Chapter 574

After Bai Xiuxiu asked the question, Wen Xi looked at Cheng Mo with great interest, waiting to hear Cheng Mo's answer. For the first time, a curious light flashed in her pupils. For human beings, what is the most attractive thing?
That is the unknown.

The Lin Zhinuo in front of me has too many unknowns in Wenxi's eyes. Most young people are as shallow as a piece of white paper in the eyes of a woman like Wenxi. You can see what colors are painted on it at a glance. For example, Gao Yuemei, with the smell of sunshine all over her body, must be a carefree young lady who has never suffered any setbacks.

Logically speaking, Cheng Mo should also be this kind of person. He has a good cultivation and family background, and he can speak well, but he may not have sufficient knowledge of the world. He will definitely not be the kind of intellectual with a lot of knowledge, because he is too young and too So handsome, so handsome that people can completely ignore other parts, just pay attention to his appearance.

But there is a strong sense of conflict between his speech and his appearance, because in most impressions, a creature like little fresh meat is unlikely to have connotations.

What's more, Lin Zhinuo no longer has connotations that can be summarized. On the contrary, like the people who are dedicated to learning that Wen Xi has come into contact with, they have the same calm and quiet temperament, but there is a big difference when you think about it carefully. There was also an aura of danger.

It is generally difficult to specifically describe what kind of breath is a dangerous breath. Let Wen Xi say that the so-called dangerous breath is probably the difference between a person with a gun and a person without a gun.

In Wen Xi's eyes, Lin Zhinuo's dangerous aura probably comes from his fatal attraction to women. When he grows into such a man, he has a good temperament and is more economical. If he wants to return to a prominent family background, it is really perfect People, who would not be tempted by such a boy?

Cheng Mo didn't care that he was being carefully considered by Wen Xi, thought for a while, and said, "No matter what you do, it's wrong, so it doesn't matter what you do."

Cheng Mo's words are quite meaningful and very versatile. There are many ways to interpret them, one of which is "saying is equal to not saying", so Wen Xi smiled lightly: "Mr. Lin's answer is a bit tricky !"

Cheng Mo shook his head and said lightly: "There is no correct answer to this question itself, and the discussion must be based on the environment at the time. Of course, we are wrong now, but analyzing the situation at the time, it is nothing more than two choices. It's too bad, and I can only be forced to choose a slightly less bad option. It's more than that. Speaking of it, it's because of Jiang Gong's improper use of people and the poor execution of the national army."

Bai Xiuxiu gave Cheng Mo a noncommittal look, and said, "Your interpretation is too objective. What I am asking is that if you are Jiang Gong, you must assume the role of Jiang Gong. Any decision made by the superior has its own logic. "

"Let me tell you about an incident I experienced. A veteran who has been loyal to my husband since the start of his business, told me how he helped my husband back then, and he will continue to be loyal to me. I hope I can continue to give him Stay in the position and give him some equity incentives. However, I investigated his resume and found that he had no outstanding advantages other than loyalty, so I fired him and replaced him with someone who may not be loyal but is quite capable. Many people don't understand this matter, and feel that I shouldn't treat the elders like this, it's too inhumane, but as a superior, my moral values ​​are in line with my position, your inability to understand can only mean that you don't After reaching this level, people at different levels see different levels of future and different levels of right and wrong.”

"Regardless of a company or a country, it is impossible for employers to expect all their subordinates to be gentlemen. Some things must be done by villains. Let villains do good things within the rules, which is what the superiors should do. Suppose Jiang Rangfeng If the public is responsible for the arson, it can't be so bad."

Wen Xi said with a smile: "Xiuxiu's statement is similar to 'virtue does not match'. When your morality cannot match your position, you will definitely suffer, so the party and the country won't win. As coincidental as the world thinks, it is a matter of course, anyway, Communism was the most advanced idea at that time.”

Wen Xi's words made both Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu involuntarily think of the discussion about World War II that night. The two fell into a thoughtful silence. The atmosphere was a little stiff for a while.

Just at this time, a beautiful waiter wearing a red cheongsam with high slits came in to pour tea. The waiter carrying a shiny copper pot placed the crystal Kelin cups on the exquisitely carved mahogany tea tray with double dragons holding pearls, and scalded them with boiling water first. cup, and then dry the cup with a tough paper towel, then take a purple clay pot, use a silver spoon to pick a little tea leaf that is as thin as a needle, put it into the cup, raise the shiny copper pot, and pour water quickly Go in and cover it with a glass sheet, and after a while, you can see the tea buds gradually stand upright, up and down, with crystal clear bubbles poked on the bud tips, like pearls in the tongue of a sparrow, like bamboo shoots unearthed in spring.
Wen Xi noticed that Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu didn't seem to want to extend the topic just now, so she said, "This is the silver needle of Baihe Temple in Junshan that I managed to get."

Wen Xi cleverly shifted the topic to tea, and did not leave until the food was served. He accompanied the three of them for dinner, and at the dinner table, they talked about how he searched for a complete embroidery building in Xiangxi back then, how he found a powerful one. Wen Xi was able to speak well and mediate the atmosphere, taking good care of all three of them, especially Gao Yuemei.

Bai Huayuan's improved Hunan cuisine tastes quite good, but Bai Xiuxiu still didn't eat much, but drank a lot of wine. In the end, the four of them drank two bottles of Moutai and had a very enjoyable meal. It was nearly ten o'clock when they said they were leaving. Wen Xi also asked Bai Xiuxiu and the others to go to Yinyan to continue, and also mentioned Yinyan's Internet celebrity bartender, saying that she has been in Thailand recently and has not had a chance to meet her.

Cheng Mo said that the Internet celebrity bartender was herself, which surprised Wen Xi, but she didn't ask any more questions, but just looked at Bai Xiuxiu casually.

Bai Xiuxiu rejected Wen Xi's proposal, saying that she wanted to go to bed early. Wen Xi also knew that people like Bai Xiuxiu could not force her to do so, so she didn't say much, and sent the three of them to the entrance of Gujing Lane. Yuemei and Chengmo sent their business cards and added their WeChat accounts, and Bai Xiuxiu's nanny car drove to the side of the street.

Cheng Mo wanted to leave, but Gao Yuemei pulled Cheng Mo back, and said drunkenly: "Let's go together, let my sister-in-law see you off."

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "No, I'll take a taxi back by myself."

Gao Yuemei hugged Cheng Mo's arm, leaned her body against him, and said with a smile: "Why are you being so polite, we will be a family anyway sooner or later"

Cheng Mo immediately turned his gaze to Bai Xiuxiu. Bai Xiuxiu, who was standing next to Wen Xi, had also drank a lot of wine. Under the dim street lamp, her fair cheeks also had a faint blush that was rarely seen in ordinary times, and her face was radiant, but The expression and eyes are not blurred, obviously much more sober than Gao Yuemei.

Bai Xiuxiu met Cheng Mo's gaze, and said lightly, "Let's go together!"

Now that Bai Xiuxiu opened her mouth, Cheng Mo naturally stopped refusing, and said "oh" and helped Gao Yuemei into the nanny car. Bai Xiuxiu was waiting to get into the car, but was stopped by Wen Xi, who pulled her aside and asked in a low voice: "What is this Lin Zhinuo's background? It can't be as simple as being a bartender, right?"

Bai Xiuxiu asked back: "What background is important?"

Wen Xi chuckled and said meaningfully: "Of course it doesn't matter, I wonder if you will become his background."

Bai Xiuxiu replied noncommittally: "He is going to marry my Xiaomei, of course I am his background."

Wen Xi shook her head, "I don't think he likes Xiaomei."


Wen Xi whispered, "He should like you."

Bai Xiuxiu frowned, "Don't guess."

Wen Xi said as if nothing had happened: "It really has nothing to do with you?"

Bai Xiuxiu shook her head, and said calmly, "It's just a junior I admire very much."

Wen Xi chuckled and said, "Is it just admiration? Seriously, if he wasn't your sister-in-law's boyfriend, I'd be interested in him. In this day and age, it's very rare for a boy to be good-looking and content."

Bai Xiuxiu glanced at Wen Xi, "There are not many such boys, but they are not rare."

Seeing what Bai Xiuxiu said, Wen Xi blinked her eyes, and looked at Bai Xiuxiu suspiciously, "Didn't you bring him here to show me today?"

"You think too much."

"You want to test this Lin Zhinuo?" Wen Xi continued to ask with a smile.

"You think too much." Bai Xiuxiu repeated, and walked towards the nanny's car.

Wen Xi didn't follow her either, she just turned up her voice behind Bai Xiuxiu and said, "Then I won't be polite."

Bai Xiuxiu didn't answer, and bowed into the white Alpha nanny car, and didn't look at Cheng Mo and Gao Yuemei who were sitting in the second row, and sat in the front row with normal expressions, and said to the driver in front: "Yuelu Mansion. "

The movement of the car woke Gao Yuemei who was a little dizzy, she raised her head slightly, leaned on Cheng Mo's shoulder again, and muttered softly: "Lin Zhinuo, I was actually a little unhappy just now!"

Cheng Mo asked calmly, "Why?"

"It's hard for me to interject a sentence when you guys are talking, and suddenly I feel so uneducated"

Cheng Mo looked at the back of the chair and said meaningfully: "It doesn't matter whether you have culture or not, as long as you have self-cultivation, isn't it said in ancient times that a woman's lack of talent is virtue? There is some truth in this sentence. If a girl is too If you are educated, you tend to think too much, and you like to pursue unrealistic things, so you should not marry a wife who is too educated."

Gao Yuemei's tone became happy, she raised her head again, looked at Cheng Mo's side face, and asked, "Really? Don't you think I'm superficial?"

Cheng Mo replied without hesitation: "People often think that the appearance of beauty is superficial, but they don't know that 'beauty' has no connotation at all. The rise of "experimental aesthetics" is an attempt to find the essence of beauty from specific beautiful things, so as to give a definition of beauty. However, philosophers have gradually discovered that no matter how they are summed up, things like "beauty" cannot draw up an objective social standard , because this has nothing to do with connotation, but only with the cognitive ability of the observer."

"Just like nature, Guilin's landscape is more beautiful than that of most places; the islands of Maldives are more charming than most of the islands. We don't need Guilin's landscape or Maldives to have any cultural connotation, and we will be very happy." Enjoy nature and love the scenery there”

Gao Yuemei was not completely convinced, "It sounds reasonable, but I always feel that there is something wrong. After all, scenery and people are not the same thing, right? Just like I like an actor, it is not enough for him to be handsome, You must also have good acting skills! So it’s better to be literate than uneducated, right?”

Cheng Mo said: "So liking something does not depend on how perfect the thing is, but depends on the party who likes it. It's cognition of this thing. Just like some people think that the realistic Miller Well, some people think that Kandinsky, who is an abstract artist, is good. In my opinion, educated women are fine as friends, but they are okay as girlfriends, but it is not suitable to be wives, because most of them are not people who live. .”

"Ah? So you mean you don't like girls who are too educated?"

"Well!" Even in front of Bai Xiuxiu, Cheng Mo lied without any pressure, and Bai Xiuxiu who was sitting in front of him was also responsible for all this.

"I'm going to read more books and recharge the battery, I'm afraid you will feel bored with me in the future!"

Cheng Mo said softly: "The future is too far away, there is no need to think so far."

Gao Yuemei held Cheng Mo's arm tightly, and said with a smile: "But now I really want to go to the future!"


When Gao Yuemei returned home, only Bai Xiuxiu and Cheng Mo were left behind the nanny car, neither of them spoke, and when the nanny car drove out of the range of Yuelu Mansion, Cheng Mo opened his mouth and said coldly: "I Can I go back now?"

Bai Xiuxiu didn't answer Cheng Mo, but just said: "Stop the car and let him get down."

The nanny car slowly stopped at the side of the tree-lined forest road, Cheng Mo got out of the car, watched the taillights of the nanny car disappear at the end of the dimly lit winding road, walked into the depths of the woods, clicked The beam of DNA lights up and returns to the original body.

Cheng Mo got up from the bed, walked to the gift prepared in the afternoon, took it down, thought for a while, found a golden Cartier lighter in the jewelry cabinet in the cloakroom, and walked to Bai Xiuxiu's house with the gift in both hands. At the door of the house, wait for Bai Xiuxiu to come back.

However, Bai Xiuxiu did not go home immediately as Cheng Mo expected. Cheng Mo was not in a hurry, nor did he play with his mobile phone. He just stood quietly at the door of Bai Xiuxiu's house and waited. He knew that Bai Xiuxiu could know that he was here through surveillance.

When it was almost twelve o'clock, Cheng Mo finally saw the number of the exclusive elevator light up, and reached the top floor without stagnation at all. After the stainless steel elevator door opened with a "ding", Cheng Mo saw that he was wearing a white suit and white high-heeled shoes. Bai Xiuxiu walked out slowly from the inside. She took a look at what looked like an oil painting in Cheng Mo's arms, and said lightly, "It's so late, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to give this painting to you." Cheng Mo reversed the oil painting he was holding upside down, and the content of the painting was exposed to Bai Xiuxiu's eyes. The content of the painting was very simple. There was only a red velvet sofa on it, and The angle of view is still the back of the sofa, and the main content is the back of the sofa, as well as a head of long black hair, half of white trousers and a pair of black high-heeled shoes.

The rest of the whole painting is painted in dark blue, the only thing that is bright is the red sofa and white trousers, but Cheng Mo cleverly left a line of white borders with burrs around the protagonist in the painting, just like the painting The people in it are glowing.

This painting is actually very unrealistic, but the color scheme is so beautiful that people can easily lose sight of the red sofa, white trouser legs and black high-heeled shoes in the painting. It looks like a modern painting with an artistic sense.

Bai Xiuxiu recognized it was herself at a glance, and also remembered that scene, probably the first time Cheng Mo saw herself in Yinyan.Standing at the door, she didn't immediately take out the key to open the door, nor did she mean to take the painting, she just looked at the painting calmly and said, "What does it mean?"

"What do you mean by arranging this meal?" Cheng Mo asked instead without answering.

Bai Xiuxiu looked at Cheng Mo, and said calmly: "Don't you like more mature and intellectual women? I think Wen Xi is quite suitable for you. It just so happens that you are also her type. Aren't you still a virgin? I think you should Experience what it’s like to communicate with a female body.”

"Is this what you do as a superior?" Cheng Mo said expressionlessly.

Bai Xiuxiu was also expressionless, "What? Not satisfied?"

Cheng Mo took out a lighter from his pocket, lit the oil painting in his hand, and the flame burst from the bottom corner of the oil painting. The orange flames began to engulf the blue canvas, and quickly ate away at the beautiful color along the edge. The color of the black fine ash is burning with a little bright color, falling down like a firefly.

The fire in Cheng Mo's hand was getting bigger and bigger, Bai Xiuxiu just watched quietly, without any other indication, Cheng Mo suddenly lifted the oil painting, approached the position of the fire sprinkler, and the glass sphere burst instantly when it encountered the open fire.

So Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu's heads flew out of the sky, like endless tears.

(End of this chapter)

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