Rebel Demon King

Chapter 592 The Cold Wonderland at the End of the World

Chapter 592 The Cold Wonderland at the End of the World

(Two-in-one update, there will be another update at three or four o'clock)
Cheng Mo never imagined that one day he would be in the belly of an island and talk about his philosophy. In his days, believing in Stoicism was enough for him to face his illness rationally and calmly.
Of course, what Cheng Mo gains from Stoicism is not just some superficial comfort, such as a sentence in "Meditations": "Rely on reason at all times, and not on anything else. As calm as ever in the agony of losing my beloved son and suffering from a long illness."

This sentence has always been Cheng Mo's highest motto to guide himself when facing difficulties.

Cheng Mo's research on Stoicism is very deep. To sum it up, "calmness, forbearance, emphasizing virtue, and despising material comfort" are the four key words of Stoicism.

The reason why Cheng Mo feels that he is not a Stoic believer is that he is very lazy in the practice of "emphasizing virtue". Cheng Mo never feels that he is a person who values ​​virtue.

Therefore, he is not a true Stoic, able to rejoice in suffering.

In Cheng Mo's view, Stoicism is a unique theology, following the path of "harmony between man and nature". The soul is aligned, and all troublesome things cease to exist.

The whipping and ridicule of the world, the insult and ridicule of the oppressor, the indifference and ignorance of the arrogant, the contempt of the loved one and the pain of lost love, the delay of the law and the brutality of the officials.
All this is nothing to the Stoic believers who have a god-like overall view.

Probably because you are all ordinary people, I have become a god who has become a god, and I must maintain the peace and tranquility of my soul.

In general, those eminent monks who have achieved Taoism, when faced with sad and painful encounters, behave like this.

If you want to express a little more profoundly, when you are beaten, and show the other party a gratifying and compassionate smile, then you will have more feelings of a Taoist monk.

Cheng Mo can't be so compassionate, he just disassembled Stoicism and used it separately in the spirit of pragmatism.

Because no matter who, in a desperate situation, learns stoicism, relies on imagination to create hope and comfort, and can survive even further into tomorrow.

To put it simply, Stoicism is a high-level spiritual victory method. From the emperor Aurelius to the slave Epictetus, everyone can get hope and comfort from it, and sincerely believe in and spread it.

At this moment, Jing Xing's question hits the point. Stoic believers can regard the evil they have endured as their own tempering.So how can you resolve the evil suffered by others?

If you follow the theory of the Stoic school, you can only stand on the sidelines, but condoning evil and tolerating evil, is this the real goodness?
This is exactly where the logic of Stoicism is not consistent, and there are contradictions and conflicts.

Then the religion that is also the method of spiritual victory, the answer given is to practice the afterlife or go to heaven. If you are a good person in this life, you will be blessed in the next life and reincarnated as a rich second generation.If you believe in me and act according to what I say, after you die, you can go to the heaven flowing with milk and honey. In heaven, there are pearl gates, golden streets, and jasper walls.If you believe in religion X, there will be 72 beautiful virgins sent to you as companions in heaven
Just thinking about it is exciting.

This benefit can't be said to be insignificant. Can ordinary people withstand this kind of temptation?No wonder countless people went on and on and dedicated themselves to it.

No, I have to believe it too!
In contrast
All in all, Stoicism cannot give its believers such an answer. This is the weakness of Stoicism. Although Stoicism, like religion, is a spiritual victory method, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand You are part of the universe, part of God.

But it is easy for ordinary people to understand that they can go to heaven after death.

The vast majority of mortals are very realistic, and they want to get rewards after suffering. You tell him to look at suffering from a higher dimension, but don't give him any practical benefits?

? ? ? ? ?

Doesn't this treat me as mentally retarded?I might as well believe in XX to have eternal life!

Cheng Mo's mind turned back and forth, but he didn't look sideways. The prisons on the left and right sides were full of children and women, and occasionally there were men. full of fear
No matter how humane the Black Death is, when Cheng Mo sees that many of the people locked in there are children, he will inevitably feel pity, but Cheng Mo knows that he can't save anyone, he can't bear to look at those ignorant eyes, he can only Pretending to be nonchalant and looking ahead, unfortunately, he saw a soldier taking pictures of a Southeast Asian girl in a prison not far away. Because the girl didn't cooperate, he kicked the girl hard, and the girl hugged in pain. He fell to the ground with his abdomen curled up, wailing in unintelligible Thai.

The soldier kicked the girl in the chest again, cursing and saying something in Thai, so the ordinary-looking girl rubbed her chest with one hand, wiped her tears with the other, stood up again, and began to take off her clothes slowly. clothing.

Cheng Mo stopped and stared at the girl who was beaten. Her eyes were not big, her nose was a bit flat, she was not a beauty, but she was barely tall, her skin was slightly dark, and her body was dirty and cheap white with broken eyes. The T-shirt has long been scuffed, and the pink shorts are cheap at first glance. There are many thick calluses on her hands and feet. It can be seen that she often does heavy work and has no shoes.

There was despair and numbness in her eyes. Cheng Mo guessed that she was not abducted, maybe sold by her family. In the slums of Thailand, this kind of thing often happens.

Cheng Mo said indifferently: "As a Stoic disciple, helping the poor, saving the dying, healing the wounded, repairing bridges and repairing roads... These are not good deeds, just like I am facing this helpless girl now, let her get out of your control, Freedom is not a Stoic virtue."

"Oh?" Jing Xing was very surprised by Cheng Mo's answer, this answer was beyond Jing Xing's expectation.

"For those of us who believe in Stoicism, the only good deed is to spread to people in the world, what is the 'correct' outlook on life, at this moment, that is, I have to let her understand that being trafficked and Being beaten is not an absolutely bad thing. What she is experiencing now is not something she can control. The only thing she can do is to adjust her mentality and maintain the peace and joy of her soul, but she does not look happy and raises her head to meet the god of death. sickle"

Cheng Mo's tone was a bit heavy, and suddenly he remembered the story Li Jiting told him about his experience in Afghanistan. Cheng Mo didn't understand why the vitality of religion was so tenacious, but now he understands that for many people, religion is indeed It is the only consolation.

Jing Xing laughed, "It's really interesting. What Master Lin said made me very interested in Stoicism. I have to study this school in detail when I go back."

Cheng Mo wanted to know more secrets of Mount Penglai, so he asked in a slightly disdainful tone: "Brother Xing brought me here to see this?"

Jing Xing asked back: "What does Head Lin want to see?"

Cheng Mo hesitated and said, "To be honest, I'm more interested in human cloning."

Jing Xing shook his head and said, "Clones can't even touch me, yes." Jing Xing didn't continue, and after he stopped, he pointed to the stripped Thai who was taking pictures and said, "Look, It's still a human demon, this can be sold for a lot of money."

Then Jing Xing sighed again, "In fact, we often receive transvestites here, most of whom are from poor Thai families. Many of them did not become transvestites voluntarily, but in order to sell money, the original families began to inject female demons when they were ignorant. Sex hormones are sold to ladyboy schools when they reach a certain age, and some ladyboy schools collect too much, so they select some that are not qualified enough to sell to us, and we sell them to buyers all over the world on the film and television network.”

"To be honest, they are quite pitiful. Doesn't head Lin plan to save him? If you open your mouth, I will ask someone to let him go, or you still plan to practice the tenets of the Stoics and let him understand that as long as Relying on imagination, can my misfortune disappear completely?" Jing Xing turned to look at Lin Zhinuo beside him.

Cheng Mo could imagine what a tragic story was behind the boy in front of him. He lowered his head slightly, and saw several shadows on his body on the polished concrete floor, illuminated by a miner's lamp covered with wire grids above his head, and The red cape of the same style as Superman has sharp edges and corners in the black shadow.

"It's not that you can become a superman by wearing a red cape and underwear. I'm not, and I don't want to." Cheng Mo thought to himself.

Cheng Mo walked towards the boy who was leaning against the wall. The naked boy stood shivering in front of the camera. There was a piece of blue cloth hanging on the rough concrete wall, which could complement his dark skin. Fairer.

Hearing the movement, the two soldiers with guns immediately turned around and looked at Cheng Mo, and held the guns tighter, showing a guarded posture. The soldier who was pressing the shutter also stopped taking pictures and looked at Cheng Mo .

The boy also noticed Cheng Mo, who was wearing a strange outfit with silver foil on it. He covered his private parts with his hands, lowered his head, and tears fell one by one on the gray concrete floor.
Cheng Mo turned to the soldiers beside him and said, "Can you speak Chinese?"

The two soldiers with guns and the one taking pictures looked at each other. Obviously they could understand Chinese. After a while, one of the soldiers with guns said vigilantly, "Who are you? If you need a deal, please find me. Trader who came in"

The soldier who spoke was quite fluent in Chinese, with just a little accent, probably Malay, and the popularity of Chinese in Malay is quite high.

Cheng Mo looked back at Jing Xing, Jing Xing walked over and said, "It's okay, Doctor Charlie called us here."

Hearing the name of Dr. Charlie, the expressions of the three soldiers relaxed, and the soldier who started to speak looked at Cheng Mo and Jing Xing respectfully and said, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Cheng Mo guessed in his mind whether "Dr. Charlie" was Jing Quan or who, and then focused on the little boy who was crying silently. Cheng Mo looked at him and said, "Which of you can speak Thai, please translate it for me." Come on! I have a few words to convey to him."

The soldier with the camera said "OK", and Cheng Mo said slowly, "Son, don't be afraid."

Momo stopped after saying that, and the soldier holding the camera immediately relayed the words to the Thai boy who was sobbing with his head bowed. This was probably the first time the Thai boy heard someone comfort him. He raised his head and looked at the soldier holding the camera. , then turned to look at Cheng Mo, and said something in Thai.

The camera man also turned his head to look at Cheng Mo and said, "He said please save him."

Cheng Mo looked at the Thai boy, ignored the pleading in his eyes, shook his head and said, "I can't save you, only you can save yourself."

The camera man conveyed Cheng Mo's words to the Thai boy, so he cried louder, and some muddy tears soon covered his cheeks.

Cheng Mo didn't mean to comfort, and waited until the boy's crying voice gradually became quieter before saying: "Don't blame others, and don't break down because of these sufferings."

The camera man translated Cheng Mo's words with the Thai boy again. Cheng Mo didn't know whether the camera man's translation was accurate or not. He couldn't control these. He could only give the poor boy some comfort and hope within his ability.

"Your previous fate is already unfortunate enough. Being sold may be the beginning of another bad luck for you, but it also gives you a chance to save your own fate." Cheng Mo looked at the Thai boy and said in a low voice, his voice was not clear. Big, but powerful.

Although the Thai boy couldn't understand Cheng Mo's words, he raised his head involuntarily. He looked at the camera man. After he finished translating, he looked at Cheng Mo again. He raised his hand to wipe away the tears in his eyes. , a puzzled look appeared on his cheek.

Cheng Mo continued: "Like the black trade in the [-]th century, from a historical perspective, is it worse for the blacks who stayed on the African continent, or for the blacks who were sold to the American continent?"

"Now time has given the answer."

"It's the same for you. Is it better not to be sold, or to be sold? The result depends not only on fate, but also on yourself." Cheng Mo's tone relaxed at this point, It sounded like a warm and gentle wind, and the crying of the Thai boy stopped. He even asked Cheng Mo what the black trade in the sixteenth century was.

Cheng Mo explained to the Thai boy very patiently. At this moment, there were no tears on his face, only dry black marks. His face also calmed down, and he listened carefully to the camera man's translation.

Cheng Mo finished talking about the "Black Triangle Trade", and said softly: "Crying and mourning won't help, so many people are trapped here just like you, even if you didn't sell here before, you are not the same as being trapped by the shemale School? You have to use your brain to think, when there is no freedom, the only thing you can control is your own thoughts."

"Calm down your soul, even if you die tomorrow. Death with a smile will be happier than death with a cry, isn't it?"

After listening to the camera man's translation, the Thai boy nodded involuntarily.

Cheng Mo bowed his body slightly, stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on the Thai boy's face, and said in a sacred tone: "Enduring these sufferings, the place you arrive at is definitely not hell. Only by maintaining a rational state can you see and wait until the end." Timing, when you reach the other shore and escape, these experiences will become your wealth, and fate will favor you."

After wiping off those black tear stains, Cheng Mo straightened up. The Thai boy knelt down, closed his eyes and put his palms together on his forehead, prostrating to Cheng Mo. This is the posture of Thai people worshiping Buddha. Cheng Mo didn't linger and turned around Go the way you came.

Along the way, Chengmo saw many Thai people kneeling by the railing, bowing to him with folded hands, but Chengmo's heart became heavier and heavier. People in desperate situations are really humble, but a little illusory words of comfort can make them feel more comfortable. They gain great power.

Cheng Mo felt very sad, this kind of sadness could not be explained to others, he thought few people would understand, he felt his heart was shaking, and the idea of ​​wanting to destroy everything began to sprout, but he knew deeply that he could do nothing. can not do this.

Jing Xing caught up with Cheng Mo, patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder "haha" and said with a smile: "Master Lin is worthy of being Master Lin, and he really has the potential to be a magic stick. If you want to start a sect, you will definitely be able to confuse many people .”

"Can I leave here?" Cheng Mo asked in a slightly uncomfortable tone.

Jing Xing smiled and said, "What? Does this place make you feel uncomfortable?"

Cheng Mo sneered: "I'm not a pervert, I have no interest in this kind of thing, not to mention this is not an industry I can get my hands on, why should I stay in such a gloomy and gloomy place?"

Jing Xing was quite indifferent to Cheng Mo's dissatisfaction, and asked with a smile: "Are you really going to do something for that boy?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "There are so many misfortunes in this world. 13% of the world's population still lives in extreme poverty. What's worse is that in the past five years, the number of poor people in the world has been increasing at a rate of 5 million per year. It has increased from 2500 billion to 10 billion. This situation is even more serious in Africa, where nearly 13/1 of the people live in extreme poverty and cannot even eat enough. For them, being sold may still be a way of life. If the developed countries at the top of the food chain do not change their current policies, the number of poor people in the world will reach 3 billion in 2030. 20 billion! There are many people who are more miserable than him. At that time, population trading will be more rampant. As long as hunger and poverty are still there , the population transaction will never disappear.” (The standard of extreme poverty is a daily living cost of 20 US dollars, which is about 1.25 yuan in Huaxia currency)

"To a certain extent, you are also doing good deeds, at least ensuring that some people can survive. For that boy, he has a high chance of being sold to a developed area. If he can escape, his fate may be rewritten .”

Jing Xing shook his head, "This is just your wishful thinking, very few people who are sold can escape"

"That has nothing to do with me, everything is just an arrangement of fate." Cheng Mo said lightly.

Jing Xing sighed: "Master Lin is really a hard-hearted person!"

(End of this chapter)

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