Rebel Demon King

Chapter 620 Doctor Charlie (3)

Chapter 620 Doctor Charlie (3)

Dr. Charlie's blue eyes showed a sincere appreciation. He shook his horse's face and clapped his hands and said, "That's great!"

Cheng Mo didn't feel happy because of Dr. Charlie's attitude, but felt more and more difficult to fathom the other's expression. He couldn't tell whether Dr. Charlie knew he was awake or not.

Regarding the risk of waking up to see Dr. Charlie pretending to be Jing, Cheng Mo made a deliberate decision.

First, Dr. Charlie has never met Jing Xing, and even Jing Quan has not met Dr. Charlie a few times, and they basically contacted him by phone; secondly, Cheng Mo has already asked all the details. Lutai is Dr. Charlie’s territory. , no one knew who Jing Xing was, even in Penglai Mountain, all the management personnel basically only recognized the phone but not the person.

In fact, the management of Penglai Mountain mainly relies on a central computer called "Plague". Everyone's mobile phone is his ID card, and the daily work tasks of each staff member are issued and supervised by the computer. Some emergencies, as well as play some social role.As for Jing Xing, it is even more insignificant, at most he is equivalent to a security chief. Penglai Mountain is so big, and Jing Xing doesn't spend much time in Penglai Mountain, so it's not a problem for Cheng Mo to pretend to be Jing Xing as long as he holds Jing Xing's phone.

Cheng Mo felt that the matter was a bit strange, if Dr. Charlie knew that he was not Jing Xing, why didn't he say it?If he didn't know, why did the words make him feel that the other party knew who he was?Could it be that my own feeling is wrong, and is it just a coincidence?

Cheng Mo was full of doubts, but he was not worried. Anyway, he was in the carrier state, and if he died, he would only lose some experience points, which was not an unbearable loss. At this moment, the real Jing Xing should have brought Cheng Xiao, Shen Mengjie and Xiyuanji Benimaru waited at the seaplane terminal at the bottom of the mountain, ready to leave at any time. If Jing wakes up, then everyone may not be able to leave. This is why Cheng Mo insisted on waking up by himself instead of Jing reason.

"It's not a big problem." Cheng Mo thought to himself, and then said, "You're over the award, but it's just some superficial knowledge."

"At your age, it's not easy to say such a thing. Now the world is full of sex and happiness. Young people don't understand what suffering is. It's not easy to think actively. What can you say? It is even more difficult to be convincing, so don't be humble." Dr. Charlie said.

"There is nothing wrong with being happy, and thinking less is not a kind of happiness." Cheng Mo said.

Doctor Charlie shrugged his shoulders, "Of course, I was also obsessed with "Superman" and "Batman" when I was young. I also collected a full set of the first edition of "Superman" comics. In 02, I bought it for 160 million dollars. Come on, in addition to the comics, I also have the costumes of "Superman". When I was young, I wore them quite well, but now I can only see my slightly protruding belly."

Cheng Mo smiled and said nothing, with an expression of "you didn't call me here to talk to me about this" on his face.

Doctor Charlie also saw Cheng Mo's doubts, and asked, "Penglai Mountain will be rebuilt this time, do you have any suggestions?"

"Me?" Cheng Mo didn't expect Dr. Charlie to ask him such a question, so he was a little puzzled.

Dr. Charlie twirled in the air with his right index finger, "As you can see, my appreciation taste is quite different. If I do it according to my idea, it is estimated that no guests will come to Penglai Mountain."

Cheng Mo looked around the colorful room, it was indeed quite weird, the blood-red roof and dark purple velvet walls, the color matching alone did not meet the aesthetics of most people, sitting in such a room made people feel like Is sitting in the dwelling of some evil wizard in general.

"Your taste is a bit different, but after getting used to it, it's actually pretty good." Cheng Mo reluctantly said.

Doctor Charlie laughed "haha", "Really? Do you know what my biggest hobby is besides collecting heads?"

Cheng Mo shook his head.

Doctor Charlie showed off with a very happy smile: "In addition to collecting heads, like the Chinese people, I am a loyal believer in real estate, so I love buying houses, but I only buy ghost houses, such as the notorious haunted house La Laurie House Mansion, in my name, this haunted house is famous because the 19th century lady LaLaurie installed a torture chamber in the attic to mutilate slaves for fun, and it is said that her soul has been there after her death Circling, it's a pity that I haven't been able to meet Mrs. Laura's soul after living there for several months."

After a pause, Dr. Charlie snapped his fingers, and said triumphantly, "Do you think I'm cool? Everyone else has seaside real estate, and I have ghost real estate."

Cheng Mo felt that the strength of the Chosen One seemed to be directly proportional to the strangeness of his personality, and anyone who was incomprehensible and eccentric was definitely a master, so Dr. Charlie in front of him must be a master, and he said with emotion: "You are not only cool, It should be said that it is cool beyond borders."

"If you have time, you must go to live in my mansions around the world. The decoration style is superb, colorful like butterfly wings. It will be cool in summer without the air conditioner, and the environment is quite quiet, which is very good for insomnia. , since I became the chosen one, it is difficult for me to fall asleep, but in my haunted house, I can always fall asleep easily"

"Actually, I think you should open a website dedicated to leasing the ghost houses you bought, so that fans from all over the world can experience them."

Hearing Cheng Mo's suggestion, Dr. Charlie became excited, "Leasing? No, I'm not short of money, but your idea is great. I think they just need to write a travel note and post it on the website after they live in it! Money It doesn't matter at all!"

"This is up to you." Cheng Mo said.

Then the two discussed the details of setting up the website, and even decided on the name of the website "House of Ghosts". Doctor Charlie said with a happy expression: "It's been a long time since I chatted with people so happily, right, what we just said Where is it?"

Dr. Charlie thought for a while, then tapped Cheng Mo with his fingers, as if recalling something, "I think the fire was quite good, and it just so happened that I was tired of seeing those old-fashioned buildings a long time ago. What's your opinion on rebuilding?"

Cheng Mo thought for a while and said: "If it is a reconstruction, in fact, there is nothing to criticize about the original Penglai Mountain as a resort. It is Chinese style, but mixed with Western-style buildings like Vampire Castle”

"Speak, keep talking!" Doctor Charlie waved his hand, and the huge crystal ring shone brightly under the light.

"It's better to divide Penglai Mountain according to region and age, and incorporate more other styles into it, just like the western cowboy town in the casino, to truly restore an era. In addition to Huaxia, I think Japanese and Edo styles can be added. There is also a Mughal-style area, and the mythical square can be transformed into a European medieval-style area. A future-style fantasy city can also be added. I think this will be more interesting, and it is also suitable for guests from other countries. Much friendlier!"

Dr. Charlie nodded and said: "wow, very good suggestion, imagine it, it will be much more interesting than it is now, but the project is a bit huge, I have to find some historical architects to restore it, fortunately I asked you, otherwise I must It will turn Penglai Mountain into the largest haunted house in the world, even though it was originally a paradise for ghosts and ghosts.”

"As long as you like it, there is nothing wrong with it. The style of the vampire castle is quite good."

"Your idea is better. Rich people have had enough of being vampires. Come to Penglai Mountain and let them continue to be vampires. This is really unfair to treat vampires. In fact, vampires are just marginal creatures fleeing under human persecution. How can they be compared with those rich and powerful people"

"If you think my idea is better, it will be my honor." Cheng Mo said.

Doctor Charlie snapped his fingers, stood up and said, "That's the decision."

Cheng Mo also stood up, "If there is nothing else, then I will take my leave first."

"There is one more thing, and that is the reconstruction of Penglai Island. I will entrust it to you. You must help me do it well. I really don't have the energy to find and deal with those historians, designers and builders."

Cheng Mo was a little surprised, "You mean I'll be responsible for the reconstruction?"

Dr. Charlie patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder vigorously with both hands, "Yes! I will give you the full authority, and I will authorize it to you, so that you can use the 'plague' to deploy the money, resources and manpower of Penglai Mountain."

Although quite unexpected, Cheng Mo quickly regained his composure. He bowed slightly and said, "Thank you for your trust."

Dr. Charlie smiled, "There is nothing to thank, you can do it for anyone, but you just made me feel right."

"It may be an insignificant thing to you, but it means a lot to me."

"This job is not so easy. Do it well. If you do it well, you will be in charge of Penglai Mountain in the future, just like Jingquan." Dr. Charlie said.

Cheng Mo replied: "I will definitely not let you down."

"Okay, go! Child, I will give you authorization through the plague right away. You should clean up the current mess first, arrange for those rich people to leave, keep the guards, and temporarily dismiss the employees."

"Huh..." Dr. Charlie breathed a sigh of relief, "Penglai Mountain can finally be quiet for a while."

Cheng Mo hesitated and asked, "How about the robbers? They took away 500 billion US dollars from us."

Dr. Charlie said indifferently: "The Homeland of the Chosen One and the Freedom Front! You should investigate this matter first, and let me know the results."

Cheng Mo said "yes" and said goodbye to Dr. Charlie, then walked towards the door, out of the Xianju Hall, the salty sea breeze swept over, Cheng Mo looked into the distance, the stars faded, and the sky appeared White belly, a long day has passed, although the process was a bit tortuous, but it seems to have achieved the most perfect result, but things are too smooth, it is unbelievable how smooth it is.

This made Cheng Mo always feel that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"I can only take one step at a time. Anyway, as a carrier, it will not encounter fatal danger." Cheng Mo thought.

At this moment, Jing Xing's phone vibrated. Cheng Mo took out the phone from his pocket and saw a notification pop up from the APP with the "Penglai Mountain" logo on the phone. To upgrade to A-level authority, you need to re-enter facial information and fingerprint information, please follow the prompts"


Just when Cheng Mo left the Xianju Palace, Dr. Charlie took out his mobile phone and completed the upgrade of the management authority of Jing Xing’s mobile phone through the central computer plague, then dialed a number. After a long beep, there was finally Answered the phone.

"Hey! Charlie, what are you calling me at this time? Aren't you supposed to be spending the night with ghosts in your haunted house on New Year's Eve?"

"MD, you bastard, you didn't do it, I've already slept in a coffin! Why don't you tell me, who did you get to come to Penglai Mountain? How dare you set fire to Penglai Mountain? They also extorted 500 billion dollars! Are young people this crazy?"

The person on the other side of the phone smiled and said: "500 billion? It's really not a small number. It was not easy to get 500 million US dollars when we were young! The development of the times is too fast!. However, young people are aggressive Isn't that a good thing?"

Doctor Charlie said angrily: "I'm getting old now, I just want to live a stable life, I can't stand such a big stimulus, please don't do some messy things to harm me, I want to live a few more years, smoke more Take a big smoke, drink a few more sips of old wine, and watch the sunrise and sunset on the sea."

"My God, is this still the angry young Charlemagne I knew back then? I think you swore to change the world and create a new era! Now you just want to smoke a few big cigarettes and drink a few old wines. Live your life lightly?"

Doctor Charlie said lightly: "After that incident, I am no longer who I was back then. It is not easy to barely survive until now. I don't want to make trouble anymore. No matter what you want to do, don't involve me. It's really not possible. I don’t want to stay in Penglai Mountain anymore, anyway, I have so many houses all over the world, can’t I live anywhere?”

"Charlie, don't be like this. If you want to leave, I can't beat Rockefeller's group of evil capitalists. Everyone has played this unfair game for too long. It should end, not to mention that we won't live long. "

Charlie sighed and said, "Nebuchadnezzar, haven't everyone sacrificed enough? Do you want to continue?"

If Cheng Mo heard the name Nebuchadnezzar nearby at this moment, he would be even more shocked, because this is the controller behind the legendary Black Death, killing the chosen one with the highest reward, and more importantly, Nebuchadnezzar was the second general among the twelve generals.

"Charlie, we all know that sacrifices are necessary to get something worthwhile, let alone something like changing the world."

"I know, I know, we have sacrificed enough for this, and the world is not unacceptable now, do you think it is? Why let these young people follow our old path, it is too difficult."

"Then you should also know that difficult things and right things are usually the same thing, right? The more meaningful things are, the more difficult they will be." After a short pause, the other side said softly: "What's more, the Chosen One In this world, the word 'easy' has never existed."

(End of this chapter)

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