Rebel Demon King

Chapter 630 Chapter Family

Chapter 630
(Thanks to the two rewards of "Life Without Love River", and the rewards of "sp55aa", "Begin Le", and "Dudu Dujiang", I owe more than 13, the timeline has jumped a little faster, this is As for the things planned, Anti-Magic is not a book that mainly focuses on fighting monsters and upgrading. In fact, the world of the Chosen Ones only starts at level 33, so this part has been covered in one stroke. In addition, once again, there are still many single heroines in the ending. The hostess voted to decide, first spread a large wave of dog food, and the voting channel will be opened in January)

When Cheng Mo got off the plane, he didn’t feel close to his hometown, and he didn’t feel that things were different. The Star City International Airport was still the same as when he left. The sky hadn’t changed any bluer, and the green leather taxis in front of the platform were still very old. In the old days, a solicitor stopped Cheng Mo and asked if he needed a car. Cheng Mo, who was dragging a suitcase, shook his head and waited in line for a taxi.

While waiting, Cheng Mo couldn’t help but think of the airports he’s been to over the past year. Maybe apart from the hotel, he’s stayed at the airport for the longest time. The worst memory about the airport happened in the United States. He clearly remembers New York’s JFK International Airport All the railings at the taxi stand are painted bright yellow, and even the sign at the stand is also bright yellow, with the word "TAXI" written in black on it.

It was already almost dark at that time, and the taxi queue at JFK International Airport in New York was not as busy as Shang Hai and Xiangjiang, there were only three or five people, so Cheng Mo quickly got into a taxi.

A very ordinary Ford Victoria, this standard American car with a "big head and long butt" has performed wonderfully in many Hollywood film and television works. If you want to say that the Ford Victoria, which has the most props in Hollywood blockbusters, should be the well-deserved number one protagonist .

Most taxi drivers in the United States are not locals, but foreign immigrants. The first time Cheng Mo came to the United States, he took a car from the Middle East. He gave the driver the address of the hotel he booked in Flushing. The driver boasted that he was familiar with the place. , but asked several gas station people along the way, circled around the center of Newark several times, and finally Cheng Mo told him with the navigation, only to find the Sheraton.

The 10-minute, 100-dollar journey cost him more than 100 dollars in taxi fare, but he was ashamed to ask Cheng Mo for a [-]-dollar tip.Cheng Mo naturally quit. Although he is worth more than [-] million, he doesn't care about the [-] dollars, but he won't pay any extra money. After arguing with this Middle Easterner for a long time, his spoken English is worse than Cheng Mo's in the end. The driver in the Middle East knew he was wrong and charged fifty dollars.

Speaking of which, taxis in Mexico are also green, but Mexicans really love the Beetle. There are Beetle taxis with white roofs and green bodies all over the street. Before going to Mexico, Cheng Mo made a strategy. I heard where It’s very messy, and you have to be careful when taking a taxi. However, when I arrived at Mexico City International Airport, I found that many drivers were old drivers from the grandpa generation. It must be very difficult to fight in that situation. accurate.

The service of the old Mexican driver is very enthusiastic. He is so enthusiastic that he will share with Cheng Mo where the red light district in Mexico City is cheap and good. "The Land of the Feather God Remains" (Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins), lived in Mexico City for almost two months.

He was surprised to find that Mexico is actually the closest place to Asia. When he was wandering in the United States and Europe, he was often in the process of looking for supermarkets because he needed to buy daily necessities. He often saw TESCO, saw early A closed medium-sized supermarket, and a tobacco shop or a newspaper store that closes late.

However, there are very few 24-hour convenience stores in the United States or Europe, which is particularly inconvenient for Cheng Mo who does not need to sleep, but in Mexico City, convenience stores with cooked food and hot coffee can be seen everywhere.

In addition, the enthusiasm of South American women is beyond Cheng Mo's imagination. Cheng Mo went to El Pudo Coffee Bookstore, which he misses so much. This bookstore is full of green plants, and books are hidden in the winding aisles and Under the lush green plants, people feel as if they are in the Amazon jungle.Cheng Mo was studying quietly here, and unexpectedly, a Mexican girl asked him, "Do you want to buy her a cup of coffee?"

This is Cheng Mo traveling alone for so long, and it is the first time that a girl strikes up a conversation with his real body, which makes Cheng Mo wonder if it might be a fairy dance, Cheng Mo naturally ignores it, and later sees that girl fighting with another Korean boy Only then did I realize that this Mexican girl is probably a Hallyu fan, which made Cheng Mo feel that the cities in South America are full of hormones everywhere.

Cheng Mo thought of the embarrassment he had encountered when he arrived at Baghdad International Airport in February. The plane was late and Baghdad was still under curfew. He could only spend the night at the airport. The tragedy is that there are only ten or twenty flights a day. Baghdad Airport didn't even provide a hotel, so he spent the night on a stainless steel bench in the terminal.

But Cheng Mo likes this feeling very much. He thinks that people always need such a journey. Going on the road alone, walking into the wilderness of the world to experience a healthy and not unbearable loneliness. When you are in a strange environment, you are completely helpless. , When you can only rely on yourself, you will know how much energy you have.

Cheng Mo put the suitcase in the trunk, opened the door of the taxi, and got in the car. The driver asked Cheng Mo where he was going?At this time, Cheng Mo was in a trance, and then he realized that maybe he didn't miss this city too much because there was no place that could be called "home".

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment and said, "Go to the city center first."

The driver said "oh", put the gear on and stepped on the gas pedal, and the solid Jetta slowly drove into the ramp. The weather in Maystar City was neither too hot nor too cold, the sun was just right at noon, and the breeze blew in from the window. Cheng Mo looked at the elegant The streetlights in the street receded slowly, and the familiar city outline gradually emerged from the skyline. I thought to myself: The so-called nostalgia will only happen when you can’t go back!It's like missing someone, the more you can't see them, the more you miss them.

Cheng Mo thought for a long time, and finally decided to go back to Dingwangtai's home. After telling the driver his purpose, the driver drove all the way to Dingwangtai. Dingwangtai is the most central part of Star City, but Star City is a quasi-front line Cities are far less developed than Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. There are no tall buildings in the city center, and only IFS stands out.

Although Cheng Mo's house is in the city center, it can be regarded as a house that affects the appearance of the CBD. The white tiles are covered with black spots, the rusty air conditioner is hung on the wall messily, and the windows are still old-fashioned. silver aluminum windows
After paying the money and getting out of the car, Cheng Mo took the suitcase from the trunk, looked up at the window of the house, and looked around. There is almost no change here, except that the Internet cafe in the building next door has become a gym, and the parking lot It's pretty much the same as before, except for a refurb at the exit.Dragging the suitcase into the familiar corridor, pressing the elevator, Cheng Mo hesitated whether he should go to the hotel, anyway, he was used to staying in the hotel.

But anyway, I came back to say hello. After all, I left for more than a year for no reason. I didn't make a phone call. I just occasionally sent a message to my uncle who sent a message to ask him about his situation.Cheng Mo got into the elevator and glanced at the advertisement hanging in the car, it was still the same as before, except that the real estate advertisement was a picture of sexy beauties posing, it was a deceptive advertisement for a beauty club for men.

Cheng Mo remembered that once when his uncle took a few more glances at the foreign girls in the advertisement in the elevator, his aunt pulled his uncle's ear and asked if he was itchy, and wanted to go to such a ghostly place to try something new.

The uncle replied sadly: You only give me 30 yuan a day as pocket money, where can I afford to go to such a place?
Cheng Mo remembered that Cheng Haoyang still owed Sun Dayong thousands of dollars, and he didn't know if this vain boy was finished. He walked out of the elevator, and the lights in the corridor were as dim as before. Cheng Mo touched his pocket subconsciously, Only then did I realize that my door key was lost in the old house of the Academy of Social Sciences.He walked to the door, raised his hand, hesitated for a while, and then knocked lightly on the door. Immediately, his aunt's loud and high-pitched voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

Cheng Mo replied in a low voice: "I am Cheng Mo."

After a while, the aunt wearing an apron appeared in front of Cheng Mo. She sized up Cheng Mo who was standing at the door dragging a box, and said with a surprised face: "Cheng Mo? Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back?"

"I decided to come back to take the college entrance examination temporarily, so I didn't say anything." Cheng Mo walked into the room and looked at the shoe rack. His pair of long-lasting slippers that he had worn for several years were no longer on it.

The aunt wiped her hands on the apron, and brought Cheng Mo a new pair of plastic slippers from the shoe cabinet, "Oh, look at your child, you are just too willful, and you don't discuss it in advance when you leave, so just leave Yes, I didn’t say a word when I came back. It’s nothing else, so your uncle can pick you up! He changed a car, and he will go to Didi for a while when he’s free.”

Cheng Mo put on his slippers and said, "It's also very convenient to take a taxi."

The aunt took out her mobile phone from her pocket, "I'll call your uncle and ask him to close the shop first and come back to buy some food."

"It's okay, auntie, don't delay the business, besides, I can't eat much."

"There is usually no business at noon, so don't delay. Your uncle often talks about you, saying that you shouldn't be allowed to go to the United States alone. He wants to call you because he is unfamiliar with the place, but your mobile phone is often turned off."

"International calls are too expensive, so I didn't turn it on." Cheng Mo replied, and then heard his aunt call his uncle to say that he was back, and hurried to buy some food to go home, and his aunt asked Cheng Mo what he wanted to eat, and Cheng Mo said whatever Auntie didn't seem to remember what Cheng Mo likes to eat, so she told uncle to let him watch and buy.

Then the aunt asked Cheng Mo how he was doing in America, how his mother treated him, and how the operation was going.

Cheng Mo naturally answered according to what he had compiled a long time ago, saying that the operation was a success, and that he bought some American specialties, but there were a lot of things, so he didn't check them in, but sent them by international express, so the shipping cost is cheaper a little.

Cheng Mo deliberately didn't look at his aunt's expression when he was talking, he felt that sometimes it's better not to read other people's minds, so that they can get along more harmoniously.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Cheng Mo went back to his room. His bed was already empty and he piled up Cheng Haoyang's things, including basketballs, shoe boxes, magazines, Cheng Haoyang's pajamas, and some simulation questions. set.

My aunt explained: "Your bed is not good and it is always made there. No one sleeps and it is easy to get dirty. I will clean it up with you after dinner. Other things have not touched you. I call your computer Yang Yang Chang Let me open it for you, I’m afraid it’s going to be bad.”

Cheng Mo said "thank you", and his aunt said to make soup first, Cheng Mo said "OK", put the box aside, walked to the window of the bedroom, and looked at Yuelu Mountain on the other side of the Xiangjiang River.

The bright sunlight illuminates the emerald green ridge, and the tall IFS and the Xiangjiang River that cut short the city reflect a large piece of golden luster. This familiar scene made Cheng Mo's heart suddenly very peaceful. He remembered that there was his name on the mountain, It carries his expectations; at the foot of the mountain is the school he will return to, and there are promises he wants to fulfill.

(End of this chapter)

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