nan still pretended that Sister Xi hadn't woken up and concealed it from him.

Cheng Mo guessed that Mr. Shen had discovered Shen Daoyi's existence for some time. Several times, Cheng Mo noticed that Mr. Shen's actions and tone of voice were similar to Shen Daoyi's, but he didn't think much about it at the time.

In the beginning, Shen Youyi not only lied to him, but also lied to Nanjie.But after the Ferris wheel, sister Xi and sister Nan should have joined forces to plot Cheng Mo, saying that Shen Youyi needs to be stimulated to wake up, in order to force himself to have a relationship with sister Nan, so that the uncooked rice and cooked rice will become a fait accompli.

As for the things that Cheng Mo said to herself before Cheng Mo came to college, such as leaving temporarily, not wanting to delay Cheng Mo's experience of college life, and the words accompanying the paintings, saying that she had to wait for her, they were all retreating.

It must be what Bai Xiuxiu said to Sister Xi that Shen Youyi made the decision to support education.

woman!Born to be a conspirator on the battlefield of love, it's no wonder that Gongdou dramas are written by women.

It's not that Mr. Shen doesn't love him, it's because Mr. Shen loves him so much, that's why he's trying to catch him so carefully.That's why Cheng Mo said to Shen Youyi at night when he and Shen Youyi became one: "Teacher, no matter what you do, I will support you." He also omitted the second half of the sentence, "Even if you lied to me, I don't mind. "

The two women know Cheng Mo very well, and they are using him as the battlefield layout, and what is even more frightening is that Bai Xiuxiu is also involved in it. Maybe Bai Xiuxiu told Xie Minyun about the matter between herself and Teacher Shen. Thinking of this, Cheng Mo is incomparable The head is big.

If it is said that Shen Youyi wins by surprise, then Xie Minyun is openly and honestly coercing Cheng Mo to admit that he just likes her.In the final analysis, even if Shen Youyi came late, he still had to be in the wrong place. After all... Whether it was kissing, hugging, or falling in love with Cheng Mo, Xie Minyun was always in front.

How can Cheng Mo not have a headache?
Maybe even more troublesome things are still in the future.

In fact, for a chosen person like him, feelings were originally just insignificant adjustments, so why does it seem to have become the main line now?
Many thoughts in Cheng Mo's mind flashed away like waves one by one. He is not an indecisive person. What's more, as Xie Minyun said just now, time is so long and life is so short. As a chosen one, there is really no need to wait , and there is no need to tangle. "

[The BGM of this chapter——"Thank You Friend"]

Cheng Mo raised the tightly held rose again, although he felt that it was a bit bad to give Xie Minyun such an insincere gift under the current situation, but it was better than kissing him now, and then Xie Minyun asked, "Why are you so insincere?" Are you proficient?" It was better.

In order not to give Xie Minyun the opportunity to settle accounts later in the autumn, he must not kiss now, and he must wait until he has explained the matter of Mr. Shen before kissing. Cheng Mo was not dazzled by love, and he held up the roses on the green branches and leaves. , said nervously: "Senior sister, I would like to invite you to see the aurora with me, I wonder if you would like to?"

The originally quiet gymnasium sounded like a tsunami of regret. Everyone judged from Xie Minyun's last dialogue that Xie Minyun should have a good impression of this unattractive freshman in front of him, so many people even encouraged them loudly: " Why are you asking this? Come on!~ Kiss her!"

"This operation is still not proficient enough, you are young! At this time, hug and kiss and it will be over!" A senior student who has gone through vicissitudes of life said with experience.

The person next to him asked: "Snail, you seem to have a lot of experience, how many girlfriends have you dated?"

The snail stretched out his palm, shook it proudly, and asked, "Five?"

"Of course it's fifty, nineteen are Momo, 21 are in Soul, and ten are in Tantan"

"Then how many dates have you managed?"

The snail coughed and said, "Don't make me so vulgar. I'm purely a genius. It's so boring to develop into a hookup."

Cheerful laughter rang out all around.

Qi Shilong, who was sitting in the infield, found that the development of the matter was beyond imagination. He glanced at the empty seat No. 9 in the 9th row next to him, then turned his head and stared at what happened in front of him in astonishment. He couldn't believe the roses he bought. Hua appeared beside Xie Minyun in such a form, he really wanted to know how this boy named Cheng Mo captured Xie Minyun's heart, he even couldn't wait to know the root cause.

He really couldn't figure out where he lost compared to this unattractive freshman.

Is it just because I haven't been able to answer the ten questions that came up?

The surrounding noise was transmitted to Cheng Mo's ears, which made him complain endlessly. If he really wanted to kiss him, then he would really be a human being, so he had to be decisive at this time, and Xie Minyun could not see it. flaw.

However, some hidden entanglements in his heart seemed to be seen through by Xie Minyun.

Cheng Mo stared at Xie Minyun's quiet and solemn face. There was a stern and plain expression in her eyes. Her expression looked like an ancient Greek sculpture, showing a kind of eternal beauty. This kind of eternal beauty is religious. The treasure is solemn, but it is also like mathematics, with pure rational beauty, pure and cold.

This sublime still beauty is unshakable.

Obviously the current Xie Minyun is no longer the Xie Minyun he can see through.

The state presented by Xie Minyun made Cheng Mo feel uneasy. Looking back now, the affectionate hearing and seeing just now seemed to be an objective statement, as if he had watched a grand documentary. The unstoppable enthusiasm for exploring the universe rose up, which fully achieved the intention of the creator, but as the creator, Xie Minyun just regarded all this as a ceremony.

Cheng Mo couldn't help suspecting that maybe she was just a small gap in Xie Minyun's heart, no matter how he answered now, she would fill the small gap in her heart, throw away all the mundane, and become a perfect person.

At this moment, Cheng Mo fell into a kind of panic again, and he began to fear that all this was just a mirror image.

Just like a movie, after the climax, it means that the story has come to an end, and when the music ends, it will be the end of the song.The audience outside the venue got a perfect ending and left the movie theater with aftertaste, but the protagonists in the movie can only live in the sentence of "they have lived a happy life since then" without any waves.

Cheng Mo is a bit worried about gains and losses, maybe he is a pessimistic person by nature, he feels that he has glimpsed the clues of the future from Xie Minyun's beautiful pupils like black-eyed galaxies, for those who pursue the universe and truth - love, What is it?

It seems that his father is such a person who pursues the truth, so love is nothing but an insignificant thing to him.

Cheng Mo stared into Xie Minyun's eyes, and suddenly forgot everything. He felt that if this was the end of the story, it might not be a good choice to let it end with a bang.

But why was there such a great regret in his heart, like the distress when recalling his father's funeral after the Pantheon?

Cheng Mo doesn't want to regret it himself, even if the movie ends and the story ends, he doesn't want to act out an ending that he will regret.

Cheng Mo held Xie Minyun's flawless hand amidst the gazes and hustle and bustle of 6000 people. The second he touched Xie Minyun, his soul felt an unstoppable tremor, just like his father brought him for the first time. The kind of throbbing he went to the observatory to watch the stars.

He stood in front of the telescope and saw Jupiter and its Galilean satellites, and he saw the shadow of Ganymede on the surface of Jupiter surrounded by red spots, just like an eye that was silently looking at him.

Jupiter is so beautiful in the telescope, but his father told him that these red spots are rising air currents, and there are many small particles in the core of these great red spots, and they form a nucleus of hundreds of kilometers, which revolves counterclockwise The vortex maintains it, and it can last for hundreds of years, which is longer than the normal lifespan of a person. Such a beautiful planet is shaped by terrifying dangers, which is really unimaginable.

Maybe it's the same with love.

The more attractive and beautiful, the more dangerous.

It turned out that he was really a person who longed for danger, Cheng Mo sighed in his heart, then he raised his hand, inserted the words of the rose that had faded in front of Xie Minyun into her ear, and said softly: "Then we don't have to wait, I will Now I will take you to Helsinki, we can not only watch the sun rise from the west on the plane, but also lie in the dome glass house and enjoy the aurora together.”

This small voice instantly spread throughout the stadium through the microphone in Xie Minyun's hands. Cheng Mo's slightly distorted voice was like a mysterious radio wave from an alien planet. The moment the rose was inserted into her head, she seemed to see Michelangelo's famous painting on the dome - "Genesis".

God touched Adam's fingertips with his fingertips and gave him his soul.

Seeing Xie Minyun lightly opened his vermilion lips, everyone stopped talking, and their breathing became rapid along with Cheng Mo's violent heartbeat. Whether it was good or bad, people were eager to see a result that made suspense No longer hung their appetite.

Off the field, Du Leng was heartbroken. He saw Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun’s famous brands on Yuelu Mountain more than a year ago. Only then did I realize that Xie Minyun's love for Cheng Mo was beyond imagination. The fingertips he dug into his palms began to turn pale, and his face became stiff. He didn't dare to turn his head. Let others discover his sadness, so he could only hide in the dark. Close your eyes, holding back some sour tears.

But in the next second, his soul that was about to suffocate got a turn, and he heard Xie Minyun say: "No."

However, the "No" sounded like a pacemaker reactivating Du Leng's heartbeat. He took a deep breath, as if he had come back to life, and Yu Junshan, who was ashamed, was also excited. Waving his fist, he said happily, "I knew it! How could Xie Minyun fall in love with him!"

There was an uproar in the gymnasium. Originally thought it was the dog food fans who were in love with each other. Unexpectedly, the painting style changed suddenly, and it seemed to end in tragedy. Even though this ending was reasonable, everyone still felt pity for Cheng Mo on the field, and felt that Cheng Mo should not have done it. Too impatient, as if they were not the ones who urged the two people on the field to kiss just now.

The snail shook his head and sighed: "I just said that Cheng Mo's operation posture is incorrect! I'm so impatient!"

Others looked at him in astonishment and said, "Didn't you just say kiss and finish the matter?"

"Where is it? You must have heard it wrong!" Snail immediately denied it, paused and said, "How could Xie Minyun like such an ordinary boy!"

"Others are not ordinary, right? A double champion in arts and sciences in southern Hunan!"

The snail vowed: "So what? It doesn't look like a good match! To be honest, I don't have any sense of CP!"

The students of Cheng Mo's Astronomy Department felt sorry for Cheng Mo, and said in a hurry: "This Cheng Mo has too little experience in love, right? No wonder Xie Minyun, who asked others to open a room in public, would agree!"

"That's right! Anyway, let's have a meal first, watch a movie, familiarize yourself with it, and move on to the next step! This is the same as papapa, you must first kiss, then flirt, and finally get to the point, how can you just fuck hard right away? "

"Hey! I just called him the last love master in science and engineering, and now he is slapped in the face every minute!"

Hearing this "no way", Cheng Mo on the stage was sweating profusely. Even though he guessed that there was still a turning point, it was extremely difficult for him to wait. The scorching light shone on him, like a root Like a needle, it caused him some pain. For the first time, his brain lost the function of thinking, and it became blank at this important moment in his life.

Subconsciously, he wanted to let go of Xie Minyun's hand, but found that she was holding him even tighter.

At this moment, Cheng Mo's brain resumed working. At this moment, it felt like his soul had returned to his body. His wandering eyes refocused, and in the halo of silence, he saw Xie Minyun bit his lip and said: "I haven't put on shoes yet." .”

Seeing Xie Minyun's iconic lip-biting action again after two years, Cheng Mo's memory became extremely clear, as if everything happened yesterday, the two of them never separated, they just closed their eyes and fell asleep.

And in the eyes of the audience, at this moment, the iceberg-like Xie Minyun was dyed with brilliant colors, as if because of this ordinary rose, it became alive.Everyone seems to have seen the revival of all things, dandelions floating under the blue sky and white clouds, green buds grow into leaves in the warm wind, and patches of flowers smile in the sunshine.
Cheng Mo looked down at Xie Minyun's pair of smooth and delicate feet under the white dress, hesitated for a while and said, "Then I will accompany you to the backstage to put on shoes first?"

Cheng Mo saw Xie Minyun staring at the canvas shoes on his feet, one head and two big, it seems that there are also scenes in Korean dramas where boys take off their shoes for girls to wear. It seems that Xie Minyun does not intend to let him go so easily, and Cheng Mo also knows himself At a loss for reason, he simply took off the shoes on his feet, and stepped on the wooden floor wearing socks, "If you don't mind, wear mine."

Xie Minyun said calmly to Cheng Mo who was carrying the shoes, "It's not easy for me to bend over in a skirt."

Cheng Mo scolded Li Jiting ten thousand times in his heart, could it be that Xie Minyun acted just now?When did her acting become so good?What kind of dick is this?It's just getting more and more arrogant, okay?Does Tsinghua University have to know that Cheng Mo likes Xie Minyun so much to be satisfied?

Fortunately, Cheng Mo is not a masculine advocate, and he has no psychological burden on putting shoes on the girl he likes, and he dare not show hesitation in front of Xie Minyun, fearing that she will make more troubles, so he is decisive squatted down.

Xie Minyun supported Cheng Mo's shoulder, and raised his right foot slightly.

Cheng Mo held Xie Minyun's fair and round ankle, as if he was holding a priceless jade, and he carefully put on the unlaced shoes.Xie Minyun's skin is warm and moist. It didn't feel hot because of the hot weather and standing under the spotlight. Instead, Cheng Mo felt a little cool, and the touch was amazingly smooth and elastic.But Chengmo didn't have the slightest thought in his heart. He carefully stretched the shoelaces tightly to make the shoes tighter. But for Xie Minyun, the size 42 shoes are still too big, and they look a bit loose when worn. Cheng Mo raised his head slightly and asked, "Could it be a little older?"

Xie Minyun stepped on it twice and said, "It's a little bigger, but it's okay."

Seeing this scene, the entire gymnasium was boiling. This is more exciting than kissing, but because it is too exciting, and the people who eat melons have become a little impatient with the twists and turns of the plot, they want to sprinkle dog food. Refreshing, tossing and tossing and stuffing dog food over and over forcibly made them feel too overwhelmed.

At this time, the snail shouted angrily in his heart: "Are you kidding me? My name as a master of love has been ruined by you two." He couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Hurry up and hug her down? Go to the backstage of the ass !"

This time there was no cheerful laughter around.

The entire gymnasium responded with a huge boo of "wow" to this insane dog food, as if it was at the performance scene of Deyun Club at this moment.

However, the two turned a deaf ear to the boos, and even turned a blind eye to the somewhat awkward smile of the infield leader.Cheng Mo helped Xie Minyun put on his shoes, Xie Minyun walked towards the edge of the stage together with Cheng Mo, and the two walked down the iron steps holding hands. Members of the Tsinghua Student Union and the Dragon Blood Society were standing on the edge of the gymnasium He looked at the two of them in amazement.

Yu Junshan who just shouted "How could Xie Minyun like Cheng Mo" has long been hiding somewhere.

As for Du Leng's blank expression, he has always maintained his demeanor in front of Xie Minyun no matter what happens. The heavier shackles were put on his body, so he didn't even have the right to show sadness.

When Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo passed him by, Du Leng really wanted to show his demeanor, say a few words of blessing, even a smile, but he had always maintained a good face, but he completely collapsed. The corner of his mouth twitched in embarrassment, trying to smile, but found that Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun were not looking in his direction at all.

Du Leng just watched the two of them walk towards the exit, his throat rolled with difficulty, and his heart was filled with incomparable sourness, he finally understood that in Xie Minyun's eyes, he was no different from other people, it was nothing but irrelevance Passerby A.


Cheng Mo took Xie Minyun's cold hands and quickly walked across the red carpet. Cheng Mo, who was only wearing socks, didn't think that the red carpet under his feet was cheap. They walked out of the infield directly under the unimaginable sight of Tsinghua teachers and students .

When passing by Qi Shilong who was wearing a white suit and holding a tube of flowers in his hands, the three of them acted out like a Jiuliu bridge in a TV series. After a long-distance raid, the hero took away the bride at the wedding scene. On the other hand, the groom looked confused, not knowing what happened.

When they were about to reach the door, Fu Yuanzhuo opened the door ahead of time for the two of them, bowed with a bright smile and said, "Hello, senior!"

Xie Minyun just said "um", and didn't express much towards Yuanzhuo. He felt colder than in high school. In high school, even if Xie Minyun didn't smile much when dealing with Yuanzhuo, he would not be stingy with greetings. But just now, there was just a flat "hmm".

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't notice these details, but Cheng Mo saw them all.Fu Yuanzhuo has self-knowledge, so of course he wouldn't follow him to be a light bulb. Seeing that Cheng Mo didn't even have shoes, he stuffed the bicycle key into Cheng Mo's hand when he passed by, and at the same time smiled ambiguously and whispered: "The car Just stop at the entrance, brother can only help you get here! Then it’s up to you!”

Cheng Mo didn't say much, handed Fu Yuanzhuo's cell phone to him, took the key from him by the way, and walked out of the gymnasium with Xie Minyun. Fortunately, it was not winter, and the concrete floor was only a little rough, and there was no The ice was unbearable.

Cheng Mo led Xie Minyun out of the gymnasium. There were already many people waiting at the door to see the process on the big screen. Everyone was holding a mobile phone to take pictures of the two of them, like two celebrities walking on the red carpet.

Both Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun ignored them. They quickly walked down the stairs and found the most expensive second-hand bicycle in history at the iron railing at the entrance. Cheng Mo let go of Xie Minyun's hand, unlocked the bicycle lock, and turned his head. Asked, "Where do we go now?"

Xie Minyun blinked at Cheng Mo, "Didn't you mean to go to Helsinki?"

Cheng Mo held the bicycle faucet, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Before I go, there is something I want to tell you."

Xie Minyun said lightly: "I know what you want to say, we will not discuss this matter for the time being, you can fulfill your promise first."

Cheng Mo was sure that Xie Minyun knew about Teacher Shen, and he didn't know what she was up to, so he could only take one step at a time. He said helplessly, "Even if I want to take you to Helsinki, I have to make some preparations! You see I don’t even have shoes yet, not to mention that there may not be a plane flying to Helsinki now.”

Xie Minyun spread his right hand in front of Cheng Mo, Cheng Mo consciously handed over the phone, Xie Minyun skillfully entered Cheng Mo's phone password, Cheng Yongze's birthday, then opened the Qunar APP, checked, and directly I booked two air tickets departing from Beijing to Moscow at 05:30 in the morning, and then booked two air tickets from Moscow to Helsinki in the evening of the day after tomorrow.

Cheng Mo watched without saying a word as Xie Minyun entered his mobile phone password, and then entered his passport number exactly, feeling sweet again in his heart.

After booking the ticket, Xie Minyun handed Cheng Mo's cell phone back to him, and then said: "No need to prepare anything, what you have to do now is to step on the bicycle and drive me to Beijing International Airport." After a pause, Xie Minyun looked at the phone again. He returned the phone to Cheng Mo, "Now you still have about five hours."

Cheng Mo recalled the distance from the airport to the school, and immediately jumped on the bicycle, "Then what are you waiting for? We have to leave quickly."

Xie Minyun hugged her skirt, sat sideways on the back seat, then grabbed Cheng Mo's T-shirt sideways, and said with a cold snort: "Student Cheng Mo, let me tell you clearly that my anger has not subsided. Take the punishment!"

Cheng Mo didn't say much, stepped on the pedal, and the two rushed into the deep night like this, leaving behind the illuminated gymnasium and all the mundane things in the world.
(End of this chapter)

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