Rebel Demon King

Chapter 628 New Era

Chapter 628 New Era

2019 is destined to be an uneasy year. The "Iris Movement" that shocked the world broke out in Europe. The initiator is the rotating president of the Rosicrucian Society-the famous Napoleon VII.

Napoleon VII published the shocking "Iris Declaration" through YouTube, Twitter, Weibo and other social software, and this video spread all over the world through the Internet in just one hour.

Napoleon VII sat in front of the camera wearing a court dress handed down from his ancestors, and said solemnly: "The reason why this movement is called the 'Iris Movement' is not because the iris is our national flower in France, but because it symbolizes light. And for all of us human beings, there is no doubt that genetic technology is our bright freedom!"

"Gene technology can not only end the medical disaster of all mankind, save every child from the harm of serious diseases, but also help each of us become a more perfect person! It is true that gene technology has risks from the medical and ethical perspectives, but it is not The reason we stand still."

"I know that everyone has one or another concern about genetic technology, but in fact some countries and organizations have conducted a large number of genetic experiments in private, and ethics committees are just a shield for them to restrict other countries and organizations from conducting research. Not only that , They have made great progress in genetic technology, just to monopolize the technology, and did not share this technology!"

"As far as I know, as early as 2014 when 'CRISPR-Cas9' was announced, scientists' research on genes has entered a new and rapidly changing stage, but due to the obstruction of the World Committee on Scientific Knowledge and Technology Ethics, the scientific community The research on itself and ancient ancestors has entered a bottleneck. You may have seen the movie "Planet of the Apes", but most people will not know the "Caesar" in the movie, which also exists in reality. CRISPR-Cas14 in 9 When it was just published, some scientists used chimpanzees to do experiments and completed the first chimpanzee human.Humans and chimpanzees (and bonobos) have about 99% of the same nuclear DNA, even if this 1% difference contains For some key alleles, scientists can also use CRISPR-Cas9 to add or delete target genes as needed. Therefore, it is very easy to create a 'chimpanzee'. The individual created in this way is neither human nor chimpanzee, It is not a combination of exact equal parts between humans and chimpanzees, but something in between. This is a brand-new species, completely different from the hybrid of ligers. It breaks through reproductive isolation. In biology In fact, scientists call it a chimera. And the human body can also be written with more powerful genes!"

"Yet a powerful force is holding back scientists' research. Last year happened to be the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mary Shelley's famous novel "Frankenstein." Frankenstein is considered to be the first science fiction novel in the history of western literature. However, it is a pity that we have not yet realized that Prometheus-style arrogance can only bring disaster to mankind. Creation itself is not a sin, but arrogance is. Yes. Today's human beings are so arrogant that they think they must be responsible for other lives, such as various unreasonable abuses of non-human animals, and prohibit us from doing research on other creatures. The reason for this phenomenon may be the long-standing theological One of the most damaging myths driven by human beings: that humans are disconnected from the rest of the natural world because we are specially created and ensouled, while 'they' — all other living things — are not."

"I think this is a fatal mistake. We humans just won in the process of evolution. If our ancestors didn't win in this competition, then we are now locked in a cage, treated as a test product, and treated with pity. Those poor creatures are us humans. We must let go of human arrogance, use genetic technology to create hybrids and chimeras, and truly become 'God', in order to lead mankind to a new century!"

"I'm going to show you some photos below, and I guarantee on the honor of the Napoleon family that these photos are not stills from Hollywood special effects blockbusters!"

Then Napoleon VII posted four photos on his public account, each more shocking than the last, the first two photos looked like ancient fish.

The strange fish in the first picture has the mouth of a crocodile, the body of a dolphin and the tail of an eel, reaching fifteen to six meters in length, swimming in a huge aquarium, looking fierce.

The second picture is probably a calcispondylus, because it looks a bit like a dolphin, so it looks much more friendly than the New Zealand ichthyosaur in the first picture.

The first two pictures are still in the imagination, but the third one is very surprising. This monster is a bit like a rhinoceros, but it is not a single horn. Not only does it have a flat horn in the middle of its mouth, but it also emerges from the mouth like an elephant. Two flat horns protrude from both sides, which looks like a trident growing on the three mouths.What's even more astonishing is its huge size, and the JEEP off-road vehicle beside it is like a bumper car in the park.

If you know ancient creatures, you will recognize it at a glance. This is the king of the Permian period - the giant Kenshimon, and it is the strongest synapsid giant that humans have discovered fossils so far.

And the last one is the most shocking. It is a dinosaur with a body length of seven or eight meters, a height of four or five meters, and the ability to walk on two legs. At this moment, it is holding a tree with its strong front paws. , stretching its neck to eat the high leaves.
After showing the photos, Napoleon VII said loudly: "This is just a part of the photos I have. I have more photos about a mysterious island called 'Eden Island'. The reason why it is on the Internet today I posted these unbelievable photos on the Internet, and said these things that I should not say. As a member of mankind, I cannot remain silent, let alone watch a few people occupy these technologies and not use them to contribute to the progress of mankind. Contribution, rather than benefiting certain countries and organizations, it is better to expose this fact and bring the things under the table to the table, so as to promote the progress of the entire human race!"

The remarks and photos of Napoleon VII caused a global shock in an instant, but it is surprising that this video could not be reposted and disseminated soon. It can only be seen on the homepage of Napoleon on various social networking sites, and all media reports All unanimously accused Napoleon VII of using fake photos to sensationalize the public, just like the former "Loch Ness Monster", but using the fame of his ancestors to create a shocking lie.

Agence France-Presse reported: "This Napoleon VII, who is no longer the direct descendant of the Emperor Napoleon, may be a fan of "Jurassic Park", so he got dizzy and took a few photos of Hollywood props. Start making up sci-fi stories, if that place called Eden Island is powerful enough to clone the 'Giant Kenny' that lived in the Permian and the 'Lilinosaurus' that lived in the Jurassic, why not actually do it A Jurassic Park? I think the richest people in the world will pay a lot of money to see these monsters in person."

Discussions about the authenticity of photos on the Internet have always existed. Some people think that this is just a way to wash the ground for genetic technology, and some think it is just a malicious joke. Of course, there are many people who believe in Napoleon VII and are waiting for Napoleon VII. World releases more photos of "Island of Eden".

However, Napoleon VII fell silent and did not continue to post photos about Eden Island, so this matter was quickly entertained and became a topic of conversation after dinner.

The people who eat melons can't see the truth of the matter at all. Only a few people who have mastered the operation of the world know how much this matter has affected the world.

The Forum of the Chosen Ones has become quite noisy. The Chosen Ones all know that the "Iris Movement" launched by Napoleon VII is to pave the way for the group of the Chosen Ones to appear in the world majestically.

This movement was planned not only by the ancient "Rosicrucian Society", but also by the "Chosen Homeland and Freedom Front" alliance. Europe is the region with the most stalkers, and almost all the Chosen here belong to nobles. After the republic of the country, some of them can still remain in the center of power, but many of them are gradually replaced by some emerging forces.

At the beginning of 2019, Ouyu started a strict registration process for the chosen ones, and required every chosen one holding an EU passport to register and report when leaving the EU countries. This caused strong dissatisfaction among the chosen ones in Europe, but the EU Yu did not back down, and announced strongly that he would install a detection device at the customs, and if it was found that the chosen person tried to leave the country without reporting, he would immediately arrest the person concerned.
This order aroused a strong backlash from many chosen people, and then there was the "Iris Movement".

It happened that Cheng Mo was in Europe at this time, in the center of the eye of the storm, and he felt the atmosphere of the coming rain more clearly. In various scientific magazines that the public could not see, scientists argued over the "God gene" derived from the carrier It was dark.

As the Chosen One, Cheng Mo naturally understands why the human elites are worried about this. For a long time, the Chosen Ones have been hidden behind the scenes, because they are afraid that when the carrier really appears in front of the world, the class gap will never be bridged.

There is no doubt that the carrier is perfect.

And perfection has been fatally alluring to human beings since ancient times.Once human beings have a path to perfection, some people will use all means to strive for perfection, and this path to perfection is bloody and full of corpses.

This is why different eras and different schools of thought have expressed a high degree of vigilance against perfection.

The famous anti-utopian movie "The Time Machine" describes a polarized world of human beings tens of thousands of years later. The superior race is tall and white, possesses the wisdom of the sky, and controls the whole world; while the inferior race is dull and ugly with degenerated organs, living in a place where people can't see each other all day long. light underground.

This is the extreme world imagined based on reality.

In fact, every Chosen One knows in his heart that except for the Chosen Ones, all living beings are inferior races, and the vast majority of ordinary people, no matter how hard they try, cannot become such superior people as the Chosen Ones.

Their children have even less chance.

When ordinary people know the existence of the Chosen One, when they know that they and their children will never be able to become a superior person, no matter how prosperous you are in the future, you will always be an inferior person without Ouroboros.

This is definitely a disaster for the whole world.

All external factors don't work anymore, only birth can determine whether you will be the only one.

There will be two results in this way, the chosen ones still rule the world, so the world becomes a stagnant pool, or the chosen ones are attacked by ordinary people, and the whole world falls into violent chaos.

No matter which result it is, it is not what the rulers want.

Stability is the state most needed by rulers.

But the suspension of Ouroboros caused the delicate balance to be broken, and the whole world fell into unknown chaos.

Cheng Mo felt that all of this had little to do with him. His next stop would be to go to the ruins of Easter Island. After completing the ruins of Easter Island, he had collected the A-level evaluations of the seven ruins and could challenge them. The ultimate trial Babel Tower.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, Cheng Mo spent alone on the sparsely populated Easter Island. The weather on Easter Island in February was fine, which is a season suitable for traveling. Cheng Mo rented a villa here, read books undisturbed during the day, and let the smell Putting the nice smelling peat into the stove, listening to jazz and vaporwave turntables at a low volume, occasionally he would make a few cocktails by himself, cover his face with a book, and listen to the sound of the waves.

In the evening, Cheng Mo tirelessly brushed the ruins of Easter Island. On Valentine's Day, Cheng Mo just finished playing Stonehenge, and did not stay on this deserted island, leaving for Iraq.

Most countries do not have direct flights to Iraq, and Cheng Mo can only take the flight of Royal Jordanian Airlines, transit through Oman, and head to the capital Baghdad.

Although it has been 17 years since the Iraq War, this former god-given land is still devastated. Even in the daytime, there are not many pedestrians on the street.

However, Baghdad also has relatively good reconstruction. The Euphrates River separates the city into two areas. On one side is the vast and dilapidated old city, revealing the desolation of a desert city.On one side is the tree-lined and beautiful "Green Zone". Because it is the embassy area and heavily guarded, it is the safest place in Baghdad and the most prosperous place in Baghdad today.

Cheng Mo went to the National Museum of Iraq, where Xie Minyun had been, and visited this famous museum under the guidance of a tour guide. Unfortunately, as Xie Minyun said, most of the precious cultural relics have disappeared in the war.

Cheng Mo could only leave with regret. The next day, Cheng Mo went straight to the ruins of the Babylonian Tower of Babel, [-] kilometers away from Baghdad. It has been closed for ten years due to the war and is still closed to ordinary tourists.Cheng Mo still found a related guide through the plague, prepared thousands of dollars in bribes, and was able to pass through countless "roadblock checkpoints" and martial law posts along the way safely, and successfully entered the ancient Babylonian scenic spot.

The scenic spot is very grand, and the hanging garden built by Nebuchadnezzar II for Queen Amedith was restored, but almost no tourists can reach here, which makes this ancient Babylonian building look very lonely.

Cheng Mo quickly found the entrance through the map. After entering and setting the activation point, Cheng Mo walked around the scenic spot. When the sun went down, he returned to Baghdad. When he arrived at the hotel, he boarded the Chosen Forum and wanted to check Tongtian Tower's information, saw a piece of news that made his heart beat faster.

"Xie Minyun, a 19-year-old Huaxia talented girl, broke the record of Athena's promotion to the Chosen One, completed the ultimate trial in one year and six months, and became the Chosen One."

(End of this chapter)

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