Rebel Demon King

Chapter 701 Romance and Injection Locking of Astronomers

Chapter 701 Romance and Injection Locking of Astronomers
(Thanks to the leader of "I love white and tender balls", thanks to "book friend 20180702120213574" for the generous reward of 20170218002130707 starting coins, thanks to "Yanfa MM" for the popularity, thanks to "Arus_Huang", "The Love Dream of the Other Shore" , "Book Friends 141128230552009", "Book Friends 150528232634866", "Book Friends [-]", "Red Leaves on Diancang Mountain", "Moonache", "Round Head", "Let's Start Le" boss, "I'm a cute baby" , "I just want to see the genuine version", "It's okay to say everything", "Fantasy style", "Abdullah la la la", "Heart Saint Baishidao" rewards)

[I didn’t dare to read this chapter in the past two days because I didn’t want to be disturbed, but the group @我的假不住, updated 9500 words yesterday to be honest, it’s not water, it’s for the rhythm and not to delay, so I worked hard to catch up, so the following Half of the writing was unsatisfactory, and I just re-wrote a part, adding more than 2000 words of content, and the content of a whole chapter, I don’t think it’s popular science content, you can read it again, today’s reunion is finished, it will be fine Fix it and make all the inventions accurate to the specific year. Regarding the special benefits, it was originally said to be a year ago, but the Chinese New Year is too busy, so I changed it to Valentine's Day, and finally I can confidently ask for monthly tickets! 】


Fu Yuanzhuo pedaled the lady's bicycle vigorously, and when he encountered someone with a car in front of him, he would press the bicycle bell vigorously. The crisp sound of the jingling bells overturned the silent campus, and some boys were not very civilized. Fu Yuanzhuo raised his middle finger, and Fu Yuanzhuo said loudly, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry! Hurry up to see Xie Minyun!" So the middle finger was replaced by booing, and it seemed that the night was disturbed and flowed.

Cheng Mo took his mobile phone and watched the live broadcast sent by Song Xizhe with full concentration. When the white light spot thrown by Xie Minyun became brighter and brighter, as if it was about to burn, Cheng Mo guessed that it was a "singularity".

As the majestic cosmic music played, the words "138.2 billion years" fell off the scale as expected by Cheng Mo. Although the effect on the video was not shocking, Cheng Mo was able to transmit it from his mobile phone The exclamation sound guessed that the visual experience of the scene must be very explosive.

Cheng Mo's spatial thinking ability is very strong, and he can roughly imagine the scene of the luminous characters falling on the huge scale from small to large in his mind. Cheng Mo began to look forward to what Xie Minyun will use this powerful light and shadow to express next. .

He thought that not many people present could understand Xie Minyun. The original concept of this scale should be derived from the cosmic calendar. The day when the universe was born 138.2 billion years ago was January 10st in the cosmic calendar. Below, each month is equivalent to 4000 billion years, and each day is equivalent to [-] million years
Cheng Mo held the back frame of the bicycle with one hand and the mobile phone with the other, staring at the screen intently, not affected by the speeding bicycle at all, he saw the huge galaxy clusters, dazzling supernovae, mysterious The black hole, the vast nebula... like an incredible illusion, the universe is constantly expanding outwards, and billions of stars are formed in its body. Based on their instant orientation during the wandering journey, they constitute the human beings. observable constellations.
All kinds of beautiful galaxies appear in his pupils, such as the Large Magellanic Cloud in modernist abstract paintings, which are so radiant and beautiful that people cannot close their eyes; twin galaxies composed of two overlapping spirals, their The light illuminates the vast dust lanes around it, as if a lamp has transformed into two double images; there is a beautiful Sombrero galaxy that looks like a Mexican sombrero, and there is a raised bright nucleus in the center of the galaxy, and the brim of a sombrero looks like a sombrero near the nucleus The cosmic dust that radiates in all directions is shaped like a Mexican sombrero.There are fascinating large spiral galaxies, which are beautiful because they have tens of thousands of blue stars scattered throughout.Large sheets of interstellar gas seem to dance the blue into swirls.And the dark matter that is not understood by us escapes in the extension of this vortex.

Among them is the WeChat avatar that Cheng Mo once used—the Black Eye Galaxy, which surrounds a dim cloud-like dust lane outside the bright core, which looks like the eye of the universe.
Every time a magnificent galaxy appears, there will be students from the astronomy department or astronomy-loving students shouting its name on the mobile phone, and then there will be a burst of exclamation. Cheng Mo has been deeply attracted by this magnificent beauty, although the origin of the universe He has watched a lot of documentaries, none of which are as exquisite as the pictures in front of him. He recalled that when he watched "Interstellar" for the second time in the giant-screen IMAX cinema, his eyes were moist when he saw the picture of the black hole. The emotion was magnified infinitely in this second, and he felt that if he knew Xie Minyun back then, he would definitely invite her to watch "Interstellar" with him a few more times.

But now it seems that there is no need for it. If he has her, he can have the magnificence of the entire universe.

The picture reaches the birth of the solar system 100-150 billion years ago, and the sun was born on August 8 in the cosmic calendar, and then when the dial turned to 31 billion years, the solar system was born in the gas and dust orbiting the sun , the earth was also born in the disk. At this time, the huge dial sank again and became smaller, almost reaching the place above people's heads. A lonely and desolate sphere slowly rotated in people's field of vision.

Cheng Mo began to understand the concept Xie Minyun wanted to express, which was the theory of relativity hidden in it. When the scale rotated to 36 billion years, when the words "the first single-celled organism was born in 36 billion years" appeared, Cheng Mo I feel the deep and vast feelings that are different from the birth of the universe. It is a sense of vitality and joy. Forests, dinosaurs, birds, insects and other creatures that are crucial to human beings are all born in December of the cosmic calendar. The last week of 12, while the first flower on Earth blooms on December 12.

Every time the scale sinks, it means that the birth of human beings is getting closer and closer, and it also means that human beings are only a short moment in the long history of the universe.
Cheng Mo guessed half of what Xie Minyun wanted to express, but missed the other half. Like most people, he thought that Xie Minyun would push the scale of human history to September 2020, 9, but this time Cheng Mo Mo guessed wrong.

When the scale rotating on the stage stopped on May 2018, 5, Xie Minyun left from the piano, went on stage, put away all the video images floating in the void, and also put away the scale, and appeared in the sky "Coincidence is just a matter of probability".

Cheng Mo sat in the back seat and was stunned. Even Fu Yuanzhuo slowed down and said that he would arrive soon, but he didn't hear him. His memory returned to May 2018, 5 at this second.

He and Xie Minyun met for the first time.

Cheng Mo's chest was ignited with great enthusiasm, as if a singularity that was about to explode appeared at the position of the heart, and he looked at Xie Minyun on the screen with dull eyes, as if he saw positive and negative matter meet and then annihilate. It was like seeing a supernova erupting in the dark night sky, it illuminated the entire galaxy, and even standing on the earth can look up at its magnificence. He seemed to see the collapse of a dying giant star, and he felt the most violent explosion in the universe. Gamma-ray bursts, which are more than the sum of the energy released by the sun in 100 billion years
Cheng Mo stared blankly at Xie Minyun's silent face, until he heard Xie Minyun say, "As long as anyone can answer my ten questions correctly, I will go on a date with him." Then Cheng Mo heard Fu Yuanzhuo's shout of "Come to the door right away" woke up.

His mind was buzzing, as if he had been severely hammered by something, he looked up at the gymnasium that looked like a huge pot lid, the moon was emitting a faint halo in the gray haze, those great The stars and strange landscapes were blocked from the light pollution of the city, and some scorching evening wind was blowing his hair. There were people cheering under the big screen in the gymnasium, and the sound was from far to near. A handsome guy in a white suit was on stage holding a tube of bright red roses.

Xie Minyun stood on the stage like a god.

Cheng Mo recklessly jumped off the bicycle that was still approaching the entrance, and while Fu Yuanzhuo exclaimed, he grabbed his mobile phone and ran towards the entrance frantically, like a meteor falling into the atmosphere.

He remembered the poem he wrote to Xie Minyun, which actually meant the same thing as Xie Minyun's show, but his poem was much less compelling than Xie Minyun's AR Universe-A Brief History of Humanity.

He felt fiery air pouring into his chest cavity, and his heart, blood vessels, muscles, and nerves were all burning while running.

He heard Xie Minyun's voice, which seemed to be a long radio wave that traveled through the vastness of time and space, and at this second it reached an injection lock with his radio wave.

"Every atom in our body can be traced back to the Big Bang, so we are all children of the universe, stardust that has gained life. It took us 138.2 billion years to come to the earth from the singularity, and human beings The evolutionary history of the universe does not begin until the last hour of the last day of the cosmic year.

At 11:59:46 midnight of the cosmic year, the history written by human beings is only a short 14 seconds in the cosmic year. Every famous person we know only lives in this short 14 seconds.

Kings and wars, migrations and inventions, wars and love, everything recorded in history books, all happened in these 14 seconds.

For Xie Minyun, the last second of the end is the meeting between him and her.

That is Xie Minyun's universe.


When Qi Shilong, who was wearing a white suit and holding a Christian Dior silver tube and roses, came to the stage, the whole stadium burst into cheers. Du Leng, standing on the side of the stage, frowned, because Xie Minyun's move was really unexpected.

Yu Junshan on the side also looked at Xie Minyun on the stage and said suspiciously: "No way? This is really not something Xie Minyun would do!"

Xu Jiyun, who was standing beside Du Leng, said: "I think it fits Xie Minyun's style. After listening to her question, no one will dare to chase her."

Some staff members of the Tsinghua Student Union around said in a hurry: "No matter what Xie Minyun is doing, this is giving Brother Leng a chance!"

"Yes, Brother Leng must not give up the chance to date Xie Minyun to other people!"

Du Leng looked at Qi Shilong on the stage and was a little confused. He thought that this opportunity might not be for him, maybe it was for another person, but Xie Minyun didn't need to do this!

"Brother Leng, do you want to go up later? Don't give the limelight to this Qi Shilong." A staff member said.

While Du Leng was thinking about it, Qi Shilong, who was standing on the stage, presented flowers to Xie Minyun, but Xie Minyun said coldly: "I will not accept until you answer the ten questions I asked correctly."

Qi Shilong smiled and said, "Okay, I hope Xie Minyun's question will not be too difficult."

"It will definitely be difficult. If you are afraid, there is still time to go down now." Xie Minyun said expressionlessly.

Qi Shilong hugged the silver tube and shrugged his shoulders, "Since they've all come up, I'm not afraid of being embarrassed."

Xie Minyun nodded, and asked the first question, "Find all pairs of prime numbers (p, q) such that pq丨5p+5q, you have 3 minutes."

This question is actually not difficult, but it requires a lot of calculations. However, Qi Shilong has no paper and pen at the moment, and he only has 3 minutes. This is not asking questions at all, but making things difficult for others. After thinking hard, he seemed to be able to empathize with Qi Shilong who was sweating profusely on the court.

But Qi Shilong's mind was almost blank under the spotlight. He didn't expect Xie Minyun to ask such an unreasonable question as soon as he came up. Seeing the time passing by, he could only wipe the sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile : "Give me some time to solve this question, but 3 minutes is too little."

"I think it's enough." Xie Minyun said lightly.

Qi Shilong pretended to be chic and said: "Okay! I hope you only gave me such a difficult question because you don't like me, otherwise the people behind will probably not dare to come up, because the results will be the same for anyone who comes up. "

"There will always be a difference."

Qi Shilong shrugged his shoulders, and walked off the stage holding his limited silver tube and flowers. The whole gymnasium was full of sighs. Everyone did not expect that Qi Shilong, the male god of the School of Economics and Management, would leave the stage without answering the first question. However, the people from the School of Economics and Management still gave Qi Shilong applause, and they all felt aggrieved for Qi Shilong, thinking that Xie Minyun's question was aimed at Qi Shilong.

Even the leaders of Tsinghua University in the audience felt that Xie Minyun's question was a bit embarrassing, so he smiled and said to the army leader beside him: "Miss Xie's family, is this a martial arts contest to recruit relatives?"

The army leader looked at Xie Minyun on the stage and said with a smile: "If it is a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, ten questions may not be enough. Even if it is a thousand or ten thousand questions, there will be many people rushing to answer."

At this time, Du Leng, who was standing below the stage, suddenly stepped onto the stage, and he said loudly, "I have figured out the answer to this question, so I will continue to answer it!"


Xie Minyun nodded, and said without much emotion: "Then you can pass this question!"

Huge applause erupted from the phalanx of the Faculty of Science, while booing came from the Faculty of Economics and Management, thinking that Xie Minyun was just letting go. It seemed that this had become a struggle between the two faculties.

Du Leng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew that he might not be able to stand at the end, he still didn't want to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Xie Minyun was a girl he couldn't and didn't want to give up.Moreover, after entering Tai Chi Dragon, he also has a certain level of confidence in his mathematics, physics and chemistry. He can still handle problems that only require calculation power like the one just now. As long as he does not step down too early, Du Leng will feel that it is a big victory.

Du Leng, who was ready, held his breath and watched Xie Minyun waiting for her second question, and the students in the gymnasium also became quiet, waiting for Xie Minyun to give a question.

Xie Minyun, who was standing under the spotlight, didn't look at Du Leng at all, but looked at the entrance of the infield, and said lightly: "How many pieces of Da Vinci's masterpiece "Mona Lisa's Smile" are there, and where are they? ?”

Originally, Du Leng thought that the second question would also be the first Olympic-type mathematics, physics and chemistry question, but he did not expect that Xie Minyun took such a big turn and asked an unimaginable art question. Du Leng never pays attention to art. It's a useless thing, even if you pay attention, you won't think that there will be many pieces of this famous painting that attracts worldwide attention.

He asked dully, "Is this a brain teaser?"

Xie Minyun shook his head, "It's just a normal art question."

At this time, someone in the audience whispered: "3, 3, 3"

Du Leng pretended not to hear, and said as if he was thinking: "It should be 3 pictures. As for the location"

Du Leng was about to continue to listen to the answers from the people in the audience, but Xie Minyun interrupted him, and said flatly: "Wrong, not three pictures."

Du Leng smiled bitterly, and asked in a low voice, "Are you waiting for him?"

Xie Minyun didn't answer, but still looked at the door where the gymnasium entered.

Du Leng followed Xie Minyun's gaze, then turned around and walked down the stage with a lonely expression on his face. When he saw Du Leng's second question, he stepped off the stage. Huge cheers erupted from the direction of the School of Economics and Management, while there was a crowd from the School of Science. silence.

The audience who were watching Baidu on their mobile phones were in an uproar. Unexpectedly, the vice chairman of the student union, Du Leng, the male god of the Faculty of Science, actually answered the second question wrong. what to do.

A girl supporter of Du Leng said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't Xie Minyun playing like this just to show off?"

"That's right, isn't this a pastime? Everyone in "Mona Lisa's Smile" knows that there is only one picture!"

"Maybe the answer is just one picture. Is she asking this question on purpose?"

Some people even shouted loudly: "No one can answer the question correctly!"

Xie Minyun turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice, holding the microphone and said softly: "There must be someone who can answer ten questions correctly, who would want to come up and try?"

The person who spoke just now saw Xie Minyun looking over, shrank his head, and showed a silent expression. Seeing Xie Minyun's icy face, the whole gymnasium seemed to have been hit by a cold current, and was instantly frozen and fell into silence.

At this moment, the brown fire door at the entrance of the gymnasium was gently pushed open, and Cheng Mo, who was sweating profusely, came in from the entrance. Standing at the entrance, he raised his hand and said loudly: "I To answer the question."

At this moment, Cheng Mo seems to have found the feeling when he raised his hand to ask the clown to play the game on the K20 train. He raised his right hand high, and the other hand was holding the mobile phone that was still broadcasting the scene. He watched Xie Minyun's quiet voice. The face slowly walked towards the stage along the aisle of the infield.

At this time, everyone in the gymnasium looked at Cheng Mo who was walking towards the stage, and their eyes shot at him like a sharp arrow. Cheng Mo's memory entered that absurd, bloody and incredible journey. It was as if the girl's hand that he couldn't touch at all was running in the narrow train corridor, the white curtains were bulging by the broken window, and the blue Lake Baikal on the other side was as smooth as a mirror.

He remembered the lyrics of "Lake Baikal" that he had just heard, "How many you and I have in this life?"
engulfed in a moonlit night

Think about it again one day
We linger on the shore of Lake Baikal
How many years later the past will go with the clouds
The swirling ice and snow can't contain the tenderness
This life is too little time
Not enough to prove the deep feeling of melting ice and snow”

In the process of running just now, he finally realized the "impulse" that Fu Yuanzhuo said, the strong urge to run away no matter where the girl he likes is.

Cheng Mo, who looked a bit embarrassed, walked under the eyes of everyone. His white T-shirt was full of sweat stains, and his hair that had been tidied up was blown into a chicken coop. There were no flowers in his hands, only a glowing mobile phone, which was on the bridge of his nose. The black framed glasses seemed to be tilted a little bit, he stretched out his hand and pushed it.
Song Xizhe above the stage stood up and shouted loudly: "Cheng Mo, come on!"

Cheng Mo, who walked to the red carpet in the infield, looked back at Song Xizhe who was waving. He smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up. This smile made him look a little embarrassed.

The noise in the gymnasium was ignited by Song Xizhe's shout, and people asked who Cheng Mo was.

Especially the direction of the Faculty of Science, all the freshmen were taken aback, and everyone still had some impressions of Cheng Mo who came to the stage to accept the award in the afternoon.

"Isn't this Cheng Mo?" Someone said loudly,
"Cheng Mo? Isn't that the literary otaku from our astronomy department?"

"Literary otaku? You mean the guy with glasses who reads the original English novel every day?"

"That's right! Just call him Cheng Mo, he lives up to his name!"

"My God, I didn't expect him to dare to go up and answer Senior Xie Minyun's question."

"I don't think he can answer a single question!"

"I also think that the first two questions are so difficult."

"Why do you have to be ashamed? I guess he is a fan of Xie Minyun just like Xiaopang! Maybe he only studied astronomy because of Xie Minyun!"

Ye Lushan, who was sitting in the stands, didn't speak. She looked at Cheng Mo's tiny back and remembered the neat stack of notes. She had a premonition that she seemed to have missed something.

Xu Jiyun, who was standing on the side of the stage, was a little surprised. Obviously, she had recognized the ordinary boy she had met during the summer vacation. At that time, some people said that he was Xie Minyun's boyfriend. Xu Jiyun said in disbelief: "Xie Minyun is not Are you waiting for him?"

Du Leng, who was standing on the side, didn't speak, but Xu Jiyun saw that Du Leng, who was always calm and unruffled in any situation, was trembling, while Yu Junshan's face turned livid on the other side, Xu Jiyun immediately realized that something was wrong. , not talking.

After a while, Xu Jiyun heard Yu Junshan's guilty voice: "Maybe Cheng Mo will be kicked out soon, Xie Minyun can't like a poor boy with nothing! Her family will not agree."

Du Leng closed his mouth tightly, he had already seen the tenderness in Xie Minyun's cold eyes that he had never seen before, he also felt the ice and snow melting in the distant mountains, the golden spotlight was the sun, no, maybe Cheng Mo, who is gradually approaching, is Xie Minyun's sun, turning her coldness and nobility into lingering tenderness...

(There will be another chapter today, and I will finish this paragraph)
(End of this chapter)

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