Rebel Demon King

Chapter 616 Light and Shadow (10)

Chapter 616 Light and Shadow (10)

(Thanks to "My Bendeng disciple" for the reward)

Cheng Mo recalled that it was a bit difficult to find a suitable place for eavesdropping in a pyramid building with an all-glass structure. The outer wall must not work, and there is only one hall on the entire fourth floor. The only way to think about it is the ventilation duct.

The Yunding Bar adopts a fully enclosed structure, which means that the ventilation duct must be large enough to support the ventilation needs of such a large-scale building.

Thinking of a way, Cheng Mo immediately descended from the spiral staircase built around the elevator shaft to the third floor. There was no one in the hall on the third floor, and thick smoke and flames could be seen everywhere through the glass curtain wall. Cheng Mo looked up On the roof of the third floor, in order to make the surrounding glass curtain walls seamlessly connected, the roof adopts a hole-shaped design. The height of the elevator room in the middle is the lowest, only about two meters, and then the suspended ceiling gradually increases until it disappears completely. One side of the glass curtain wall.

There is no doubt that the ventilation duct must be repaired in the elevator shaft. Cheng Mo glanced at the display panel of the elevator. The four elevators were all parked on the fourth floor and the first floor. Forced to open it, and immediately heard the soft sound of the exhaust fan from the bottom.

Contrary to what Cheng Mo imagined, the elevator in Yunding Bar does not use traditional hydraulic elevators or traction elevators, but magnetic levitation elevators. There is a huge square stainless steel pipe in the center of the elevator shaft with a size of tens of square meters. The square pipe There are shiny steel rails on the outside, and there are four thick rectangular pipes shining silver on each floor leading to the outside of the elevator shaft. The sense of technology is so overwhelming that it doesn’t feel like you’re in a bar, but in a mysterious place. scientific research institutions.

I found the ventilation pipe but it didn’t solve the problem. It’s almost impossible to enter the ventilation pipe from the elevator shaft without using skills. Cheng Mo can only go back to the lobby to see if there is a ventilation hole on the ceiling of the hall, and roughly know the ventilation pipe Cheng Mo looked out from the gap between the two elevators, and soon found the vent hidden under the crystal swan chandelier.

Cheng Mo brought a sofa and a coffee table over, stacked them together, removed the screws with a table knife, removed the grid of the air vent, threw it on the sofa, and then grabbed the edge of the air vent and tested it with a little force. The construction quality of Penglai Mountain is quite good. It is very firm and can fully support his weight.Cheng Mo thought for a while, found a can, cut it open with a knife, made a simple bug, and put it into the ventilation duct.

Then Cheng Mo moved the sofa and coffee table back to their original positions, returned to the bottom of the air vent, jumped lightly, grabbed the edge of the air vent, put his hands on it, and then easily climbed into the air duct. After a little judgment of the direction, Cheng Mo So he took the simple bug made of soda cans and carefully crawled towards the birdcage.

After almost reaching the position of the birdcage in memory, Cheng Mo put the can on his ear, and the other end against the wall, and soon heard a gunshot, Cheng Mo moved slowly towards the gunshot, and soon heard Jingquan The voice of talking with Xiyuanji Benimaru, Cheng Mo moved his position lightly, until he could hear the conversation between the two of them clearly, then Cheng Mo lay down in the ventilation duct and listened carefully.

At this moment, the two of them had probably been chatting for a while, only to hear Jing Quan say in a cold voice, "Good marksmanship, but are you a threat?"

"Of course not. I just want to tell Mr. Jing that you will have nothing if you kill me, but I am different. If I kill you, at least I can save my life. I am not an idiot like Li Shixian. I will not let myself What fell into your hands, I think very clearly, anyway, it is death, it is better for everyone to die together, and have someone to accompany you when you go to hell."

"Since I didn't do anything at the beginning, I didn't intend to kill you. It's just that someone like you who likes to sell teammates, how can I trust you?"

It seems that Jingquan has been persuaded to cooperate with Xiyuanji Benimaru, but it is also possible that Jingquan is just playing tricks, but Cheng Mo thinks the possibility of the former is relatively high, because according to Jingquan's character, if he hadn't decided to cooperate with Xiyuanji Benimaru Cooperation, Xiyuanji Benimaru must have been caught and whipped long ago.

Xiyuanji Benimaru replied: "I don't need you to believe. Without you, I can't get money or Ouroboros. When we leave Penglai Island, we will be together 24 hours a day. Isn't it enough for everyone to monitor each other?"

Jing Quan sneered, "Who knows if you have set any traps in Switzerland?"

"Mr. Jing, everyone is a sensible person. You think I'm unreliable, and I don't think you are reliable. Now we have no choice. Why don't we work together? I'm already very sincere, and I took such a big risk to come here See you. I also brought you Cui Xianze's head and hands as a gift, what do you want from me?"

There was silence in the simple listening device for a while, and Jing Xing probably thought for a while before saying in a deep voice: "At that time, I will send my brother to be with you 24 hours a day, and the date and plan for withdrawing money must be determined by me, you cannot take anyone"

Xiyuanji Benimaru sneered, "Mr. Jing is too lacking in confidence, isn't he?"

Jing Quan was unmoved at all, and said flatly: "I have been walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and I am able to survive until now not because of luck, but because of being careful!"

"Okay, just do as Mr. Jing said, then when will we leave Penglai Mountain?" Xiyuanji Hongwan's tone was still very relaxed, as if he didn't care about it at all, but Cheng Mo knew that Xiyuanji Hongwan's tone was getting worse and worse. Being relaxed means that he is more confident.

It took a while for Jing Quan to reply: "Four hours after dawn, I still need a little time to prepare."

"It's fine, but I still have a little work here, and I need Mr. Jing's help." Xiyuanji Benimaru said.

"Huh? You want to transfer the money extorted in the vampire's castle?"

"Mr. Jing is really too smart, so Mr. Qianjing doesn't want to get a piece of the pie, does he?" said Xiyuanji Benimaru.

"There is a saying in Huaxia that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Now that we are partners, of course I have half of it."

"No problem, then I would like to ask Mr. Jing to help the accountant to transfer the money out first. Just remember the amount, and we will calculate it together when the time comes."

Then Cheng Mo heard Jing Quan call for someone to take Xiyuanji Hongmaru to the first floor to withdraw cash, Xiyuanji Hongmaru said, "Then I will wait for Mr. Jing's call with peace of mind."

Jing Quan said "No", and there were footsteps upstairs.

After Xiyuanji Hongmaru left, Cheng Mo did not leave immediately, but continued to stay in the ventilation pipe and eavesdrop on what Jing Quan had to do for the past three hours. Taking a sip of wine, he put the cup on the tea table, then he got up from the sofa and walked aside, only to hear Jing Quan say: "Little Cousin, you look pretty, it's a pity to be an Interpol with your appearance, How about being my mistress"

Patani's heavy and painful whimpers came from over there, and Jing Quan said with a "haha" smile: "Actually, I have an elixir that can make you want to die, but! I won't use it on you, I will I just like to see how you want to resist but can't resist, want to struggle but can't struggle!"

Jing Quan smiled grimly and said: "Yes! Yes! It's this kind of expression of anger and despair. The more you suffer, the more excited I am. When I kill people, I also like to keep the other party alive, and slowly appreciate the other party's wailing on the ground. Going to death in despair. That expression is so beautiful!"

Cheng Mo heard that Jing Quan tore Patani's sari, and Patani's cries with his mouth in his mouth were like the wailing of an animal before dying. Jing Quan seemed to be trembling with excitement because of this, "By the way, what are you calling?" What name? Patani? I will remember your name, you see I am videotaping, I will faithfully record the process of playing with you, you should be honored as a collection of Patani, few women are qualified to be I recorded it in the video, but you got this qualification today, you should feel honored! I should have left this place quickly, but for you, I deliberately stayed for a few hours to torture you slowly "

Cheng Mo didn't expect that Jing Quan actually stayed with Nong Patani for a few hours. Cheng Mo had no interest in eavesdropping on this kind of thing. Right now, how to deal with Jing Quan who wanted to escape is the problem for Cheng Mo. .

Cheng Mo put down the simple bug, and exited the ventilation duct as silently as possible. After returning to the lobby on the third floor, Cheng Mo thought for a while and walked to the elevator room. He walked quickly from the stairs to the fourth floor and entered the fourth floor. At the door of the hall, there is only one guard standing there. When the other party saw Cheng Mo, he asked, "What are you doing?"

Cheng Mo walked towards the guard and said, "I have something to do with Brother Quan."

The guard had seen Cheng Mo before, so he had no doubts at all, but said politely: "Our boss said that no one can disturb him, please call our boss!"

Cheng Mo said "Oh", and the moment he approached the black-clothed guard, he swung his knife and slashed at the guard's neck with lightning speed. Fell to one side, then fell to the ground.Cheng Mo didn't take a second look, stepped over the guard's body, and pushed open the black carved door. Immediately, Patani's desperate curse came from inside, "You pervert, I curse you to hell!" Patani's prisoner has been removed.

Compared with Patani's misery, Jingquan's tone is full of strange joy. He said in a distorted voice: "Go to hell? It's better than you are in hell now! I have played with so many women, the police or First time. You see how much I care about you, and I even asked someone to hack into your Interpol's internal website and checked your information. I was really surprised. I didn't expect you to be such an outstanding angel. Participate in Cracked so many big cases. Not only captured the leader of the European mafia responsible for human trafficking, but also captured the Vietnamese drug lord Yu Xiao. My God, you are still Miss International, I can’t wait, I don’t know how you feel at the moment How? Anyway, I think it's great!"

"Bastard, kill me quickly. If you don't kill me, I will definitely send you to prison!" Patani's voice was burning, as if burning his own life.

Jing Quan smiled lightly and said, "Kill you? My sweetheart, how could I be willing to kill you so soon? There are still more than three hours. Let's play slowly. I promise you will never forget today."

There is a screen and a little distance between the door and the birdcage on the side of the floor-to-ceiling glass. Cheng Mo turned around the screen and saw Jing Quan standing on the edge of the birdcage, waving a black snake whip and whipping Patani, "Crack With a sound, Patani snorted, and Jing Quan licked his lips and said to Patani: "Curse, keep scolding, the more you scold me, the more excited I will be."

Patani's hands were still handcuffed to the railings of the birdcage, and she leaned weakly against the metal bars of the birdcage. Her hair was completely loose at the moment, sticking to her fair cheeks and neck messily, and all the golden sari was covered. It was pulled into rags and hung around his waist, and red welts were printed on his snow-white body.

Cheng Mo saw that Patani's face was covered with sweat, but she didn't shed tears. She stared at Jingquan desperately and stubbornly, as if she was going to be eaten alive by the other party. It was a bit surprising that she still had such courage and willpower at this time. Cheng Mo's expectation.

Jing Quan, who was in a state of excitement, didn't realize Cheng Mo's arrival. It wasn't until Cheng Mo approached the birdcage a few steps quickly that Jing Quan turned his attention away from Patani, and quickly pulled out and inserted it behind his back. He turned around and pointed the pistol in Cheng Mo's direction, looking at Cheng Mo vigilantly, "Who?"

Cheng Mo looked at the black muzzle of the gun, and moved his eyes to Jing Quanshui's face. His youthful face was a little older than when he first injected "Plague Shadow". Cheng Mo said lightly: "Me."

Jing Quan squinted his eyes and saw Cheng Mo's handsome face clearly under the dim light. He didn't put down his gun, but asked, "Brother Lin, why are you here?"

Patani also turned to look at Cheng Mo, his eyes full of hatred.

Cheng Mo didn't look at Patani, he suspected of taking advantage of going to Patani at this time, he just stared at Jingquan, and said indifferently: "Because I know that Mr. Jing is going to leave Penglai Mountain, so I feel disappointed."

Jing Quan was taken aback, and opened his mouth a little, but he quickly covered up his surprise, "How do you know?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "It doesn't matter, I just want to tell you that if you leave Penglai Mountain, it will lose its use value for me, and the enemy who is useless to me will end badly."

Jing Quan laughed "haha". The last sentence Cheng Mo said just now was what he said to Li Shixian on the balcony of the vampire castle. Jing Quan laughed for a long time, then looked at Cheng Mo contemptuously and said: "Look Brother Lai Lin is here for the Black Death! But why do you talk to me like this?"

Just after Jing Quan finished speaking, he unexpectedly fired at Cheng Mo, but Cheng Mo had already prepared himself. As long as he concentrated, he could see the bullets spinning in the air and slowly flying towards him. He didn't have the exaggerated evasive action in The Matrix, but just pulled out the Desert Eagle on his waist, swung it lightly, and shot the bullet that arrived in front of him, and it was embedded on the glass curtain wall not far away.

Jing Quan fired again without hesitation, and the sound of "bang bang bang" rang out in the room. Jing Quan pulled the trigger and fired nine bullets in a row until the clip was emptied, but he didn't even touch the bullet. When they arrived at Cheng Mo, they were all photographed on the glass curtain wall by Cheng Mo, forming a circle.

Jing Quan's face faded from flushing and sank. He threw away the gun in his hand and asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

Cheng Mo didn't answer Jing Quan, but cut through the air like lightning, and appeared in front of Jing Quan in an instant, grabbed Jing Quan's neck, and lifted him up. Jing Quan, who had been injected with Plague Shadow, did not expect Cheng Mo to Unable to capture the movement, but the moment he was lifted, Jing Quan still reacted, grabbed Cheng Mo's arm with both hands and kicked towards Cheng Mo's knee, and at the same time said with a smirk: "You son of a bitch, still want to Treat me the way I am? I will pull your tendons and skin your skin later."

However, Jing Quan didn't expect that Cheng Mo just raised his leg and collided with the kicked leg, and there was a crisp fracture sound, followed by severe pain hitting his brain.

Jing Quan endured the pain, and stuck his right hand straight into Cheng Mo's eyes, but Cheng Mo's left hand stopped him in the air, and his two fingers were broken instantly. Jing Quan couldn't hold it anymore, and screamed out.

Cheng Mo ruthlessly thrust Jing Quan on the ground, stepped on his chest, looked condescendingly at Jing Quan, who was sweating profusely and had a ferocious expression, and said coldly: "I'm actually not someone who likes Nonsense people, logically speaking, it is not impossible not to kill you. Although your use value is not great now, as long as you are obedient, you can still be used to some extent. My woman's idea I am very selfish and stingy, you make me unhappy, and I have enough reasons to die, so I have no choice but to give you a ride."

Jing Quan forced a smile, "Isn't it a woman? Brother Lin, tell me if you like that woman, I won't fight you. Is it this female criminal policeman? Tell me earlier! I haven't done it yet, I just smoked a few I will give you back the whip."

Cheng Mo looked down at Jing Quan and said, "You don't deserve to know"

On the surface, Jing Quan completely gave up resistance, but the moment Cheng Mo spoke, he grabbed the leg of the coffee table with his left hand, swung the entire marble coffee table, and smashed it at Cheng Mo.

Although there is no way to use skills, the carrier itself is strong enough. Even if Jingquan is injected with the shadow of the plague, this cheap version of the God gene is far from being the real carrier's opponent, so Cheng Mo didn't even hide, just waved After resisting the punch, the black marble coffee table was shattered and fell to the ground, Cheng Mo's body didn't even shake.

Jing Quan yelled, grabbed the stainless steel legs of the marble tea table and stabbed Cheng Mo's thigh, Cheng Mo stretched out his hand to hold the silver stainless steel legs, fixed Jing Quan's movements in the air, and then twisted the stainless steel table vigorously The direction of the feet pointed to Jingquan's chest, and he pressed down slowly
Jing Quan looked horrified at the shining table legs approaching his heart, gritted his teeth and held on tightly with his hands, blue veins seemed to burst out of his body.

Cheng Mo pressed the square stick-shaped table legs towards Jing Quan's chest bit by bit with a blank expression, and finally touched Jing Quan's skin. Jing Quan yelled "ah", wanting to lift the table legs up again , but I heard Cheng Mo say: "I just like to see you want to resist but can't resist, want to struggle but can't struggle. Come on, experience the feeling of slowly dying, don't you like this feeling the most? Now I let you feel it."

The stainless steel table legs have been pressed between the fifth ribs of the body. This is where the doctor listens to the heartbeat with a stethoscope. The huge pain made Jing Quan howl. Cheng Mo remained indifferent, and slowly inserted all the table legs. Until it completely pierces Jingquan's body.
(End of this chapter)

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