Rebel Demon King

Chapter 657 Become famous and known all over the world (1)

Chapter 657 Become famous in one fell swoop (3)

(Thanks to the two million rewards from "Book Lover's Silly Huan", and thanks to "Book Friends 20180702120213574" for the million rewards, the Golden Keyboard has fallen to 96th place, and all the cards are about to be lost. I beg for some Golden Keyboard tickets! )

"Examination admission ticket, 2B pencil, writing pen, signature pen, ruler, compasses, settable, eraser. Have you brought these stationery? Do you want to check again?" Huang Qiaoyun stood at the door and asked tirelessly. For her, this scene She is not unfamiliar. Cheng Xiuyan had experienced it during the college entrance examination, and she was familiar with it.

Cheng Mo nodded and said, "I just checked."

Because I gave money to my uncle and aunt to expand the business, and came up with the idea of ​​selling Wuling snacks while selling fruits, the business is pretty good now, so my aunt became more and more affectionate to Cheng Mo, not only did she get up early to help Cheng Mo Three delicacies powder, and changed into more comfortable clothes to prepare for the exam.

The vast majority of ordinary people are like this, if you treat me well, I will treat you well.One who is kind to others for no reason is either a saint or a bad person.

Cheng Mo solved the imminent heart disease problem, and he became more transparent, and now that his class is different, he is not as cautious as before. When he came back, he gave money and ideas to help his uncle and aunt improve their lives.Although the money is not much, it's not that Cheng Mo is stingy. He can also give a large sum of money to his uncle and aunt to make them grateful.

It's just that Cheng Mo deeply understands that if ordinary people are suddenly given a lot of money, they may not be able to be happy.He clearly remembered reading a piece of news that the EuroMillions prize pool accumulated a huge jackpot of 2.7 million euros, which triggered countless people to buy lottery tickets. A reporter interviewed the public, what would the first thing they do after winning the prize?
Many people answer is - divorce.

Is this answer surprising?

Money does have magical powers. The more the amount, the greater the power. This power will distort human nature. Only by continuously improving the spiritual realm can one be able to control more money instead of being swallowed by money.

Few of the poor who suddenly become rich can achieve happiness, or even a good end.

This goes without saying, research shows that 70% of big prize winners achieve nothing, usually squandering their winnings within a few years.British researchers have also tracked the winners of those big prizes, and found that 44% of lottery prize winners will spend all their prize money in just 5 years, and there are even many big prize winners who eventually go to the road of crime.

The truth is the same as "if morality is not matched, there will be disasters".

Bai Xiuxiu taught Cheng Mo to spend money, is it as simple as letting Cheng Mo spend the money?That was to help Cheng Mo establish a concept of money to adapt to the changes and impacts brought about by wealth, but Bai Xiuxiu did not expect Cheng Mo's mental power to be so strong that he would not be enslaved by money at all, so there was no follow-up.

Cheng Mo will directly give money to Shen Mengjie and Cheng Xiao. First, their future has nothing to do with Cheng Mo; , decided that $60 was not a lot of money to her.

For small citizens like uncles and aunts, it is for their own good not to give them large sums of money directly.

This is the same as blindly doting, which can only make the child's personality worse and worse, but most people don't quite understand the reason for this.

For example, Cheng Haoyang, if he hadn't come to Xingcheng from Wuling and was beaten several times by Cheng Mo, he might still be that little kid who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and he would be much better now.

The old Cheng Haoyang must have thought his mother was too long-winded, but now Cheng Haoyang said: "Mom, don't worry about these things! Even if you miss the examination room, you will be prepared!"

"It's always easy to use my own things, and it's not a good sign to forget something!" Huang Qiaoyun said, and asked Cheng Mo after a pause, "By the way, do you have spare glasses?"

"I have it." Cheng Mo replied, in fact he didn't bring it, and now he can see clearly without wearing glasses, but he has to disguise, so he still wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, but it's not the old style anymore, It is LOTOS handmade glasses from Germany. This brand of glasses is relatively low-key and unknown to most people, but the price is extremely expensive. He customized it when he was in Europe last year.

The three of them went out together. At this time, my uncle was already waiting downstairs in the BYD M6. After entering the elevator, Cheng Mo said, "Auntie, there is really no need for you and Cheng Haoyang to go, it's just an exam."

"How can I do that? This is not an ordinary exam, this is a college entrance examination, which is related to a major event in your life. Your uncle and aunt suffered the loss of not going to college!" The aunt said earnestly, and then the aunt glanced away Cheng Haoyang, full of concern, said: "Yangyang is going to take the college entrance examination next year, and he can feel the atmosphere by going there."

"Yes! Not only I'm going, Tang Wenjun will also go, he even made a flag for you, saying that he wants to wave the flag with you!" Cheng Haoyang said.

Cheng Mo didn't persuade him too much. My aunt changed into a decent set of clothes today and went to watch the crowd. It would be inappropriate and unnecessary to persuade him. Anyway, uncle and aunt would not bring him extra pressure.

The college entrance examination is only very important to ordinary people, and it is insignificant to a privileged class like Cheng Mo.The college entrance examination or education is to give ordinary people a fair and upward bridge, but this kind of fairness is only fair among ordinary people. Some people are born on the other side of the single-plank bridge, which is helpless.

Human nature predestined that the structure of human society can only be like this.

But when he heard that Tang Wenjun had printed the flag, Cheng Mo stroked his forehead, "He wouldn't have printed the betting address Fu Yuanzhuo and the others made on the flag, right?"

Cheng Haoyang was not good at lying, so he faltered and replied: "I don't know about that!" After saying that, Haoyang was still a little apprehensive, and took a few sneaky glances at Cheng Mo.

On the surface, Cheng Haoyang is still lukewarm towards Cheng Mo, but in fact he has long been convinced of Cheng Mo, even a little afraid, but it's just the young man's pride and reluctance to admit defeat, which makes him unwilling to admit it.At this moment, Cheng Haoyang was relieved to see that Cheng Mo just stroked his forehead and had no intention of pursuing it.

When the three of them boarded the BYD M6 with the sign of "College Entrance Examination Special Car", Cheng Haoyang quickly took out his mobile phone and sent Tang Wenjun a WeChat message, typing "No problem", and Tang Wenjun quickly replied "OK".

If Cheng Mo was upset, Tang Wenjun would not dare to advertise under Cheng Mo's support flag.

Cheng Mo himself doesn't care much about things other than the exam, even the exam. He still activated the carrier last night, and dealt with the affairs of Penglai Island as usual, and he didn't mean to rest. .

In Cheng Mo's view, the biggest advantage of the carrier, apart from its tyrannical strength, is that it does not need to sleep, which means that the life of the chosen one is almost half that of ordinary people.

Along the way, uncles and aunts told Cheng Mo to "don't panic when encountering problems, first the easy ones and then the difficult ones". Cheng Mo listened quietly, and the couple didn't go on Weibo. Mo took the college entrance examination in both arts and sciences.

The examination room was in Changya, and there were traffic policemen standing at the intersections all the way to maintain order. On this day, the cars with the "College Entrance Examination Special Vehicle" stickers were allowed to pass freely, but other vehicles were restricted with a single number.

When approaching Changya, there were more policemen maintaining order. After passing the bus station of the Normal University, a cordon was set up at the turn. A cheering banner was also hung.The car couldn't go in here, the uncle pulled over the car, and the aunt took Cheng Mo's bag to check if there was anything left. Seeing that there was nothing missing, she handed the bag to him. There was stuffed mineral water in Cheng Mo In hand, tell Cheng Mo not to have psychological pressure and to take the exam well.

Cheng Mo nodded calmly, and as soon as he got off the station, he saw Tang Wenjun looking for several girls with graceful figures, wearing cool cheerleader uniforms, waving a few red flags outside the cordon, and the flags were printed: "Chengmo College Entrance Examination Support Group", "Three years of sharpening the sword to win the championship, and June to try the sword to kill Qunhao", "Living up to the high expectations of teachers and friends, smiling proudly in the southern Hunan examination room", "The cold window endures alone for three thousand days, and the phoenix is ​​finally supreme" .

Parked behind the girls was Fu Yuanzhuo's coquettish orange Lamborghini. On top of the Lamborghini was a huge cartoon poster of Cheng Mo. Cheng Mo wearing a crown looked a bit like Ren Amamiya, holding a sword-like 2B pencil Proudly independent, with "Cheng Mo No. [-] in the world" written on one side, it seems to be Yan Yitong's handwriting.

On the side of the car was a banner - "Congratulations in advance to Cheng Mo for winning the double champion in arts and sciences in southern Hunan". Below is a row of URLs. sign advertising.

Where did Cheng Mo think that Fu Yuanzhuo and Tang Wenjun would make such a big battle, and just as he was about to go up and ask Tang Wenjun to keep a low profile, a group of girls started waving colorful hand wreaths in their hands, and at the same time shouted: Stop fighting for the college entrance examination, and prove the way with the number one scholar! Cheng Mo, come on!"

So the shame directly exploded.

Cheng Mo's usually expressionless face twitched twice, and it was the first time in his life that he felt what it was like to be ashamed.

This delicate and loud voice is particularly eye-catching in the early summer morning, attracting everyone to look in this direction, and many people even raised their mobile phones, preparing to take pictures of rare scenes.

Because the idol stars Sima Qianshu and Cheng Mo were in the first class, many entertainment reporters were preparing to shoot the scene of Sima Qianshu entering the examination room. When they heard the voice of support here, no matter who it was, they immediately seemed to smell blood. All the sharks swarmed over with video cameras and cameras.

Cheng Mo nodded his head. It was too late to cross the cordon at this moment, so he quickly took out the mask from his trouser pocket and put it on before the reporter took a picture of his face.Only halfway across the road, Cheng Mo was surrounded by groups.

Cheng Mo was also very helpless, so he could only bury his head and squeeze towards the cordon, saying at the same time: "I won't accept any interviews, don't affect my exam."

However, this group of reporters seemed to have not heard what Cheng Mo said, and they kept bombarding Cheng Mo with long guns and short cannons. Screamed: "Sima Qianshu! Sima Qianshu!"

"Sima Qianshu, come on! You will definitely get a good grade in the exam!"

The entertainment reporter kept asking questions to Cheng Mo who was wearing a mask amidst the screams, handed the microphone in front of Cheng Mo, and asked loudly: "Sima Qianshu, can you tell me how your preparation for the exam is going?"

"Sima Qianshu, can you say a few words of encouragement to your fans who are also about to take the college entrance examination?"

Cheng Mo was quite speechless. If he didn't want to be photographed, he really wanted to take off his mask and let the group of people figure it out and disperse quickly.Fortunately, the cordon was close at hand, so Cheng Mo didn't bother to explain, and walked forward ignoring it.

But there are also people who came here specifically for Cheng Mo, "Student Cheng Mo, can you accept the interview of our city's news chase?"

Hearing the name of "Cheng Mo" from a reporter, the entertainment reporters were stunned for a moment. At this time, the cheerleaders on the side rang out again to cheer for Cheng Mo. A group of entertainment reporters realized that they had surrounded the wrong person. Some reporters Know who Cheng Mo is, some don't know who Cheng Mo is, but it doesn't matter, anyway, he is someone worth interviewing, so the reporters started to bombard Cheng Mo in the spirit of coming here.

"Cheng Mo, how is your preparation for the exam?"

"Cheng Mo, what do you think of someone saying that you are grandstanding?"

"Cheng Mo, are you really confident to win the first prize?"

"Cheng Mo, some people say that you didn't want to refuse the recommendation, but you chose to do so out of necessity. What do you think?"

Cheng Mo had no intention of accepting interviews, and walked towards the examination room in silence. A group of reporters stopped at the cordon. Official reporters with interview passes could enter, while entertainment reporters without passes could only stay outside.

The reporter with a pass followed Cheng Mo into the cordon, and asked loudly: "Cheng Mo, can you tell me why you have to prove yourself by taking two college entrance examinations? Is it to make excuses for yourself in case you fail the exam?"

Cheng Mo, who has been silent for a long time, has already seen the teachers of Changya Senior Three standing not far away. They are sending Changya students to take the exam. Shen Youyi is also standing among them, talking to the candidates who are about to enter the school with a smile .

The morning sun seemed to melt, hanging above the buildings on the opposite bank, and the Xiangjiang River not far away was inlaid on the edge of the city. Standing in the sun, Shen Youyi's smile warmed everything.

Cheng Mo felt that there was a warm wind blowing from Shen Youyi's direction, and he didn't want the reporters to take pictures of Shen Youyi, so he hesitated for a while, stopped, looked back at the few reporters who were following him and said, "I'll just answer After answering this question, please stop following me."

Several reporters agreed that they didn't want to continue chasing Cheng Mo who couldn't let out a fart for a long time. Why don't they go out and pat the Lamborghini with banners hanging on it? Sima Qianshu can also be photographed
Seeing that several reporters agreed, Cheng Mo said lightly: "I never make excuses for myself, and I don't need to prove anything to others. I want to take two college entrance examinations, just because I don't have enough reputation to be the number one in liberal arts. I also need to be number one in science." It’s just to give the honor to an important person.”

(End of this chapter)

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