Rebel Demon King

Chapter 601 Dark Eclipse

Chapter 601 Dark Eclipse
Minato Koyoshi walked out of the bathroom and said to the man in kimono guarding the door: "Keep an eye on Benimaru-kun secretly. Xuanyangsha has revived recently. Benimaru-kun has contacted Juan Florin, the Spanish royal family of the Falange Party. Don't worry." We can't let him cause trouble in Penglai Mountain!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General." The man in kimono lowered his head and said with a serious expression.

Yuan Guangyi nodded, and walked out of the locker room of the shooting club along the corridor. Just in time, two white men came up with a few security guards in black. One of his cheeks was still swollen, and he stroked his hand With a side face, he said vaguely in English: "That bastard shot me coldly, and even hit me with the butt of the gun after I was judged dead by the system. This matter must be explained to me!"

The black-clothed guard with two copper feathers on the epaulets on his shoulders said: "Mr. Daisy, please don't be angry. We will find him now, ask him about the situation, and we will definitely give you a reasonable solution."

Then, looking at the black-clothed guard who seemed to be in charge, he asked the person behind him, "Where is the person in charge now?"

The guard with a gun behind him replied: "Captain, the man in the unicorn mask is taking a shower now."

Yuan Guangyi stopped immediately when he heard this sentence, stopped a group of people who were about to enter the locker room, and said with a smile: "Excuse me, excuse me, the one wearing the unicorn mask you are talking about is me. Companion, if you have anything to do, just come to me, and I will solve it."

The man caressing his face looked at Yuan Guangyi, who had only one slit in his eyes, and said angrily, "You will solve it? Why do you solve it?"

Yuan Guangyi bowed deeply to the man who was beaten, he bent down and said: "I'm sorry, this matter is my friend's fault, here I apologize to you, just ask for any compensation you need!"

"Apologize to Nima! I don't need any compensation, I will return the butt of this gun to him. When I encounter such a bastard, I must teach him a lesson!" The man who was beaten said viciously.

Yuan Guangyi straightened up, looked at the young white man who was stroking his face, and said with a smile: "Don't be so angry, young people, there is nothing you can't talk about, right? Otherwise, you and your companions will come to Penglai this time I have borne all the service fees of Wonderland, I hope you will forget this little unpleasantness"

The man who was beaten said disdainfully: "Do you know who I am? I will be short of hundreds of thousands of dollars in service fees every day?"

Yuan Guangyi said in a humble tone: "Mr. Daisy, I don't know your specific identity, but who can come to Penglai Fairyland without a bit of identity? I also understand that this is not a question of money for you. Compensation is just a superficial attitude, I hope you will see it for the sake of my sincerity, and expose this matter."

The man who was beaten said impatiently: "This matter has nothing to do with you, I am looking for that bastard wearing an ugly mask." Said: "You don't go in and get him out."

Yuan Guangyi turned his head to look at the guard, waved his hand to stop the guard who was about to go in, and said with a smile: "Wait." Then he turned to the man who was beaten, his smiling face suddenly became expressionless, and he looked at the guard who was about to go in. The white man with a straight face said in a flat tone: "To be honest, if I don't know your specific identity, it means that you are not qualified to let me know your specific identity. I can tell you who I am. If you still insist on not accepting my apology If so, then you have to be prepared to bear my revenge."

The man looked at Yuan Guangyi, then looked at his companion and sneered: "Who are you? Could it be that you are the president of the United States? Even if the special XX is here, if he dares to touch me, I will call back."

"I'm not the president of the United States, I'm Yuan Guangyi." Yuan Guangyi said calmly, but there was an unstoppable light in those narrow eyes.

The scene suddenly fell silent. The expression of the white man who caressed his face changed when he heard Yuan Guangyi's name. For ordinary people, the name Yuan Guangyi is not familiar, but for the upper class, Yuan Guangyi It is difficult to know the name, after all, it is the next generation patriarch of the Minamoto family, the actual controller of Japan's emerging big chaebol, the Quanyin Consortium. The Bank of Japan Group, once the world's richest man Sun Yi, is a member of the Quanyin Consortium.

Although the head of the guard with two copper feather badges on his shoulders didn't know who Yuan Guangyi was, he also understood from the somewhat awkward atmosphere that the squinting eyes in front of him was a big shot, and immediately said in a whimsical manner: " Mr. Daisy, why don't you do this! We'll help you find the person involved, and you go to the infirmary to apply ice compresses and take care of the injury, so don't delay the treatment."

The man who was beaten lowered his head to avoid Yuan Guangyi's sight, and pretended to be calm and said: "Indeed, I should go and wash the wound first."

After speaking, the beaten man dragged his companion and left quickly without looking back. He didn't ask where the infirmary was, and he didn't ask Yuan Guangyi for the promised compensation, as if he had encountered a ghost.

"FXXK, FXXK!" After walking away, Daiss, who rarely uttered this vulgar word, couldn't help saying it twice.

The companion was still a little confused. He didn't know why Dai Si, who had to be held accountable at the beginning, was frightened when he heard Yuan Guangyi's name, and asked a little puzzled: "Dais, what's going on? Isn't he from Genji? "

"Isn't it Genji?" Daisy's tone was a little uncomfortable and quite helpless.

"How come the Japanese family can't come to us in the United States?"

Daisy whispered: "Do you know how such a powerful company as Tyco went bankrupt in 13? It is said that the boss Di Bank offended Yuan Guangyi, so he was directly destroyed by Yuan Guangyi."

"Impossible, right? Tyco was actually brought down by Genji? Didn't you say it was financial fraud?"

"Financial fraud is true, but Yuan Guangyi's methods are too insidious. He asked Sun Yi's Bank of Japan to grant 200 billion US dollars of credit to Tyco. Crazy expansion. In three years, Tyco has merged hundreds of companies, and the acquisition price is nearly 300 billion US dollars. Most of the people who acquired Bank of Japan participated. You know, listed companies will more or less play some financial games , Tyco is no exception, so we have the evidence of Tyco’s financial fraud. When Tyco’s most critical acquisition was to continue to merge AMP, it was suddenly exposed by the Bank of Japan that it was financially fraudulent. Dee Bank and Tyco’s All the chief executive officers were arrested, causing Tyco's stock price to plummet, and it had to go bankrupt and reorganize. Now Ben Dick is still in jail and Tyco has become a company under the Bank of Japan."

"Crash down a company with a credit of 200 billion. Are you joking? This is... really crazy"

Daisy swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "I also heard from my father about this matter. You also know that our family has a lot of business in Japan. My father has always had a good relationship with Japanese people. He also said that Yuan Guangyi Went to see Dee Bank in jail and left a famous quote"

"What famous quote?"

"If you hate someone, give him $200 billion in cash."


After solving the small trouble of Xiyuanji Hongmaru, a smile of unknown meaning appeared on Minamoto Koyoshi's face again. He walked out of the shooting club at a leisurely pace, got on a battery car waiting at the door, and ordered: "Go to Genting bar."

The man sitting in the driver's seat said "yes" respectfully, straightened his waist without looking sideways, and drove the golf battery car, as if he was driving a Rolls Royce.

The mountain road is winding, and the breeze is coming.

The white battery car is running towards the bright glass buildings on the top of the mountain in the sunlight. On the top of a piece of green vegetation and golden glazed tiles, the modern Chinese-style building mainly composed of glass structures is like a bright diamond, shining dazzlingly. .

After a while, the battery car reached the top of the mountain. Minamitsuyoshi got out of the car, tidied up the kimono he was wearing, and walked into the bar. Surrounded by tall palm trees, the main building is a huge glass pyramid, which looks like The glass pyramid in front of the Louvre, surrounded by a swimming pool and a boxy double-layer wooden corridor structure.

Yuan Guangyi walked to the east corridor with ease, and from a distance, he saw a man wearing a Monkey King mask lying under a parasol enjoying a massage from a young girl, while Fan XX, a Chinese star, was swimming in the swimming pool.

Yuan Guangyi didn't take a second look at the enchanting female star, walked directly under the parasol, dragged a stainless steel chair and sat down, and said to the sexy woman who was massaging the man wearing the Monkey King mask: "Go down first! "

The woman's movements froze slightly, and the fat man lying on the recliner waved his hand, and the massage girl got off the man's body, bowed and left, the fat man who was lying on the recliner turned around, said with a long sigh of relief : "Why did it take so long?"

Yuan Guangyi took a sip of the expensive cocktail on the small round table and said, "I have dealt with a little trouble."

"Helping the kid from the Xiyuan Temple family?"

Yuan Guangyi nodded.

The chubby man smiled, "Why? I love Wujiwu because I fell in love with Xiyuanji Aoi?"

Yuanguangyi said with a smile: "It's just that Xiyuanji Benimaru is a child with potential, but his thinking is a little extreme."

"What do you say about extreme thinking? Does it have anything to do with his coming to Penglai Island?"

"As you know, since the distribution of Ouroboros has been stopped, all countries are now arresting stalkers, causing a large number of stalkers to flee to the United States. Although the number of stalkers illegally holding Ouroboros is not large, but Everyone knows why the government has suddenly increased its efforts to catch stalkers, which has caused dissatisfaction and panic among all stalkers. Europe is the region with the most stalkers, and the Falange is planning to make the existence of Ouroboros public. , and then promote the legislation to legalize citizens holding Ouroboros, which has attracted the support of many stalkers”

After a pause, Yuan Guangyi continued: "As you know, some time ago, our kamikaze also arrested several stalkers who usually misbehaved, and it was rumored on the Chosen Forum that private ownership will soon be banned in our country. Ouroboros. This post was made by someone from Xuanyangsha, and Saienji Benimaru also joined Xuanyangsha."

The chubby man smiled "haha", "Is this considered extreme thinking? Isn't Xuanyangsha's purpose similar to your kamikaze's purpose? Aren't you laughing at your own extremes?"

Yuan Guangyi shook his head, "We call it persistence, not extremes. Of course, I personally think that extremes and persistence are the same kind of power. No matter what you say, they are better than mediocrity, mediocrity means weakness, and only extreme thinking Only people can surpass mediocrity. Those who are neither persistent nor extreme will be trapped in mediocrity forever. It's just that extreme is more dangerous than persistence. People who are in extreme will not know whether there is a cliff or a bright light ahead. This From time to time, we need those who have been here to give some pointers. The direction is not wrong, but we should be more cautious."

"Is the direction really correct? This era is different!" the fat man said with a sigh.

"It just looks different, but the essence is still the same. You can see that the global arms trade volume has hit a new high again this year, breaking through 2000 billion US dollars. This is on the bright side, excluding underground ones. The transaction, the amount is more than 3500 billion U.S. dollars. If Uroboros is counted as a weapon, it will be even more terrifying. Why does the United States allow Shadow Network and the Black Death to exist? Because the United States is the largest arms manufacturer, and arms are circulated on the black market 40.00% are produced in the United States, if the earth is peaceful, what should the world's largest arms manufacturer do? You asked an eagle to play a dove of peace?"

Yuan Guangyi drank the cocktail in the glass in one gulp, put the glass back on the table, and said lightly: "Peace, but because the benefits of starting a war are not big enough, not to mention that the war has never gone far."

The chubby man sat up with his hands on the deck chair. He looked at the beautiful woman swimming in the swimming pool and said, "You should be looking forward to war, but the current world will only allow small-scale limited wars. I don't think so." What a big war."

Yuan Guangyi smiled and said: "Yi Sang's business does not involve weapons, of course you say that, but we are not here to discuss this at the end, let's talk about business, how is the contact with Jingquan?"

The man lying on the beach chair lay down again, and said without turning his head: "I tested it a little bit, Jing Quan is a coward, he has no courage to betray the Black Death, and I don't think he actually knows the Garden of Eden Where."

Yuan Guangyi asked: "You mean that only Dr. Charlie knows the location of the Garden of Eden?"

"I guess so, but Jing Quan also revealed some useful information."

"what news?"

"The 'Ark' in the Garden of Eden will arrive today, and they will send the saints and Athena of the Golden Zodiac over here. It is said that they were developed from the first generation of human embryos modified by genetic technology. They have gathered a large number of excellent female genes. I wonder if Yuan Sang is interested in giving it a try!"

Yuan Guangyi completely ignored the topic of beauties, frowned slightly and said: "Ark will arrive today? But our people can't get in touch with the secret base of Penglai Mountain. In fact, even if they can, it's meaningless. I guess Ark It's not a boat, but a submarine. Even if it is equipped with a tracker, it is probably useless. After all, the main task of Penglai Island back then was to supply British submarines."

(End of this chapter)

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